Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3866: I do believe

At this moment, Leng Lingling did not stop, drove directly to help Ye Fu.

"Leng Lingling, it's you!"

Soul Ecrow's exclamation sounded.

"Soul Dark, you didn't expect that I'm not dead, am I?"

Around Leng Linglin, an icy breath erupted, and he shouted: "Today, I want your life."


Above the sky, the battle roars and the fluctuations are extremely wide.

Not long, the fighting subsided.

The two figures gradually fell at this moment.

Looking closely, it was Ye Fu and Leng Lingling.

"Where is the soul?"

At this moment, Ye Tuo supported Mu Yun and stepped forward.


Ye Fu was out of breath at the moment, and obviously, fighting against Soul Desolation puts a lot of pressure on her.

"This bastard, runs very fast..."

"If he doesn't run, we will be in trouble." Leng Lingling said.

"I was chased and killed..."

Chased by someone?

Leng Lingling then said: "This is not a place to talk, let's go first."

At this moment, the four of them disappeared in place...

Xiaoyao Saint Ruins, with vast land and abundant resources, the seven clans occupy all important regions and cities.

The high mountains, flowing water, desert grasslands, etc., in Xiaoyao Shengxu, and so on, are all kinds of landforms everywhere.

At this moment, the four of them are in a basin. There are huge trees growing on the heights of the basin.

At this moment, the four of them were sitting on the ground hiding in the trunk of a giant tree.

"Sister Lingling, what's the matter?"

Ye Yu said: "I heard that you were chased by Soul Desolation and your whereabouts are unknown. We thought you were killed..."

"Boy, you want me to die?"

"of course not."

Leng Lingling spoke, looked at Mu Yun, and said with a smile: "I still want to thank you a lot before."

But Mu Yun smiled and said: "I took you for a ride before, which is considered to save your life. Today you saved me, but...I don't have Tianyuan Stone to hire you."

Leng Lingling smiled and said nothing.

"Do you know each other too?"

At the moment, Leng Lingling said everything before.

Ye Yao looked at Muyun and said with a smile: "Good boy, loyal enough."

Ye Fu looked at Leng Lingling and said, "Lingling, you said that you were chased and killed, what happened?"

"In that ancient palace, I got some rest, and I was promoted to the first level of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, but unfortunately, I ran into Jun Ruolan of the monarch family and Nangong Jun of the Nangong family."

As soon as these words came out, both Ye Fu and Ye Yu were taken aback.

"I got a treasure, these two people did not inform the elders in the clan, but brought people, and kept chasing me!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun couldn't help but grow up.

There are enough forces in Xiaoyao Saint Ruins, but it's really messy enough.

Ye Fu and Ye Tao were chased and killed by people from the Soul Race and the Feihuang Divine Sect.

Leng Lingling, the Tianjiao of the Ice God Palace, was once again pursued and killed by the monarchs and the Nangong clan...

Now, coupled with the death of Tianjiao by the Tuoba tribe, they were still killed by the people of the Feihuang Divine Sect, the Tuoba tribe will not stop here...

On the bright side, Xiaoyao Shengxu is the foundation of the seven families.

But in fact, there is a mixture of fish and dragons, and the teleportation array is everywhere, which is really messy.

"If it was delayed for too long just now, I'm afraid that group of people will catch up again."

Hearing this, Ye Fu said bitterly: "This group of **** are really getting bolder and bolder."

"Before you were all in the greenhouse, sheltered by family elders. Naturally, everyone didn't dare to do anything. This time they were separated and everyone let go of their hands and feet."

Mu Yun smiled at this moment: "However, it is also a kind of growth."

"Mu Yun's words are good, because we have less knowledge." Ye Fu sighed.

"Mu Yun?" Leng Lingling looked at Mu Yun and said with a smile: "So your name is Mu Yun."

"More than that." Ye Chen laughed and said, "This guy, he also said that he is my sister-in-law's son."

As soon as he said this, Leng Lingling looked weird and looked at Mu Yun.

"No wonder you asked me about Mingyuexin and Qin Mengyao."

In the past years, the people of the Ice Palace appeared in the human world and took away Mingyuexin and Qin Mengyao.

However, the Ice God Palace did not expect that the two people brought back were simply something they could not afford to provoke.

Mingyue Xin was originally a water god, and he didn't stay in the ice temple for long, so he left directly and returned to the seventh heaven realm to become the patriarch of the water spirit clan.

Qin Mengyao...The Phoenix tribe, the daughter of the patriarch of the Ice Phoenix family, was taken away directly by the people of the Ice Phoenix tribe, and the Ice God Palace had no temper.

"Hey, hello, sister Lingling, don't you believe it?"

"I believe it a little bit."

Leng Lingling smiled and said: "I heard that Mu Yun, the son of the **** emperor, caused quite a stir in the seventh celestial realm, and then disappeared. There has been no news in the seventh celestial realm."

"It can't be said that Xiaoyao Saint Ruins is here!"

Leng Lingling looked at Ye Fu and Ye Yu, and smiled: "Back then, the Emperor Xiaoyao fell, and he did not entrust the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins to the former Emperor Ren. In the final analysis, the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins belonged to Mu Qingyu. It’s not from your Ye Clan. Mu Yun came to Xiaoyao Saint Ruins to take back his father’s things. It’s reasonable."

Ye Fu and Ye Chen smiled embarrassingly when these words came out.

Grandpa indeed entrusted Xiaoyao Shengxu to his little uncle.

Not giving me three sons, giving me my only son-in-law, it sounds weird indeed.

But Ye Clan had no objection to this.

After all, Mu Qingyu was known as the head of the gods and emperors at that time. He was powerful, and he was indeed qualified to sit in the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins.

If it hadn't been for the later nine emperors to join forces to deal with the human emperor and the blue emperor, the current Xiaoyao Saint Ruins would not be like this.

"However, when you come to Xiaoyao Saint Ruins, I am afraid that Ye Clan will not be able to help you much."

Leng Lingling looked at Mu Yun, and then said: "It would be better for you to go to the Ice Phoenix clan, your wife, who is now a figure in control of the Ice Phoenix clan, is said to have reached the Sealed Heaven Realm. Within the Ice Phoenix clan, it’s quite popular."

Fengtian Realm...

Dominate the top of the realm!

Mu Yun can only describe Qin Mengyao's talent in one sentence-terrifying!

This princess of the Ice Phoenix clan was arranged by her father to be in that small North Cloud City, but she has grown up step by step, and the talent and strength displayed have completely crushed him.

Among the nine women, those who can compare with them, I am afraid there is only Mingyuexin.

"In today's Xiaoyao Saint Ruins, there is a mess, the Three Emperors are not there, and the Ye Clan is even more contemptuous." Leng Lingling went on to say: "This time, I always feel that something is wrong."

Ye Fu and Ye Tao also nodded.

"The three of you were injured very seriously. We will stay here for the time being, and we will wait for the news.


This wait is three months.

Three months later, Leng Lingling, who returned from a trip, brought a lot of news.

"The Tuoba tribe, sent Tuoba Xuan, a powerful person in the world of fusion, met the elder Ma Zhuo of the Feihuang Divine Sect, and smashed Ma Zhuo."

"And it is said that Elder Ma Xuan and Elder Ma Yan of the Feihuang Divine Sect were also angry and killed many Tuoba people."

"It is said that the Soul Race also has the Heavenly Fusion Realm to come again, investigating the killing of Soul Meteo Mountain and others in the ancient palace last time."

A piece of news can be said to make the three of Mu Yun feel incredible.

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