Supreme God King

Chapter 1207: Ancient mirror

Refining the seven treasures of the flesh!

Standing in the void, Meng Fan held the small blue bottle in his hand, his eyes were shining, expressing excitement!

This is not a false statement, but has already been recorded in countless ancient books. It has been circulated in ancient times. That kind of liquid contains a unique power of heaven and earth, and any one will be left by the supreme power.

Because these seven liquids are rumored to have the power of tempering the flesh again, even if Meng Fan uses this life-immortal liquid.

So even if it has survived the bodily calamity, its body will have a qualitative leap, unparalleled terror.

It is possible for any strong person to cultivate a physical body to reach a limit, and the end, including Meng Fan, is the case, especially after he has passed the tribulation of the physical body, he has already reached the peak, and it is impossible to make great progress.

But it is possible with the help of a kind of precious liquid, because just as this life and immortality liquid contains a kind of indestructible power, once it is integrated into Meng Fan’s body, then this kind of power will condense in The surface layer of the body.

It seems ordinary, but there is a kind of indestructible armor in the body of the cultivator. It is hidden in the skin and resists everything. It can be called an invisible ancient beast armor, just like the ancestral dragon. , The undead Phoenix exists in general, and the defense is extremely overbearing.

Over the years, Meng Fan has used his body to kill countless, and he is extremely harsh on his physical cultivation. Now obtaining this kind of thing is undoubtedly a kind of new life. His own body is already the ultimate in cultivation. If this kind of thing is added, it will be Let his physical cultivation reach a higher level.

"Good thing, good thing, if it is combined with the practice of cultivating the physical body, it can even increase its power."

Meng Fan laughed and put away the small bottle. The gain from this place alone was already too huge. He had heard what Bai Shui'er said in the Bai family.

If she will inherit the position of the emperor of the Bai family, one of the major resources is that the Bai family will provide a supreme treasure liquid to help the emperor baptize the body, which is one of the seven treasure liquids.

Only one emperor of the great emperor clan can enjoy this kind of treatment. The preciousness of such precious liquid can be imagined!

Putting it away, Meng Fan is also running his mental power, blending into this nothingness, and continuing to search for the gods in this treasure house.

However, even though there were still several divine objects appearing after this, they were far from being able to compare with this immortality, which made Meng Fan a little disappointed.

However, just as Meng Fan searched, the more he moved forward, the more he felt a kind of secret attraction, which came from the depths of this huge array.

Thinking of the words engraved on the stone tablet before, Meng Fan couldn't help falling into silence.

There is no doubt that this kind of attraction is undoubtedly the real core place of the Wuxiang Wushengzang. According to the truth, it should contain the biggest divine object of Wuxiang Wushengzang, which may be the inheritance of the two.

However, although this thing is extremely precious, it must have life to get it. There was a warning on this stone tablet before. Meng Fan was not the one he used to be. He practiced all the way but made him understand that the higher the place. The more you need to be cautious.

After a moment of contemplation, Meng Fan exhaled, concentrated his mental energy, and began to probe forward.

However, he was extremely cautious, all his mental power was like a trickle, and if he touched any threat from this divine formation, it would make Meng Fan immediately escape.

After all, this is the inheritance left by the two gods, and it is impossible to force it!

With the movement of mental power, Meng Fan felt all the way, and after a full stick of incense, finally under the vague attraction, Meng Fan's spiritual power set foot in this most central place.

However, at the next moment the situation suddenly changed, just at the moment of touching, there was a kind of infinite pressure in the emptiness transmitted to Meng Fan, it was just a breath, but it was unparalleled horror, like a hundred thousand mountains. , So that at this moment Meng Fan's breathing was frozen, and the whole person was frozen in place.


Suddenly, Meng Fan was shocked, his gaze saw that the whole space had already changed, and an extremely astonishing scene appeared before his eyes. After seeing it at a glance, his little face was filled with shock.

No wonder the words “incomparable danger” are left at the core of this big formation, because in this square of heaven and earth it is not the power of space, but the entire space is transformed into a mirror image.

In this mirror image, it seems to be a huge sea with two figures on it. Both of them are stalwart like the sky, with a strong breath and awe-inspiring nothingness. As if these two people are standing, there are only these two people between the sky and the earth. An endless arrogance and power enveloped nothingness.

Such two people, even if Meng Fan is well-informed, but in his life, only the existence of five fingers can have such a breath, including the weird dragon in the Bai family, compared with these two people. It's the lack of that kind of sharpness to watch the world.

The two figures are facing each other and are constantly colliding. Every time they are shot, there is an extremely terrifying overflowing world. This moment is just a picture, but the aftermath of the shot in that kind of scene volleys, it is to make Meng Fan have a kind of I almost fainted!

What is sealed in this is.... . Wuxiang Wusheng the afterimage recorded in World War I!

The battle between the two great gods, this is what a battle, I am afraid that it is rare to see the eternity, this makes Meng Fan extremely shocked, but before he can react, there are four auras in this emptiness. Fan shrouded over.

It is different from the phantom in this mirror image, but the four real vitality auras.

As far as his eyes could reach, Meng Fan saw the four figures in an instant, and his spiritual power manifested. Although not the real body, the four figures are all powerful and extreme, giving Meng Fan a feeling of looking up, obviously. He is a strong man who has stepped into the Shinto.

Each of them has different faces, but even the spiritual power is here, but the aura of killing can't be concealed. With the breath of these four people, Meng Fan's expression moved and he clearly understood that this should be it. . . . Four Kings of the Sea of ​​Blood!

"Unexpectedly, another little guy has come!"

A cold voice appeared, one of the men said.

"Yes, I'm young, but my mental strength is good!"

On the side, a woman chuckled lightly, and the green silk was flying, and she was also a master at the quasi-god level.

Under the gaze of the four masters, even if the body is not here, Meng Fan felt that the four gazes were extremely hot, as if he was about to burn himself, and he couldn't help but said,

"Boy Lin Fan, I have seen the Four Kings!"

The tone was calm, neither overbearing nor overbearing, so that the four people looked different. The man who spoke before gave a sneer and said calmly.

"Boy, this is not the place you should come. Since you know who we are, you should know that this place is a taboo for the four of us. If you retreat quickly, you can still save your lives, otherwise..."

Between the last few words, a brutal killing intent had already struck, shrouded in this world.

It is not the first time that Meng Fan has encountered the crushing of a quasi-god-level powerhouse. Under this kind of breath, his brow furrowed, his eyes swept across four people, three men and one woman, and according to this kind of breath. , This person who speaks should be the evil king.

There is no doubt that this kind of taboo is absolutely unwilling to have one more person. The other three have not spoken, but the meaning of driving away in the silence is already extremely obvious.

Looking around, Meng Fan's look changed slightly after his gaze stayed in the mirror image in the void, and then he said softly.

"Everyone, this is the ancient cave, where the capable people live. Although the four are a lot stronger than me, I am afraid that they are just enlightenment in this place. The four seniors are afraid that I will take your chance?"

The voice fell, and the expressions of the four people suddenly moved. Unexpectedly, Meng Fan could still say such words. After a while, without waiting for the evil king to speak, a burly man beside him slowly said.

"Boy Lin Fan, I am not waiting to be afraid of you. What you said is right. The opportunity of this world is indeed for the able, but there is always one who comes first, and I am waiting here first. If you want to **** it, I am afraid it is absolutely impossible!"

The tone was calm, standing between the place, even if it was just the mental power, made a hot atmosphere around him, and could not help but make Meng Fan's pupils shrink. This burly man should be the King of Flame among the four kings!

There is no doubt that the four powerhouses around this sea of ​​blood are already here. If this scene comes out, it will be extremely shocking and will cause a big wave in the entire sea of ​​blood.


Hearing this, Meng Fan laughed and didn't care. The more he was at this moment, the more calm he was. This is also the experience that Meng Fan can survive for many years. It is clear that he is more Backward, the more afraid you are, not only will you get nothing, it will even make the Four Kings disdain and dispose of him at will.

Looking for a ray of life in the face of adversity, his eyes quickly swept around, and Meng Fan kept thinking about it, forming clues in his mind for all the clues that he saw temporarily, and slowly said after a while,

"If I didn't guess wrong, your Excellency is King Yan. What King Yan said is indeed reasonable, but what I want to ask King Yan is... You are afraid of what I grabbed, but you really get it here now. What happened?"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the expressions of the four of them suddenly changed, and there was an unconcealable embarrassment on their faces. Indeed, as Meng Fan said, they have been here for a full day, and they were also embarrassed before. Shocked by the mirror image in front of him, how terrible it is for these two top powerhouses to compete.

Even if they admire them, they are watching quietly, but with their powerful spiritual power, they found that there is no other use at all except the ancient mirror image in front of them. There are only two majors here. The gods are fighting.

Although fierce, it was like chicken ribs, and the four of them didn't have much gain at all.


After a while, the evil king sneered and said every word,

"Why... We really didn't get anything, you can get it when you come here?"

"How can I know if I don't try?"

Meng Fan smiled slightly and said calmly.

With one word, the four of King Yan fell silent. I never thought Meng Fan was so bold. Not only was he extremely calm at this moment, but he also planned to try to understand the mirror image left by these two gods.

After a few breaths, King Yan smiled and said in a condensed voice.

"Okay, little brother, just give it a try, we can't, let's see what you can do!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan nodded, did not speak, but looked at the mirror image in front of him. Although the Four Kings did not have any kindness, his goal has already been to arrive. Now that he has settled in the most important core of the Wuxiang Wuzang, he naturally wants to see, even if there is no gain, he needs to do his best.

His expression remained unchanged, Meng Fan stared at the ancient mirror image in front of him at this moment, without saying a word, the whole person seemed to be silent between the two gods in front of him. A little bit of time passed. After a full half an hour, the four kings on the side shook their heads. Before they were like Meng Fan, they wanted to see the rules in the mirror, but these two gods fought against each other. Too terrifying, although lifelike, but there is no clue left.

The more this kind of consumption is consumed, not only is it extremely consuming of mental energy, but time is also not allowed. According to their previous understanding, each activation of this non-communicable non-life storage will not exceed five days, which is here. After five days, they will all be sent out!

"Huh, kid, you..."

After a while, the evil king sneered, just about to speak, but at the next moment, he found that Meng Fan, who was sitting and watching quietly, moved and stepped out. The whole person was not leaving, but toward this ancient one. The mirror image hits directly away.

When this scene fell, the expressions of the Yan King's four people suddenly changed greatly. You must know that although this is only an ancient mirror image, it still contains the power of the two great gods of the past. Once you enter it under such a collision, it will interfere with it. The only consequence of the power operation is that the body is broken and the smoke disappears, even if it is just a spiritual force stepping into it, it will probably kill its body. The power of the gods is unparalleled.

However, in the eyes of the four at this moment, Meng Fan's movements did not hesitate, and he strode out, looking for death like a moth to a fire, and directly blended into the mirror image.


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