Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2035: Town **** banner

If they could understand Mu Yun here, it would be a great thing for the ancient people behind them.

For a time, many disciples of the ancient race began to get ready to move around, and even the outstanding disciples from various colleges and various Tianyuan-level forces began to prepare.

As a result, the atmosphere in the entire Five Elements Realm began to change.

At the beginning, the enthusiasm of the people searching for the gods, after decades of accumulation, has been depressed.

But Mu Yun's reappearance made them enthusiastic.

That was the reincarnation of the former nomad prince.

If you kill him, to a certain extent, it can be said to be the righteous way of Tushen!

At this moment, a dozen figures stopped in front of a dense forest in Muxingjie, and several figures scattered around, surveying the surroundings.


A man with purple hair stepped forward at this moment.

On the horizontal tree trunk, a beautiful figure stood proudly.

A decent goose-yellow long skirt outlines a swaying curve.

The dissemination of different breaths from time to time also made people wonder in secret.

"Have you found Big Brother?"

The woman spoke slightly, her voice was pleasant, like a silver bell.

"Not yet!"

The purple-haired man said again: "Miss, this time in the Five Elements Realm, the news has spread. Let's find the eldest son first, and then go to the Muyun!"


The woman frowned, and her voice suddenly said indifferently: "Muyun, this son, kill my mother, how can I let him live for a while?"

The woman's voice became a little hoarse.

"Back then, he should have died, but by the way, now he is back!"

"Why should he come back? Why?"

"Everyone can come back, but he can't!"

The woman's face became colder and colder, and murderous aura surrounded her whole body.

Mentioning those two words, the hatred in her heart can hardly be concealed.

"Continue to disperse and look for Mu Yun. As for the eldest brother..." the woman said indifferently, "I will find it anyway. This time, I must kill Mu Yun by myself."

"But miss..."

"It's nothing!"

The woman's face was cold, and she hummed: "What? Don't you even listen to me?"

"Don't dare!"

"Ha ha……"

However, at this moment, a smile suddenly sounded.

"Your lady is right. It's nothing, but it's so troublesome to kill me. I'll come and give it to you to kill, Wang Yushi!"

A faint laughter sounded at this moment, and several figures appeared among the trees.

The first figure, with long hair tied behind his head, has a slightly literate face, with a smile on his face. The clear eyes are bottomless, unpredictable, and come to the heart of people's thoughts.

"Mu Yun!"

The purple-haired man was startled.

The man who appeared in front of him was the Mu Yun that his master had been looking for.

This guy actually came here personally.

"Wang Yushi, son of the Wang family, but you shouldn't be a direct son of the Wang family, right?"

Mu Yun's figure fell, looking at Wang Yushi, and said: "After all, I don't even know who your parents are."


A group of figures rushed directly at this moment.

In Wang Yushi's eyes, the murderous aura almost burst out of flames.

"Mu Yun, you deserve to die!"

Wang Yushi's eyes were red, and he roared in a low voice.

"is it?"

But Mu Yun didn't care, and smiled: "If I could kill the royal family back then, even if you were just a little girl at that time, I would kill you. Fortunately, I didn't have that strength at the time. !"

"You...the hatred of killing your mother, you don't share it!"


Mu Yun sneered.

"The nine ancient tribes jointly attacked the herdsmen, killed my Muyun, and destroyed my herdsmen's foundation. Within my herdsmen, how many deaths and injuries? How many deaths and injuries among the major subordinate forces?"

"The intruder kept watching the victim kill his mother, but didn't think about it, who caused the matter?"

"So, Wang Yushi, your royal family wants to annihilate my shepherd, I shepherd the cloud, is the most correct choice?"

In this regard, Wang Yushi is far too lazy to say.

In her eyes, Mu Yun was damned.

For thousands of years, she has practiced assiduously in order to be able to get revenge.

People of the shepherd, see one, kill one!

Wang Yushi suddenly shouted: "Zi Yuan, kill them all!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun smiled slightly.

"It just so happens that I think so too."

"Shenzhen banner, I am bound to win!"

Mu Yun's words fell, and his whole body suddenly rose.

The realm of a line of gods is full of Jin Rui.

Wang Yushi's face changed slightly.

This son, actually reached the realm of a line of gods!

It is said that this guy, before entering the Five Elements Realm, was only the realm of the Five Soul God Emperor.

Now, how come you suddenly reached the realm of a line of gods?

Only sixty years have passed since then!

This time, the Five Elements Realm is indeed full of heaven, material and earth treasures. There are many kinds of Five Elements Divine Treasures, which can be said to be of great benefit to everyone's promotion.

A hundred years of practice here is comparable to a thousand years of practice outside.

But even so, the five soul **** emperor realm, stepping into the realm of a line of gods, such an improvement is rare in the gods.

She only knew that, except for those extremely abnormal guys in the royal family, it was absolutely impossible for anyone else to reach this step.


Mu Yun clenched his palms, and the Jin Yan spear suddenly appeared.

"My Muyun's return here is to let those who destroyed the foundation of my herdsmen understand that the fear of being dominated by me will reappear on their heads."

"Even if they work hard and fight harder, there will always be a figure that they can't go beyond, and it makes them feel bad at all times!"

"The hatred of blood can only be washed away with blood!"


At this moment, Jin Yan's spear flashed, and a shadow of a spear shot directly out.

Mu Yun, once again practiced the spear tactics.

As the shepherd prince, the most powerful thing in his life is his marksmanship.

It's just that, after coming back in this life, he focuses on swordsmanship.

But this time to reach the realm of the gods, the spear technique is still his domineering attack.


Seeing this scene, Zi Yuan rushed out immediately.

As Wang Yushi's personal guard, it is necessary for him to protect the safety of his own young lady.

"Go away!"

At this moment, Mu Yun screamed, and with a spear, a spear light directly turned into a spear dragon and shot out.

Zi Yuan waved his palm and swept out a fiery mace in his hand.

As a one-line **** master, he is also about to enter the realm of a second-line **** master, Mu Yun in front of him, it is impossible for him to break his way so simply.

But in an instant, the next moment, Zi Yuan knew that he was wrong, and he was wrong.

The spear swept away, and a forceful domain oppression that dominated the world struck in an instant.

Zi Yuan wanted to dodge, but couldn't dodge at all.

That gun, like a poisonous snake, was already staring at him.


A shot came out, and Mu Yun's figure was not something Zi Yuan could resist.

The realm of his line of divine masters has spread for kilometers, and not only is the scope so strong, the strong restraint power of the realm, and his dominance are also exceptionally strong.

Chiyu Baojin's tyrannical force could not be more suitable for the cohesion of the divine master's first realm.

At this moment, Mu Yun had been in retreat for more than fifty years, and it was not difficult for him to step into the Seven Soul God Emperor.

The reason why it has been so long is because the Red Jade Treasure Gold condenses the realm of gold.

In order to shape the most powerful realm, he poured the Chi Yu Baojin directly into the realm of his body again and again.

The limit was repeated again and again, and finally, knowing that Mu Yun felt that his body had reached saturation, he stopped his hands.

So the result is that the domain of gold is boundless, and...the scope is increased, and the power is increased several times.

It was a wishful thinking that Zi Yuan wanted to resist him too.


A bang suddenly sounded at this moment, and Zi Yuan's body suddenly flew out at this moment.

Mu Yun wouldn't stop at all, and the spear in his hand shot out again, and his tyrannical spear power hit Zi Yu'an's chest.

All this only happens between the electric light and flint.

When Wang Yushi reacted, Zi Yuan's body had already turned into a corpse.

Mu Yun was not polite, and with a direct wave of his palm, the swallowing power exploded, and a burst of energy entered the body and merged into the domain.

This time, without any transformation, those spirits and spirits, absorbed by the swallowing blood, purified the purity of the blood, directly integrated into the Muyun domain, and strengthened his domain.

This time, it became the fastest absorption, without Mu Yun's retreat for transformation.

Reaching the Divine Lord, swallowing the blood, becomes more powerful, and the other hidden blood talent purification power is also sublimated.

This level of sublimation improvement can be said to have caused Mu Yun's cultivation base to increase exponentially.

With the spear horizontally in front of him, Mu Yun looked forward with indifferent eyes.

Xuanfengzi, Shen Ke, and Lu Yun in the back looked surprised at this moment.

Mu Yun, you are back!

This is their former young patriarch, His Royal Highness!

No matter when, there is always an overwhelming momentum, arrogant and superior to all beings.


Xuan Fengzi also followed closely at this moment, bringing a few Xuan Tian Wanshi, and directly slammed out.

At this moment, Mu Yun's eyes condensed and calmed down.

It was this time that his field broke through again, the scope expanded, and the imprisonment was strong.

His eyes were directly locked on Wang Yushi.

A murderous cohesion.


Wang Yushi's face changed a few times at this moment.

The means shown by Mu Yun is wrong.

The herder swallows blood, can swallow his vitality, strength, and everything.

However, this swallowing is a plunder, and it is not possible to directly transform the swallowed power into one's own body.

But Mu Yun did this.

This is impossible!

"My herder was persecuted by the Nine Clan, and I, Mù Yun, only returned after two lives. I haven't had time to claim this hatred from the Nine Clan. But you, are you still trying to let me die again?"

"You really, the shepherd prince, can anyone kill it?"

With a spear in Mu Yun's hand, the light of the spear flashed and took Wang Yushi directly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yushi's expression was cold.

After all, she is the seventy-sixth on the Shenying list, even if Mu Yun's strength is impressive, she will not be afraid!

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