Supreme God King

Chapter 1267: A **** storm

Three days passed quietly!

Neither Meng Fan nor God Monkey were busy during this period of time, without any verbal communication. However, the so-called Divine Array was already quietly laid down in this attic, the runes flickered, and the outside world could not see through it at all, but it was self-contained, with amazing spatial power.

This final retreat has been sorted out by the three, but whether it can be realized is another matter!

And the son of the Great Killing Commander was penetrated into this body by the running rune of the God Monkey, and his whole person turned into the puppets of the two Meng Fans, who can be controlled secretly, and his consciousness has been completely erased by the God Monkey. !

And after everything is ready, there is no doubt that Meng Fan and Shenhou are also time to act.

Step into... the city of blood, the core of the seven forbidden areas of heaven and earth!

Glancing at each other, Meng Fan and Shenhou's eyes were quite calm, each smiled, raised their hands and took a sip of monkey wine, their expressions did not change.

"Hehe.... You little guy is very interesting. I have seen few things in the ages. The thing that Master Monkey likes most is your temperament. If I can go out, I can treat you as a friend. You can Mention me to others, I am an ally of my **** monkey clan!"

The monkey said indifferently, if the weight of this sentence is that people who understand it would be extremely dumb. Not to mention the strength of the monkey, its race is an extremely terrible existence. Only one person will be passed down in the ages, and one person will dominate the world and sweep the world. , The realm in front of him is destined not to be the final form of God Monkey, but to reach a higher level.

And Meng Fan laughed, tasting monkey wine, calmly said,

"Don't brag, if you can come out alive, you can use my name in the outside world. You are only stronger than me now, but the training time is longer than me. So you and I are half a catty at best. Who can suppress whom in the future!"

After saying this, the monkey suddenly became angry and almost bit his tongue.

Unexpectedly, he was arrogant and domineering, where ordinary people would be in his eyes, let alone the peak of the Xuanyuan realm, even the quasi-god strong would not do it.

But I didn't expect that Meng Fan's temperament was even more so. Even if he had absolute suppression of Meng Fan, Meng Fan didn't feel any fear in front of him.

But the more so, it made the monkey more appreciate Meng Fan, and said calmly,

"Okay, then don't die, come out alive in this battle, and compare yourself on the road of God in the future!"

The voice fell, sonorously, Meng Fan and Shenhou looked at each other, each nodded, and immediately stopped hesitating, and at the same time, grabbed the white-robed man and started to move.

Behind the two of them, Lei Yingying's eyes flickered and she sighed slightly. She had to say that he was in this forbidden zone but he saw two strange men in this world. The courage is more than extraordinary, it is simply not at all. Take the ordinary road, born with evildoers.

Under such circumstances, it is guaranteed to be normal, even talking and laughing, and I am afraid that even the quasi-god or even the gods will be disgusted and fearful when mentioning the core of the forbidden area in this legend.

See you on Chengshen Road!

This sentence is undoubtedly that both of them have sufficient confidence in themselves, that they can suppress everything, do things that no one has done in the ages, and take their own cultivation road to the extreme, separate from the mortal body, and achieve nothing. Gods.


Looking at the two people who left, Lei Yingying's eyes were left with tears, only the jade hands clasped together, and said softly,

"I hope everything goes well for you in this line...Leave together alive!"

When everything was ready, Meng Fan and Shenhou were speechless all the way, heading straight to the capital of the blood emperor, choosing to ignore everything around them.

For many years, Meng Fan and God Monkey didn't know how much they had gone through. They were just as they are today, but I am afraid that they have not been as scary as this time.

Because what is going to be touched is the top strength between the world and the earth. Compared with them, the two are like an ant in the sea, and they can only fight for themselves in these ten deaths!

After a full half an hour, falling into the eyes of the three Meng Fans, a huge city within the city appeared, like a giant beast, crawling between the sky and the earth, majestic and vast.

At first glance, you can't even find the edge of this big city. The vastness is boundless, and it is enveloped by a black and dead air. Vaguely you can see the rows of ancient true demon guards standing above this casino, glaring and breathing. Shocking, within a kilometer radius is already completely severe.

"Be careful, Meng Fan, this is also the center of the blood city **** formation. The power of space is extremely terrifying. Once you act quickly and quickly, suppress everything with absolute power, and strive to complete everything in the time of a stick of incense. Don't be alarmed. Among them, the powerhouse of the old monster level, otherwise, the divine power will reach the sky, even if you and I have the echo of the divine formation, there may be changes!"

After a glance, Shenhou said that the two had already arranged the plan many times before that, but the most important thing was to act according to the situation. After all, no matter how good the plan is, it cannot be compared to a change.


Meng Fan nodded, and walked towards the blood city with the three people of God Monkey, his complexion was extremely calm, and there was no difference at all.

You must know that the entire capital city is now guarded by thousands of ancient true demons, with infinite prestige, even the quasi-god-level powerhouse will be moved under this kind of murderous intent, after all, here is the blood. Forbidden area, one of the most terrifying and powerful ancient forbidden areas in the dialect world!

"Stop, you are!"

Before the Meng Fan trio came to this forbidden area, a misty voice slowly fell above the capital, coming from a true demon leader, and the aura had already reached the Xuanyuan realm.

"The Great Killing Commander sits down, the son and the two big attendants come to see the royal family!"

After a while, the **** monkey took a step forward. Now his figure and face have undergone certain changes. It looks like an ordinary monkey beast, he said loudly, and a piece appeared between his palms. The golden token, with only two words on it, kill!

The token flickers, the golden light is dazzling!

This is already one of the plans discussed by Meng Fan and the monkey before, but at the moment the monkey’s voice fell, he felt countless auras locked on the two of them, even as calm as Meng Fan and the monkey at the same time. With one jump, the power in the running body hides himself to perfection.

I don’t know how much time has passed. Under this kind of gaze, I have to say that life is like a year. It is extremely tormenting for Meng Fan and God Monkey. Obviously there are strong gatekeepers in this blood city. If it is missed, then all the plans of the two immediately are to collapse.

Finally an old one came,

"Let them... pass, it is the bloodline of the Great Killing Commander!"

The sound fell, and at the same time, this finally opened a door to space in this emptied dark city. It seemed to be a straight passage through it. Meng Fan and God Monkey could not help but look at each other, they were relieved. With the concentration of the two of them, there was cold sweat in their hands at this moment.

After a while, Meng Fan and the three of them also seemed to step into it along the space channel, and completely walked into the **** capital. And at a glance, there are two figures that are responding to the three of Meng Fan. They are two ancient true demons, each with a strength comparable to the powers of the Profound Origin Realm. After a glance at the Meng Fans, among them, An ancient true magic way,

"Remember, this is the imperial capital. Follow us and you will see the people you should see. If you are disobedient and go a little bit wrong, you can kill you, understand!"


Both Meng Fan and the God Monkey handed their hands together, with an extremely respectful attitude, and the two ancient true demons also turned around and took Meng Fan three people straight to the depths of the blood city.

If it is the most vibrant place in the entire restricted area, I am afraid it is in the blood city. Before Meng Fan and the monkeys saw thousands of miles of desert, endless dead bodies.

But in this imperial capital, it is orderly, rows of mountains and rivers are connected together, like a fairyland, and you can even see the growth of ancient heaven and earth gods in some places, the light is dazzling, and the majestic power in it.

However, no matter how beautiful the surrounding scenery is ten thousand times more beautiful, it is unintentional to Meng Fan and the **** monkey. The two seem to be extremely respectful, but in fact the spiritual power of the whole person is spreading around and constantly searching.

There is no doubt that there are things that Meng Fan and God Monkey need in this blood city. Now it took me how much effort to reach this kind of place. Naturally, the heart is surging, and the spiritual power spreads between the world and the earth. , Frantically looking for all the induction around.

After a while, the body of the **** monkey suddenly stopped, his eyes flickered, and a fierce look appeared, and he whispered,

"Meng Fan, just break up here. I have already sensed where my things are. Remember that I only have half an hour for you and I when I start to act. If you exceed this time, you will surely disturb the sacredness in this restricted area. At that time, I am afraid that no one can go out, and... If I die in this battle, if you are alive, help me go to the Zhongtian Dynasty and tell a woman named Princess Yinyin that... It was me a thousand years ago. God Monkey Tianxing is sorry for her, see you in the next life!"

The tone was calm, the sound transmission said in Meng Fan’s ears, and at this moment, the **** monkey moved and stepped out. Its two big hands were already outrageously blasting out, directly grabbing the two ancient true demons in front, even if they were two of them. It was the powerhouse of the Xuanyuan realm who didn't respond at all.

Bang, bang!

Under the deliberate sneak attack by the **** monkey, the two ancient true demons died directly, and even the voice did not have time to say a word, but it turned into a blood mist, bursting in the midair.

And after the move of the magical monkey, Meng Fan also drew a clear arc at the corner of his mouth, trembling all over, surging with blood, and understood the long-cherished wish of these years, an unimaginable **** storm... Finally it is. Start!

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