Supreme God King

Chapter 1342: Siege

Zhou Tian Senran, the air of black death is overwhelming, everything is covered!

Undoubtedly, as Bai Shui'er expected, Bai Haotian and the others had already taken action. Naturally, they were extremely fierce. They continued to study the route they walked, while chasing them and pushing them back helplessly, while the other people were looking for opportunities. Finally, An ancient killing formation was laid here.

The strong in the restricted area should prepare early to let Bai Shui'er have no way to go to the sky and no way to go to the ground.

The ancient killing formation, imprisoning everything, and putting this world into a complete seal, it is only these three strongest powers in the Profound Element Realm that are enough to make it difficult for the tired Bai Shui'er to face, and in the next moment, the sky trembled. After Bai Shui'er also slowly appeared a group of strong figures.

More than a dozen people, sealed Zhou Tian, ​​that one came with a powerful aura, so that everything in this world was completely sealed.

Among them, the leader, dressed in a white robe, holding a folding fan, with a slight smile on his face, seemed elegant, but the only chill in his eyes was Bai Haotian.

"Shui'er, why didn't you run away, or are you waiting for your brother Meng Fan to rescue you?"

The joking voice fell, and Bai Shui'er's jade hand was immediately squeezed. Unexpectedly, her hard work for more than half a year would eventually fall into Bai Haotian's trap. Thinking of this, her eyes flashed, filled with stubbornness and determination.

"Bai Haotian, you instigated the children of the Bai family to unite in the restricted area. This is already a capital crime. Not only will the Bai family not let you go, neither will the Temple, nor the Golden Family. Even if you succeed today, someone will be there for me sooner or later. Revenge, you can't leave this imperial palace, but the people of the temple are outside, so they must be sensitive!

After a while, Bai Shui'er said calmly, in this kind of desperate situation, there was already any panic, as if it were normal.


Hearing this, Bai Haotian sneered, disdainfully said.

"Vengeance? Your Royal Highness Shui'er, you are too naive. You think people in the restricted area can appear here because of what? This is something the temple acquiesces. Although this transaction cannot be announced to the world, everyone understands it. There is no temple group of old guys who will do me, as for the Bai family...Tsk, I believe that after you die, no one will compete with me, and those old guys who don’t know anything can only support I, you said I would be the only emperor of the Bai family, who would dare to move me?"

Speaking out, Bai Shui'er's jade hand could not help being held tighter. At this moment, she was not worried about herself, but about the Bai family. Once it fell into the hands of Bai Haotian and others, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The most terrifying elder in the Bai family has always been in a deep sleep retreat. The person who really controls the Bai family is generally the Bai family head. Once this patriarch is a forbidden person, it is conceivable that for the entire Bai family Will cause much harm.

"Meng Fan has long asked me to be careful of you, but it is a pity that I have never caught your evidence so that you can live to the present, and time is also dead!"

Bai Shui'er sighed faintly, and couldn't help but think of what Meng Fan said to her back then. At that time, Meng Fan had a feeling. The many elders of the poor Bai family were still kept in the drum by Bai Haotian, and she didn't know if she could leave alive today. Once it is impossible...

"Meng Fan!"

Hearing these two words, Bai Haotian's face suddenly became a little stern, coldly said.

"I'll kill this little beast sooner or later. If it weren't for him, you would have been married. How could it be so troublesome, hum, let you be a dead soul today, and then let Meng As long as this little beast is born to accompany you, you two will make a good pair underground... Desperate mandarin ducks, do it!"

The last two words were spit out, the tone was severe, and the atmosphere between the sky and the week suddenly changed. After a while, the three people suddenly stepped out beside Bai Haotian, and the men in the three forbidden areas above the void also suddenly shot.

Suddenly, the sky was covered, the breath rioted, and the peaks of the six great Profound Origin Realm facing Bai Shui'er. . . . . Defiantly come.

With six to one, and these six people are in the forbidden zone where the black death energy is cultivated to the extreme, and in conjunction with the killing formation sealed between Zhou and Tian, ​​they are like six ghosts and invisible under one move, but the kind of killing intent is real. , The six handprints turned into six directions, just the moment of the shot was that everything had been suppressed, and the breath of death was strong.


Beside Bai Shui'er, the Bicolor Snake suddenly roared, even though it was seriously injured, but the blood erupted and the huge body slammed into it. The infinite domineering force also burst out of its body and resisted the surroundings.

"I mean the world, I move people with one thought!"

Standing on the huge snake, Bai Shui'er changed with one hand, without any panic. Only the vitality revolved, the runes flickered, and the moment the sound fell at the same time, the breath of one person and one beast merged with each other, and his combat power suddenly skyrocketed.

The emperor's Bai family, the divine language shocked the world, and the power of communicating with the ancient beasts made the vitality of the two merged with each other, exponentially soaring.

In the void, the jade hand slapped and volleyed, and blasted with the six forbidden zone masters in the void.


The sky burst, the air wave impacted, and the moment the two sides fought against each other, the surrounding virgin forest was burned, the spreading wave swept the ground, the big earthquake opened, and the dust was everywhere.


The masters in the six restricted areas who shot at the same time coldly hummed and spit out a word. At the moment of colliding with Bai Shui'er, the blood trembles, but the body does not retreat but advances, striding out, and the air of black death surrounds him. , Directly turned into the most fierce attack in countless ways, coming towards Bai Shui'er.

"An emperor is white!"

When the murderous intent struck, Bai Shui’er’s pretty face changed, and her body moved into the void. The ancient bicolor water snake under her also roared at the same time, bursting with vitality, forming a huge armor around her body, covering it with vitality. Covering the whole body, Bai Shui'er's jade hand turned into countless phantoms in an instant, and suddenly collided with the six murderous intents in the void.

Bang, bang!

In mid-air, a few bursts came out. Bai Shui'er was quite extraordinary even if it was seriously injured. He faced the six strong forbidden areas with his own strength, and one seal resisted the terrible attacks of six people, one attack, one snake defense, The dripping water didn't leak, but at the next moment, the void shook, and a sound of breaking through the air came out, and the sword shadow whizzed straight towards Bai Shui'er.


Bai Shui'er screamed, and the void moved, but it was a pity that it was too late. This sword shadow sneaked from behind it, extremely fast, and turned into a stream of light in the mid-air, directly falling on the tender white of Bai Shui'er. On the skin and blood stained surroundings, there was a creak, and there was an inner armor body on his body, but he also encountered a terrible attack. The power of the vibration caused Bai Shui'er to fly out, blood staining his clothes.

The person who shot was surprisingly Bai Haotian. His violent sneak attack, with a cold smile on his face, looked at Bai Shui'er with disdain, and said indifferently,

"Hmph, how about it, can you still resist!"

The tender body fell, and Bai Shui'er barely stabilized her body. The next moment the bicolor water snake in the void also suffered heavy damage. The handprints of the six great Profound Origin Realm masters slapped, how overbearing, the terrifying black death air penetrated everything. Even the Bicolor Flood Snake is an ancient alien species, but under this kind of powerful attack, the body is broken, blood staining the world, and the black death eroding a large number of bodies, causing irrecoverable injuries.

With one person and one beast seriously injured, there are strong people in the restricted area around this world, and Bai Haotian smiled sternly and said calmly.

"How about, Your Royal Highness, don't you resist? That's right, the more you resist now, the stronger our excitement becomes. Don't worry, I won't let you die so easily, so... You should be Serve me first, and then take turns to come again with others, right?"

With a word, all the strong in the restricted area around him suddenly laughed. At this moment, watching the blood-colored Bai Shui'er, but still able to see the other's exquisite body, naturally the expressions of this group of people are full of infinite. The **** evil, want to kiss Fangze.


Bai Shui'er gritted his silver teeth and clenched his hands, but there was a sense of determination in his eyes, and in the next moment, Bai Haotian stepped to Bai Shui'er's body, one finger dropped, and directly sealed. Bai Shui’er’s meridians said calmly,

"Can you die? I want you to be unable to survive, but to die, and then show your body to Meng Fan, and let him see how we are right. Do you think it's okay... "

The voice fell, and his big hand stretched out. Bai Haotian laughed, and grabbed one of his palms toward Bai Shui'er's chest. However, at the moment when this palm was about to fall on it, there was a sudden shock, and a wave of air suddenly hit.


Bai Haotian's expression changed and he turned around suddenly. The hair on his whole body was upside down, and his body was wrapped back, but he could see a streamer quickly passing by, directly rubbing his face, leaving a blood stain on it. , And before the latter's body was still, that kind of sonic boom came out again, one after another.


Under the streamer, it was as fast as lightning, causing Bai Haotian's body to continue to retreat, but this streamer was extremely accurate, and after careful prediction, it directly landed in the place where Bai Haotian was hiding. Between a breath, eight streams of streamer After flashing, it turned out that there were three realms who had penetrated into Bai Haotian's body, punched a blood hole in his body, and snorted!


Suddenly, not only Bai Haotian and others, but the others were also shocked. Among them, the strong forbidden area with amazing eyesight immediately discovered that the shot was only a stone, but it was covered with a layer of supernatural power and stood, but the power But it is terrible.

After a while, a sound of natural laughter also slowly fell.

"Hehe, you guys don't run fast, someone is going to... kill!"


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