Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 819: Seven Profound Magic Sky Formation

Mu Yun clearly remembered that the ancient dragon site was divided into two boundaries.

At the beginning, he also accidentally entered the world below and found Zhu Yunqi and others, but later, in between, he returned to the previous interface again.

The upper and lower interfaces.

The upper interface is the real ancient dragon site, while the lower interface is opened up by the Hanging Mountain to conceal people's eyes and ears, in order to imprison the warriors who have been devastated by the Blood Spoon Project.

Two places, different interfaces!

No, no, no, no!

Mu Yun suddenly felt that he seemed to be wrong.

The upper interface, the lower interface, there is nothing wrong here.

The upper interface is the real ancient dragon site, and the lower interface is opened up by the hanging mountain...


Suddenly a gleam of light appeared in Mu Yun's eyes.

He suddenly understood.

For a long time, I had been thinking wrongly, and below this was the space superimposed by the hanging mountain.

But in fact, it is not!

Why can't this interface be part of the ancient dragon site!

Mu Yun's heart moved.

If the ancient dragon site itself is a circular mysterious space, and in this space, there is an entrance and exit both above and below.

The upper part is the entrance and exit controlled by Xuankong Mountain, and the lower part is the entrance and exit that they come in.

If I think about it this way, everything is not what I imagined.

Mu Yun flew up directly, crossing the boundary above his head.

At this moment, with his realm, it is not a problem to penetrate the barrier that was once difficult to cross.

With a snort, Mu Yun's figure appeared on the upper interface.

"Mu Yun!"

"Mu Yun!"

It was just that when Mu Yun appeared, everyone in the upper interface was suddenly surprised.

When did this guy come in?

"Mu Yun, how did you get into this ancient dragon site?" Yu Huiren suddenly shouted when he saw Mu Yun.

It's just that Mu Yun ignored it.

Looking up at the top, Mu Yun's heart gradually became clear.

Xue Ruqing and others followed behind him, not knowing what Mu Yun was doing.

"I understand!"

Suddenly, Mu Yun waved his palm and laughed loudly: "Tongtian leader, he is indeed a talent of heaven and earth, he deserves to be the first person tens of thousands of years ago, and his reputation with Kuhai Tianzun almost deceived me too!"

Hearing Mu Yun's words, everyone around him suddenly changed their expressions.

In Mu Yun's words, the first half of the sentence sounded like he was complimenting the Lord Tongtian, but the last sentence sounded like he was complimenting himself...

"what are you saying?"

Seeing Mu Yun, Wuji Aotian couldn't help but frown.

"Hmph, do you think Yun Lang put you in because he kindly asked you to find the entrance to the Tongtian Secret Store?"

Mu Yun sneered and said, "Look for it like you do. Even if you die here in this life, you won't be able to find the entrance."



Yu Huiren and others looked at Mu Yun with mockery in their eyes.

Kuhai Tianzun is the supreme strong man who was famous before Yun Venerable, and the leader of Tongtian, even in front of Kuhai Tianzun, created the Tongtian Sect, and with one person's power, he shocked the entire little thousand world.

It's just that the times are long, and most people who know the deeds of this person have ascended to the immortal realm or have fallen into silence, so the reputation of Kuhai Tianzun is more resounding.

At this moment, Mu Yun's bold words were simply lawless.

"Arrogant?" Mu Yun said with a smile: "If you keep looking for it like this, when will you be able to find it?"


Hearing Mu Yun's words, several bigwigs suddenly became speechless.

They have been in for a while, and so many people have almost turned the upper and lower circles of the ancient dragon site upside down, and indeed they haven't found any special places.

But if Mu Yun finds any secret at this moment, it is also unacceptable to them.

Doesn't it mean that they are inferior to Mu Yun?

"Look, everyone!" Mu Yun snorted: "Do you think that I took your spirit crystals, I lied to you, and others don't pay for it, and let you in is a good person? Stupid? !"

Scolding several people heartily, Mu Yun stood on the spot, stomping the soles of his feet.


In an instant, light yellow rays of light appeared on the originally flat ground.

Those pale yellow rays of light emerged from the ground. Upon closer inspection, they were strange characters, which seemed to exist for a long time, and even carried wisps of awe-inspiring aura on the surface.

I saw a series of characters forming a series of yellow lights, the light spread, and the time, waiting for the ancient dragon ruins, everyone only felt that there were roars.

In fact, even Muyun didn't expect this at the beginning.

The treasure of the Lord Tongtian is not in the ancient dragon ruins at all.

To be precise, the ancient dragon site is only the entrance of the master Tongtian, not the entrance of the master Tongtian in the ancient dragon site.

This kind of creativity is simply amazing.

The earth gradually trembled, and everyone was stunned looking at the earth under their feet.

The people on the upper interface stood in place, all stunned.

And the many warriors on the lower interface looked up at the dim sky, and there was a lot of yellow light, but they didn't know why.

"This is the core of the formation!"

Seeing where Mu Yun was standing, Wuji Aotian suddenly spoke.


At the same time, at the entrance of the ancient dragon ruins in the upper interface, Yun Lang dressed in white, dressed as snow, and watched everything indifferently.

"God, this guy..."

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Mu Yun's actions, Yun Lang smiled bitterly: "I knew that he would find out, and he would definitely be able to find it... Master, compared to you, I am always a step behind!"

It's just Mu Yun at this moment that doesn't care about this.

Stepping on the ground, those weird characters exude vast fluctuations at this moment.

Even after tens of thousands of years, it is still the same as the original setting.

"Seven Profound Sky Formation!"

Seeing the yellow light spreading under his feet, Mu Yun was also a little surprised.

This kind of formation is no longer something that Xiao Qian World can set up.

The leader of Tongtian, intending to reach the sky, now it seems that the strength of this person is indeed legendary!

"I can't do it alone if you want to open the big formation. If you want to enter the secret store, don't stand there watching the excitement!"

Mu Yun looked at the great sages, and shouted: "Follow what I said, otherwise, no one can enter, you can figure it out by yourself!"

"How to do it?"

Di Wen and Dou Yunfeng stepped forward and asked.

"These seven mysterious heaven formations are divided into seven main channels. When each main channel is opened, it will explode with a strong backlash. It is necessary to completely suppress that backlash before the large formation can be opened!"

"Well, what do you say, how do we do it!"

At this moment, Wuji Aotian didn't hesitate anymore, and stepped forward directly.

There are no permanent enemies, only permanent benefits!

Yun Lang Guangguang was grandly inviting them to come in, it seemed that it was not intentional for them to find the secret.

It was because Yun Lang determined that they could not find the secret.

But now that there is such a variable as Mu Yun, I am afraid that Yun Lang himself did not expect that Mu Yun will appear at this moment. Not only did he appear, but he also saw through the specialness of this ancient dragon site.

Wuji Aotian spoke, and the other great sages naturally echoed Mu Yun.

"Okay, I need seven Venerables, standing on top of the seven main veins of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, and completely suppressing the seven main veins. The three Venerables will follow me, and at this moment, reverse the heaven and the earth!"

Reverse the world?

Hearing Mu Yun's words, everyone did not understand.

Yu Huiren hummed: "Muyun, you better not play around with us, otherwise..."

"If you don't want to, you don't have to participate, I didn't force you!"

Looking at Yu Huiren, Mu Yun shouted: "Without you Yuhuiren, I can still open this big formation!"


"Say a few words!"

Wuji Aotian was also a little angry at this moment.

The Kutian Temple opened, he hadn't entered the small world of Canghuang, and now he had spent too much energy and time in order to enter the Tongtian Secret Store.

The Four Sources fief is the closest to his Wuji Small World. Once Huoyao escapes, the first thing that suffers is his Wuji Small World.

Seeing Yu Huiren still arguing here at the moment, he was naturally unhappy.

"Yu Huiren, do you still think of yourself as the second sage who dominates the small world?" Mu Yun hummed: "If you look down on me, you may not be with me. I don't need you to act, but the secret is hidden. Open, you Yu Huiren enters with the warriors of the magic jade small world, be careful of other small world warriors, and pierce your backbone!"

"Let me tell you, if you feel that Mu Yun is arrogant, you can, at the end of this trip, my blood alliance welcomes each other, you Yu Huiren can personally lead you all the power of the magic jade world, and try my current blood alliance What a patience!"

Mu Yun's words can be described as full of confidence.

He found out that among the top ten nobles, Fang Tongkong and Lun Dongcang, and the others, also regarded their blood alliances as persimmons that could be kneaded at will.

If you don't give them a word of cruelty, they don't understand, the blood alliance is terrible now!

Not to mention the powerful strength of Mu Qingyu and Sky Devouring Tiger can be compared to the two great venerables, just because of his blood alliance, it is not that anyone can trample on it now.

Mu Yun was just to emphasize his position.

He is the leader of the blood alliance, and the blood alliance has the qualifications to be on an equal footing with all small worlds!

With these words, Mu Yun only felt hearty, and the blood confederates behind him were even more refreshing.

It's really cool to be able to scold a venerable person to his face like this!

Upon hearing this, Yu Huiren's face turned green and white.

It was only at this time that Fang Tongkong, Du Wanshan and others also arrived, and the atmosphere eased a little.

After Wuji Aotian and a few people probably said Mu Yun's intentions, everyone looked at Mu Yun with weird expressions.

"Okay, we will help you!"

Fang Tongkong finally spoke.

"Wrong, not for me, but for yourselves!"

A gleam of light flashed in Mu Yun's eyes, and he smiled slightly.

"You'd better be able to open it!" Yu Huiren finally suffocated such a sentence in a dull manner.

"I can't open it, what can you do to me?"

But Mu Yun simply ignored Yu Huiren's intimidation.

"I will kill you!"

"All right!"

As soon as Yu Huiren’s words fell, Wuji Aotian’s mighty momentum rose, and angrily roared: "This time everyone is here to find the Thongtian Secret. I only hope that you can join hands before you find the Secret. Come, otherwise everyone will be drunk with bamboo baskets, and now they are listening to Muyun. If anyone says more than a word, don't blame me for being so proud and ruthless!"

Wuji Aotian's words fell, and the whole room was silent!

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