Supreme God King

Chapter 1297: Protect you

The ending is doomed!

No one can change it. For example, there are too many strong people on the top of the sky to help Meng Fan, and the remaining four ancestors are just struggling. It didn't take long for Meng Fan and others to join forces to kill him, blood staining the sky.

The five quasi gods came from the three emperors, but now they died in this midair at the same time.

This scene is really too horrible, and the spread will inevitably cause a big storm. This is the Middle Ancient Region, the center of the Ten Thousand Regions controlled by the Golden Twelve League, but this kind of thing happened.

The three are ancient and their status is so high. It's just that one person can cause a big storm in the Ten Thousand Realms, but they were killed in the sky because of Meng Fan.

Although everything is destined to be secrets and will not spread out, even Meng Fan and others are also moved in the same mood. Some sigh, this is not as simple as killing five ants, but the existence of five eternal predecessors. , I have seen too much joy and sorrow, but now he is dead in the hands of Meng Fan.

The vitality is heaven, the cultivation is difficult, the battle in ancient times... a few people still!

Above the sky, Bai Lanling and the others sighed softly, and it was difficult to recall from that shocking scene for a long time. Before that, they had thought that Meng Fan would die, but they did not expect that the latter would actually exist.

Across the sky, Meng Fan and Bai Lanling's gazes were facing each other. He had sensed it before he started. The latter and others have been sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight.

With a grin, Meng Fan said calmly.

"Why, the white girl doesn't want to kill me anymore, if I don't do it now, there is no chance!"

"Why, Master Meng Fan, even my little girl who is just watching the battle, wants to kill people together?"

Bai Lanling smiled slightly, even if there were several powerful men such as Meng Fan in front of him, murderous intent appeared in the faint, but he did not panic, but stood in place, extremely calm.

"If you want to do it because the little girl and the Tianji Pavilion are at war, please be light!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan's eyes flashed, and a difficult woman murmured in his heart.

It is impossible to say that there is no murder. With Meng Fan's character, he naturally wants to kill all the dangers in the bud, especially the Tianji Pavilion that also wanted to attack him before.

This Bai Lan Ling's status in it is obviously not low, if it can be caught, it will be a great help to Meng Fan, and will learn many secrets of the Tianji Pavilion.

Meng Fan's personality has always been this way, but he likes to control his own destiny, and will never let himself have a sharp sword that can be dropped every moment.

However, this Bai Lanling is also very powerful, as if sensing Meng Fan's heart, but he did not back down at all, reminding Meng Fan that the Heavenly Secret Pavilion is behind him in words!

What kind of energy does a killer organization handed down from the ancient times have, and how many ancestors among them are now? This is indeed a mystery!

According to Xiaotian, one of the reasons why no one dared to touch the Heavenly Secret Pavilion is because... the people who dared to touch are already dead, and the latter has always been mysterious.

Thinking in mind, Meng Fan said calmly.

"Since the white girl doesn't want to kill me, then I only need to keep my head temporarily waiting for the white girl!"

Obviously, including Meng Fan, were not willing to give themselves the enemy of Heavenly Secret Pavilion, so they had to let the latter and others leave.

Above the void, Bai Lanling smiled slightly and said calmly,

"As long as someone sets the starting price, I will come to pick it up, but if you set the starting price...maybe we are also friends. Tianji Pavilion is like this. There is no permanent interest, Meng Fan, goodbye!

Before I leave, I will tell you that there is no charge for this information. It is a good reward for you. If you go to the imperial palace, you may have some help, but the imperial palace will be your bigger murderous opportunity. In addition, where are the three young generations of Tianjiao, including this Xitian God Clan who recently exited... Luanmi, he is Luanhun's brother, who has always wanted your life! "

The voice fell, and Bai Lanling and the others slowly turned around, disappeared, and left the world.

Xitian Protoss, confused!

His pupils shrank, and Meng Fan understood that this should be another godless son of the Xitian God Race, the contemporary Tianjiao.

There have been rumors about him before, that he is definitely a person who is more terrifying than chaotic soul, and the imperial palace is even more unpredictable, the source of ancient times.

Once the major forces are opened to participate, for Meng Fan, this journey of the Middle Ancient Region is just...just beginning!

"Although I won't say it, I believe that the Xitian God Race, the Zhao Family, and the Liu Family will definitely not suffer from this dumb. Their strength is so strong, they will definitely have other means to deal with us!"

King Yan said indifferently, causing the two elders of Zimen and others to nod their heads.

On the side, the middle-aged man of the Dark God Guard of the Bai family said indifferently.

"I don't have any problems. The Dark God Guard of the Bai Family has never been afraid of anyone, and only obeys the orders of his Royal Highnesses!"


Cao Qiushui said nonchalantly,

"I've seen them upset for a long time, but now they have killed five, hehe...It's really enjoyable!"

When I said it, everyone else was helpless. This incident was enough to set off a terrible storm, shock the emperor, and the punishment came, but in the eyes of Cao Qiushui it became a game, which really makes people wonder How to say it.

"Thank you guys!"

Meng Fan raised his hand and said sternly,

"If it weren't for me, I would definitely not let you fall into this quagmire. I am willing to take care of everything by myself. The so-called imperial clan... If you are looking for it, just look for me!"

The tone is calm, sonorous and powerful!

On the side, King Yan shook his head and said,

"The reason why I say that is not to be afraid, but to raise your attention. You are the King of the Sea of ​​Blood and my Yanguang friend. What's the matter with killing people with you? Not only that, I'm not sure that the emperor will be there along the way. I don’t know how to do it, so...I’ll accompany you all the way to the imperial palace and protect you!

Protect your way!

When these four words fell, no matter it was the Spirit King, Ice King, Zi Xueqing and others, their eyes flashed and nodded, extremely determined.

No matter who they are, the group of people here have a special relationship with Meng Fan. Even if they are facing the emperor, they don't hesitate and plan to **** them all the way.

As soon as he raised his hand, Meng Fan wanted to refuse, but it was useless to look at everyone’s firm gaze. In the end, he only sighed softly and uttered a word.

"it is good!"

Without the hands of such a terrifying powerhouse, calm here is quickly restored. Except for the broken ground debris and space debris that proved the fierceness of the previous battle, it has already restored the peace of this world. There is no one. I know that five quasi gods were buried here alive before.

After dealing with all this, Meng Fan and the others didn't stop, and left quickly, heading straight for the imperial palace.

The speed is not that fast. Firstly, Meng Fan and the others need some time to recuperate, each with their own injuries, and secondly, how luxurious their current lineup is.

If you don’t count Meng Fan, there are six quasi-gods and other masters of the dark guards. They cut through the sky, let alone someone dared to stop them, even if it’s breath, it will make countless strong people frightened and turn around. .

It took another half a month to go rampant all the way!

Meng Fan's injury was also completely recovered, his energy and blood were restrained, and his whole person was in a state of peak.

And gradually, both the Yan King and the others and the Zimen elders began to look solemnly, because as they continued to move forward, they had already sensed the difference in the sun.

Faintly in this emptiness is an ancient aura, and the vitality in their bodies that is affected is followed by a burst of emotions.

With the constant approach, everyone's eyes finally saw a mountain range. There is no human population here, but it is quite rare in this Middle Ancient Domain.

Except for that kind of unparalleled fierce land, it belongs to the ultimate land. There is no one daring to be presumptuous anymore around a million miles, and even a large number of people walked here and chose to walk to show respect.

The further you move forward, the more it feels like the end of the heavens and the earth, together with the earth and the sky, are the same color, revealing a peculiar azure blue, and the mist is lingering. Each of the peaks directly reaches the sky from the ground, just like A giant hand.

And when I looked at the whole thing, I found that there were countless giant hands standing there, covering the sky, suppressing the sky. After getting closer to this piece of mountains, everyone fell into the sight of a huge stone monument with only two words on it, forbidden!

These two words seem ordinary, but all the strong in the field trembled, as if this is the law of everything, and they dare not take another step.

"This is the place of...the imperial palace!"

Looking in front of her, Zi Xueqing murmured, with her mental power, her mind was trembling, and her tone was a little unstable.

"Not bad!"

Aside, King Yan said softly,

"Meng Fan, we won’t be able to send you any further. All of which is forbidden. Only the edict in your hand can step into it. If I don’t have one, I don’t have this qualification. So this last thing... Can rely on yourself!"

"And I!"

Before Meng Fan could answer, Cao Qiushui stepped forward, grinning, and raising his hand, he actually had the same edict as Meng Fan.


Seeing Cao Qiushui suddenly surprised everyone, what a great event this imperial palace is opening, which qualifications are extremely precious, those who can be invited need to pass through the Middle Ancient Twelve League, and Cao Qiushui actually possesses One.

On the side, an elder in Zimen flashed his eyes and said softly,

"Senior Kunkai is okay?"

Upon hearing this, Cao Qiushui smiled awkwardly and muttered,

"Don't expose my old bottom... My master, I haven't seen him for a long time. Who knows where he is every day, maybe he is begging on the street again...

When he said it, everyone was speechless, but they all understood that the two words Kunkai were absolutely extraordinary, and it was this that gave Cao Qiushui such confidence and identity.

"Let's go!"

Meng Fan uttered two words, strode out, and headed towards the depths of the imperial palace with Cao Qiushui.

At the same time as the two moved, Zhou Tian was trembling faintly, an invisible rejection came towards the two, but the two had already prepared, and directly placed the imperial edict in front of them. It was just the moment when the light flickered, that made both Meng Fan involuntarily blend in.

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