Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4239: Kill duo


The Emperor Profound Sword was horizontally in front of him, and Mu Yun's sword resisted this person's attack, but his body suddenly retreated, smashing the wall behind him.

So strong!

Mu Yun was stunned.

This is not the first level of the Heaven-cutting Realm, at least the second level and triple level.

"Seventh Layer of Rongtian Realm, dare to pick up the bargain here!"

The man snorted coldly, his figure flashed, he had already arrived in front of Mu Yun, his palm was slapped, and the attic collapsed.

At this moment, all four warriors were fighting, and they were explosive, and no one cared who Mu Yun was.

If the Heaven-cutting Realm powerhouse hadn't come after chasing Guanghua, he hadn't found Mu Yun at all.

Everyone thought that only the Quartet Domination Realm gathered here, but they didn't expect a miscellaneous fish to come in.

"You are so brave if you want to pick up the bargain between us!"

The man snorted coldly: "If you are bold, you will pay a great price."

The man's martial arts technique seems to be claw skill. Between the bending of the ten fingers, the strength of the whole body is concentrated on the hands.

The palpitating breath broke out at this moment.


The roaring sound continued to sound.

Mu Yun was forced to retreat again and again, and his body was shaken by Claw Jin again and again, gradually unable to support it.

His Seventh Level of Fusion Heaven Realm was able to kill the first level of Slashing Heaven Realm, but it was still not enough to face this double and triple level of strength of Slashing Heaven Realm.

In the triple realm of cutting the sky, the dominating road is three kilometers.

One thousand meters more than the two thousand meters of the Rongtian realm limit, the strength exploded, that was more than ten times more.

Moreover, the man in front of him didn't want to get entangled with him any more, he just wanted to solve him quickly and grab the scattered brilliance.

Then every brilliance is a treasure.


After repeated attacks, they were all resisted by Mu Yun, unable to kill Mu Yun, making the man angry.

"Heavenly Devil God Profound Claw!"

The man drank with a single word, slapped his palm, his five fingers bend in an instant, and a scratch that was almost solidified, fell instantly.

boom! ! !

Five claws enveloped De Muyun's body, and the Emperor Profound Sword instantly released thousands of sword lights, but... it was useless at all.

This person may not be triple, but he is also at the pinnacle level of double.

Seeing that Claw Jin swallowed his own sword qi, Mu Yun's expression gradually calmed down.

In an instant, the light in his eyes changed.

Time stands still.

Heavenly disaster!

The eyes instantly release the art of time and space.

At that moment, the man in front of him only felt in a trance, but the next moment, the sharp blade of the space, he shot straight.


In time, the man couldn't dodge, and the space was sharp, scribbling on his chest.

The armor is broken.

Blood flowed across.

The man stayed for time.

What is this method?

Combination of time attack and space attack?

And it was released from the eyes of the young man in front of him.

He clearly felt a change of color in the youth's eyes just now.

After the time, the man looked awe-inspiring and looked at Mu Yun: "Unexpectedly, you are not easy, you almost capsized in the gutter."

"Dog stuff, you are about to capsize in the gutter!"

Mu Yun cursed.

Tai Chi gossip appeared at the foot of the time.

And behind it, the gate of the ancient vicissitudes of life appeared at this time.

"The Way of Tai Chi!"

In an instant, the black and white light, like two beams of spear light, stood up and shot the man directly.

When the man saw this scene, his expression was solemn and he didn't dare to be careless. He shook his palms and claws, condensing tens of thousands of scratches, lying in front of him.


The black and white light beams crumbled and scratched one after another, and they were approaching the man.


At this time, the man looked shocked for the first time.

He is the peak of the second layer of the cutting heaven realm, dominating the way is close to three kilometers, and dealing with a seventh layer of the fusion heaven realm, he can't kill it, but now he is threatened by the youth in front of him.

"Go to hell!"

As soon as the man gritted his teeth, ten blood stains appeared on the palm of his hand, and his hands, at this moment, seemed to have turned into giant claws of an eagle and falcon, directly grasping the black and white double awn.

However, the Tao of Tai Chi used to be Mu Yun's second killer weapon.

The number one killer is naturally a big killer.

But since the battle of Xiaoyao Saint Ruins, Mu Yun knew that his big life-killing technique was greatly restricted, and this Tai Chi way was his number one killer today.

Seeing the man condensing his eagle claws and trying to avoid him, Mu Yun glared at the time.

"Time stands still."

"Heavenly disaster!"

Two attacks are released at the same time.

At this moment, Mu Yun's eyes were densely covered with blood-red silk threads.

"The Way of Tai Chi!"

In an instant, there was another black-and-white light, which went hand in hand, instantly killing the man in front of him.


At this time, the earth broke out with a roar of debut, and the palpitating breath continued to linger.

The second light comes again.

With a momentary trance, and the sudden appearance of the spatial vortex, the man's eyes showed a trace of panic.

But when the second way of Tai Chi was shot and killed, the man was completely panicked.


With one hand clenched tightly, the claws condensed, resisting the approach of the space vortex, and the other hand was clenched together at this time, releasing a beam of light, which was close to Mu Yun's second Tai Chi Tao.


There was a sound of metal crashing.

The man's body trembled.

Its arm that resisted the second way of Tai Chi was instantly swallowed by the black and white light of Tai Chi, and there was no flesh and bones.

One arm was bloody, and the strength of the man's whole body appeared disordered.

At this moment, the heavenly disaster approached in an instant, causing the man's body to be pulled into it, and his flesh and blood continued to be swallowed.

"Do not……"

Shocked shouts of horror.

However, everything is too late.

The Tao of Tai Chi.

Eye of the Cang Emperor!

Eye of the Yellow Emperor!

Of these three, Mu Yun generally would not use them, which put a great load on his body.

But once it is used, the attack power can be said to be more than ten times tossing.

The man's body was swallowed and his flesh and blood collapsed.

Mu Yun was out of breath at this time.

In the past, he only used the Eye of the Cang Emperor, and he was still able to move freely, but since the fusion of the Eye of the Yellow Emperor, the two combined, it is indeed able to kill the enemy by surprise, but...the load is too big!

As for the Tao of Tai Chi, the power is overbearing, but the load is even greater.

Three times is his limit.

Not to mention the collection of the three.

Panting with big mouths, Mu Yun did nothing, devouring the spirits around him.

If it is visible to the naked eye, you can see that around Mu Yun's body, the dead warriors, a flow of air flowing into Mu Yun's body.

It's a pity that, except for the second-tier Heavenly Slashing Realm that he beheaded, most of the people who have died in the battle up to now are at the level of the Rongtian Realm.

But with Muyun's current Seventh Realm of the Rongtian Realm, it would have little effect if he swallowed the spirit of the Rongtian Realm martial artist.

It's enough to see through the Heaven Realm.


At this moment, Mu Yun glanced around and immediately retreated.

Can't fight anymore.

A second layer of the Heaven-cutting Realm is enough for him to bear it.

One more person, and he is finished.

And just as Mu Yun was about to retreat, behind, a ray of light broke through the air, chasing Mu Yun...

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