Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4299: Battle of Fengtian Realm


At this moment, Yuejinge's eyes were about to split, and a roar of anger came from her mouth.




Yuejin Song at this time, seems mad.

Yue Lingshuang is his only daughter and the jewel in his palm. This time he married into the Yang family, not only because he was attracted by Long Dan, but also because Yue Lingshuang really liked Yang Yunxian.

Otherwise, he would never marry a daughter.

But now, her daughter died in the chaos.

Moreover, the clothes were torn in such a way, it is conceivable that they must have suffered inhuman treatment.

who is it?

Under such a melee, all the Conferred Heaven Realm and Cut Heaven Realm in the Quartet are fighting each other, who did it?

Yang Chongshan's face was even more ugly at this moment.

Yang Yunxian, the next patriarch of the Yang family, has already been decided within the clan.

But now, dead here, how can he explain to the patriarch?

Yue Jinge's eyes are red at this time, looking around, and roaring in a low voice: "Liu Yuntian, Lang Huan, I will kill you, kill you."

Yue Lingshuang, his only daughter, was the jewel in his palm cultivated as a successor, with a high talent and a heavenly conquering realm, and he would surely surpass him in the future.

But now, at this moment, dying here, these people, all deserve to die, all deserve to die.

Yue Jinge was completely angry, roaring, and anger exploded.

"I will let you die, die!"


The earth collapsed, and Yuejinge's body instantly resembled a meteorite, bursting into the sky with fire, killing Xiang Lang Huan and Liu Yuntian.

"Yue Family Warrior, kill with me!"


At this moment, Yue Jinzhao and Yue Mingxiao also led people to kill in an instant.

At the same time, Yang Chongshan also stepped forward, his body trembling.

The nephew is dead, and he has no face to go back to see his brother again.

After the time, the Yue Family and Yang Family Martial Artists burst out tyrannical forces regardless of the cost.

The blood moon **** wolf clan and the three-day alliance martial artist also resisted one after another.

The fighting between the two sides is even more tragic.

At this time, Li Yiru and Li Yifeng were leading people and withdrew from the Moon Palace.

After returning to Li's mansion, Li Yiru immediately ordered to gather the tribe to stay in Li's mansion and not to go out.

Now that the situation is uncertain, it is fundamental to preserve one's own strength.

As for the Yue Family and Yang Family, the Three Heavens Alliance and the Blood Moon God Wolf Clan, in the fight between the four parties, who wins and who loses, waits, will know.


Within Liuyue City, the fighting broke out more and more fiercely.

Mu Yun was in Li Mansion, watching the fight in Liuyue City.

This time, Mu Yun hadn't expected it to make such a big noise.

Originally thought, if no one really took any action, and the Li family was dispatched, he would have to ask Ruan Liulian for help.

I don't know if Ruan Liulian is willing or not.

It's better now.

The four parties fight, the more lively the better!

The rumbling blast sounded at this moment, and the terrifying aura swept out.

And Mu Yun also discovered that Yue Jin Ge was really crazy.

Facing the two of Liu Yuntian and Lang Huan, the murderous intent was released, and the explosive power of the sealed heaven realm's five layers was simply terrifying. The sky, because the three of them fought, was all dimmed.

At the same time, the three of them kept fighting each other, fleeing hundreds of miles away, as if they had left Liuyue City.

At this moment, Mu Yun glanced around Li Mansion.

"Two people, the top priority, don't worry, seal the heavens with four levels and five levels of immortality, the Li family cannot rise."

Mu Yun said directly: "You can wait in Li Mansion."

Li Chenguang immediately said: "Young Master Yun, where are you going?"

"Go and see!"

Mu Yun said directly: "This battle can be said to be endless, I will check it out, and I will come back to you at that time."

Li Yiru said, "Brother Yun, be careful."


He actually wanted to go out and have a look, but now the entire Liuyue City is precarious inside and outside. If the two leave, Li Mansion is not safe.

The two Fengtian realms are sitting in three positions, and Li Mansion is guaranteed anyway.

Mu Yun left Li Mansion alone at this time.

And along the way, in the sky above Liuyue City, many warriors from the Quartet fought against each other, and Mu Yun also took the opportunity to kill several people from the Three Heavens Alliance and the Yang Family.

Leaving Liuyue City all the way, along the way, many warriors from the Heaven-cutting and Closing the Heavens came to the outside of the city, let go of their hands and feet, and handed over.

After all, if you fight in Liuyue City, this big city with a population of tens of millions will probably be completely destroyed.

The Quartet knows that once they win, controlling Flowing Moon City is to expand their power.

No one wants to ruin Liuyue City.

The eruption of terror, wave after wave superimposed, swept away.

Mu Yun followed all the way.

Until the end, Mu Yun stopped.

In front, a mountain range, the land of the mountain range, is not too big, and at this moment, among the mountain ranges, the peaks are dumped, the dust is boiling, and there are cracks in the earth.

After dozens of miles, Mu Yun felt that three extremely powerful auras were intertwined.

Yuejin Song!

Lang Huan!

Liu Yuntian!

It's these three people.

A five-layer powerhouse of the sealed heaven realm and two four-layer powerhouses of the sealed heaven realm were enough to overturn this world.

At this time, Mu Yun kept approaching, and after a distance of about ten miles, he hid under a boulder, immovable.

Can't get closer!

No matter how close he gets, he will be finished!

At this moment, Mu Yun looked forward, and among the mountains, the rocks were falling and flying, mixed with Yue Jinge's almost frantic roar.

This is Fengtian Realm!

At this moment, Mu Yun could clearly feel that the aura contained in the three of them was terrifying.

And the third level of Heaven-cutting Realm himself, if he gets close, he will undoubtedly die.

The gap between the cutting sky realm and the sealing sky realm is the five-kilometer hurdle that dominates the road.

Across five kilometers, it was the Concealed Heaven Realm. Looking at the entire Canglan World, the Concealed Heaven Realm was already at the pinnacle.

Every Fengtian realm is a high-ranking generation for the first-class forces of all parties.

After all, in addition to the half-step emperor, quasi emperor, title **** and title emperor, the Fengtian realm is already the strongest.

And the half-step emperor, quasi emperor, title **** title emperor, originally very rare.

At this moment, Mu Yun concealed all of his aura and watched closely the fight between the three powerhouses of the Sealed Heaven Realm.

"Lang Huan!"

"Liu Yuntian."

"You are waiting to kill my daughter. Today, my Yuejinge is here to die, and I will kill you for revenge!"

The terrifying voice of Yuejinge shook Muyun's eardrums.

"The Great Moon Chaotian Jue!"

"Moon Spirit Slash!"

With a roar, and suddenly, Mu Yun looked up, only to see that there seemed to be a crescent moon falling from the sky at a height of thousands of meters.

That crescent moon was just the size of a palm at first, but it gradually turned into a hundred feet, a thousand feet, a million feet...

as if……

It seems that Yuejinge at this time directly dragged the moon down in the sky.


Drink it.

Yue Jinge raised her hands, and suddenly threw it in front of her.

In an instant, the crescent moon revolved down in the sky, slashing forward.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, the roaring sound was endless, the whole mountain range, at this time, above a hundred meters high, was swept by the crescent moon, and there was no grass left!

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