Supreme God King

Chapter 1288: Set foot in the Middle Ages

Step into the Middle Ages again!

After this decision, Meng Fan didn't hesitate. After sorting it out, he bid farewell to Xinlan, bowed to the two cemeteries on the back mountain, and... . Start directly.

The dark alliance is now in full swing, and does not need Meng Fan to guard him personally, but this line of business does not bring anyone from the dark alliance, including the female emperor and the thunder soul elder.

After all, the future is not necessarily a blessing or a curse. The entire dark alliance also needs a strong person of this level to sit on the ground, otherwise it will inevitably have a big problem.

Although Ling Daiyou and the Empress were somewhat opposed, they were finally persuaded by Meng Fan.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on. I am not moving but the enemy is moving. In this piece of heaven and earth, it is extremely cruel. The bigger it is, the greater the strength is needed to suppress it, and Meng Fan does not have the help of the old monster power behind him. You can only rely on yourself.

The air is fresh, and it is especially bright under the sun.

A slender figure sits on a big bird that is as ugly and ugly as it is, and there is a mysterious tortoise with a shrunken head next to it, and just like this, it has left the Sifang realm.

"Meng Fan, why coolie is me.... I am also the one king who dominates one side!"

"This treatment is unfair to me, Xuangui, you little bastard, why don't you help, why... The sky does not open its eyes, the earth is crying, and Lord Bird is crying!"

Noisy voices continued to come out, and from time to time there were two gorgeous feathers falling, causing a joyous atmosphere in the entire mid-air, but Meng Fan closed his eyes tightly and the old **** was there. He was accustomed to all this, just silently practicing. .

This is also the only man and horse that Meng Fan can take away. Naturally, it is the trio of Xiaotian, Longhair and Xuangui. Although the other two guys are not helpful except Xiaotian, the occasional miraculous effect has already satisfied Meng Fan. .

And the most important thing is that when there are hairy finches and black tortoises, there is laughter, which makes the originally dry journey a lot more interesting. Although Meng Fan didn't say this, he felt a burst of comfort in his heart.

Go straight to the Middle Ages!

Although the hairfin is noisy, but the speed of the journey is quite fast, after all, the latter is a kind of beast in the world that even Meng Fan can't name it, and it is passing through the teleportation array, the void flight, etc. , After a full half a month, Meng Fan's eyes lit up.

Wanyu Center, the source of heaven and earth!

That kind of billowing vitality hits, the endless laws of heaven and earth are extremely stable, and there is a terrible suppression.

All of this is telling the difference between Meng Fan and the world. Since ancient times, I didn't know how many emperors ruled the roost here and became famous in the world.

Middle Ages!

Feeling the endless fluctuations of vitality in the world, Meng Fan's heart trembled slightly. It was not the first time he came to this Middle Ancient Region, but the vastness of the strange laws of the world before him was still enough to make him all Moving content.

This is the place where the strong in the past dynasties competed. It is not unreasonable that only the real emperor can survive here.

The layer of vitality between the heavens and the heavens is thinner than the layer, reaching the Quartet area has no longer seen any prehistoric energy, it is the thinnest heaven and earth energy.

As the center of the Ten Thousand Realms, the Middle Ages is also the most suitable place for all vitality monks to practice. It is most similar to the ancient times. Even if it is quietly induced, it is still the vast power that can discover the heavens and the earth, and it has the endless strength of the ancient times. The heritage is buried here, the years have changed, and too many have been buried.

In the eternal time, countless people have been fighting for a place here. The complexity is more than imagined. It is the place where all the vitality monks aspire and bleed.

Races including the former Sea Clan, Bloodbath Dragon, etc. had to move here because of too many enemies. They came to other places in the Ten Thousand Realm, and sighed here for a while through the endless void.

Even though Zhantang is a second-rate force in the Middle Ancient Region, the third-rate force only sees it as a soil turtle that dominates one side, not to be afraid, let alone there are countless ascetic powers, emperors, and sects. Wait for the supreme existence.

"It's finally here!"

Taking a deep breath, Meng Fan looked at it, knowing that even if he is now in the Middle Ages, it will take some time to reach the imperial palace.

The entire Middle Ancient Region is unparalleled, and the location of the imperial palace is extremely remote in this Middle Ancient Region.

However, Meng Fan was not in a hurry. He simply walked along with the hairy finches and the mysterious tortoise, feeling the different customs and customs in the Middle Ancient Region.

It has to be said that this is the center of the universe. After all, it is full of grandeur and can accommodate hundreds of rivers. On this road, Meng Fan has seen countless powerful people. After half a day, there are humans, monsters, etc. along the road. And so on, all races are different.

There are even many ancient alien species, which are not normally seen in Ten Thousand Realms, but they are possible here, even some Meng Fan doesn’t even know them at all. They are extremely weird, which caused Meng Fan to be dumbfounded. Compared with them, even strange. Black tortoise and shaggy finches. . . . . . It also looks a little cute.

Meng Fan’s figure is forward, his gaze is looking around, and there is a huge river not far away. The water seems to flow straight through the sky. The surrounding area is extremely prosperous. Along the way, there are rows of cities, and the whole world is covered. The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the scenery is charming.

In particular, it is already night here, and boats are constantly flowing on this silver river, and there are rows of red lanterns on it, which are enough to attract people at a glance.

Prior to this, Meng Fan had already heard that this place was the famous Huahe River in the Middle Ages. The river was extremely long, and there were countless forces on the coast. However, this place was not a place of cultivation, but a place of search. A place to have fun.

The boats here are very exquisite, called flower boats, among them there are countless beautiful women, and countless people set foot here to find a night of romance.

And when Meng Fan met here, he also felt a little peculiar. The whole world was crowded with people, usually people passing by on the coast, and as long as someone negotiated the price, they could board the boat.

Of course, there are three or six or nine grades among them. The more prestigious women are, the more they can attract everyone's attention. The price is naturally higher. If you want to be happy, you have to pay a certain price, which ordinary people cannot get.

After shook his head, Meng Fan planned to leave after tidying up here, not staying much.

However, the Longhair and Black Tortoise are quite interested, their eyes are looking around, bustling.

"Master Bird, please help me see if there are any good-looking female tortoises, the big one, and the pagoda can't be forgotten, the big gold pagoda!"

"Fuck me..."

And just as the voices of the two fell, there was a sudden noise around them, and tens of thousands of people nearby quickly gathered on a river bank, staring at a flower boat not far away. The sound was overwhelming.

At first glance, Meng Fan found it a little strange, because this flower boat is the largest one he has seen here, and it is particularly delicate. According to the rules here, the larger the flower boat proves its owner. The more unusual it is, the harder it is.

"who is this!"

The hairy finches were already squeezing in one of them, and asked in a low voice.

The person on the side gave him a white look, his face was extremely contemptuous, and he whispered,

"Don't take my place, don't even know who this flower boat is? This is the white fairy, one of the three famous oirans above the river of flowers. It is a real fairy. It is called a beautiful, but this This kind of fairy-level existence can’t be handled by ordinary gods. If it makes her unhappy, even if she takes off the stars, she won’t be able to kiss Fangze. There is only one way to step onto the flower boat, which is to get For the hydrangea thrown from the boat, Fairy White may not always throw this hydrangea at any time. Only whoever gets the hydrangea is eligible to board the boat. Those who can live in it, you are definitely out of play..."

"Damn it, Lord Sparrow won't be familiar with you..."

The Longhair gave a fiercely white look, but he was energetic, his wings flickered, and his eyes gleamed. Obviously, he was very interested in this oiran, so he didn't even want to cheat.

Not only the longhair sparrow, but after the appearance of the flower boat, it attracted the attention of a large number of people. There were hundreds of thousands of people crowded together on the coast, and countless people were restrained, mentally active, and always ready.

But after a while, two young girls walked out of the flower boat, both of them were sweet-looking, dressed in yellow skirts, laughing about fifteen or sixteen, and said with a smile,

"Everyone, today, my white girl is in a good mood and wants to find a young man to relieve her boredom, so this hydrangea is just beginning to be thrown, everyone can look forward to it!"

Say it!

Suddenly there was a commotion around, countless people eagerly eagerly, just the appearance of these two maids is very good, not to mention the person who is called the three oirans of Huahe, naturally it caused a commotion, and countless people were fighting for fear. The back squeezed forward.

The two girls on the flower boat smiled sweetly, and immediately threw the red hydrangea in their hands towards Tianyi, which immediately turned into a perfect arc and fell into the crowd.


In an instant, the crowd erupted, and countless figures rose into the sky at this moment. The entire coast was full of hundreds of thousands of people, and many of them were strong.

It was just at this moment that the vitality between the world and the earth collided, and the shadows impacted, causing countless people to directly blast together.

Obviously, it was enough to kill countless people for the sake of a close friend Fangze, looking forward frantically.

The crowd was noisy and vigorous, Meng Fan shook his head, and immediately stepped back dozens of steps to the crowd around him. He really didn't want to be involved in it, and wanted to leave here quickly.

However, at the next moment, the red hydrangea in the void is constantly drifting, extremely strange, even if there are countless powerful players around to imprison the space, but it is impossible to catch the hydrangea.

The latter flew all the way under Ji Ligulu, passing the crowd in front of him, like a bouncy ball, falling on Meng Fan's shoulder.

When this scene fell, hundreds of thousands of people immediately focused on Meng Fan's body, even if the latter kept receding back, it was impossible.

When everything was still, at this moment, there was a hint of coolness behind Meng Fan's life. He felt that these hundreds of thousands of eyes seemed to kill him into countless pieces.

Thousands of calculations, no one thought that this hydrangea would actually fall on a person who kept backing away. It would make countless people's teeth itch with hatred, but there was no way.

At this moment, the two girls on the flower boat smiled, looking at Meng Fan, their long eyelashes flickered and said softly,

"This's you, please get on board!"


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