Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3433: Challenge Gu Jianfeng

"be quiet!"

Dean Difan wore a black robe, his expression was solemn at the moment, and he spoke slightly, spreading throughout the valley.

"After one month, the two houses will join forces. By then, you can all show yourselves!"

"And today, it is the selection in our tunnel courtyard!"

Dean Difan looked solemn.

Once in a hundred years.

After losing four times in a row, he didn't want to lose this time.

Can't afford to be ashamed.

As the Dean of the Tunnel Academy, Difan naturally wants to win.

The victory or defeat is also based on the speed of the rise of the disciples within a hundred years of each.

However, I have lost four consecutive sessions, so it is impossible to justify.

Difan looked at everyone and slowly said, "Jie Sheng's nine-fold disciples, one eight-fold disciples, and seven-fold disciples one line, stand separately!"

At this moment, many disciples didn't dare to be careless, standing still one by one.

Dean Difan said again: "First of all, let's conduct ten disciples who represented our underground college to participate in this competition."

"It's not that Qizhong can't be represented. The ten people selected must be the strongest ten."

"Who are the ten strongest people? The old man can't say for sure. It may be a disciple of the seven-fold or eight-fold realm, and that's not necessarily."

"Back then, Tian Yuan won the leader of the competition in the seventh realm of Jiesheng, and his strength was extremely powerful."

"I don't think there will be such a person in our tunnel courtyard!"

When Difan said this, many disciples' eyes were hot.

Some people think they are gifted.

"Now, start from Jiesheng Seventh Layer."

"Sevenfold can challenge eightfold or ninefold, but remember, there is only one chance. If you lose, you lose!"

"Moreover, we don't have to be so **** in the selection of the tunnel courtyard, the old man is here!"

The rules were clearly introduced, and everyone nodded.

"In order to save time, so set up twenty arenas here!"

"Seventh and eightfold challenge the nine-fold disciples. The winner enters the final round of competition. The final ten people are selected. Let's start now!"

Difan's words fell.

In the valley, there are many arenas around.

"Disciple Li Yuan, Jie Sheng Qizhong, wants to challenge Senior Brother Qi Hao!"

"Qi Hao! Challenge!"

"Disciple Xu Huang, challenge Senior Brother Qin He!"


Voices sounded at this moment, and many disciples began to choose the disciples they wanted to challenge.

Twenty arena, and soon more than forty people stood.

Jiesheng Seventh and Jiesheng Eighth began to challenge the disciples of Jiesheng Nineth Layer.

If you want to become the top ten and represent the tunnel, you must first defeat the nine-fold disciples who are the strongest in terms of realm.

Mu Yun, Xie Qing, and Meng Zui were waiting.

Jing Ziyang looked at Mu Yun at the moment, smiled and said: "Little Junior Brother, you can't challenge me, you ruthless person, challenge me but I will definitely lose!"

"Senior Brother Jing, can you be a little prosperous?"

Xu Heng couldn't help saying: "The pastor's brother is only in the eighth realm, but you are at the ninth level..."

"What's the matter?"

Jing Ziyang said fearlessly: "Is that a normal eightfold realm?"

Hearing this, several people couldn't refute it for a while.

Jing Zhe looked at Mu Yun at the moment, but he smiled: "Brother pastor, don’t be careless. In this tunnel courtyard, there are nearly a hundred disciples of Jiu Sheng Jiuzhong. The tunnel courtyard is not in the top ten!"

"Yes, I know!"

Several people are chatting at this moment.

Each of the twenty arena is standing with a figure, recording the competition, and is also ready to take action at any time to prevent death.

As for injuries, it is inevitable!

At this moment, Mu Yun looked at the many figures around him, his expression unchanged.

If he is ready to win, it is naturally best to choose the top ten nine-strength fighters.

It wasn't that Mu Yun wanted to show the limelight.

Rather, it is just right to challenge the top ten and directly stabilize one's position.

Save trouble!

Anyway, in the end, it is necessary to show strength.

The competition is in full swing...

Gradually, the disciples all around became angry.

If it were not for the protection of the boundary formation, this valley would have been demolished long ago!

Three shots on the day, the competition is almost the same.

Basically, with the exception of a few or three who challenged the eightfold realm with the sevenfold realm to win, the vast majority of the eightfold challenged the ninefold ended in failure.

Leapfrogging is really not so easy.

You are a genius, I am also a genius, it is not that simple to defeat me!

Mu Yun also shook his hands at this moment.

"I'm going!"

Mu Yun said directly.

He is eightfold realm and can challenge ninefold.

After the morning, the competition was almost over, not everyone dared to challenge the nine-fold disciples.

Those nine-fold disciples, but it is possible to reach the level of the world respect at any time.

"Tunnel Yuan, Mu Yun!"

Mu Yun is now on the ring.

At this point, the challenge is almost over.

When Mu Yun came on stage, Jing Ziyang also surrounded him.

"Brother pastor, which one are you going to challenge?" Jing Ziyang said with a smile.

"Don't pick too hard bones!"

Xu Heng also smiled and said: "When the challenge is over, the final ranking match will be decided. Only ten people can participate. If you choose Brother Jing Zhe, be careful that you can't compare it next!"

Mu Yun smiled slightly.

"I challenge, Senior Brother Gu Jianfeng!"

A word fell, and the surroundings were silent.

Even the elders on the ring were slightly taken aback.

Gu Jianfeng!

Now, in the entire tunnel courtyard, the name of the tunnel ranks third.

Second only to Jing Zhe and Ye Qingfei.

Mu Yun directly challenged Gu Jianfeng!

Jing Ziyang, Xu Heng, and Ning Li were all dumbfounded.

"You kid, you're so nonsense!" Xu Heng cursed.

At this moment, Jing Zhe held Xu Heng and said: "The pastor's challenge to Gu Jianfeng should be his own consideration, don't worry!"

"If he succeeds, he can definitely become one of the ten people who represent our tunnel in the battle. The next competition will save you trouble!"

Hearing this, several people also smiled slightly.

This is indeed the case.

That being the case, then choose to believe in Mu Yun!

At this moment, among the crowd, Gu Jianfeng walked out and came to the arena.

He was also surprised when he was challenged.

"Are you sure you want to challenge me?" Gu Jianfeng said seriously.


Gu Jianfeng said again: "If you lose, you won't even have the top ten qualifications."

"I know your strength has risen sharply during this period, but..."

"Brother Gu!"

Mu Yun said earnestly: "At the beginning of the Humane Academy, I heard Senior Brother Gu explain kendo, and I also repaired swords. I didn't compete with Senior Brother Gu with was indeed a pity in my heart."

"Senior Brother Gu should understand that swordsman...sometimes that's the case. When you see a good opponent, you can't help but want to compete!"

Gu Jianfeng took a deep look at Mu Yun.

"In that case, I respect your choice!"

Gu Jianfeng slowly said: "It's just that I play the sword and don't think about other things. I will only aim for victory. You need to be careful!"


At this moment, the two looked at each other.

Around the ring, the circle was erected.

At this moment, Jing Zhe felt a trace of excitement in his heart.

In the entire underground courtyard, if anyone could threaten him, it would naturally be Ye Qingfei and Gu Jianfeng.

He has not fought against Gu Jianfeng for a long time, and he wants to know where the current Gu Jianfeng has reached!

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