Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3369: Go to the Mo family

Moreover, this kind of strength is not a small step.

It's a big step.

After all, everyone knows Su Yaorong's strength.

"What can I do?"

Mo Qianling gritted his teeth at the moment: "Look for someone to cooperate."

At first, she thought that joining hands with Mo Shanming would be enough to kill Mu Yun.

But now, it's not enough.

What to do then!

Find someone to cooperate.

There is still a year left, if they are found by Mu Yun, they will be the ones who died.

"The three of Gui Yuanzong are all in the realm of the Realm Sage, find them!"

Mo Qianling shouted: "One Triple is not Mu Yun's opponent, what about the four?"

Hearing this, Mo Shanming nodded.

At the same time, in another piece of relic.

Zhuo Hongyun felt cold when he heard the news.


Su Yaorong would actually die.

For a long time, Su Yaorong held his head, and now that Su Yaorong is dead, he is actually very happy in his heart.

But when I was happy, I was worried.

Have to worry.

Mu Yun, together with Xie Qing.

He had met Xie Qing's before.

There are even troubles between the two.

And now, Mu Yun and Xie Qing are together, that fellow, doesn't look like a person who is good at forbearance, what if you let Mu Yun take action against him?

"Brother Zhuo, congratulations!"

At Zhuo Hongyun's side, a young man said excitedly: "Su Yaorong is dead. In the Shocking Lei Zong, this generation of disciples, Senior Brother Zhuo is second to none."

"Brothers will follow Senior Brother Zhuo in the future, and they will definitely be able to show their power in the Thunder Sect."

"Yeah yeah!"

The rest of the people are also very happy.

In the sect, there are many disciples, so there will be gang formation.

Su Yaorong's group of people belonged to one group, and those who followed Zhuo Hongyun naturally belonged to another group.

Now that Su Yaorong is dead, Zhuo Hongyun must be suppressed by no one.

However, Zhuo Hongyun at this moment was a little unhappy.

If Mu Yun really found him, that would be another situation.

It was Su Yaorong who died this time, and Su Yaorong himself was unlucky enough to encounter this hard stubble.

But next time, Mu Yun met him...

Zhuo Hongyun became more afraid as he thought about it.


"Brother Zhuo, where to go?"

"Go to the Mo family." Zhuo Hongyun said solemnly.


Looking for the Mo family?

What are you looking for from the Mo family?

Zhuo Hongyun shouted: "Join up with the Mo family to smash this son."

Zhuo Hongyun said this and said no more.

That's right, shocked Mu Yun.

Even if there was a slight possibility, he couldn't wait to die by himself and let Mu Yun come to him.

Only by taking the initiative can we have more choices when danger comes.

As the news of Su Yaorong's death spread, all the arrogant talents in the entire ruins were shocked.

And with the fall of Su Yaorong, the arrogant man.

Another Tianjiao's name taboo gradually appeared in everyone's ears.

Mu Yun!

Killed the four sons of the Mo family.

Kill Wu Mo.

Shocked Su Yaorong.

This Mu Yun from Yuding Academy became more and more famous.

And with the resounding of such fame, more and more people are gradually inquiring about Mu Yun's news.

In this regard, Mu Yun and Xie Qing did not know.

Between a mountain forest.

The four stopped.

"After hearing the news, Zhuo Hongyun's group of people were active in this area before, but now they are nowhere to be seen!"

Xie Qing scratched his head and said, "This guy, wouldn't he know that you killed Su Yaorong, so he ran away early?"

Mu Yun smiled and said, "It should not be so exaggerated. Su Yaorong is dead, so he is so sure, I will avenge you?"

"Then you don't know, this group of geniuses are most afraid of death." Xie Qing smiled and said: "Don't look at the weekdays, they are all on top. If they encounter a life and death crisis, they can avoid it in advance. avoid."

"If this guy really hides, then it's really hard to find us."

Not long after, Xie Yuyin seemed to have received some news, and said: "In the ruins now, it is really lively."

"Everyone is hurrying up, hoping to get the greatest improvement in this final period of time."

"In Gui Yuanzong, Tong Chen, Chen Wencai and Yuan Dongfeng, Hu Hanxiao and Yang Wencheng in the relics, these five people were all entered here at the beginning, and they are the most famous. The five have joined together."

"The name of Wen Qingyuan and Jiang Xuekun of Thunder Sect is getting louder and louder."

"The people of the Mo family are really honest..."

In the Mo family this time, the six Tianjiao who were killed by Mu Yun, only two were left, Mo Qianling and Mo Shanming.

It is estimated that Mo Qianling arrived at the Jiesheng No. 3 and Mo Shanming arrived at the Jiesheng No. 2 and was still thinking of seeking revenge on Mu Yun.

Now that I heard that Su Yaorong had died in Mu Yun's hands, I had dispelled this idea.

Even the core children of the Mo family rarely appear.

At the moment, it seems that Mu Yun has become the most famous person in the entire ruins.

"I have limited manpower on rainy days, and I have relatively few inquiries about information, so I can't cover everything."

Mu Yun nodded and said: "Enough."

There are more and more martial artists in the realm of realm sage, but it is not bad to be able to reach the realm of realm sage first and second in ten years.

Threefold, there are only a few in the end.

As for the four-fold and five-fold, I heard that there are, but so far, it seems that everyone has just passed on word of mouth. Whether they are there or not is uncertain.

"Our Yuding Academy's points, we didn't earn much." Xie Qing said regretfully: "Killing a realm sage is 1,000 points, killing a realm sage double is 10,000 points, killing a realm sage triple, ten Million points."

"Lao Mu, your boy should have one or two hundred thousand points now, right?"

"That's not enough to stay in the third area of ​​Zuidaoya for one month!"

Mu Yun looked forward to: "To be honest, if you really come to the Realm Sage Fourth Layer, it will be one million, right? Realm Sage Fifth Layer, 10 million!"

"There are ten million, go directly to Zuidaoya, and stay for one or two years, and it is estimated that you can directly reach the fifth and seventh level of the realm saint."

Xie Yuyin and Li Qingxue are no strangers.

The two brothers talk about everything.

The current situation seems to be more obvious.

Tong Chen, Chen Wencai, Yuan Dongfeng, Hu Hanxiao and Yang Wencheng of Gui Yuanzong, these five people, united together, it is a very strong strength.

In particular, Tong Chen, Chen Wencai, and Yuan Dongfeng are all three realms of the realm of saints.

Shocked within Lei Zong.

Zhuo Hongyun didn't know where he went now.

Wen Qingyuan and Jiang Xuekun seemed to be united together.

Within the Mo family, it was Mo Qianling and Mo Shanming, but they also didn't know the news.

As for the Yuding courtyard.

Originally, Liu Xiangsheng, Du Yue, Xu Fanglin, and Ye Yan were the most famous.

But with Xu Fanglin and Ye Yan, no news appeared. Some people suspected that these two were already dead.

Liu Xiangsheng and Du Yue have achieved the Triple Realm of Realm Sages one after another, and their reputations were originally great.

But with the appearance of Mu Yun, right now, Mu Yun is the most famous one!

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