Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4149: How much can you carry


Seeing this scene, Mu Yun's expression was unusually calm.

"City God Slash."

The light of Cangdi's eyes changed.

With a bang, it was cut directly at this moment.

In front of Chu Yuyuan, there were many imprints condensed in an instant, and a giant net was drawn to resist the attack of the sharp blade.

But at this moment, the sharp blade penetrated the giant net in an instant, and the sound of scoffing and pulling sounded, and the sharp blade penetrated the giant net and threw directly in front of Chu Yuyuan.


There was a deep cracking sound.

The two souls and bone sulfone were firmly suppressed by Mu Yun.

Chu Yuyuan was repelled even more.

The top seven powers of the Rongtian realm of the three races, at this moment, simply cannot support Muyun, who has the sevenfold strength of the Rongtian realm.

This is the power of realm.

If Mu Yun is only a five-fold realm, even if the Qiankun Yuan Dynasty Sword Art and the Eight Yuan Dao Fa, no matter how strong the five-wheel disc heavenly technique, no matter how overbearing, the limit he exerts can hardly cause much damage to the seventh layer.

However, at the seventh level, the martial arts power that burst out was powerful and terrifying.

Chu Yuyuan, Hunyuan, and Bone Sulfone were all suppressed at this time, feeling the tyrannical aura erupting in Mu Yun's body, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

"This guy is a secret method to increase his strength. It will not last long. If he resists it, he will die!"

Bone sulfone shouted at this moment.


Chu Yuyuan was cut by the sharp blade of space, and blood came out of many wounds on her body.

Without the black golden dragon **** armor and black dragon blood golden whip, she lost a lot of help on defense.

Those are two extremely powerful 8-rank realm devices.

Seven-Rank Realm Device, used by the Heavenly Transformation Realm and the Heavenly Transmitting Realm.

The eighth-rank realm device is at the level of Rongtian realm, and the level of Shutian realm.

The Nine-Rank Realm Device is the powerhouse of the Sealed Heaven Realm.

Her two 8-rank realm artifacts were enough to reach the peak of the Heavenly Cutting Realm, but now they were stripped away by Mu Yun.

"Carry it down?"

Mu Yun looked at the three of them, but sneered.

"Then give it a try, how much can you support!"

After a word fell, Mu Yun stepped forward, and a terrifying aura broke out at this moment.

Five Roulette Tianshu.

The five rainbow lights came from the feet of Mu Yun.

And under the five rainbow lights, three more terrifying auras erupted.

The rumbling voice kept ringing.

Tai Chi patterns are condensed at this time.

The Tao of Tai Chi!

The phantom of the door of reincarnation appeared again behind Mu Yun.

Looking at the three of them, Mu Yun looked cold.

"Want to carry it down? Go to **** and carry it down!"

A word fell.


The deep cracking sound rang out instantly.

A black and white light broke through the air at this moment, piercing through Chu Yuyuan's body in an instant.

The crackling sound also sounded at this time.

The two souls and bone sulfone were completely dumbfounded at this time.

Under such a terrifying explosive power, the soul and bone sulfone were completely shocked.

"It's your turn!"

Without any hesitation, Mu Yun stepped out, and the black and white Tai Chi pattern under his feet released a terrifying light wave again at this moment.

The soul of the soul and the bone sulfone immediately displayed their life-saving trump cards, and the world weapon flickered, resisting the black and white light beam.

However, everything is useless.

At this time, the black and white light beams were uncontrolled and burst out directly.

The palpitating breath filled the world.

Three violent crackling sounds were passed on.

Below, the warriors of both sides also changed color for it.

Mu Yun immediately stepped on the void and let out a deep cry.

"Chu Yuyuan, Hunyuan, and Bone Sulfone are all dead, Ye Clan warrior, listen to my orders!"

With a loud voice, pass Baili.

"Chu people, kill without mercy!"




At this moment, the earth-shaking roar continued to sound.

Mu Yun's figure stood at a height of a hundred meters high, standing with his hands held down, looking at the earth.

Ye Yifeng, Li Ke, Xiao Yuner and others were all inspired at this time.

Mu Yun glanced at it, and the Chu dominating realm martial artist was taken into his eyes one by one.

At this time, Wuhen Sword exuded a faint sword glow.

No trace of the sword!


A flying sword is now vertically and horizontally between the heaven and the earth, and between the Chu Clan's dominating realm warriors. Wherever it goes, the heads of people fall, and the auras collapse.

More than a dozen Harmony Realm and dozens of Heaven-Through Realm martial artists were all killed by Mu Yun one by one.

And all is just a few breaths of time.

The Ye Clan dominates the realm martial artist, and immediately leads thousands of realm martial artist to fight out at this time.

The explosive power of horror swept away.

Even if the martial artist of the Chu nationality has the upper hand, he has almost broken through the Ye nationality's defense line several times before.

But now, the masters of the Chu clan have died, it is already difficult to support, and they have fled.

Only this time, Mu Yun didn't intend to let anyone go.

Since the Chu Clan had hired the Bone Race and Soul Race powerhouses to be their helpers, there was no agreement between them.

At this moment, Mu Yun's soul had accumulated a large amount of energy and spirit in the sea, waiting to be absorbed.

The spirits of the three top powerhouses of the Seventh Level of the Rongtian Realm are simply richer than the hundreds of ordinary warriors of the Seventh Level of the Rongtian Realm.

This time, Mu Yun really made a profit.

At this moment, Mu Yun stood in the air, and the blood marks on his body gradually faded.

The blood contained in the blood red diamond can temporarily increase Mu Yun's strength, but now, as time passes, the pale and weak feeling appears again, as if the body was hollowed out...

Mu Yun kept standing still in the air, motionless.

As the commander-in-chief, he is here, where the sergeant's military spirit lies.

At this time, on the battlefield, the Ye Clan warriors fought bravely to kill the enemy, dominating the realm masters, blocking the way of the Chu army.

This time, the defeat of the Chu nationality is set.

Mu Yun also exhaled at this moment.

Starting from Chu Xuanhui, to Chu Yuyuan, and then to the emergence of Hunyuan and Bone Sulfone...

This time, the Chu Clan’s preparations were already done to the extreme.

But, after all, he underestimated Mu Yun.

And after this battle, he can also move towards the sixth layer of the Rongtian Realm.

The more he fought, the faster his strength improved.

This is unmatched by others.

Mu Yun stood still in the air at this time, and the feeling of emptiness in his body became stronger and stronger.

Seeing the Ye Clan army began to counterattack, Mu Yun also nodded lightly.

At this moment, in an instant, a panic from the bottom of my heart suddenly appeared.

Almost without even thinking about it, Mu Yun's body retreated in an instant.

But it's too late!

In the void, a figure suddenly appeared, with a sword in his hand, which was cut directly at this moment.


At this moment, the world seemed to be shocked by this sword.

Jian Mang passed through Mu Yun's chest.

The blood burst open.

Mu Yun's body smashed into the ground with a bang.

Li Ke and Ye Yifeng felt the palpitating breath, and immediately looked back, their faces pale.

At this moment, Xiao Yuner felt even more palpitations. Looking back, her whole body was sluggish.

"Mu Yun..."

"Master Mu!"

"Master Mu!"

In time, on the battlefield, the Ye Clan's many warriors changed their expressions in shock.

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