Supreme God King

Chapter 1255: The bones are like Ma Xiaoxiong Road!

The sound fell, terrifying!

At the same time, five human figures appeared at the entrance of the passage on the seventh floor. All of them were like a hill. They were huge, black all over, with blue-faced fangs, and they were five ancient fighting demons.

The five ancient fighting demons suddenly appeared, and immediately let this void seal, everything silent!

There are some humans who want to leave the seventh level around it, but after seeing this scene, they all walked away. To them, these ancient fighting demons are undoubtedly peerless evil stars, these five gods. The aura is extremely powerful, surpassing the average guardian.

However, standing in place, Meng Fan's gaze stayed on the old man, burying his body in a mound at the entrance, without saying a word.

" are so tired of being crooked!"

Seeing Meng Fan's movements, one of the ancient fighting demons roared and murderous intent emerged.

"Don't you hear the uncle talking to you?"

Burying the old man, Meng Fan raised his head, looked at several ancient true demons, and said calmly.

"What do you want?"

A few words fell, causing several ancient true demons to take a step at the same time, and a **** breath rushed toward Meng Fan.

"Of course it is the repairing medicine in your hand. I am waiting for the guardian of the eighth layer. Your previous behavior is dead. If you don't want the soul to let me torture me first, I advise You just be good!"

The words were cold, but Meng Fan was standing between the place, but he laughed, the corners of his mouth were surprisingly curved, and at the same time he raised his hand and swallowed the pill that the old man had given him before.

This is just an ordinary repairing pill, placed in this heaven and earth ten thousand domains at most is a sixth-order divine object, but it can be said to be extremely precious in this heavenly prison, making everyone jealous.

Especially these ancient fighting demons even sensed the aura of this pill and came out directly, but they found that all this seemed to be not the same as usual. Meng Fan was fundamentally different from other humans, not only did not give them the pill. , On the contrary, swallow it face to face, this is simply letting a few people blow their lungs!


Several ancient fighting demons all roared and shook the eighth floor of the celestial cell, like howlings of ghosts and gods. An infinite **** atmosphere filled the world. The five people moved at the same time and faced Meng Fan. Come.

"Today, you must be torn into pieces and your soul will be torn apart for a hundred years!"

Accompanied by the cold aura, and at the same time five massive punches are coming, containing absolute power, these five ancient true demons have already reached the point where they have reached the Tianyuan realm. Among them, Meng Fan seemed to be covered by five peaks.

But standing still, Meng Fan didn't seem to see it, just muttering to himself.

"I changed my attention. I originally wanted to just get through this jail, but it's different now... I want to kill!"

The last few words fell, Meng Fan raised his head, his eyes were scarlet, white hair was floating, and he stepped out.

Between this breath, his body shape is like a **** line out of the sheath, an endless violent aura spreads all over the world, even more than the entire eighth layer of violent aura. Rich in countless times.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on!

Meng Fan's breath exploded at this moment, and there was no longer any cover, obviously. . . . . . Want to fight, want to kill!

During the journey of his cultivation, there are not many times when he can have this situation. That time, Meng Fan's anger reached its limit, and it erupted like a flood bursting a bank, and he immediately began to blood and kill. !

In one step, Meng Fan's divine action came before one of the ancient true demons, and slammed his fist against it.


In the midair, the fists faced each other, and at the next moment this ancient true demon let out a miserable cry. Under this collision, half of his body was shattered, and blood mist filled the sky this week.

But Meng Fan walked away, grabbing this ancient true demon among the blood in the sky, and tearing it alive when he raised his hand!


Meng Fan swept away in the air with a cold eye, and strode out, before waiting for the other ancient fighting demons to react, he acted directly, and with great means, all these ancient fighting demons were born. Torn between the world, even the slightest force of his movements did not touch Meng Fan, it turned into a pool of flesh and blood!


However, at the next moment, Meng Fan roared up to the sky, standing between the sky and the earth, and his blood exploded, like an ancient **** and demon.

Under the suppression of that monstrous violent atmosphere, it caused the sky to tremble and the space shattered, as if this figure was the real demonic resurrection, with powerful means to suppress everything.

The countless figures around it were shocked, all their eyes looked over, feeling that they had an illusion, were they really a human before this?

The whole prison is full of real demons, fighting for everything. Humans are just struggling mice in their eyes, but now there is a human body that shakes the world. A human body is better than any real demons they have ever seen. They are even more terrifying!

"Seniors, is the soul here? Watch me kill people!"

After spitting out a few words, Meng Fan stepped directly into the entrance of the eighth floor. For the latter, there was only the scene before that in his mind.

The patterns painted by countless humans before they died, the unwilling to stay in this jail, countless of them have close relatives in the ten thousand realms, but unfortunately they are buried in this jail forever, never again No more. . . . . The way home!

Throughout the ages, there were hundreds of millions of people killed in the first eight floors of this jail, and even at this moment, when Meng Fan closed his eyes, he could feel those people's desire to leave here.

Some things can not be done, but some things. . . . . But you can only move forward, blood debt. . . . . It can only be paid for by blood!


In an instant, Meng Fan's divine action stepped into the eighth level of the celestial cell space, without any hesitation, it was directly swept by spiritual power, looking for all true demons in the entire space.

Any true demon in this space is a guardian of humans, and they have killed an unknown number of humans, and under Meng Fan's sweep, all the true demons in the entire eighth layer fell into his eyes.


Just one word fell, and Meng Fan went across the void, a huge palmprint over the entire world, directly slapped to death a group of ancient true demons who were sharing human flesh.

In the entire sky prison, any human beings are hiding from the true demons, but at this moment Meng Fan is not at all. In the opposite way, he is actively looking for all the true demons and killing them directly!

"Boy, you!"

Seeing Meng Fan’s figure approaching, the few true demons left on the eighth floor roared, but before he could say a word, he was blasted by Meng Fan’s punch, and Zhou Tian was torn apart. And all the true demons behind him are as before, turning into nothingness, and their souls burst into pieces.

With no expression on his face, Meng Fan stepped on the soles of his feet and walked directly into the ninth passage.

Many years of cultivation, countless lives and deaths, but in most of Meng Fan's cultivation, he encountered other people's crush. Unless it is too much for cultivation, Meng Fan rarely takes the initiative, let alone in one. The local mass murder precepts, even when facing the Heavenly Cold Sect and the Gate of Eternal Life, Meng Fan beheaded the main ones, letting go of a large number of disciples.

But at this moment, Meng Fan is completely different. He wants to kill people, or wash the sky with the blood of the entire real demon, to avenge all the hundreds of millions of living beings buried here!

Creak, creak!

There was a **** wind that hadn't happened for thousands of years in the prison. That kind of howl spread all over the world, which was shocking, but the sound was not from a human being, but a real demon.

In the stunned eyes of countless figures, they saw a human being directly traversing the void, and the layers of heaven were directly beaten down.

Wherever he went, people turned their backs on their horses, and the punches they made hit the sky and the sky!

Under any level of the prison that it has traveled, all the ancient true demons were completely killed by it, and there was no room for resistance. The latter just passed all the way, covered in blood, white hair dancing, and A slightly young scholar's face, but his thunderous method was to suppress everything and kill tens of thousands of true demons!


Under Meng Fan's method, a voice suddenly erupted from all levels of the prison on this day, and countless people filed out, following Meng Fan, and began to help him fight the true demon.

I have to say that no matter where they are, some people have a unique temperament. Under this temperament, millions of people can follow them and do unimaginable things!

In an hour's time, Meng Fan was born into the sixteenth floor of this jail, followed by rows of figures, all human beings trapped in this jail.

There are many strong people among them, but most of them are seriously injured and sluggish, but at this moment, their eyes are filled with a kind of murderous intent.

This kind of fierceness has been missing for too long, so that they have already forgotten this feeling. They used to be the indomitable vitality monk, but under the thunder means of the scholar figure in the front, they have already destroyed them. This kind of breath is summoned back, making them look like hungry wolves. There is no fear of life and death at all, only a burst of infinite unwillingness!

What's the matter with life and death, can you dare to reverse the vicissitudes of life?

The soles of the feet fell, and at this moment the blood on Meng Fan's body continued to fall. This was the case after he slaughtered how many true demons he had killed. Looking forward, he fell into the entrance of the seventeenth floor.

There was a sense of incomparable danger faintly spreading here, and Meng Fan also had a great pressure, which can make Meng Fan like this today, and the danger in it can be imagined.

However, at the next moment, Meng Fan was extremely calm. He stepped out in one step and crashed into the entrance of the seventeenth floor. At the same time, a few words fell, sonorously, and spread all over the world.

"On this road, it is destined to be infested by blood. It was a human before, but today it is... I want to use the blood of all true demons to forge my way home!"

Second more,

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