Supreme God King

Chapter 1257: You can't fight life and death!

Powerful at the quasi-god level!

The gap between this and Meng Fan is extremely huge, not to mention that the ancient Lord Moro in front of him is still a quasi-god who perceives the realm of gods. The difference is the same as the King of Flame and the King of Spirit in the sea of ​​blood. It is the existence of this level, but it is completely underground, two levels.

The most important thing for you is that the realm of the gods is the most powerful symbol and method of the quasi-god-level powerhouse, and it is the absolute space formed by the power of the gods.

Surrounded by Meng Fan is the Absolute Realm of Ancient Lord Moro. Even if there are tens of thousands of people outside of it at this moment, it seems that there is a trench between this absolute space. Unable to enter, as if the two worlds are separated, only Meng Fan and Molo Old Master.

In this area, unless it is the death of the ancient Lord Moro or the external power can override this area, there is no solution at all.

This is the power of the quasi-god-level powerhouse, especially when faced with it alone, even if Meng Fan is now in control of various methods and powers, but it is also a murderous opportunity.

With a faint smile, the ancient Lord Moro stepped out, the pressure of the absolute realm came to cover Meng Fan, completely enveloping Meng Fan, and said indifferently,

"Human, in front of can't do it!"

The three words fell, but Meng Fan's figure did not retreat. Instead, he strode out and approached the ancient Lord Moro. There was a kind of dominance that made Zhou Shi tremble in the explosion of blood.

"Try to know?"

At the same time, Emperor Meng Fan made a fist and boldly attacked a quasi-god-level powerhouse.

Xuanyuan realm ninth rank vs quasi god!

Under this kind of gap, there is no suspense at all between the two sides. However, the moment when the void strikes, the front of the boxing and the ancient Lord Moro collide, it makes this Monday tremble, and the light of the emperor fist penetrates everything, even if it is here. The domain of the quasi-god-level powerhouse of the ancient master of Moro was also completely blown away!


In the mid-air, Meng Fan broke out completely. One person volleyed in the air, as if mad, the arms placed on both sides began to strike forward like cannonballs, and every fist front turned into a meteor-like light that penetrated the entire sky. .

Faced with a quasi-god alone, Meng Fan had this mindset before, but there was no opportunity and time. Now facing him, he burst out like an ancient war-god, and his energy and blood attacked him. It was taken out.

Others may be suppressed in this space, but relying on the Inverse God Scroll, it allows Meng Fan to slowly absorb the energy of black death in the week and turn it into his own use. Lunbi is fierce and powerful, suppressing everything, alternating thirty-eight golden lights, tearing the entire field!

Under Meng Fan's frenzied fighting style, Old Master Moro couldn't help but his expression condensed, his hands changed, and the power in his body filed out.

After reaching his level, the vitality between the throws and feet already contains the power of God, this kind of power can be otherworldly, it is the original power of any quasi-god, and the power of Meng Fan intersects in the air. , Under the constant confrontation of the two existences, it can be said that the entire sky is trembling.

After just seven or eight breaths, the center of the battle in the field was unbearable, and was completely vacuumed by the two of them. At the same time, a deafening noise was emitted, and the two figures retreated a few steps backward, and the entire realm of Gods It was shaking, almost not torn!


Broken chest bones, Meng Fan's body was forcibly stabilized, and he gritted his teeth, holding back the erupting blood in his throat, and staring coldly at Ancient Lord Moro.

The ancient Lord Moro, who is not far away, is also uncomfortable. Under the impact of Meng Fan before, he was extremely fierce. The emperor fist opened, and the power of the dominant force almost exploded even if his domain was almost exploded, and his body was full of blood. Constantly stirring.

The moment the two played against each other ended in a tie, neither of them took too much advantage!

It was only a draw, but there was an uproar around it, and many prison monks looked shocked and shocked.

In the face of this ancient Lord Moro, it can be said that everyone is holding a mortal attitude, but they did not expect Meng Fan to be so rebellious, exceeding their imagination.

Although Meng Fan did not ask for any bargain before, the latter is only the power of the ninth rank of the Profound Origin Realm. It is actually able to shake the quasi-god in this absolute realm. This is a miracle in itself. The white-haired young man in front of him is really It's too enchanting, where did it come from and where did it go?

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, the ancient Lord Moro let out a low growl. During these thousands of years, he was the absolute king in this prison. No one dared to challenge his authority, especially a human being. Words and words,

"Human, enough, although you are good at strength, but...damn it!"

The last few words were spit out, and at the same time on Monday, the ancient Lord Moro standing still stepped on the soles of his feet. The whole place was suddenly changed at this moment, causing the sky to tremble. The kind in the body of the ancient Moro. The infinite power of the divine way burst out directly and hit it violently.

"Molo India!"

The power between raising his hands is infinite. At this moment, the ancient Lord Moro does not intend to give Meng Fan any opportunity. Under this shot, it is the force that suppresses everything, sweeps the ground, and the imprint formed by the power of the gods destroys and decays. The sky between Meng Fan's body was completely enveloped.

This is.... Is the power of the quasi-god strong?

Meng Fan sighed in his heart, he had to face this kind of face-to-face that was even more terrifying than he had seen before. However, his figure did not have any panic, his palms flew, and the five formations suddenly dazzled. The power of a kind of evil spirit flowed into his body, was forcibly suppressed by Meng Fan, and broke out with supreme means.

Hessian Ruo Array!

Confined to Zhou with this kind of monster formation, Meng Fan stood on this dome at this moment, with the endless power of monsters permeating the surroundings, undaunted under the crush of a quasi-god-level powerhouse. There is absolutely no posture of retreat.

Boom, boom!

Above the dome, the imprint hits the big array. At this moment, the ability to press the bottom of the box between the two parties is taken out. The force collision constantly sets off a terrifying space turmoil. This kind of power interlacing can be described as terrifying, even if it is. One of the top experts in the Xuanyuan realm accidentally collapsed directly and swept the ground, causing tens of thousands of people on the side to have pain in their faces and felt a great pressure.


Standing between the same place, Meng Fan’s figure retreated. Even though his power is now the ultimate, but it is also difficult to resist the quasi-god strong. This kind of divine power is very different from him, shaking Meng Fan’s whole body All of his bones started to crumble a little bit.

Fortunately, the large array of demons and evil spirits that it operates is terrifying. If it weren't for this, I'm afraid Meng Fan would fall immediately before!


At the next moment, Meng Fan's figure flew out hundreds of meters, blood flowed from under his clothes, and a huge crack appeared on his chest, caused by this kind of big seal attack. However, the dispersal of the Hessian Ruo Array also caused the power of Zhou's domain to collapse completely, dissolving the fatal blow of the ancient Lord Moro!

The gap.... After all, it is a gap!

Even if Meng Fan is powerful now, it is still not enough to face a quasi-god directly. The power that touches the divine way is the true pinnacle in the ten thousand realms, and it is definitely not the word of turning the common into a god.

Taking a step out, the ancient Lord Moro stepped forward, looked at Meng Fan indifferently, and said calmly,

"Human..... It turns out that you can't do it. Now I give you a chance. Your strength is good. As long as I help you transform into a real demon, then you can be my subordinate in this prison. The status is only below me, if you resist, there is only a dead end!"

A few words fell, as if a sentence had been pronounced. At this moment, the superiority had already appeared, even though Meng Fan was extremely difficult and made him dumb, but after all, he suffered a loss above the realm, unable to fight the ancient Lord Moro for too long.

If it were the next battle, Meng Fan could be called...definitely.

The crowd was in an uproar, and there was a feeling of despair in the eyes of tens of thousands of people. However, sitting on the ground, Meng Fan vomited blood. At this moment, he looked at the ancient Lord Moro, but he suddenly smiled and licked. Tongue, whispered,

"The quasi-god realm is indeed beyond my expectation, especially your domain is even more difficult to crack. It will be the cover week again, and it is indeed the highest realm that everyone in the ages yearns for... just There is one thing you are wrong, Old Lord Moro. Although your realm is higher than mine, you can't fight life and death. Your flaws... are too big!"

There was an indisputable power in this voice, and the ancient Lord Moro could not help but sneer, disdain,

"What are you crazy?"

"What do you think? You should have sensed it before I bloodbathed these seventeen layers. The whole prison is under your control. It is absolutely impossible for you not to be senseless, but you did not make any moves, including When I was on the seventeenth floor, you didn’t. Seeing that I broke the big formation, I had no choice but to finally get out of the eighteenth floor, right?"

Meng Fan stood up, staring at the ancient master Moro, saying every word,

"For the quasi-God powerhouse, the more the power of the divine way is in the place where you have been operating for many years, the more terrible it is. If you follow common sense, you have not taken any action before. You should wait until we reach the eighteenth floor before attacking us. Your chances of winning will be greater. You wouldn’t be surprised at this, right? So...there is only one thing that turns out to be the weirdness of the eighteenth floor. What you told me before confirmed this point. You don’t want it. Too much entanglement with me, afraid I will find anything, right?"

The rumbling voice spread everywhere, and the people around were shocked, but the expression of the ancient Lord Moro finally changed drastically at this moment, his vitality exploded, and he was about to make a move.

However, Meng Fan's movements were already faster than him. As soon as he stepped on the sole of his foot, a terrifying wave of air slashed out of his palm and directly blasted towards the 17th floor passage. This blow gathered all Meng Fan's strength and directly smashed the power of the endless space in front of him, revealing the appearance of the eighteenth layer of the prison.

Everyone's gaze is to find that this is an endless cold space, without any breath anymore, and in one of the corners there is a figure, surrounded by huge iron chains. Stuck in it.

At first glance, it looks like a beast that is not too big, because there are hairs on its body, but unfortunately it is dry, with a withered yellow, and there are countless marks on it, all left by the battle, many The traces of the place still look shocking, and they are already extremely deadly places.

One of the reasons left so far is that in addition to the new injuries, it is because the person who hurt him was too cruel, and the power cannot be eliminated by covering him.

And after it penetrated firmly on the 17th and 18th floors, the monster in it also slowly raised its head. It was the face of a monkey. It didn’t look any different, except for some scars. Besides, at the moment his eyes opened, everyone, including Meng Fan, trembled violently.

Because in this pair of eyes alone is like an endless sea of ​​blood, which contains a kind of violent and violent reversal of the sky and killing everything. It even seems to see countless people die directly in their eyes, turning into nothingness, and being It's swallowed.

"Jie Jie... someone is coming, I... I haven't seen a living person in 800 years!"

First more.



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