Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4387: Step into the sealed world

"What happened?"

"I do not know……"

"The blood color has faded... Is it because the blood color giant that we repelled, the sea water is blood red, and now the blood color giant has been hit hard and the blood color has faded..."


Everyone was talking about it at this time.

The sudden change made everyone scared.

Only now, everyone has worked together to force the blood-colored giant to retreat, and the **** water has turned into a blue ocean. It seems that everything has become normal, but the fear in everyone's hearts is diminishing.

Ever since, a group of people waited, heading towards the deep sea...

After traveling for about a hundred miles, there was only a dim blue light ahead, and after everyone had passed through this place, they discovered that at the end of the ocean, a curtain of sky fell in the sky.

At this moment, the sky curtain seemed to be connected to the sky and the sea, and even more like a waterfall, flying straight down, but no sound was heard.

At this moment, the Sifang warriors all stopped.

"what is this?"

"I do not know……"

"I haven't seen it..."

Many people whispered.

But at this time, Wu Yangkun walked out, looked at the waterfall-like sky, and muttered: "It seems to be caused distortion..."

Wu Yangkun meditated: "I once entered a dense land before, but in the dense land, I found a sky curtain similar to this. After crossing it, time and space reversed, and it was another world. I don't know if this is..."

Du Sheng, the leader of the Three Heavens Alliance, also said at this time: "I've seen something similar here... Could it be that we have stepped on this place, which is another piece of heaven and earth, so we are not in the Palace of Li Soul?"

"Is it possible to enter the Cang Emperor Palace?"

"Lihun Palace is one of the thirteen palaces of Cang Emperor Palace. It can't be said that this place is the way to Cang Emperor Palace!"


Everyone talked again.

Feng Wuji walked out at this time and said directly: "We are talking about here, it doesn't make much sense, just go in and check it."

Everyone nodded at this moment.

One after another, after entering the sky, they realized that they seemed to be in a lonely world.

The surrounding sky and the earth are dark blue, with traces like water waves, rippling to and fro.

The warriors of all parties are all cautiously heading towards the unknown time and space ahead...

No one knows what it is.

But obviously, this needs to be explored.


Between heaven and earth, a roar sounded.

The breath of horror erupted at this moment.

Under the earth and in the sea, a column of water of ten thousand feet rises into the sky, straight to the sky and the earth.

The terrifying aura burst out instantly.

The water waves are rough and soaring, almost reaching the ground level.

At this moment, in the water wave, a figure slowly walked out at this moment.

One step out, the world trembled.

Walking out again, hurricanes seem to condense on his side.

Taking the third step, it seemed that there was the sound of a dragon's roar, which sounded at this moment.

The rumbling sound continued to spread.

The young man in the blue shirt looked like the master of this world, looking down upon Huanyu.

Both fists were slightly squeezed, and the power of thunder surged, seeming to be filled with endless thunder.

And inside his body, like a mountain like a sea, the profound and long breath quietly permeated.

At this moment, between heaven and earth, there seems to be the power of domineering released.

"Fengtian realm, one heavy!"

At this moment, Mu Yun's expression was calm, but his heart was far less calm than on the surface.

Fengtian realm, one heavy!

He can be regarded as standing at the top level of strength in the world of Canglan.

"Wangele body, two lightning lines have been added..."

While Mu Yun said to himself, Wan'erei's thunder pattern condensed, and four thunder patterns covered the surface of his body, violent and calm.

This Wan'erley body was the place where it had the biggest increase this time. It directly jumped two thunder marks. One can imagine how explosive it is.

Mu Yun even felt that with a punch now, even if there was no Lei Jue eruption, he could directly kill a Sealed Heaven Realm One Heavy.

Mu Yun slowly said: "The Ten Thousand Lightning Technique can no longer satisfy my strength. I need a more powerful Realm Technique. At the moment, I have to become familiar with the Four Spirit Demon Sword Technique as soon as possible. State is not a problem either."

After reaching the Fengtian realm, the two dominating avenues broke through the five-kilometer limit, and the two eight-rank realm of Wan Lei Zhen Jue and Tian Yan Yu Lei Jian Jue were no longer enough for Mu Yun to display his top strength.

And now he has only one Four Spirit Demon Sword Art, but he is not yet familiar with it.

There is also the Yellow Emperor Jing.

It's just that the Five Forms of the Yellow Emperor's Sutra is indeed domineering and tyrannical, but it consumes too much. If all the five forms are used, Mu Yun feels that the boundary strength in his body is almost exhausted.

Wu Jue!

Nine Pinjie Jue.

This is what Mu Yun needs most now.

At this moment, the wave phenomenon slowly disappeared.

Mu Yun's mood gradually returned to calm.

It's just reaching the first layer of the Fengtian realm, there is no need to make a fuss.

Moreover, he has been in seclusion for two thousand years in the Seventh Heaven Realm. Several ladies, Xie Qing, these are all upgrading, he is not so proud now.

When the time comes to compare with them, I am at a disadvantage again.

He needs to hurry up to keep up.

After a while, half a year passed, and now there are only three of the five blood flames consumed by Mu Yun.

In order to be promoted, the two blood flames were swallowed directly by Mu Yun, burning Domination Dao and promoting Domination Dao.

With these three blood flames, Mu Yun could no longer consume and improve himself.

But it's not that it's useless.

He can completely rely on these three **** fireballs, and at the critical moment, he can kill others.

Making up his mind, Mu Yun stepped on his feet, walked on the surface of the sea, and headed toward the depths.

Half a year passed in a flash.

I don't know if the warriors of all forces are still here.

I don't even know whether the outside world already knows the news of the birth of Cang Emperor Palace's departure from the Soul Palace.

Mu Yun walked out step by step and came to the end of the deep sea, in front of a sky curtain.

"Sky curtain..."

Mu Yun murmured, he had also seen this kind of sky in the Desolate Mountain Range, in the Leique Pavilion, but at that time the Jedi.

Mu Yun thought of what Lihun said.

The thirteen houses are all in the same world space and connected to each other.

Here, will it be a passage through various palace worlds?

Thinking like this, Mu Yun stepped directly out and entered.

Now that he has reached the Sealed Heaven Realm, Mu Yun is not like he used to, looking forward and backward.

Li Hun said that to travel through various palace worlds, at least the strength of the Fengtian realm can do it, he, it should be possible.

Stepping out of the sky, the surrounding world suddenly became even more dim.

The ground on the foot is dark blue, it seems to be the surface of the water, but it is very solid.

The top of his head was also dark blue, and the left and right sides seemed to stretch endlessly. After a little inspection, Mu Yun stepped directly out.

After a few tens of miles, the ground turned into a normal yellowish color. At this time, Mu Yun looked forward at a glance, and dozens of corpses fell to the ground in all directions.

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