Supreme God King

Chapter 1324: Unity of humanity

Emperor Road!

When this thing fell into Meng Fan's hands, it was always extremely dull. Except for occasional help to Meng Fan, it was silent at other times and looked extremely proud.

Even if Meng Fan was recognized by the emperors, the latter did not provide any help to Meng Fan at all.

But at this moment, the latter turned out to take the initiative to fly out, and it turned out to be directly integrated into Meng Fan's forehead, causing a strange rune to appear on his forehead.

This is a mark, but just a glance is thrilling, as if this is the supreme authority, the highest realm, the absolute world!

The ways of the ancient emperors have their own merits, but the emperor's solitude is exactly the same!

Under the imprint of fusion, the aura in Meng Fan's body suddenly became stronger. This was no longer an ordinary domineering, but a true uniqueness.

One finger to the sky, one finger to the ground, heaven and earth, only I dominate!

This is the overbearing after Meng Fan's Dao merges with the Emperor Dao. One person is in the sky, and the other four kings who are shocked are all stepping back, a little surprised.

But the moment he opened his eyes, a sharp glow flickered, and his heart felt too much.

No wonder the old madman left this thing here, spent so much, and gave it to a sacred deity to help him take care of it.

This thing is not a rare source of vitality, nor is it shockingly destructive, but after being integrated, it can help Meng Fan perfect his... Invincible heart!

I am the emperor and suppress everything!

This kind of invincible mind has only been possessed by the emperor of God in ancient times. It is simply the ultimate cultivation of mind, unbreakable, and it already possesses the feeling of being invincible and confident in everything.

This is not arrogance, but a recognition of one's own cultivation, absolute control of oneself.

If you consider yourself invincible, you will be able to see the enemy without retreating, see the mountains without moving, see the wind without falling, and see the chaos without surprise!

The moment when the imprint between the eyebrows appeared, Meng Fan felt that all the blood in his body seemed to be burning, his eyes swept, and he was extremely indifferent. No matter what the world is, I am alone. Even if the mountains and rivers block me, I must break through. .

Even though he didn't touch the gods, but with the help of the emperor's way, Meng Fan already had the invincibility of the god's great emperor. This thing is a kind of martial arts, mysterious and mysterious, but it does exist.

"it is good!"

Above the sky, the four kings uttered a word at the same time.

How extraordinary their insights are. They have awakened from ancient times, even if it was just a fusion of power, but they were shocked by this scene. It was unexpected that someone in later generations could be at such an age and invincible in this realm. This is simply It was terrible, it was shocking.

Even the ancient emperor did not achieve this step by urinating as much as Meng Fan, but he has seen it with his own eyes today, and I have to say that this is already a miracle.

He was only more than 30 years old, but he did what the ancient emperor did. Meng Fan was not a proud son of heaven, not a creature of **** blood, but by virtue of himself, he was extremely evil.

However, in an instant, in the eyes of these four people, there was an endless burst of light, each standing in the void, the vitality in the body burst out, and a palm hit.

The peak of the Four Dao Profound Origin Realm itself is the shackles of these four people, but under the spread of this breath, it turns out that these four people have made a breakthrough in the faintness. The five fingers spread out, and there is a surging force of the divine Dao. Suppress Meng Fan.


Meng Fan yelled, standing alone, facing the crises of the Quartet, no matter the world collapsed, only one punch came out!

Emperor Fist!

Thirty-eight rays of light flickered, just under a punch, the air current traversed the sky and the earth, and bluntly collided with the handprints of the four great powerhouses above the sky.


The sky trembled and the void burst, but at a glance, it was possible to see that at this moment, Meng Fan had formed an overwhelming situation, with his punches domineering and penetrating everything.

It turned out that all the defenses of the four were torn apart, and the space was shattered. I don't know how much space, causing all four of them to scream, but they couldn't resist Meng Fan's strength and only retreated.

This is the horror of Invincible Heart. Even though it is a direct increase in combat power, it has brought Meng Fan's own martial arts to a new level. He is invincible, and the integration of martial arts into vitality is a qualitative change.

Such a mentality is just like what Wuji Wang and others thought, it is generally only possessed by the emperor, but it turned out to be manifested in Meng Fan, with me invincible, and destroying everything.


With both fists swinging, Meng Fan strode forward, making the entire mountain and river tremble with every step, and the golden fist strike accompanied him, colliding with the handprints of the four kings.

In just a moment, there are endless changes!

Between the void fights, the earth pales and the sky collapses. Only a figure of Meng Fan stepped forward, stepping on the dust of the sky, every step falling is a punch, and the four shaking kings are also at the same time Take a step back.

One step, two steps, three steps...18 steps!

Eighteen punches passed by, the four sacred hits kept retreating, and the body broke.

If this scene were to be seen by people, it would surely set off a big storm. It turned out that someone from this era fought the four great sacreds with their own power. How terrifying and terrifying to the power of God.

"The kings have changed to heaven!"

Blood spurted out, and the body shook, and the four of them roared like thunder.

There is no doubt that under Meng Fan's overbearing aura, they are already unstoppable.

Before that, they still had the advantage, but Meng Fan, who just merged with the emperor's way, was too scary.

The four of them worked together, and the power of the gods in the pupils surged to stabilize the body, and at the same time, a kind of power that dominated the mountains and rivers was circulated. The four handprints traversed the world and grabbed directly towards Meng Fan.

At this kind of moment, the four of them could only concentrate all their strength and take out the hole cards at the bottom of the box.

This blow, surpassing the times, is unparalleled horror.

It is the lore that the kings once went on rampage in the ancient era. Even though it was not in the heyday, it was just a resurrection of divine consciousness, but it was also rampant.

It is equivalent to the four sacred attacks against Meng Fan, that kind of power is extremely peculiar, containing the power of the divine Dao created by the unique martial art in the world, and it is crushed.

Four sacred methods!

His pupils shrank, and Meng Fan felt a murderous intent. This is truly a well-deserved magical skill. It used to be an unimaginable existence for Meng Fan. Now that he really faces it, he can feel the power of this kind of magic. Terrible to the extreme.


However, at the next moment, Meng Fan waved his hand, and between the two words, five peculiar rays of light appeared around his body at the same time. It was the five major formations of Hessian 笸箩花 with flashing runes on it. The light revolves, and at the same time protects Meng Fan's figure.


In an instant, the four sacred methods slammed around Meng Fan's body, and the powerful attack caused endless pressure on Meng Fan.

The vibrating Hessian 笸箩花 array started to shatter little by little, and within it, Meng Fan's figure was like a big Buddha, with radiant light, controlled by one-handed seal, unmoving and fearless.

The Inverse God scroll in the body continuously absorbs and spreads around, turning this Hessian basket to the extreme. That kind of evil power first eroded Meng Fan’s body, and then was transformed and exploded. Now Meng Fan has invincibility. In my heart, it can be said that it has caused a more terrible force to suppress everything.

A burst of vs. four ** doors!

Under the impact of this infinite vitality fluctuation, Meng Fan's body was stalemate for three breaths, and just after a moment, he moved with one hand and grabbed the void with his five fingers, which was a direct shot of the volley.


It was two more words, but all the vitality fluctuations in Meng Fan's body seemed to have been emptied, and broke out between this flick of the finger, turning into a huge formation, directly imprinting the four sacred gods in front of... . Boom!

Defend with one hand, attack with one hand!

Even if the four sacreds have the power of divinity, they are easily resolved by this kind of billowing power of evil spirits. This kind of evil spirit power from Hessian Broken Flower is extraordinary, making Meng Everything is between life and death, and the divine power of the four is instantly resolved to the extreme.


The four sacred figures of the Void took a step back again, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out. At this moment, Meng Fan was taking a step forward, suppressing the violent blood in his body, sealing Void with all his spiritual power, and no longer giving any of the four people. Opportunity, directly blasted the emperor fist, to forcibly obliterate the four.

Even the four sacreds did not expect that this battle would reach such a point. The four of them worked together and awakened from the long river of ancient time. With a divine mind, they were unable to face Meng Fan, and it was crushed.

With such power, who can do it and who dare to believe it?

"Only so!"

Under Meng Fan’s terrifying and incomparable boxing, the four sacreds of the void looked at each other, and then they no longer defended, but a peculiar rune in their pupils surged, without any emotional fluctuations, so that the four The figure stood quietly on this sky, creating an extremely strange atmosphere, as if everything was completely still at this moment.

"Be careful, Meng Fan!"

Xiaotian roared, his tone trembled.

"what happened!"

Meng Fan's boxing striker freezes. At this moment, he is also instinctively horrified, and he feels an incomparable murderous opportunity attacking him.

This feeling was that Meng Fan hadn't been so strong when faced with the four people's combined efforts before, but now that the four people are not moving, that kind of rune appears, but it is too terrible.

"If you didn't guess wrong..."

Xiaotian swallowed and stared at the four people who were still in the field, his tone was extremely cold.

"This should be... True God disintegration...**!"

First more.


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