Supreme God King

Chapter 1301: Master Uncle


The two marks intertwined, breaking the world and suppressing everything.

The two bodies in the field collided, and the vitality was overflowing. Naturally, Chao Mi and Cao Qiushui, one by one, were like the same evil star, directly fighting in this mid-air.

Neither of them has any reservations. When they first came up, their respective vitality merged into the big space formation, and they brazenly confronted each other, shaking the Eight Desolates and trembling, even if it was an ancient space, it was constantly shaking.

The people on the side were even more stunned, no one thought of this scene.

There is bound to be a battle between Luanmi and Meng Fan, which everyone understands, but it turned out that Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway. Cao Qiushui didn’t hesitate at all. He yelled at Luanfan. People were shocked.

Who doesn’t know who Luan Mi is? The emperor of the Xitian God Clan has the absolute advantage of the pyramid among the younger generation. Ordinary people can’t even run in time when he sees him, but this master is fierce, no matter what, come up. It was once beaten up.

And at this moment, Cao Qiushui was extremely fierce, his handprints were tumbling, his vitality merged into the sun and the sky, that kind of vitality enveloping nothingness, like a resurrection of an ancient beast, suppressing one party, full of dominance. Even if he is only at the pinnacle of the Profound Origin Realm, but at this moment, the aura is relative, and there is no wind, the runes flicker, and the layers burst, even if it is between chaos and its confrontation, it is only equivalent to drumming. No one is too cheap.

"Kunshan sword formation?"

Standing beside Meng Fan, Bai Shui'er murmured, quite shocking.

"you know?"

Meng Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at Bai Shui'er.


Bai Shui'er stroked the Qingsi, somewhat dumb.

"It's just a little heard. Where did you know this guy? The Kunshan line has always been a taboo in the Middle Ages, because this is a strange sect in the Middle Ages, and the whole sect is actually... A person shook the world in the past years, because he himself represented his own sect and fought a line of war. This person should be his disciple. In the Middle Ages, not all gods belong to the twelve leagues. For example, in Kunshan... that is not the case. What kind of person really loves to be with what kind of person... Is it attractive to be bold?"

Holy disciple!

Obviously Bai Shui'er's words contained but absolutely no small information. After Cao Qiushui, there was a sacred, and the existence that swept the world, so that it would have such strength and courage.

And like Meng Fan, the two are the kind of people who are not afraid of the sky and the earth, and they are mixed together.

The corners of Meng Fan's mouth could not help but twitch, and he immediately thought of the **** monkey and gave a dry laugh, feeling that Bai Shui'er said this. . . . There is some truth.

At the same time, the fight above the sky was extremely fierce. The vitality impact between the two sides caused the situation to change color and the void trembles. Under the collision of the two ancient divine formations, Luan Mi and Cao Qiushui both attacked with their own blood and retreated back, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"Little **** of the Xitian Protoss, you Master Cao wants your life!"

Even though he vomited blood, Cao Qiushui walked even more violently, his eyes were blood red, and the aura all over his body broke out, but it was even more terrifying.

The voice fell, and chaos suddenly squeezed his fists, full of murderous intent. He was originally aimed at Meng Fan, but he did not expect that he touched Cao Qiushui, but his strength was extremely powerful and he did not care at all. The vitality rune flashes and the chaos is dim, it is to use the secret method to directly suppress it.

However, in the next moment, without waiting for the two at the same time, a voice in the void slowly fell.


The voice was thick and spread all over the world, and an old figure appeared between the two. He was fat, with an old face, black robe, chubby, and it seemed a little cute.

However, the moment its breath emerged, it was to isolate the world, even if it was suppressed by the breath of Chaos and Cao Qiushui, they were also separated from each other at the same time.

It's just that the figure just emerged, it broke the world, opened the void, and suppressed the two of Cao Qiushui.

Everyone was in an uproar, their eyes looked at the sky, extremely shocked, there is no doubt that they immediately understood that this person is. . . . The sacred powerhouse in the temple, only when this level of existence appears, can have this kind of power and suppress everything.

A current **** appeared!

Under the appearance of this old man, the surroundings suddenly became silent, Meng Fan also flashed his eyes, as he expected, this is a temple, and they will not be allowed to mess around here before the imperial palace is opened.

However, Cao Qiushui and Lun Mi in the void are still facing each other in the air, staring at each other, looking like they are about to eat each other.

"Old man, don't block me, I will slap this guy to death!"


Respond with one word chaotically, the murderousness is full of extreme.

"Stop, if you make any more trouble, the old man will slap you two to death!"

Above the sky, the fat old man swept his eyes, suddenly cold and cold,

"The old man is so shameless when he comes out, how can I mess here? Are you two **** trying to challenge the gods?"

When he said it, he couldn't help but shut up Cao Qiushui and Luan Mi at the same time. It was really impossible to say anything. The old man's thoughts only made the two of them frightened. After all, this is a **** in the world. Once angry, even two of them have a big background. But they couldn't bear it either, so naturally they had to stop, but the eyes of each staring at each other were still extremely fierce.

"Isn't that right, don't do it yet, wait until the imperial palace is opened, and some of you play it!"

The fat old man squinted his eyes, suppressed the sky, and said calmly,

"Now, don't do it. Don't talk about it if it hurts your vitality. It's not good to break these flowers and plants, right... Young people, it's really big!"

He sighed and waved his hand at the same time, so that all the murderous opportunities in the week were dissipated.

"And you guys, you are not afraid of big things, right? You all go to the old man and return to the place where you should be, less than half a month from the opening of the imperial palace. The old man will warn you during this period. Among them, no one is allowed to cause trouble to the old man and fight privately. This is the temple, not your place. If it irritates the old man, immediately implement the temple regulations and absolutely neglect!"

The sound rumbling, spread into the ears of every Tianjiao in heaven and earth, and it contained the domineering aura of a **** in the world. Naturally, it made everyone feel the qi and blood in the body agitated, including Meng Fan. Great suppression.

Under this situation, the figures of the surrounding audience immediately dispersed and disappeared, and when the sky disappeared, Meng Fan's pupils could not help but shrink. He clearly felt that several powerful murderous intents were on him. Circling around, it seems that this time it is more than just messing with this powerful enemy.

Suddenly, the inside and outside of the previously highly anticipated pavilion quickly dissipated. I don't know how many Tianjiao powerhouses are hidden in it, and they didn't make a move, showing their breath, but it doesn't mean they don't exist!

"It's a pity... There was originally a good show!"

In the distance, the woman in red gave a cold snort, took a deep look at Meng Fan, and also stepped forward, turned and walked away.

The group of heroes dispersed, including the chaos, knowing that there was no chance to take action. They left together, and finally calmed the atmosphere that was like a gunpowder barrel. Cao Qiushui descended from the void, panting, and whispered,

"Master Cao is not satisfied... It's not enough, Master Cao is very angry, and the consequences are serious!"

"Don't worry, that guy is not your opponent. Someone is. You can't give you another chance to compete with them!"

Meng Fan patted Cao Qiushui on the shoulder and comforted him, but he suddenly made his expression look like a ghost. He shook his head repeatedly, gritted his teeth angrily, and uttered a few words.

"Little master is taken, little master... I don't want to see those two guys again!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan laughed, he was also planning to move, stepping into this imperial palace first, but in the next moment there was also a voice in the void.

"You are Meng Fan... Others can leave, can't you leave!"

When he spoke, Meng Fan could not help but raise his head, only to find that the person speaking was the fat old man, his eyes were squinted to look at him, and there was a strange smile on his face.


Meng Fan bit his scalp and had to do thousands of hands.

"I don't know what to advise!"

"Tell me... Don't dare to be it, but you three brats come with me!"

The fat old man waved his hand and pointed at Meng Fan, Bai Shui'er, and Cao Qiushui, then turned around and left, leaving them staring at each other.

The three of them were invited by the imperial palace. According to the truth, after they set foot here, they were received by the temple disciples, who would wait for the imperial palace to reopen.

But now the fat old man speaks, but the three of them dare not refuse. After all, the latter is a **** in the world. After looking at each other, the three of them can only helplessly follow the fat old man.

Silent all the way, passing through this layer of mountain peaks, surrounded by mist and mountains stretched, causing the blood in Meng Fan's three people to vibrate.

The so-called imperial palace has only seen the whole picture now. The fluctuations in the heavens and the earth contained here are completely different. That kind of extremely majestic and wild aura covers the surroundings, for practitioners of Meng Fan's level Both have great benefits.

In the ancient land of Ten Thousand Sources, I didn't know how many people joined the temple in ancient times, and they could not leave for the rest of their lives, but just to be able to practice here, approach the imperial palace, and feel the world.

And after passing through the mountains, the four of Meng Fan finally stopped under a mountain peak. At first glance, there were rows of palaces on this mountain peak, which were extremely old.

After the fat old man, Cao Qiushui's eyes rolled around and muttered softly,

"Meng Fan.... What does this old man do? You won't be abducting the three of us!"

Before Meng Fan could answer, the fat old man turned around and hit Cao Qiushui's head with a fierce punch, causing him to yell, and his eyes looked at Meng Fan, as if looking at something. It’s a rare treasure, I don’t know how long it has passed, and a look of sigh appeared on his face.

"Don't be nervous, if it is based on seniority... You can call me... Uncle Master!"


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