Supreme God King

Chapter 1417: Return to Chaos Basin

Chaos in the basin!

Endless space, as the land of no owner in this Middle Ancient Territory, I don't know how many years have passed, here is extremely chaotic, killing countless, thousands of miles, and bleeding.

Including places such as the Sea of ​​Blood, Soul Mountain, and so on, countless forces are divided, the strong are like clouds, and they are quite complicated. Looking at the entire Middle Ancient Region, this place should be regarded as the only one of Scorpion Baba.

But the more so, the more it explains the importance of this chaotic watershed, because in addition to the extremely important geographical location of this chaotic watershed, more importantly, there are countless large resources in this chaotic watershed, which is just a place in the sea of ​​blood. It is the production of mineral veins and so on, which has also caused numerous competitions.

In this place, there have been countless wars over the years, but they have never stopped fighting, and no one can completely unify this place, so it is called Chaos Basin.

Above the endless sea, there were sparkling waves and the sound of waves, and at this moment, above the sky, you can see a figure coming from the sky, a black robe, slender body, black hair dancing, not Meng Fan, who else could it be? .

There is no doubt that the latter once came to this chaotic valley, and established a reputation here, became the King of Blood Sea, and dominated one side.

Now coming again, let Meng Fan look around, a sharp look appeared in his eyes.

Before this, he had separated from Qin Mieren and God Monkey, and came here by himself. According to the previous agreement, Meng Fan chose to establish the sect but this place was the most chaotic chaos in the entire Middle Ancient Region. Watershed.

Choosing this place was not on the impulse of Meng Fan, but after careful calculation, because he intends to gain a firm foothold in the Middle Ages and establish an immortal heritage. What he needs is definitely a land of Wolong, but looking at the entire Middle Ages Although the domain is huge, it is in line with Meng Fan’s intentions, but there are very few, and there are not many territories with great resources. They generally fall into the hands of major golden families and supreme powers. Other people.

Although Qin Mieren had already promised that Meng Fan would not be crushed and would help him to counterbalance other Golden Clan, it does not mean that Meng Fan could provocatively provoke him, even if he actively chooses to confront the Golden Clan in his current realm. , It is undoubtedly a mantis arm as a car, inevitably dead without a place to die.

Under this situation, Meng Fan does not have too many choices. Although this chaotic basin has countless strong people and continuous killings, it has a vast area and countless resources. If it can be conquered, it must be in line with Meng Fan. Mind.

Although the difficulty is absolutely huge, you must know that the sea of ​​blood and the soul bone are just a force in the entire chaotic valley. The vastness of the area, the complete unification, undoubtedly wanted for Meng Fan. I think some scalp numb.

This is a place that the Golden Clan is unwilling to touch. Over the years, even if it is a single line, the Zhongtian Dynasty has tried to conquer many times, all of them have returned from feathers, and even if there are several holy descendants, it may not be the result. , The chaotic watershed is too complicated and too hot.

It is said that there are countless hidden powerhouses, ancient fierce beasts, and strange places. No one dares to provoke them. And Meng Fan’s goal is to bring the entire chaotic basin under his control. If it is spread, it must be made by countless people. All laughed out of their teeth.

However, despite all the difficulties and dangers, thinking of what Qin Mieren said to himself before leaving, it made Meng Fan silent for a while, and his eyes were full of infinite sharpness.

The chaos is reduced. If you don’t have the strength, you will only be reduced to fish in the future, and there will be no resistance. Compared with the forbidden zone of eternal dominance, what Meng Fan now has is not enough to see. , Making Qin Mieren and other powerful people extremely jealous, the horror can be imagined.

The scene of Meng Fan on the Tianhan Mountain back then was absolutely unwilling to happen again, so now for Meng Fan, he can only come... at all costs. . Strengthen yourself, how strong you can be!

Not only him, but also the divine monkey, who has always been stubborn, became extremely dignified, directly betting with Qin Mieren to raise another level in the next hundred years and reach... . Holy two realms.

It's just a difference in realm, but it is a difference between heaven and earth, but no one does not know this. Even for the heaven and earth alien monsters, it will inevitably be a huge challenge.

However, the monkey didn't have any fear at all. If he said that he couldn't break through, he would kowtow to Qin Mieren and confess his mistake, if he could, let Qin Mieren allow him to take Princess Yinyin.

This kind of bet is undoubtedly extremely difficult for the **** monkey, but the latter is now an incomparable plea for power, even if he is a divine powerhouse.

Under this kind of chaos that might sweep the entire world, everyone is madly preparing to continue, including the supreme power of Zhongtian Dynasty, Yike, etc., and now they are all unable to sit still. There will inevitably be countless backcomers, which is different from the great catastrophe that Meng Fan has experienced before. This time it will sweep through the Middle Ages, and it will be like the ancient times.

In the past battle, even the powerhouses at the level of God King were all fallen to heaven and earth, and underneath it there were some sage queens, fire ancestors, undead emperors, etc., even if Meng Fan considered himself invincible, However, compared with this group of existence, he is still far behind, naturally, he is extremely urgent and wants to improve himself.

There is only one rule between heaven and earth, that is, the weak eat the strong, and only those with big fists have the right to speak.

And after saying goodbye to the **** monkey, Meng Fan was also directly teleported into the chaotic watershed, staring at the surrounding area, his eyes flashed, and he whispered softly.

"It's another beginning. My Meng Fan's supreme hegemony in the Middle Ages is from here!"

Taking a stride out, flying across the void, Meng Fan directly followed the map.

According to the instructions given to him by Qin Mieren, there is already a place in this chaotic valley that completely belongs to Meng Fan. Everything is under his command. It is Meng Fan's territory, but as to how much it can be expanded. , Then everything depends entirely on his own ability.

Meng Fan is quite satisfied with this. He just hopes to have a place to stay in this Middle Ancient Territory. With the will of the Zhongtian Dynasty, then Meng Fan can be extremely justified.

As for fighting the Quartet, Meng Fan has always been good at it.

According to the map, Meng Fan finally found this place after spending half a day, but after seeing it, he was completely stunned. The corners of his mouth twitched constantly, and the expression on his face was simply too much. How ugly is ugly.

Because before that, Qin Mieren told Meng Fan to give Meng Fan a huge fief, which has a certain foundation, so that Meng Fan will develop well in the future. It can be regarded as his little help to Meng Fan, even solemnly. He gave him a jade slip issued by the Zhongtian Dynasty.

The Zhongtian Dynasty can be nominally the emperor of the entire Middle Ancient Region, who is qualified to mobilize the range of anyone who has no influence, and this range is completely in the hands of Meng Fan.

Prior to this, Meng Fan was still complacent, after all, this came from the hands of a powerful man like Qin Mieren, who so solemnly confessed to him that it must be a good place for feng shui.

However, after coming here, Meng Fan was completely dumbfounded, because at first glance it was a huge island, but it was... . No one.

What makes Meng Fan dumb even more is that the entire island is surrounded by rocks and weeds, not to mention the natural treasures, monsters, etc., at a glance, even if you can see one or two ordinary Tier 1 gods. It's already pretty good, it's just a huge desert island, with dead leaves, broken wood, and rocks... . How miserable it is!

There is no doubt that this is Meng Fan's fief in this chaotic valley, and it is also his starting point. He can only start from here if he wants to complete the hegemony that Meng Fan thought.

Thinking of Qin Mieren’s solemn look, he couldn’t help but make Meng Fan almost crush his teeth, and roared,

"Qin Mieren, this hatred... Xiaoye remembered it!"

Before leaving, I asked Qin Mieren to play a game. It seemed that the latter was definitely not not angry about Meng Fan's trouble in the middle of the city, but silently gave it a shame.

With countless curses in his heart, Meng Fan also walked onto this deserted island, spreading his spiritual power around, calling out to see if there was anyone on the deserted island.

But in the end, what made Meng Fan stunned was that he just came out with three potbellied ducks, one with stray hair, two big and one small. Looking at Meng Fan, one of the big ducks spoke out with excitement.

"Are you the new lord?"


Meng Fan gritted his teeth and asked unwillingly.

"The whole island is just three of you ducks?"

"Not bad!"

The big duck nodded with excitement, staring at the jade slip in Meng Fan's hand, and said loudly,

"My lord, this desert island will be under your control from today. You will lead the entire desert island plus our three masters. These are my two children, um... you have to manage it well, I I have to eat Tier 9 gods on weekdays, and so does my child. I want to build a big palace for us. There are many servants. If bad people come, you have to protect us. Give us the delicious food first. Try to help us improve our strength. You are majestic, a good lord, and..."

Nima, I really want to... Stewed you three!

Looking at the three ducks in front of him, Meng Fan's heart was almost 100,000 grass and mud horses galloping past at the same time. His fists were clenched and creaked with hatred. He sighed up to the sky in silence, and finally spit out a few. word,

"This is forcing Xiaoye... to blow a whistle!"


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