Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 813: Ten Billion War Thunder

"Everyone, I think I don't have much to say with this ignorant boy, let's break the blood alliance directly!"

Zi Cangming shouted: "He really thinks that our dozens of small worlds are united and cannot break the blood alliance, and he really takes us to scare him!"

"it is good!"

"Break the blood alliance, and see what kind of confidence this kid has."

"Yes, let him know that we are great."

The crowd screamed, and their fighting spirit was high.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I really don't cry if I don't see the coffin!"

Looking at everyone, Mu Yun flew up and looked at the center of the blood alliance.

"Qi Ming, Zhan Lei, take care of these uncles!" Mu Yun shouted.

Hearing this, Qi Ming stepped all the way to Fenglongzhu, looked at Mu Yun, and shouted: "Master, how many spirit crystals?"

"Ten billion!"

Mu Yun shouted directly without saying a word.


Qi Ming nodded, just about to prepare, suddenly stunned, looked at Mu Yun and said, " much... are you here?"

"Ten billion best spirit crystals!"

Mu Yun shouted again: "They underestimate the blood alliance, then we will let them see what is the real blood alliance!"

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Qi Ming only felt blood boiled.

Ten billion superb spirit crystals, should this extinction war thunder be able to withstand it?

I just don't know how terrifying the explosion of 10 billion superb spirit crystals is, Qi Ming also trembled, faintly looking forward to it.

"Let you go back and forth, you don't listen, in that case, there is no way!"

Mu Yun turned around and looked at the crowd and shouted: "If you press other small worlds, you may still have your dog's life. Now, your life will be buried deep in the waters of Lost Soul Island!"

"Don't be ashamed!"

"Arrogant gangster."

"Do you really think we can't do anything about you?"

"Destroy your blood alliance, five big worlds can't do it, we have dozens of small worlds together, it may not be impossible, if you don't say it, just die!"

"Yes, but it involves the blood alliance and your funeral, you are looking for death."

The big bosses of all small worlds yelled at Mu Yun righteously, as if Mu Yun had committed a heinous crime by not handing over the map to them.


It's just that, in the face of these people's aggressive momentum, only Mu Yun's simple word-Fang!


Qi Ming snorted coldly, and stepped directly forward, the tyrannical power fluctuations flickering from his body.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, everyone on the surface of the sea only saw the center of the blood alliance, and when the thunder light suddenly appeared, thunder beads rushed directly towards them.

Suddenly, a violent roar sounded between the whole world and the earth at this moment.

Nine Thunder Balls, directly exploded.

Condensing the power of 10 billion superb spirit crystals, the ultimate diffusion of the true essence after being completely compressed, completely exploded at this moment.

All this caught everyone off guard.


"Help, help me!"

"What is this? What the **** is this?"

Suddenly, in front of the blood alliance, the entire sea was completely lifted, and the sea surface was even directly bombed into the sky at this moment.

Even the seabed is spread because the seawater is directly squeezed by strong pressure.

At this moment, the entire coalition forces were fortunate enough to make a cry for help, but all of them were directly hit by the thunderball and broke apart in an instant.

Not only that, the thunderballs are connected at this moment, and one explosion is powerful enough to kill the warriors of the seven levels of life and death, and when the nine are connected, the power is doubled.

Seeing this scene, the members of the entire blood alliance suddenly felt enthusiastic.


It's simply outrageous!

Xu Zhengqi and others trembled even more.

As the treasure of the Jin family inheritance, this nirvana war thunder is powerful, but many people have indeed seen it, and it is not so powerful at all.

Such annihilation war thunder is simply more than a hundred times stronger than the original Jin family.

Mu Yun's refining talent is really nothing to say to Xu Zhengqi's admiration.

But whoever can have this method if you change to another person?

Xu Zhengqi completely admires Mu Yun today!

At the same time, the few big guys in each small world began to resist the moment they saw that Thunder Ball.

Just nine thunder beads, where can they resist?

Watching the nine thunderballs, rushing directly to the warships, the rumbling sound even buried their hearts.

These are all the elites of the small world they brought, and died here, it is simply killing them.

Only at this moment, Lei Zhu didn't recognize people.

The explosion spread, the sound of crackling sounded, and the thunderballs directly lifted the sea. At this moment, some of the hundreds of warships rose to the sky with the sea, and some of them did not follow the rising speed of the sea at all. Fall directly to the bottom of the sea.

The sound of booming booming sounded, the sea water was drained away, and the surrounding seawater had not yet flowed in under the power of the thunderball bombardment. The ships turned into stones one by one and fell onto the seabed reef or silt.

Some warriors are still in a state of confusion, the sea water directly poured in, and the sea water falling from the sky, directly hit the bottom of the sea, and they will never be able to come out forever!


Seeing this scene, Qi Ming couldn't help clenching his fists.

"What are you so cool about? You didn't blow it up!" Mo Yang appeared suddenly and said with a smile.

"What do you know!" Qi Ming said with a haha ​​smile: "This feeling is really cool. Ten billion superb spirit crystals were squandered by me in one go. Ten billion, superb spirit crystals, one superb spirit crystal is just The conversion of 10,000 high-grade spirit crystals is one trillion high-grade spirit crystals. How many spirit stones can be converted?"

Qi Ming became more and more excited when he spoke, and said, "In North Cloud City, let alone a spirit crystal, it was a low-grade spirit stone. I have one in my hand, and I can feel that I am a local tyrant!"

"Local tyrant? I think you are a local turtle!"

Mo Yang curled his mouth, looked at the mess outside, and said with a smile: "However, it is really refreshing in my heart to see the appearance of these low-looking guys!"

At the same time, Zhou Zijian of Tianjian Mountain, Xing Wuji of the Seven Star Gate, the elders of the Tianzi generation of the Tiandan Sect, and some craftsmen of the Qixing Gate, all felt great pride in their hearts.

Last time, the combined attack of the five big and small worlds allowed them to see the reality clearly.

The so-called first-class forces they used to be proud of are simply vulnerable in the eyes of other small worlds.

And it was at this time that Mu Yun appeared!

If it hadn't been for the earlier demons attacked them and had no choice but to join the blood alliance, now, I am afraid they would have become the slaves of the great warriors who entered the small world of blue and yellow!

While everyone felt relieved in their hearts, they were also more determined.

Only by staying in the blood alliance can you survive, and be able to grow stronger step by step, to the mighty top of the world of Xiaoqian!

"Everyone from the blood alliance obey the order!"

Mu Yun stood on the city wall and snorted: "These ignorant idiots are trying to destroy my blood alliance, then let them see how strong my blood alliance is!"


In fact, everyone has long been waiting for Mu Yun's order!

After this order, everyone rushed out impatiently.

At the beginning, the five big and small worlds came to attack, and their strength was too low to help at all, but now, although there are many small world warriors, there are only a few small world masters who are truly tyrannical.

But the strongest is not as strong as the seven-level martial artist of the life and death realm at the peak of the five-size world.

In the last battle, they were not qualified to participate, and joining was nothing but death.

But this time, they beat down the dog, it was a good time to strengthen themselves.

For a time, more than 10,000 members of the blood alliance broke out at this moment.

The overwhelming shouts sounded, and those who were still undecided about life and death rushed to fight at this moment.

But those subordinates were in the sea, some died, some were badly injured, and ten were not saved. Some people were beaten directly when they got out of the water, and some people didn’t even see the blue sky. He was directly bombed to death.

"Mu Yun, Mu Yun, I will kill you!"

Seeing the allied forces of warriors of all sizes in the world being ravaged by the blood allies at this moment, Zi Cangming, Lei Kong and others were completely in anger at this moment.

"Kill me? Are you worthy?"

Mu Yun snorted, raised his sword, and walked out!

Fairy Sword—Mie Zun Sword!

"You don't have to intervene, I will deal with these five people!"

Mu Yun's words fell, and he rushed directly to the five tyrants and Zi Cangming.

"You are a kid of six levels of life and death, vainly trying to deal with the five of us? You are not ashamed!"

"It sounds like a big talk, but I can deal with Zhu Yan, let alone your five old things!"

When Qing Pang, Xuantian, and Zhu Yan were besieged that day, Mu Yun was indeed relying on the essence of blood and blood, and then unexpectedly took out the Miserable Sword and beheaded Zhu Yan.

If Zhu Yan knew that he was carrying an immortal weapon, she would definitely not be beheaded by Mu Yun so carelessly.

But today, although only a short period of time has passed, Mu Yun's strength can be said to have been improved again.

On that day, he directly entered the sixth stage of life and death, and he did not have time to think about the life and death of the sixth stage.

These people calmed down, and Mu Yun completely controlled the mystery of the six powers of life and death.

As for the fairy weapon of Mie Zun Sword, he also gradually merged into his heart, and could be firmly integrated with his body.

This kind of improvement is something that no one else can think of, and it can't be seen by others.

"One sword and three immortals!"

Relying on the powerful immortal power of Mie Zun Sword, Mu Yun slashed out with a single sword, and between heaven and earth, it seemed as if a virtual sword fell directly, opening the mountains and rivers and shattering the stars.


This sword directly killed the tyrant.

As a tyrant in the small world of tyrants, the tyrant's cultivation is undoubtedly in the seventh stage of life and death. Although he is not a first-class master, he is also a second-rate top-notch existence.

But with this sword, Mu Yun is carrying his powerful pinnacle sword heart, extinguishing the sword heart, the sword emerges from nothingness, and then cooperates with the power of the Jiuyuan Gathering Force to demonstrate the nine-day immortal sword technique. Break the sky.

The tyrant's arms crossed directly, and an illusory black shadow of a violent bear appeared in front of the whole person, roaring, and directly met the sword light with his arms.

With a sonorous sound, Jian Mang slashed directly on the figure of the violent bear who was a hundred feet tall.

But the sword light fell, but it was directly blocked by the violent bear's arms.

Seeing this scene, the tyrant chuckled and said, "Boy, you and I are still too tender and arrogant. This word was created specifically for you!"

"Arrogant? Who is so arrogant? The realm is used to measure my strength, you tyrant, really stupid enough!"

Mu Yun let out a low cry, stepped out, his sword heart was empty, covering the world.

At this moment, the world changed color.

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