Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2003: Blood God Pill

For decades, he was about to fall into the ancestral **** realm, but now he has recovered to his former peak!

This is simply appalling.

"All these messages point to one thing..."

Zhan Tianyu said indifferently: "He is very likely to return soon, or...has already returned!"

"This matter needs to be known to the other eight races!" Zhan Xinyi understood, and the matter was big.

"How about knowing?"

Zhan Tianyu said bitterly: "Now that the eight races are united, who will unite and deal with the herdsmen?"

"The three ancient tribes of Kan, Shi, and Murong, the royal family are proud of themselves, and don't even look at the blood family. You know, the royal family back then was only weaker than the herdsmen and the blood family!"

"In the first battle, the royal family suffered heavy casualties. Since then, it hates the blood family, and it is impossible to join hands with the blood family!"

"The Yangs and Zhus are just **** doglegs, they are not a climate at all!"

"As for the Zhao Clan and us..."

Zhan Tianyu sighed again: "The Zhao family is adjacent to the Zhu family. In recent years, the Zhu family has developed. It has joined hands with the Yang family to look at the Zhao family. Moreover, in the Zhao family area, in order to compete for the crown of the Zhao family, each Zhao family The direct descendants stand on their own sects..."

"I really don't know what happened in the Zhao clan after the First World War. How could Zhao Yanming's good prince suddenly disappear..."

Zhan Xinyi was also quite resentful.

An ancient clan requires not only the patriarch, but the prince is also equivalent to the replacement of the patriarch. Both are indispensable.

"So the Zhao clan is now in a mess. I don't know what the Zhao clan will do on this trip to the Ninth Hospital!" Zhan Tianyu also had a headache.

"Brother said, if the herder reappears at this moment, it is very likely that the nine clans will not unite at all to deal with the herder?"

"First of all, we must be able to unite!"

Zhan Tianyu's expression was distressed: "So my father hesitated about this matter!"

"The current God Realm is no longer the shock of the powerful pressure of the herdsmen tens of thousands of years ago, but the formation of gangs between each other, which can be said to be four factions!"

"If the shepherd appears, it will be the fifth faction. Father has been hesitating whether to unite the shepherd or... as an enemy!"

Zhan Xinyi was even more puzzled when he said this.

If the herders rise again, and if Mu Yun really returns, the rumors of the Nine Life Emperor will be set off again and unite with the herds, I am afraid that... will become the target of everyone!

"Some things, telling you too early will only make you more fearful!"

Zhan Xinyi suddenly said, "Brother, I am also a member of the Zhan clan!"

Seeing his sister's firm eyes, Zhan Tianyu's expression was startled.

"Actually, I don't know much. Fathers and uncles seem to have received news that the blood... is plotting big things!"


Zhan Xinyi was puzzled.

"Unify God Realm!"

Zhan Tianyu's words fell, and Zhan Xinyi's face turned pale.

"How dare the blood clan...not to mention that the royal clan is powerful, even the three major families of Murong, Shi and Kan will not tolerate it!"

"Back then, the blood tribe took the lead in destroying the herdsmen, it showed a different bloodiness from ordinary people, the blood prince, that blood lord..."

"When I think about it now, it feels terrible. Perhaps in the God Realm, after tens of thousands of years, the only one who can frighten him is the shepherd prince!"

In the room, fell into a long silence...

At the same time, on the other side, Mu Yun returned to the room with satisfaction.

"Silence of the thunder shock, with the thunder spirit shaking, erupted with a strong shock effect, which belongs to the sonic attack."

"Nine Yuan Shen Jue, you can choose a state with the Qi of the Nine Yuan and turn it into a form of attack!"

"And the Heavenly Dragon Sword Art..."

"Smelly boy, I know this!" Mu Fengchen immediately said, "This is a sword art created by your grandfather. Don't look at it as a seventh-grade divine art. It's powerful, but it's terrifying!"

"Assemble with the sword soul with divine power, without using divine weapons, you can burst out terrifying power!"

Mu Fengchen said proudly: "With this sword skill, no sword is better than a sword. Without a sword, the power that bursts out is actually higher. If you can condense the nine divine swords, once the long sword comes out, the seven souls will be the emperor. , You have to hate on the spot!"

"So evil?"

"What is Xiehu? Is it sacred?" Mu Fengchen laughed and said: "This swordsmanship, but grandpa, I created it in the realm of the gods back then. The power is almost to make the shepherd kids, one by one, shocked into two hundred and five. Up!"


Mu Yun ignored Mu Fengchen's boasting, sitting cross-legged, looking at the Shen Jue in front of him, and exhaling.

"In that case, let's start with the Nine Yuan Shen Jue!"

The Nine Yuan Shen Jue, with the Qi of the Nine Yuan, condense the power of the Nine Yuan, this is what he has done thousands of times.

Moreover, this magic trick can burst the Qi of Nine Yuan into various forms and carry out attacks of different forms.

What Mu Yun is most familiar with is naturally the sword, but this time, Mu Yun is not going to turn this into a sword state.

Sword, although he is more familiar with it, but this Nine Yuan Divine Art finally can make the martial artist's body and Divine Art merge into one body, bursting out the most powerful strength.

That being the case, then transform the dragon!

He himself has the form of dragon transformation, coupled with the Long Yuan gathered by the Nine Yuan Divine Art, and the two-to-two aggregations, that power is definitely the peak of surpassing this Divine Art itself!

After making up his mind, Mu Yun began to explore.

As time passed, Mu Yun slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a turbid breath.

"Nine Yuan Shen Jue, worthy of being a Seven-Rank God Jue, its power... still has some horror!"

"It's just that the difficulty of learning is much greater!"

At this moment, Miao Xianyu has returned.

Putting down a **** ring, Miao Xianyu smiled and said: "Zhan Xinyi is very willing, I think you have doubled the medicinal materials you want!"

"Then it seems that I want to be less!"

Mu Yun smiled slightly.

"Ten thousand years ginseng, seven-petal cloves, and wormwood, these three medicinal materials are quite precious. This time, I don't need much to refine the Shen Dan!"

Mu Yun smiled and said, "It just so happens that I have a magic pill that I can refine."

"What kind of pill?"

"Imperial Grade God Pill!"

Mu Yun said leisurely: "Blood Soul Divine Pill is used to help warriors in the realm of the Emperor and condense the soul!

Mu Yun's fusion of the memories of the seventh generation, although not complete, but the vast memory in it also surprised him.

At this moment, the Blood Soul God Pill was selected in his mind, and it was the most suitable for him now.

Not only himself, but Miao Xianyu, Tu Cunjian and others are also more suitable.

This time, the selection of the Seven Sect Divine Jue, the Zhan clan seemed to have doubts about his identity.

If this is the case, then he must speed up and improve his cultivation, regardless of whether it is Cang Yan, Tu Cunjian, or Ye Qiu. Once these people are exposed, it will be difficult for them to take care of themselves.

At that time, strength is the only guarantee!

And Shen Dan is undoubtedly the fastest way to improve.

With his alchemy, he can help everyone to improve as much as possible and reduce the side effects of the pill.

"Okay, let's refine the soul spirit pill first!"

Mu Yun said again: "The Soul Condensation Pill can remove the effect of the Seven Yuan Hui Po Pill. This time, did Zhan Xinyi say how many disciples have swallowed the Seven Yuan Hui Po Pill?"

"A total of 1,700 disciples!"

One thousand seven hundred...

Mu Yun smiled slightly.

No wonder that Master Shen Yuan was so anxious when he heard this, Zhan Xinyi knew immediately.

These thousand or seven hundred disciples are all in the realm of the **** emperor. After hundreds of years, thousands of years, they will be the realm of the gods, and even giants from the realm of the ancestors will be born!

"In that case, let's start!"

Mu Yun looked at Miao Xianyu and said: "Good apprentice, Master teaches you alchemy again, but you should learn it!"

"Yes, Master!"

The two smiled at each other and started to do their work.

As far as Mu Yun was concerned, he had never refined the Seven-Rank Divine Pill.

But with his previous proficiency, he believes he can!

In the room, the two figures began to get busy.

At this moment, on the roof of Mu Yun's house, Mo Shushu leaned against him, squinting his eyes.

"Oh, I think I'm a dignified Nine Nether Kunpeng, the sky is a Peng, and the sea is a Kunpeng. Between the world and the earth, no one can restrain me. Unexpectedly, I have become this kid's private guard!

Mo Shushu sighed and closed his eyes.

"Kunpeng Nine Changes..."

"Mu Qingyu, the old fox, Jiuyou Jue won't give me it. First, adjust my appetite and give me Kunpeng Nine Changes. That's all, I have the right to rest and rest my old bones!"

Slowly, the breath of Mo Shushu gradually dissipated...

At the same time, outside Muyun's house, a figure stood proudly.

It is Xuan Fengzi.

At this moment, Xuan Fengzi turned into the most determined guard, standing outside Muyun courtyard, looking around.

Before Mu Yun had successfully refined the soul pill, he could not leave Mu Yun half a step.

With Mu Yun's retreat and alchemy, the entire Zhenwu Academy seemed to gradually calm down.

Time passed by, and after half a year, Qin Chen's door finally opened.

"Come on!" Miao Xianyu looked at Xuanfengzi and said.

Hearing this, Xuanfengzi's face was happy.

Mu Yun, it's a success!

Entering the room, Danxiang spreads.

"This is the soul pill to help you clear the barriers in your body!"

Mu Yun directly threw a **** pill to Xuanfengzi, and said, "Try it!"

"it is good!"

Xuanfengzi swallowed it without hesitation.

Time passed slowly, and after ten days, Xuan Fengzi suddenly stood up.


Without a word, he left directly.

"This guy, no thanks!" Miao Xianyu snorted.

"If you feel that you may break through to the realm of the gods, the opportunity is rare, I guess you will not thank you!"

"This guy, is going to break through?"

Miao Xianyu smashed his mouth and didn't say much.

"It seems that the pill is finished!"

Mu Yun smiled again: "In this case, in the next six months, I will be preparing to refine the Blood Soul God Pill!"

Mu Yun also handed the Dan Fang to Zhan Xinyi in a hurry.

Instead, continue to open the furnace.

The blood spirit pill, with the powerful blood spirit of the warrior, promotes the cohesion of the spirit spirit.

This sacred pill was the pill that Mu Yun searched through all the memories in his mind and found the most suitable pill for a warrior to swallow in the realm of the emperor.

Mu Fengxiao also quite agrees with this.

In the following time, Mu Yun retired again and began the refining of the Blood Soul God Pill.

This refining took more than two years.

In more than two years, the entire Zhenwu Academy, the originally peaceful days, gradually saw some waves.

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