Supreme God King

Chapter 1340: transaction


In the void, the voice was extremely tragic, but in a flash, an ancient true demon comparable to the peak of the Profound Origin Realm almost made Meng Fan become fleshy.

Another ancient true demon was also stunned, swallowed his saliva, and had to seriously flash the three words Big Demon in his mind. Before Yang Qing said he was just laughing and talking, but now Meng Fan is already acting To interpret everything, the latter definitely deserves this name. Compared with its brutal methods, the two of them are like little rabbits.


Meng Fan raised his head again, looked at another ancient true demon, and walked over without words.


There was another heartbreaking howl. The treatment of the two ancient true demons in Meng Fan's hands was basically the same, but in a flash, all the bones in the body were broken by Meng Fan, and the flesh and blood collapsed. Spiritual power suppresses the two people's consciousness directly, and even suicide is impossible.


Aside, Yang Qing walked over and whispered,

"I knew you would do it, not bad, my old lady is quite satisfied, and she is good at escorting!"

The words made Meng Fan smile helplessly, but after scanning Yang Qing's body, he turned his head quickly.

The latter still maintains the white shirt that was half-wrapped around the body, a pair of ** and shoulders are all outside, and the fat skin is like crystal jade, and there are drops of water falling down, enough to make any man think about it, including Meng No exception is absolutely no exception.

And when he noticed Meng Fan’s gaze, Yang Qing’s pretty face blushed immediately. He also discovered this problem. He stomped her, and there was an extra piece of clothing around her body, coldly snorted,

"Smelly man... Why do these two ancient true demons appear here?"

Hearing this, Meng Fan's eyes were cold and coldly said,

"That's what I want to know!"

As he spoke, his murderous gaze approached these two ancient true demons. Now these two people are not as domineering as they were before, and their bodies are broken. Only the remaining soul power needs to endure endless pain, but Meng Fan Tortured to die alive.

"Little beast, do you know who we are..."

"I will cut you a thousand knives, you, a turtle in ten thousand realms, turned out to be so to us..."

Obviously, even in this situation, the two of them didn't have any posture of surrender, but they made threats, which made Meng Fan's eyes colder.

In the next moment, Yang Qing was the Tao,

"Don't move, there may be something hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness of the ancient true demons in these restricted areas. If you touch the secrets, it is very likely that the sea of ​​consciousness will be shattered. You and I will get nothing!"

"Then what to do?"

Meng Fan's brow twitched, but he knew it deeply. The people in this restricted area acted fiercely one by one.

"I have a way!"

Yang Qing stepped out one step, but she lost her previous charm, and she had a murderous opportunity.

"Search soul directly!"

A few words were spit out, without giving the two ancient true demons any chance to consider, the jade hand fell on his forehead, his hands changed, the mark appeared, and the peculiar aura spread in Yang Qing's hand, but to display one. The ancient secret method is unparalleled and terrifying. The powerful spiritual power is integrated into the sea of ​​knowledge of the two ancient true demons. Both of them can't help howling, their souls are constantly trembling, which is more severe than physical damage, even some souls. It started to fall apart a little bit.

Search the soul!

As the name suggests, it is to directly extract the memory of the other party. No matter whether the other party cooperates with you, the stronger the existence, the more difficult it is to perform the soul-searching method. This Yang Qing really has the style of a descendant, whether it is strength or temperament. But they are not lost to any Tianjiao.

After a full stick of incense, Yang Qing's eyes opened, and she awakened from the soul-searching method, but there was a look of shock on her pretty face.

"what happened?"

Meng Fanchi questioned, staring at Yang Qing's pretty face without saying a word.

Noting Meng Fan's somewhat gloomy look, Yang Qing sighed lightly and said slowly,

"Are you afraid that you might have guessed it? The ancient true demons who entered here are not just these two people, but they have more powerful existences. These two people are just one of them, coming from the forbidden zone of cold, stepping into here It’s just different from the other people’s spatial location, and... they can enter the temple without knowing it. Although the memories of these two people are very vague, the memories I can extract can prove one thing. This should be the penalty zone and the temple... a deal!"


A few words fell, and Meng Fan's fists clenched and creaked.

What a place the forbidden area is, and when Meng Fan stepped into it, he saw with his own eyes, where the monks in the ten thousand realms are like pigs and dogs, but in a trapped prison there are hundreds of millions of dead souls. I don’t know how many humans are there. Blood among them.

"The soul returns to my hometown, I just want to go home..."

"Where is my home, and my daughter..."

The rows of blood characters depicted in the prison have always been engraved in Meng Fan's heart. This kind of hatred, the so-called forbidden zone, is the enemy of the entire ten thousand cultivator. The ancient Golden Twelve Leagues and the Temple are the guardian clan, but now even the guardian clan wants to trade with the restricted area!

"Okay, it's very good, that is to say, they made a deal to let the Tianjiao in this group of restricted areas also step into this imperial palace, to find opportunities, strengthen themselves, and finally hunt down the monks in my ten thousand domains? !"

Meng Fan sneered, eyes like ice caves.

Standing in place, Yang Qing was speechless, but finally nodded a little, and said in a deep voice.

"It should be so. Although I don’t know what the content of their transaction is, I’m sure that this time there will still be a group of talents in the restricted area. These two people are just the little ones. According to their In the other forbidden areas in my memory, the bloodlines of a few great figures came in, and even some ancient Tianjiao who had been silent forever entered here. It was extremely terrifying, and the most important point was that I found some interesting things in the soul search before this. The boss of the two comes from a person called Han Gui in the Han Forbidden Zone, and it seems that Han Gui has some chess pieces in these ten thousand domains. He once promised that a person surnamed Bai would help him seize the throne. The place where he shot was In this imperial palace, siege will be launched!"

With one word, the world changes!

Even Yang Qing was taken aback, took a step back, and felt the monstrous murderous intent overflowing around Meng Fan's body, solidifying the space and suppressing everything.

In the past, he rose up from the ten thousand domains step by step. He didn't know exactly how many people killed Meng Fan, who killed all the enemies, and the latter was capable of violent anger but absolutely very few things, except for Ni Lin.

And judging from the memory of this ancient true demon, the person of the Bai family should be. . . . Bai Haotian, then the person targeted was Bai Shui'er.

Among the imperial clan, it is not a piece of iron. Feitian Waterfall has just said before. If it disintegrates, it is most likely to start from within. Prior to this, Meng Fan had already noticed that there was an incomparable terror in Bai Haotian's body. The power is related to the restricted area.

But now he is completely sitting on the ground, and in this view, Bai Shui'er must be in a deep and fiery state now, knowing his life and death!


Standing in the sky, Meng Fan screamed and blasted out a punch at the same time.

With just one blow, the powerful force is to break the void, penetrate everything, and live through this ancient space. At this moment, Meng Fan's eyes are like electricity, as if to look through the sky and stare. The place that blasted away, said indifferently,

"I know you can look at me, and now I tell you, if there is nothing wrong with the water, then I will be responsible for the temple, and the transactions you make will have your share, and the blood debt is only There is blood to pay!"

Every word is like electricity, sonorous and powerful!

Meng Fan!

On the side, Yang Qing's expression changed at this moment, clearly understanding that Meng Fan's attack was not to blast the world, but to go straight to the void. It was aimed at the many ancient existences in the temple. .

What a courage, how violent this is!

I am afraid that Yang Qing and Qin Hong have absolutely no such courage. Even if it is the first line and the Zhongtian Dynasty is the head of the twelve golden families, the status of the temple is on the same level as it, and there are too many neutral ancient powers. If it were to be heard, Meng Fan actually threatened the temple with words. If this scene were to be reported, I don't know what a huge disturbance it would cause.

I am a hero who kills thousands of enemies, who dominate and domineering!

Being alone in the sky, suppressing the sky, faintly looking at the void, under that kind of indifferent gaze, what made Yang Qing even more surprised is that at this moment, the void trembles faintly, as if it is also changing color and blasting away. In the space rift, it seemed that there was endless majesty coming. For Meng Fan, it seemed that he was dissatisfied with what he said before.

The imperial palace is taboo, completely sealed!

Before this, it was the concept of everyone, but after passing the Feitian Waterfall, the departure of the Hairy Sparrow and others was already known to Meng Fan and Yang Qing, but there are countless ancient existences watching here, and they are all that one. Kind of ancient power, the existence of a finger covering the sky.

That kind of breath spreading was suppressing Meng Fan, and the rolling pressure was like a hundred thousand mountains. Not to mention Meng Fan, including Yang Qing, all breathed a little bit, with endless terror in his heart, and wanted to leave quickly.

But looking at the sky above, Meng Fan didn't move at all, just staring at the void with his eyes. . . . Unbeatable!

Such a confrontation, I don’t know how long has passed, but what Meng Fan and Yang Qing did not see is that the six sacred sacreds sitting outside the imperial palace have two sacred brows standing upside down, faintly penetrating with a terrifying breath. Void, enter this space.

But after a while, the white-haired old man headed slowly said,

"Forget it, we are at a loss for this matter..."

Under the interruption of the white-haired old man, the two angry old men just snorted and said nothing, but silently withdrew their breath, letting the vibrating void slowly stand still, holy anger, how so Overbearing, even if it is separated by countless spaces, it has an unpredictable and terrifying aura, like a punishment from heaven.

But at the next moment, another old man showed a playful smile and said softly,

"Threat? Haha... I waited for a few people in the big temple, how many years have not been threatened by anyone? Very good, now we have been threatened by a quasi-god boy, and now the old man is more and more I like this little guy, but if you want to suppress my temple, boy Meng Fan, you have to get out of this imperial palace first. This time, the imperial road is unprecedented, and the collision is even greater than before. It is extremely dangerous!"


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