Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2157: Vs. Yang Chenfeng

"You are all right."

Bai Zixuan said again: "His Royal Highness, the blood is also in my heart, but in this life, he no longer wants us to die for him."

"It can be said that this time, Your Highness is more humane..."

Mu Baifeng's handsome face, without a trace of smile.

"Do you know what order your Highness gave me before coming?"

Mu Bai slowly said.

"His Royal Highness also gave you an order?"

The four commanders all looked startled at this moment.


Mu Bai said: "His Royal Highness only allows us to stop these guys for half a day, and after half a day, we can retreat!"


As soon as this remark came out, the faces of all the people present changed slightly.

Stop these opponents for half a day?

"How can this be done!" Cang Yan said immediately: "Block these guys for a long time, if they return to the Yang Clan, wouldn't your Highness be even more dangerous?"

"Yes, what does your highness mean?"

"It's definitely not going to work."

Several people talked all of a sudden.

Mu Bai slowly said, "Perhaps His Royal Highness plans to kill Yang Chenfeng in half a day."

Hearing Mu Bai's words, several people showed thoughtful expressions.

"I don't care about Lao Tu anyway."

Tu Cunjian hummed: "Either these turtle grandsons are slaughtered, or they return to the Yang clan, then I will lead people to follow the Yang clan. Anyway, if your Highness does not withdraw this time, it is absolutely impossible for me to retreat."

Tu Cunjian's words fell, and several people nodded.

Yes, it is impossible for them to retreat now.

Otherwise, the pressure on Mu Yun would double.

Mu Bai looked at several people and said, "So this time I decided to go against the wishes of your Highness!"

"Xuan Tianwei, swear to die!"


"it is good!"


The words fell, and the sound of breaking through the air sounded in front of him at this moment.


In the eyes of Tu Cunjian, a murderous intent spread slowly...

This battle is destined to pay a heavy price, and blood flows into a river.

Feng Lingwei and the Lingshen Army, dispatched at a fast speed, are worthy of being the ancestral guards of the Yang Clan's top core.

At this moment, the two sides and two places are already fighting each other.

Inside the Yang family secret world.


A blast sounded, and Mu Yun's figure, like a flash of lightning, retreated 10,000 meters away, and the ground beneath his feet cracked apart every inch.

Ahead, Yang Chenfeng stood proudly, full of energy.

"Second-rate Ancestral God Realm!"

Yang Chenfeng squinted his eyes, stared at Mu Yun indifferently, and hummed: "It turns out that you have reached the realm of the second-rate ancestor gods. In this way, the third and sixth ancestor gods have killed Tianwending and gave you great confidence, making you think , The second-rate ancestor **** realm, can you kill me?"


Mu Yun sternly said.

"Funny, idiot!"

Yang Chenfeng sneered and said, "Do you think that Tianwending is only a level lower than me in name, so the strength is only a tiny bit lower than me, right?"

"of course not!"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "The ten top ancestor gods, ranked ninth, are about the same as Zhu Xiaotian, the patriarch of the Zhu clan, and Tianwending, really can't compare with you!"

"Then you are so desperate?"

"You are wrong!" Mu Yun grinned and said, "In my eyes, Tian Wending is not worth mentioning!"



Yang Chenfeng's figure flashed, and he rushed directly to Mu Yun, at a distance of 10,000 meters, it was just a blink of an eye.

A fist blasted directly, and in an instant, the huge shadow of the fist condensed a blue-green line of light, which directly crushed and suppressed Xiang Muyun.

"Nine Yuan Huangquan!"

Mu Yun also fisted to meet him.


In an instant, one up and down, two fist marks, directly crit out.

The sound of chick chick sounded one after another, as the fist wind roared, Yang Chenfeng's fist mark directly crushed Mu Yun's attack.

The second-rate ancestor gods are very different from the top ancestor gods.


A dull voice sounded, Yang Chenfeng's fist hit directly, and the ground burst instantly.

Mu Yun's figure was directly crushed by the fist wind, stirring in the dust.

"Cut, ignorance!"

On the other side, Yang Xinghua sneered at Qin Mengyao: "Your husband, it seems that he is not as powerful as the rumors."

"What are you worried about?"

Qin Mengyao said coldly: "His strength is more than enough to kill you."


Yang Xinghua knew that Qin Mengyao was true.

Mu Yun's strength is indeed more than enough to kill him.

The super-class ancestor god, Tianwending is the best example.

At that time, the third-rate ancestors of Muyun could kill Tian Wending, let alone now.

"Hmph, the patriarch will crush it completely!"

Yang Xinghua snorted, facing Qin Mengyao, just defending.

Qin Mengyao's strength has been well-known in the God Realm for hundreds of years.

The super-class ancestral **** realm is said to be comparable to the patriarch of the ten ancient tribes.

If he is careless, he may be killed on the spot.

However, he also knows that if this continues, facing Qin Mengyao, he will undoubtedly die.

Therefore, I can only pray to the patriarch and solve Mu Yun as soon as possible to relieve his pressure.

Qin Mengyao was not worried at all at this moment.

Mu Yun's current strength is in the realm of the second-rate ancestor god, but his own foundation is extremely tyrannical.

If he lost to Yang Chenfeng so quickly, it would feel strange and incredible.


"Boy, how do you feel?"

Yang Chenfeng looked down and said indifferently.

"Not so much!"

A joking voice suddenly sounded, and Mu Yun's figure jumped up and stood still in the air.

He was unscathed.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chenfeng was startled.

This is impossible!

The divine body of the second-rate ancestor **** realm is impossible to resist his attack.

This guy... is a fusion of the divine body of the previous life!

The strength of Mu Yun in the previous life was not even lower than that of him. The strength of the divine body was comparable to that of the royal family chief Wang Qinglin and the blood family chieftain.

Mu Yun actually merged with the divine body of the previous life.

Yang Chenfeng's expression became somber at this moment.

If this is the case, then Muyun can't be underestimated.

This guy is so surprising.

"Qingshu Nine Turns Technique!"

"Third-turn state, open!"

With a low drink, Yang Chenfeng's whole body was radiant, and a layer of circular light shield was stirred.

The light shield has three layers, radiantly radiating, making Yang Chenfeng look like a giant god.

"The Yang Clan inherits the sacred tactic, the Qingshu Nine Turns tactic."

Mu Yun's expression became grim at the moment.

The Yang bloodline talent is a sacred tree that can control the Qi of the wood in the world.

Therefore, almost all of the Qingkong Mountain in the Yang Clan’s secret world is covered by trees.

Moreover, these trees cannot be destroyed by ordinary flames, nor can they be irrigated by ordinary water.

What is needed is that at least the earth fire can be burned, and the spiritual water can be poured and grown.

However, it is precisely because of this that it contains the Qi of Heaven, Earth and Wood Origin, which is countless, and it is not a problem to help the children of the Yang Clan to improve their cultivation.

"Qingyun Jue!"

With a low drink, Yang Chenfeng waved his palm, and the tyrannical Mu Yuan Qi condensed into a cloud of blue clouds, sitting directly at the feet of Yang Chenfeng.


A buzzing sound sounded, and the ground was slowly fluctuating at this moment.

The speed of Yang Chenfeng's figure suddenly increased several times.

With a palm, Mu Yun's entire figure was panicked at this moment.

The tyrannical Mu Yuan attacked the breath, blessing Ling Ling's divine power fluctuations, directly infused into his body.

"It deserves to be the Ninth Turn of Qingshu!"

At this moment, Mu Yun secretly pressed the fishy sweetness on the tip of his tongue.

This blow directly injured him.

Yang Chenfeng's strength, now, is the real use of it.

"Meteor burst rain!"

A punch was blasted out, and in an instant, the lightsaber fell like rain, crashing down and hitting the surface of Yang Chenfeng's body.

The most powerful divine tactics that Mu Yun has learned now are the divine tactics on the eight sacred tablets and the ancestor's divine tactics on the ninth sacred tablet.

Boom boom boom...

As soon as the meteor burst out, the earth cracked inch by inch within a range of 10,000 meters.

In the entire Qingkong Mountain, everywhere began to tremble, like an earthquake.

"what happened?"

Some clansmen who are far away don't even know that the secret world of the Yang clan has been invaded.

Swishes, a few cracking sounds sounded, and several Yang clan seniors immediately shouted: "The herdsmen attacked my Yang clan, and everyone listened to the orders, and immediately evacuate from the secret world!"


"The herdsmen attacked the Yangs? The herdsmen don't want to die?"

"Retaliation, Chi Guoguo's revenge, the shepherd is going to take revenge on us!"

"Shepherd? Is Mu Qingyu here? He is a super god, and the patriarch is not an opponent."

A series of panicked voices sounded at this moment.

Everyone was completely dumbfounded.

How dare the herder be so bold at this moment?

You know, Yang and Zhu have a very good relationship.

Behind the second race, there is a strong blood family support!

Suddenly, in the Qingkong Mountain of the Yang Clan's secret world, one after another silhouettes, back and forth, galloped and fled.

There are millions of people living in the entire secret world, and at this moment, they have to leave the cities.

Boom boom boom...

The attacks of Mu Yun and Yang Chenfeng continued.

However, for Yang Chenfeng, the performance of Meteor Rainstorm was not powerful enough, but it was only a hindrance to his presence, but it was unable to achieve substantial trauma.

"Qing Yuan cut!"

In an instant, Yang Chenfeng directly counterattacked, waved out with one hand, and a source of strength fell down.

"Cyanscale Dragon Armor! Open!"

Mu Yun slammed out with a single blow, all over his body, with battle armor covering his body.


The explosion sounded, and in an instant, Mu Yun's figure was covered by that vitality and disappeared.


There was a dull sound, and when Mu Yun's figure appeared again, a bang burst out at this moment.

At this moment, Mu Yun spouted a mouthful of blood.


The top ancestral **** realm level is really too strong.

Mu Yun looked at the front with an indifferent expression.

Wiping off the blood from the corners of his mouth, slowly stood up.

But Yang Chenfeng was relieved when he saw this scene.

Although Mu Yun said that the fusion of the previous life's divine body is true, but now, the power of the soul is only the second-rate ancestral **** realm. Even if he is difficult to break through the Muyun's divine body, it is enough to hurt Mu Yun's soul.

Once the soul is traumatized, Mu Yun's divine body defense must have loopholes.

"Prince shepherd, your madness is over!"

Yang Chenfeng roared, and his figure quickly fell.

"Blue sky's feet blasted away!"

The figure that fell quickly, the soles of the feet stepped directly out at this moment.

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