Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4391: Hercules Fingering


At this time, Mu Yun exhaled on the ninth and ninety-ninth floor.

It's really not easy to get to this level.

In the past few days, he almost reached the limit every time.

It's just that the strength of Wan'ere's body is also vividly manifested.

If it hadn't been for Wan'ere body to follow him to the first layer of the Fengtian realm, it could condense a fourth thunder pattern, making his endurance stronger, and he would have fallen.

At this time, Mu Yun was standing on the ninth and ninety-ninth floor with a calm expression.

In his body, the muscles seemed to be trembling, making Mu Yun not as calm as on the surface.

At this moment, a ray of light rushed into Mu Yun's mind again, scattered in the sea of ​​soul.

"Hercules Fingering!"

Mu Yun condensed slightly at this time.

Hercules fingering?

This name... is too ugly.

At this moment, Mu Yun only felt that in the soul sea, a burly figure stood proudly, his palm gently protruding, and then his fingers were slightly slightly at this moment.

The fingertips seemed to condense an incomparably surging aura, and a finger suddenly condensed at this moment, just like a real finger, and it was directly covered at this moment.


In an instant, Mu Yun only felt that his soul sea seemed to burst at this moment.

That terrifying aura made Mu Yun's body tremble slightly.

In the next moment, everything resumed as before, but Mu Yun's heart was full of lingering fears.

This **** technique has only one move, but it is the most overbearing one!

Mu Yun was stunned, gently stuck out his palm, and pointed out.

Hercules fingering!

With the power of boundary power and the power of dominating the Tao, gather one finger and gather the power of the whole body in one finger.

At this moment, Zhifeng seemed to be under the pressure of destroying the heavens and the earth, and Mu Yun even felt that his fingers were about to burst. The pain made Mu Yun unable to bear.

He had to release this finger at this moment.

Suddenly, a thousand-zhang fingers burst out in the air, rushing straight into the sky, and bursting open.

He is far from being able to do the same as Shan Mao, condensing this technique into a real finger.

That is when the power is squeezed to the extreme, and when it is transmitted, the explosive power is also to the extreme.

This made Mu Yun's expression horrified.

Very strong and domineering fingering!

If he can condense this technique to the extreme, turn it into a real finger size, and burst out, then the power will be extremely terrifying.

The Ninth Stage Mountain Sealing Heaven Secret Art requires endless amplification of power, and it will be infinitely powerful if it is amplified to the extreme.

The Hercules **** technique, however, requires the ultimate compression of power.

Compressed to the extreme, it is also an endless and complete explosion.

Between the two, the opposite is true.

But no matter what, it is the most real explosion of power.

Martial arts are powerful in one way, nothing more than that, the control of power and the improvement of oneself.

The combination of the two is the real powerhouse.

At this moment, Mu Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and took the last step directly.

His figure appeared on the Tianshan Platform.

The highest place of the stone palace around here, a platform, hundreds of meters square, empty.

Mu Yun looked around, there was nothing.

However, when he stood here, he felt that the world seemed to have changed at this time.

There seems to be an endless breadth, endless squally winds and waves rushing towards the face.

In the next moment, Mu Yun only felt that he was on the top of a high mountain. Looking at it, it was not the land of thousands of miles, but the endless time and space, the chaotic space, and the world, without knowing how many.

At this moment, a figure stood in front of him.

His body is as strong as a cow, burly, wearing a tight shirt, highlighting the horror of muscles, the whole person is like a hill, it seems that if you move, you can crush yourself.

Mu Yun looked at that figure, and that figure also looked at Mu Yun.

The two faced each other and looked at each other.

"Who are you?"

The man looked like he was in his early twenties, a little younger than Mu Yun looked, and he felt like a stupid young man.

"who are you?"

Mu Yun asked directly: "Where is this place?"


The young man smiled and said, "This is my martial arts field."

"Your field?"

The young man laughed and said, "I am Shan Mao, the eleventh disciple of Emperor Cang. You got my own Hercules **** technique, but you don't know who I am?"

Mu Yun looked at the young man and did not speak.

"Hercules **** technique emphasizes the ultimate compression of strength. If you can compress to the extreme, you can kill a confined world with one finger, and whichever is not pleasing to the eye, you will kill it!"

The young man laughed and said, "My master once praised that my world art is powerful and unlimited. It depends on the limit of the physical body!"

Mu Yun trembled and smiled.

All martial arts, at the beginning of their creation, were flawed and had potential, and the different applications of boundary power made the martial arts ranks high and low.

Martial arts without limits?

Mu Yun hadn't seen it.

"You do not believe?"


The young man hummed, "If I'm still alive, I will definitely let you know."

"You are dead too!" Mu Yun sighed.

"What makes me dead too?"

Mu Yun immediately said: "Oh, before that, I saw Li Hun. He told me that there are eleven brothers and sisters of your brothers and sisters. He said that he was dead. I was still thinking about how many followers of the Cang Emperor. None of them died, I didn't expect you all to die..."

Mentioning this, Shan Mao's expression was somewhat dim, and he said, "I am drunk with all my heart, and the mighty power to protect the master's safety, I deserve it if I die!"

"Senior Brother Lihun... you deserve it if you die."


Shan Mao immediately said: "Boy, the Mountain Fengtian Secret Art is a nine-rank realm art specially created by the Master for me. If you practice properly, you will reach the Great Perfection, condense the Baizhang Boundary Peak and kill the five layers of the Fengtian Realm It’s not a problem, so study hard."

"As for the Hercules **** technique, this technique has unlimited potential, and you cherish it!"

"Okay, get out!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun was taken aback, and then said: "Is this over?"

"What else do you want?"

Shan Mao looked at Mu Yun and curiously said: "You have withstood my test, and you look slick, but you have a few brushes. Given these two techniques to you, it's not ashamed of my reputation."

But Mu Yun smiled and said, "You don't have any good treasures in the secret realm of Tianshan Palace? For example, nine-grade realm implements, realm pills or something?"

"I'm not good at refining alchemy, how can I have it?"

"Lihun is the great alchemist. Didn't you profit from him?"

Mu Yun shook his head.

"That's you stupid." Shan Mao said unceremoniously: "Improving master...I am the Ninth Senior Brother. If you can find the Yuanshen Palace, you may be able to dig out a lot of Nine-Rank Realm Tools. "

"Brother Nine?"

"Senior Brother Qin Yuanzi!" Shan Mao immediately said, "I don't like to use realm weapons, so I don't have one. You can go to Yuanshen Palace, but the chaos that year made the entire Cang Emperor Palace a mess, thirteen. The palace is messed up everywhere, there may not be any..."

Speaking of this, Shan Mao's expression was a bit gloomy.

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