Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1984: Give back things to them

"It is said that it was the place chosen by the nine colleges. In fact, it is not the place chosen by the nine ancient tribes. In order to select the best fighters for themselves, they are very serious!"

"The journey of the Nine Courtyards to Heaven Road can also be said to be a grand occasion!"

Mu Yun's eyes were smiling.

"In that case, I really have to prepare carefully for ten years..."

"His Royal Highness, rest assured, when the time comes, I will let my son follow His Highness to ensure that His Highness is safe."

Cang Yan was also extremely happy at the moment.

"This time, His Royal Highness has stepped up step by step from the small world, working hard, as a subordinate, the Lord is worried about the humiliation of the minister, and the Lord humiliated the minister to die. This time, His Royal Highness is waiting for me, and don't risk his life.

"Do not worry!"

Mu Yun waved his hand and said, "This time, I cherish my life more than anyone else!"


Everyone began to chat again, talking about the past, and they were full of joy in their hearts.

Seeing Mu Yun again, they found their way like headless flies.

Mu Yun is their direction.

Xuantian Wanshi, from birth to death, only remembers one thing, Muyun, everything to them.

After the discussion was over, everyone naturally inevitably had a meal. After the meal was full, Mu Yun returned to the residence that Cang Yan had arranged.

Looking at the prosperous Canglongxuan, Mu Yun was not sleepy for a while, got up and left the inner city and came to the outer city.

At night, the sky is full of stars, and between the outer cities, the lights are feasting and bustling everywhere.

Mu Yun walked on the street, watching the crowd coming and going, completely relaxed.


However, when he came to a pill pavilion, Mu Yun suddenly stopped.

A familiar breath was noticed by his soul consciousness.

Mu Yun tossed among the crowd, and finally saw two figures.

The two figures, dressed in black clothes and black robes on their backs, walked more cautiously, looking around, very cautious.

Looking at the two figures, a smile appeared at the corner of Mu Yun's mouth.

He was already aware of who the two were.

"Good guys, two stinky boys, I didn't expect to enter the God Realm and get such a great opportunity!"

Mu Yun made two moves in three steps, and directly caught up with the two of them.

There was a slap, and his palm patted the back of the two directly.


In an instant, at this moment, the two figures directly folded, and the two swords shot out.

It was just that the swords in the hands of the two pierced Mu Yun's body, but they did not break any of Mu Yun's defenses.


The next moment, two long swords fell to the ground, and the two of them stayed for a while.

"you guys……"

Just as Mu Yun was about to speak, he was taken aback at this moment.

At this moment, the two people in front of him were Yun Wei Mu Tianshang and Mu Longyuan who were in the Cloud League of the Immortal Realm.

However, seeing the expressions of the two of them, Mu Yun did not react for a while.

Between Mu Tianshang's slightly handsome eyes, there were two scars, like two sword wounds, with one in each eye.

And Mu Longyuan, the same is true.

At this moment, the two of them looked flustered, and their faces looked particularly frightened.


"Long Yuan!"

"It's me!" Mu Yun said in disbelief: "You two...what's wrong?"

Seeing the two of them, at this moment, the expressions of the two of them were panicked, then shocked, unbelievable, and finally turned into excitement and ecstasy.

"the host!"

"the host!"

Mu Tianshang and Mu Longyuan suddenly bowed to the ground.

Tears filled the eyes.

"You... why do you look like this?"

Mu Yun knew the talent of Mu Longyuan and Mu Tianshang.

The two of them can be said to have reached the realm of the gods, as expected, both of them are now in the realm of the one-soul **** king, and the realm has improved, which can be said to be rapid.

However, looking at their appearance, they are extremely miserable, and they seem to be...exploited!

"Master, go first, leave this city first, and we'll talk to you in detail!"

Mu Tianshang pulled Mu Yun and wanted to leave here.

"What's the matter? Panicked!" Mu Yun stood still and said: "Just say it slowly here, rest assured, here, no one dares to move you!"


"Over there, chase!"

A shout sounded at this moment.

Swishes broke through the air, and suddenly, more than a dozen figures galloped over.

The two figures in the lead, the breath of the whole body swelled, looking at Mu Tianshang and Mu Longyuan with indifferent expressions.

"Hmph, I stole something into the Canglong Pavilion, don't look at it, this Canglong Pavilion, but the brand of Canglongxuan, boy, hand over the things and prepare to die!"

"Stealing things?"

Mu Yun looked at Mu Longyuan and Mu Tianshang, both of them were in the realm of God Kings, so they wouldn't be so miserable, right?

"Master, go!"

Mu Tianshang said: "Canglongxuan is a Tianyuan-level power, second only to Zhenwu Academy, Tianji Pavilion, and Phantom Sect. This is what we do and has nothing to do with you."

"Master go first, I will wait behind the palace, the safety of the Seventh Lady depends on the master!"

Lady Seven?

Mu Yun was startled.

"Run? No one can escape! Kill them!"

The two warriors in the realm of the emperor of the soul, directly rushed out at this moment.

"Go away!"

Mu Yun waved a palm, and the two of them retreated banging, vomiting blood again and again, their faces pale.

Seeing this scene, the two of them looked startled.

"Second Soul God Emperor!"

The two looked at Mu Yun and suddenly became nervous.

"Hmph, everything must be reasonable!" One of them said: "This is the place of Canglongxuan. I stole the things from Canglong Pavilion, boy, I advise you to return it, otherwise..."

"To shut up!"

Mu Yun was too lazy to bother at this moment, and he let out a deep cry.

"I advise you to shut up, otherwise, you must be the one who died!"

The two men looked cold at this moment, and their open mouths were closed after all.

Mu Yun looked at Mu Tianshang and Mu Longyuan.

"What's the matter, tell me carefully!"

Mu Yun didn't look good, and said: "What are you stealing? Also, Madam Seven...If I remember correctly, you mean Xianyu, what's wrong with her?"

"Madam Seven... she is imprisoned!"

Mu Tianshang couldn't help saying, "Hundreds of miles away from the Canglongxuan, there is a city called Qingluan City. In the past, Qingluan City was the place where the descendants of the Sword Saint Qingluan was located. It is Canglong. Xuan, he didn't attribute this city to his own sect."

"The city lord of Qingluan has gathered a large number of divine alchemists. The Seventh Lady has reached the God Realm, and her alchemy has been continuously improved. Now she is a six-star divine alchemist!"

"She was caught by Qingluan City. We don't know what divine pill to refine. We can't see her at all, and she must be controlled by Qingluan City to gather medicinal materials for them."

"At this time, we can't collect the medicinal materials, so we can only steal it. Otherwise, not only will we die, but the Seventh Lady will also suffer!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun's expression gradually became cold.

The seventh lady, judging from the ranking of the women, is a wonderful fairy language.

This little girl has also entered the God Realm, and her alchemy has improved so quickly.

"It's them!"

At this moment, the sound of breaking through the air sounded again, and a group of figures suddenly appeared in front of Mu Yun and the others at this moment.

Surrounded by three figures.

And out of it, a figure came out.

That person's breath is strong and restrained, but the mere lingering prestige that makes people dare not underestimate him.

"It's Master Muher!"

"Master Muhe is a Seven-Star Divine Alchemist, and is in the realm of the Five Soul Divine Emperor."

"Now, these people are miserable. They stole things into the Canglong Pavilion of Canglongxuan. It's really... I don't know what is terrible!"

Na Muhe walked out at the moment and looked at Mu Yun.

"Young junior, in the realm of God Emperor, I don't think your talent is bad, why do you do something like stealing?"

"Return things to them!"

Mu Yun looked at Mu Tianshang and Mu Longyuan at this moment, and ordered.

"the host!"

The two are in a hurry at the moment, they took a lot of effort to steal it out, and even if it is returned to the Canglong Pavilion, these people will not let them go if they are designated.

"Are you not even listening to me now?"

"Don't dare!"

At this moment, the two waved their palms, and plants of miraculous medicine appeared.

The ten valuable medicinal materials are dazzling.

"Take it!"

Mu Longyuan said.

"Now, the things are returned to you, people, I will take them away!"

Mu Yun looked at that Muhe and said.


After receiving the things, Muhe smiled and said, "Young man, are you really stupid or fake?"


Mu Yun frowned.

"If someone else took the things from my Canglong Pavilion, it doesn't matter if they come back to my Canglong Pavilion, then whoever wants to take the things from my Canglong Pavilion?"

Muhe sneered.

"I see!"

Mu Yun nodded and said: "In this matter, you can go to Cang Bei Xuan, this thing was taken by my subordinates, and now it is returned, Cang Bei Xuan should have no objection."

"Why would the Second Young Master bother about these things?"

Moher suddenly hummed: "Boy, don't pretend to be a big-tailed wolf here!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun couldn't help getting upset.

The safety of Miao Xianyu is what he cares most about. Now, he really doesn't bother to take care of these people.

"Finally, this is the nameplate of Zhenwu Academy. I am a Saint of Zhenwu Academy, and so is your second son, and I and your second son are friends!"

"Friend? Then you come with me. It just so happens that my second son, come back, let's confront each other, what you said is true or false, the way of nature!"


Mu Yun knew that Mu Tianshang and Mu Longyuan made the mistake first, so it was difficult to get started.

"You go and call Cang Beixuan, and I told him myself, you tell him, Mu Yun can find him!"

"What a big tone!"

Hearing this, Mu He sneered and said: "How can the second son be what I can tell you, or you should catch it with your hands, and come with me to see the second son!"


Mu Yun waved his hand and said: "I see, the reason why my two subordinates did something wrong did not do anything with you."

"Now, if you don't know the interest, I don't mind killing you!"


As soon as these words came out, several people suddenly shouted and rushed forward.


Mu Yun stepped forward at this moment, and immediately released his aura.

The realm of the Second Soul God Emperor is full of exhibitions!

"Stop, stop!"

At this moment, a shout suddenly sounded.

Two figures, galloping over at this moment, are the two brothers Cang Yunhai and Cang Bei Xuan.

"Stop it all!" Cang Beixuan suddenly roared.

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