Supreme God King

Chapter 1203: No form and no life

No phase, no life!

These four words alone are enough to stir Meng Fan's heartstrings, because according to the records of the Bai family, his impression of this non-community and non-life is too deep!

The ancient powers, overwhelming the eight wilderness, are not a few of them who have cultivated their physical bodies to the extreme. It is said that there are dragon armors of ancestral dragons, immobile appearances of gods in a group of unicorns, and immortal phoenixes with the line of immortal phoenix...

These are all the powerful physical methods that were once famous in the ancient times and shook the Eight Desolations. They have already left the mortal body and reached the level of gods.

Any clan relied on this method of its own to rampage for an era, creating the supreme reputation, but until the ancient times, two people appeared.

They are just two human beings, but the two of them work together to create a vitality method, cultivate the physical body to the highest point, and break the world.

And with the appearance of the two, they swept all the way, aspired the way of God, and ran rampant throughout the Primordial Era. It is rumored that the two were only one step away from the last way of the king.

It is said that when the two were alive, even if the early generation of Qilin heirs saw them, they turned around and left. Any prehistoric monster, the flesh is like a fierce generation, and fears like a tiger, and these two people are called... There is no form and no life, one is no form and the other is no life.

No phase, no life, no desire and no demand, immortal forever, being in harmony with the sky!

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the treasure house of these two seniors, no wonder it caused the four kings to meet, but it is tricky!"

Meng Fan murmured, a trace of jealousy appeared in his eyes.

If he followed his previous plan, it would be the old method, seize the opportunity to find the weakness of the Yan King, although the latter would definitely wear the Qilin Jade on his body.

But even the quasi-god powerhouse is not invulnerable, especially here is the blood eye city, it is the territory of the Yan King, which must have a lot of fear.

The most important thing is that now there is a powerful and unmatched hole card in Meng Fan's hand, which is the Hessian Array that was condensed from the Bai family before!

If he had been an ant that could be crushed at any time in front of the quasi-god-level powerhouse before, but once the Hessian Ruo Array is deployed, the God Array will open up the sky, which will undoubtedly greatly enhance his defense. force.

The most important thing is the power of the evil spirits contained in the Hessian Ruo formation. If used to attack, it is quite deadly even for the quasi-god. An accident will inevitably give Meng Fan a chance.

That's why Meng Fan dared to come to this chaotic valley and paid attention to this unicorn jade, but now it is not just one Yan King here, but the four kings gathered together in this Blood Eye City at the same time.

Under this situation, all Meng Fan's certainty was turned into nothingness, and he had to re-plan and become more cautious.

"Up to now, you can only take one step!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, strode out, and moved in this blood-eye city, but he was not without purpose, and between his actions, he went straight to the biggest black market in this blood-eye city.

The so-called black market can be said to be everywhere in the world, and it has a strange common point that the more chaotic the place, the more prosperous this kind of black market is. There are many things in it, and many of them are not owned by even the ancient forces. The existence of which is all possible to see.

Of course, this place also has a lot of fakes and dangers. If you don't have a pair of glaring eyes and enough strength, stepping into it is looking for death!

Meng Fan went straight to the Bai's house after coming out of the Zimen before that, without interruption, but before that, he had personally refined the embryos of Ten Thousand Mother and Child Qi Ding, and he was in urgent need of several divine objects.

If there are these few gods, then as long as Meng Fan keeps casting them, in the past few years, Wanmazi Qiding will completely become the eighth-order gods, reaching an unprecedented level.

Therefore, Meng Fan did not hesitate, and went straight to the black market after inquiring.

After a stick of incense, an old square also fell into Meng Fan's eyes. At first glance, the surrounding people were full of voices and it was extremely lively, but the order was not chaotic.

Because there are a large number of guards around here, all of them are a group of strong and powerful men, wearing battle armor, with a word of inflammation on their shoulders, and they should be under the Yan King.

It is said that it is a black market, but in fact, after giving a certain commission to King Yan, you can trade freely. You can see rows of paving shops with all kinds of things on them.

"The ancient divine fetish array map is rumored to be the treasure of the **** king..."

"The treasure of uninherited detection is here!"

Hearing the sound of auctions around him, Meng Fan couldn't help cracking the corners of his mouth and let out a dry laugh.

Even the bustling black market is not immune to vulgarity. There are a large number of people who are slobbering, and everyone who listens to it is bound to call the uninheritance of the gods, gods, etc., and generally don’t want them. High price auction!

Walking in body shape and practicing outside for many years, Meng Fan can now be said to have a bright eye. Naturally, he can't be affected by the surrounding flicker. Naturally, he is looking for what he wants among the many fetish shops.

Within half an hour, Meng Fan's gains were not small, and he had already prepared all the materials he wanted to cast the Ten Thousand Mother and Child Qi Ding.

Of course, the cost is definitely not a small sum, which makes Meng Fan's heart painful, but with such materials, it is also a matter of ambition to achieve a real eighth-level gods, and it does not even require too much effort. , Just warm and nourish it!


At the next moment, Meng Fan's eyes flashed, and he noticed that not far away, there was a quite lively stall, surrounded by a large number of people, all talking about it.

In the center, there is a young man who has already stepped into the third stage of the Xuanyuan realm. He holds a peculiar stone in his hand, exuding a faint luster. There is nothing special in itself, but just After seeing it at a glance, a peculiar aura can be found.

This kind of breath, including Meng Fan, attracted a while, and the running mental power carefully probed it away and blended into this stone.

However, after a few breaths, Meng Fan didn't gain much. He just felt that this stone had an extraordinary origin, among which... There must be something!

People with discerning eyes like Meng Fan are definitely not in the minority, standing quietly among the crowd, watching with cold eyes.

Obviously there are a lot of fakes in this black market, but there are also many rare and exotic treasures in it. As for who can get it, it depends on whose ability!

"You bought it too expensive!"

After a while, someone coldly snorted, obviously the offer for the youth was extraordinary.

The young man shook his head and said calmly,

"The thing is here. If you look good, you can watch it. If you don’t look good, forget it. To tell you the truth, I can't keep this thing, so I chose to openly auction it, otherwise it will be a broken stone in my hands. Who doesn't want to get this thing? Although I dare not say that this thing is the key to open it, but as long as there is a clue, the price of two seventh-order gods is not... It is expensive!"

The voice fell, the surrounding booing, countless people's faces were different, and they all heard about the birth of this intangible non-life, but who was not moved?

"Why are you so sure?"

"Yes, the four kings of that thing are not completely sure, just rely on you to dare to say that there is a clue?"

Hearing the sarcasm among the crowd, the young man sneered and said calmly,

"Why? Relying on the fact that this thing is from the place where the Wuxiang Wusheng hides, although I got it by accident, but I never want to go again, there is still the breath of the two former strongest people, which is extremely shocking , Let me die in my life, and when I am born, the weather will definitely exceed the past hundreds of times. Where is my strength? The treasure is here. Who do you think can step into it is to pay for the gods, don’t be long-winded 1

After a few words, the people in the field could not help but shake again and talk a lot.

However, when someone with bad intentions wanted to detect the breath of youth after a while, they found that the latter was prepared for a while, and he didn’t know what treasure he had. Don’t even want to leave the mental power of Meng Fan in the youth. The next trace is that once the latter stepped into the crowd, don't want to find him again.

Obviously, this young man dared to openly auction this kind of strange stone, he naturally came prepared, unless someone who stepped into the gods forcibly shot, otherwise even if the people in the field gathered together to keep the youth's grasp It's not very big, because the latter has quite a set of methods to hide the breath.

No phase, no life, hidden!

Meng Fan's pupils shrank. He was not too interested in this ancient secret, but he knew that once the secret was opened, the four kings would definitely come, including King Yan.

In this way, it was a big opportunity for him to obtain Kylin Jade, and he couldn't help but be distracted.

After a while, there were people in the field who couldn't help but want to try to bargain. Obviously, many of them were tempted. But after all, the two major seventh-order gods are quite a lot of effort. Although there are many people who can take it out, if it is this If a stone has no effect, then it is a big loss!

However, at the next moment, a cold voice resounded around,

"Take the two seventh-order divine objects, and give them to me!"

With an indifferent tone, a black-robed figure stood up and delivered two seventh-order heavenly materials to the youth, both exuding a strange light.

The young man smiled, nodded with satisfaction, and delivered the strange stone in his hand to this figure.

When this scene fell, Meng Fan, who was standing in place, did not speak, but at this moment, his eyes in his black robe were staring at the figure, without saying a word, but with cold light.

She turned out to be... Here!

Exploring everything with Meng Fan’s spiritual power, although this black-robed person hides it very well, even if it is normal, even he cannot detect a trace, but Meng Fan knows that they have seen each other before. And just before long, the latter is... . In the restricted area, Ling smiled!

Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year. I hope you will have a good meal and fun. Happy New Year! The grassroots are here to bow and thank you for your continued support!


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