Supreme God King

Chapter 1348: Kill for you


Yiyin volleys across the world!

Under this blow, it had already overwhelmed all of Meng Fan, based on the Inverse God Scroll, absorbing the heavens, swallowing infinite power, and rolling vitality fluctuations merged into this imperial way.

A jade volley, countless great emperors have been added to the body, this is Meng Fan's powerful method, it is also his last hole card, unsuccessful, benevolence!

With just one blow, the world changed color.

The power of this emperor's way was integrated with Meng Fan's vitality, reappearing the might of the ancients, a tenth-order divine object burst out with infinite power, attacked in the void, and went straight to the cold ghost.

Under the coverage of the air wave, within ten thousand meters is completely enveloped, even if the cold ghost is a sacred and powerful person who wants to force a sacrifice to stimulate his own power, but he never expected that Meng Fan would launch such a cruel Spicy means.

Under the hurried move, the air waves of his defense were broken, and his figure was completely swallowed by the overbearing power of the emperor.

With one blow, Zhou Tian lost his face. Yang Qing, Bai Shui'er, Youlong and others were all affected by the blow, and they quickly retreated back, feeling a great horror.

A single blow is a god-level method. . . . Tushen.

The attack of Meng Fan's fusion of the Emperor Dao was called his most powerful means. It only broke out in a flash, that is, he had already emptied all the vitality fluctuations in his body, just for a kill!

And let alone them, even the many temple elders other than Emperor Dong are shocked, even if there is no lack of eternal existence, but they can feel the overbearing of this blow, even if it is a sacred one in the world, I am afraid it is impossible. bear.

After many years, Meng Fan today has grown up completely and is qualified to laugh at any strong person in ancient times.

When he stepped into the realm of quasi-god, he possessed such combat power, and Meng Fan's age was only that. . . . More than thirty.

At this age, at this age, a few people in ancient times could do it.

Above the sky, a piece of gunpowder smoke, before Meng Fan's blow, caused huge destructive power, endless dust was everywhere, and one of them could be seen in a huge deep pit, and there was nothing else.

Only some scorched bodies were left. The bodies and souls belonging to Bai Haotian and Han Gui belonged to Meng Fan. . . . . Completely destroyed.

With just one blow, the emperor of the Bai family was killed!

And in this, it included an ancient sacred soul. The two merged, but they disappeared completely, and Meng Fan was killed here.


No words are needed anymore. This scene is enough to prove that what Meng Fan said before is the real God of Slaughter, killing an ancient sacred figure that will revive the restricted area here.


Outside the imperial palace, among the six elders guarding the space, the white-haired elder at the head smiled slightly, staring at Meng Fan, only one word was uttered.

However, anyone who knows this elder will definitely know that the latter is the red robe elder in this temple, and this kind of existence is only twelve people in the whole temple.

The twelve red robes, the master of the temple, are the upper layers of the true pyramid in this temple.

This old man has never spoken words of admiration to a junior for many years. In these thousand years, the king's soul that has risen in this temple has only made the old man nod to him.

But today is different. Meng Fan broke this law and made the headed elders sigh with admiration. Just this one action is that he didn't know how many younger generations in the temple were amazed, full of envy.

At the same time, all places in the restricted area.

The seven palaces trembled at the same time. In this ancient space, the rows of sleeping people seemed to wake up at this moment. Through the endless shadows, they looked towards here.

He didn't say a word, but there was endless anger in the faint, which caused the ancient place to tremble, like a punishment from the sky, the sky changed color.

"Meng Fan? What a junior from Wanyu, is that him again?"

Unexpectedly, an important part of my plan was lost. As soon as Han Gui died, then there was nothing left but Silent War. . . . Was the trip to the imperial palace because that junior failed half again? "

A certain kind of voice is constantly echoing in this ancient space, obviously there is a taboo in the communication, the tone is calm, but anyone in the ten thousand domains is absolutely wanted to be remembered by this group of people.

There is no doubt that this group of people are the supreme existence in the forbidden zone. Once they are known by this existence, then the revenge in the forbidden zone will also be the same, and it will set off a terrible storm. .

Even if you are in Ten Thousand Realms, I am afraid that you are destined to have no room for maneuver and will face too many.

However, knowing this, above the void, the look on Meng Fan’s small face also did not mean any regrets. He panted heavily, and the vitality fluctuations in his body consumed huge fluctuations, which caused the previous injuries to be torn a lot. But he smiled calmly, looked around indifferently, and said calmly,

"This is the end of the forbidden zone. The temple will not be cut. I will kill you. The people in the forbidden zone can only kill. Among the ten thousand domains, I... is your forbidden zone!"

The tone was calm, and at the same time Meng Fan looked towards the void, his words like electricity, sonorous and powerful.

This is definitely not a pretentious language, but because Meng Fan himself is full of endless murderous intent. Whether it is for Ruo Shuiyi or the old lunatic, it is for Meng Fan to remember this kind of hatred in his heart, and he will cut every restricted area. This is his belief.

Blood debts can only be repaid by blood!

Not for the common people, only for personal grievances, it also gave Meng Fan an urge to completely bloodbath the seven restricted areas.

As the voice fell, the expressions of all Tianjiao in the restricted area around Tiandi suddenly changed, their faces twitched, and they felt extremely angry. To them, the people of Ten Thousand Realms are like pigs and dogs, which seems to be an instinct, but when they encounter Meng Fan, the latter is ruthless, suppressing everything and treating them as targets for killing.

However, even though his heart was full of anger, Yu Long couldn't help but his expression changed drastically at this moment, and he felt a tremor.

One of the most important goals of their business is to protect Bai Haotian, to find undead matter in it to help his soul merge, but now an ancient sacred is dead under Meng Fan’s hands, that kind of terrifying means is used, even if It was they who were uncomfortable, but they also felt a kind of fear instinctively.

Killing the ancient sacred with a single blow, what kind of combat power is this, and the act of slaughtering the gods, Meng Fan is not just talking!

"well said!"

After a while, a sound of natural laughter came at the same time, Yang Qing said calmly, her body in the sky, her eyes on the surroundings, extremely cold.

"If that's the case, then so are you... die!"

In one word, Bahuang moved.

With the jade hand in the sky, Yang Qing strode out, and between her violent movements, the aura that belonged to the ultimate **** king also bloomed more and more strongly, with five fingers stretched out, directly covering the world, endless vitality fluctuations swept across. all.

These attacks came in an instant, and at this moment Yang Qing also had no reservations, and directly took out the strongest means, preparing to wash the surrounding area with blood.


Youlong's expression changed drastically, with a low growl, and a step on the sole of his foot. He was already too much affected by the death of Han Gui, and he had no intention of fighting.

Not only him, but also the other Tianjiao in the restricted area. Although they are extremely murderous, self-confident and overbearing, their invincibility is indeed terrifying to ordinary people, but for encountering Meng Fan and Yang Qing. A real hard stubble is also the only way to avoid it.

However, Yang Qing was willing to give them this opportunity to escape, the jade hand shot, the blue silk was flying, her exquisite body was like a goddess, but the fierce means of action were full of killing intent.

Bang, bang!

Void Jade Hand passed, the vitality suppressed the Eight Desolations, the ultimate **** king’s way contained the ultimate destruction aura, as if everything came to this, completely ended, even if Yang Qing could only use the time for less than a stick of incense, it was enough for her to kill. All directions.

In addition, under the circumstances of this depletion, the mind of Tianjiao in the restricted area was in a state of extreme panic, unable to resist Yang Qing's powerful attack. A little carelessness caused his body to burst and blood stained the world.

In just a moment, there were three forbidden areas Tianjiao that made Yang Qing slap to death in the void with her handprints, and her soul and body were completely shattered.


Aside, Meng Fan uttered a word, stepped out, imprisoning the sky. Even if it was less than one-tenth of its combat power, the moment that imprisoned the world, it was like the same great demon king, with black hair like a waterfall, indifferent.

When standing alone in the void, even if it is just looking at each other, it is already making this group of restricted area Tianjiao shudder and retreat.

No matter who they are, they can't believe that they can kill the cold ghost alone. An ancient sacred, so high, but it has been done by Meng Fan, blood is stained with a sacred blood, the ultimate dominance.

Before the collision of Tianjiao, they all smiled proudly and ruled the world.

But people are more deadly than people. Only in this imperial palace, with such a fierce environment, can you see how much gold each person has.

Above the sky, there are Meng Fan and Yang Qing suppressing the world at the same time. The end of this battle is already doomed. After a stick of incense, Youlong's body burst. Even though he is extremely unwilling, it is difficult to resist Dixian and the ultimate king. Yang Qing, who had merged with each other, died tragically under her handprints, and her domineering force completely pierced her, with no bones left.

All the Tianjiao in the restricted area who followed him also bloodied the world at the same time, and died on the spot one after another.

The primeval forest is a mess, and at first glance, it is full of remains.

Here is the killing game they carefully prepared for Bai Shui'er, wanting to bury Bai Shui'er to help Bai Haotian become the emperor of the Bai family.

But it is a pity. . . . All this was completely reversed after Meng Fan arrived, and Bai Haotian included a total of eighteen Tianjiao in the restricted area. . . . . They were killed here together, and fell completely!


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