Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2451: Infighting

"Lord himself is the pinnacle of the Saint Emperor's small position, and he is armed with blue spiritual water armor. Even if Muyun possesses the source fire, it will be difficult for him to exert the full power of Pangu's true fire, otherwise the entire Kunxu realm will be burned!"

"This Muyun, facing Lord, has no chance of winning!"

"Yes!" Luo Ze smiled slightly at the moment: "I want to see, what can Mu Yun do? If you dare to provoke the leader of the alliance, then you must be prepared to die."

Ling Shengtian nodded and said: "I really hope that this Muyun can bring some surprises. If he died so easily, it would be really boring!"


Luo Ke smiled: "If this is the case, let Lord capture him alive, the source of fire in his body, we have to find a way to get it back!"


At this moment, suddenly, a roar suddenly sounded.

Between the roaring sound, a figure stepped out at this moment.

And that figure held a person tightly in his hand.



When Luo Ke and Luo Ze saw this scene, they were immediately dumbfounded.

How could this be?

At this moment, Lord's body armor was ripped apart, his hair was messy, his short body had many wounds, and the blood was flowing.


Mu Yun took Luo De and took a sip, his hair was a little messy, and he grinned and said: "As expected of the dwarf clan chief, some means! It's a waste of my energy for a long time!"

"you wanna die!"

"Let him go!"

At this moment, Luo Ke and Luo Ze were completely angry.

The dignified head of the dwarf clan, being lifted by Mu Yun like this, it was simply Chi Guoguo hitting their dwarf clan in the face.

"The two patriarchs seem to be very excited!"

Looking at the two of them eager to try, Mu Yun squeezed Lord in the handshake, Na Lord suddenly did not lift up, almost fainted.


Luo Ke and Luo Ze were throwing rodents at this moment, not daring to take any action at all, standing on the main stage, the atmosphere stiffened for a while.

The two couldn't help looking at Ling Shengtian.

If Lord died, then their dwarves would have suffered a huge loss.

"The King Mu!"

Ling Shengtian looked at Mu Yun at this moment, exhaled, and said: "This alliance leader, if you really want to do it, it's not impossible!"

"The Second Ancestor of Wind and Cloud, and my Spirit Sage, both belong to the top existence. If you can defeat the Second Ancestor of Wind and Cloud, or defeat me, this lord, my Spirit Sage will give you no harm!"

"But now, if you are willing, let go of Chief Lord Lord, I can directly canonize you as the deputy leader, except for the leader, you have the greatest rights!"

Ling Shengtian's words fell, and there was an uproar in the audience.

Canonize Mu Yun as deputy leader?

The second ancestor of the wind and clouds, as well as Luo Ke and Luo Ze, all had ugly faces.

The four of them are all in the small position of the Holy Emperor, facing Mu Yun, one-on-one, it is indeed very likely to end up like Lord.

They just promised Mu Yun directly as the deputy leader, what should they do?

"Deputy leader?"

At this moment, Mu Yun looked at everyone, but smiled slightly: "Sorry, I am not interested in the deputy leader, I am only interested in the leader!"


Mu Yun's words fell, and with a wave of his palm, there was a creak, and Luo De's head was directly tilted to the side, his whole body aura completely collapsed.

At this moment, the entire square was full of murderous aura.

"you wanna die!"

Luo Ke and Luo Ze were completely stunned.

Ling Shengtian clenched his fists tightly, even more furious.

Mu Yun was here to find fault on purpose. If he really wanted to seek an alliance, it would be impossible to kill Bi Yuqin and Lord one after another.

"Boy, you are really tired of living!"

Ling Shengtian's tone is cold.

Today, his son is married. In this matter, he originally proposed an alliance at this moment, just to see who would dare to oppose it.

Opponents will naturally kill without mercy.

The bright red blood will make his son's wedding banquet more lively.

But I didn't expect that today the blood was indeed shed, but it was his own people who lost it.

"How can the position of deputy leader match my strength?"

Mu Yun shakes Lorde's body at this moment, crosses his hands with ten fingers, and said again: "I said, I have no objection to this alliance, but I feel that I am very suitable for the position of the leader!"

"Fit? Let's see, how good are you capable of being suitable?"

Luo Ke and Luo Ze, both murderous at the moment, looked at Mu Yun.

The two are now murderous, Lord is killed, and the dwarves lose a master at the top of the holy emperor's position, which will be a great loss.

Mu Yun must die.


A dull voice sounded, and Luo Ke and Luo Ze stepped out of their feet, making it easy for the figures to gallop up.


But at this moment, suddenly, a scream suddenly sounded.

The figure that Luo Ze was about to fly out, suddenly a sharp sword appeared in his chest, and the tip of the sword, blood ticking down.

With a thud, he collapsed on the main stage, his breath gradually dissipated.

"Second brother!"

When Luo Ke saw this scene, his eyes had become blood red.

The third and second brothers died one after another, and he had completely lost his mind.

Seeing the man who shot, Luo Ke looked even more horrified.


Even after killing him, he didn't expect that Ling Zetian, one of the four vice-chairmen of the Necro Guild, standing beside him would actually take action against them.


At the moment, Ling Shengtian was also shocked.

what's going on?

At this moment, Luo Ke hurriedly left the main stage, a group of dwarven tribesmen, at this moment menacing, guarding against the necromantic guild people.

"Well, you are a spiritual holy heaven, on the surface, cooperate with my Necromancer Guild, and cooperate with Mu Yun in private?"

Luo Ke cursed loudly: "The old man read you wrong!"


Ling Shengtian looked at Luo Ke and then at Ling Zetian.

"Ling Zetian, what is going on?"

Ling Shengtian roared at this moment.

At this moment, Ling Zetian looked awkward and looked at Ling Shengtian, "Didn't you let me do this?"

"Well, you spirit holy heaven, my dwarves trust you so much and are willing to form an alliance with your necromantic guild and recommend you as the leader. You actually united with Mu Yun and intends to annex my dwarves!"

"No wonder Mu Yun yelled so far and didn't see you doing it. You and Mu Yun were already united. Killing my second and third brothers, pitiful, pity my dwarves trust you so much!"

"Patriarch Luo Ke, this is definitely a misunderstanding!"

Ling Shengtian hurriedly said at this moment: "I have never ordered Ling Zetian to do this!"

"Ling Zetian is your own brother. If you didn't let him do it, how could he kill my second brother?"

Luo Ke was already shocked and angry at this moment, completely unable to listen.

"Then what do you want me to do, you will believe it!"

"Simple, kill Lingzetian!"

Luo Ke said at this moment: "If you kill Lingzetian and Muyun, I will believe you. This is the combination of Lingzetian and Muyun. You don't know it. If you have any mercy, you did it deliberately! "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Ling Shengtian is also in a complicated mood at this moment.

He really didn't know why his brother killed Luo Ze suddenly.

However, the facts are before us.


Suddenly, Ling Shengtian shouted in a deep voice: "Why did you make the move? Today, if you don't tell the reason, I will kill you!"

Taking a step forward, Ling Shengtian's body aura was released at this moment.

Holy Emperor's position!

That majesty permeated the entire martial arts field, making everyone feel difficult to breathe.

At this moment, Ling Zetian couldn't play anymore.

"Shepherd, save me!"

Ling Zetian galloped out and came to Mu Yun's side.


The sound of the shepherd saving me made everyone stunned.

When did Ling Zetian turn to Mu Yun?

"Lingzetian, you eat something inside and out!"

Ling Shengtian almost madly shouted: "You are my brother, the vice president of the Necronomicon Guild. In the future, you will be the deputy leader when you establish an alliance. Why do you want to betray me?"

How angered by Ling Shengtian, Ling Zetian wanted to die.

But he can't die! He can't die!

"Big Brother..."

"Let me tell you!"

Mu Yun stepped out at this moment and exhaled.

During this time, his breath changed again.

Faintly, there was even a taste of breaking through the holy emperor's small position.

This is... the pinnacle of the Holy Emperor's position!

Mu Yun looked at Ling Shengtian and smiled slightly: "Because of him, I control it!"

"If he doesn't listen to me, he will definitely die!"

At this moment, both Ling Shengtian and Luo Ke understood.

"Patriarch Luo Ke, this time, you should believe me!"

Ling Shengtian's eyes were cold at the moment, and he shouted: "This son, I personally killed him, and that Ling Zetian, you killed him to avenge your brother, I Ling Shengtian, there is no such younger brother!"

"Big Brother..."

Ling Zetian looked hesitant, and said in amazement: "I'm really not under my control, so I will do this, brother..."

"Don't call me big brother, **** stuff!"

Ling Shengtian solemnly shouted: "The Necromancer of the Necromancer Guild obeys orders, and kills the Lingzetian line and Muyun, and kills no mercy!"



In an instant, thousands of Necromancers from the Necromancer Guild slammed out of the entire square at this moment.

Ling Shengtian's heart also burned with anger this time.

He plans today to unite many forces to form an alliance, and those who resist will be killed without mercy.

If Feng Yu'er and Mu Yun dared to come, then they would kill and raise their power.

But I didn't expect that Feng Yu'er didn't come, the Purple Spirit Clan didn't come, and a Muyun in a small area would actually set off such a big storm.

"It seems that your eldest brother is going to abandon you!"

Mu Yun looked at Lingzetian and said lightly: "Don't worry, take refuge in me, I won't treat you badly."

"But right now, this critical situation must be passed first!"

"I see!"

Lingzetian quickly recovered.

Ling Shengtian didn't believe him, and his life was in Mu Yun's hands. No matter what happened this time, he had to obey Mu Yun, because this was his only chance to live!

"Ape-swallowing beast, give me trouble, the necromantic guild is broken!"

Bang bang bang...

Suddenly, a figure broke out from the ground at this moment, slapped his chest with both hands, and roared frantically, it was the ape-swallowing beast.

After all, the Ape-Swallowing Beast is at the level of the Holy Emperor, and has a deep relationship with Lingzetian. At this moment, it is naturally to help Lingzetian.

"Today, you follow me, either life or death, the Necromancer Guild, we can't go back, even if you surrender now, you will be sinners and dwarves in the future."

Ling Zetian looked at the dead man next to him, and said: "It's better to fight with me and win the first line of life!"

Mu Yun nodded when he saw this scene.

As much trouble as Ling Zetian can cause trouble, he didn't expect Ling Zetian to be able to help other things.

And at this moment, Ling Shengtian stood proudly, and the three vice presidents, the second ancestor of Fengyun, and the dwarven holy emperor, looked at Mu Yun with cold eyes at this moment.

Ling Shengtian said indifferently: "Everyone, regardless of your business this time, when I kill Mu Yun, this alliance will continue!"

"But for now, I still hope that you can honestly watch the excitement better."

Some weaker eighth-class races, as well as ninth-class races, are all cautious at this moment.

This is not the time to stand in the corner!

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