Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1872: See how i teach you

"I am in the realm of the Great Perfection of the Celestial God, but when condensing the soul, there will always be a trace of illusion, which makes me unable to condense the soul with all my heart. Master once guarded me, but I didn't find any problems!"

Xiao Yu'er was a little puzzled and said: "Master said, it may be because I can't calm down and cause confusion. I diagnosed the masters of Xuanming Hall, and I didn't find any problems!"

"Oh? So strange?"

Mu Yun stepped forward and stretched out his hand: "Miss Xiao, please give me your hand!"

Xiao Yuer stretched out her palm.

The slender fingers are as smooth and soft as suet jade, giving people a pleasing feeling.

Mu Yun put his fingers on him, and he entered Xiao Yuer's body with a trace of the power of the primordial spirit.

At this moment, Mu Yun's expression suddenly changed.

"what's happenin?"

Xiao Yuer said slightly nervously.

"Your body is indeed very weird, but it is because of the excess qi of the primordial yin, which leads to the lack of yang in your body!"

Mu Yun said seriously: "I can help you heal!"


"of course!"

Mu Yun solemnly said: "Now you close your eyes and meditate, with no distractions, don't think about other things!"


Xiao Yuer's eyes were slightly closed at this moment.

Mu Yun looked at the slim figure of this woman, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Little clever ghost, **** with me!"

Mu Yun muttered to himself, walked to the door, pinched the tactics with both hands, one after another divine power, appeared, and completely sealed the entire hall.

After exhaling, Mu Yun came directly to Xiao Yu'er and pointed his finger.

The crackling sound suddenly sounded, and the beautiful woman in front of her, in a black long dress, completely shattered, and a perfect body appeared in front of her.


Suddenly, an exclamation sounded, and the face of the woman under the black hat appeared in front of Mu Yun's eyes.

"You... rascal!"

"Who said I'm a rogue?" Mu Yun looked at the beautiful woman in front of him and smiled: "Oh, Xiao Yuner, you dare to lie to me, do you think I don't know you? Your blood in your body is always weird, don't think I look at it. Not coming out!"

"Do you recognize me?"

She stood in front of Mu Yun with nothing on her body, her pretty face flushed. It wasn't Xiao Yun'er, but who was it?

"Dare to lie to me? See how I teach you!"

Mu Yun's figure rushed directly.

Xiao Yuner wanted to resist, but at this moment, where could Mu Yun's opponent be.

"You... have you reached the realm of the Monarch Monarch?"

Xiao Yuner was stunned.

"Yes, even you have reached the realm of the Great Perfection of the Heavenly God, why can't I reach the realm of the Monarch God?"

Mu Yun directly hugged Xiao Yun'er, two figures, entangled and scuffled, from the main hall to the inner room...

I haven't seen it for many years, but I saw Xiao Yun'er again at this moment. The two of them were a raging fire, and they were naturally lingering.

Slowly, the movement in the room stopped.

Xiao Yun'er leaned lazily in Mu Yun's arms, with a flash of crimson in her eyes.


Mu Yun smiled and said, "Do you dare to deceive me?"

"Who makes you worry about it!"

Xiao Yuner angrily said: "Look at you, along the way, those women, how familiar with you, I will see my sisters and sisters in the future, and I won't break your teeth!"

"Then are you willing?"

"I..." Xiao Yuner hummed, "Of course I can't bear it!"

Mu Yun laughed loudly, causing Xiao Yuner to wait on him with a fist.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about business!"

Mu Yun said earnestly: "When will you ascend to the God Realm? And when you reached the Xuanming Hall, you have also become a closed disciple of Xuan Ce, and you have reached the realm of the Great Perfection of the Heavenly God!"

I have to say that Xiao Yuner's improvement is really fast.

Less than ten years after he entered the God Realm, he was promoted to a Monarch of One Origin, and there were quite a few adventures in between.

But Xiao Yoona does not have his background and experience.

"You do not know!"

Xiao Yuner eagerly said: "Since you and Xie Qing left, Sister Yao and Senior Brother Lu quickly ascended to the realm of the gods. Later, the realm of the immortals gradually unified and stabilized completely, and the alliance of clouds expanded and stabilized the realm of God! "

"Then our sisters suddenly felt that their own cultivation bases were advancing by leaps and bounds, and they had passed through the Buddha realm one by one and ascended to the **** realm!"


Mu Yun was strangely tight.

The talents of several women vary, although they have their own characteristics, but logically speaking, this kind of cultivation is indeed a bit peculiar.

Just like Meng Zimo and Miao Xianyu, they are proficient in alchemy, but they are not their strong points in cultivation.

Qin Mengyao is the ice phoenix spirit constantly improving, faster than him, he is not surprised.

Ye Xueqi was able to understand Swordsmanship.

Wang Xinya specializes in rhythm, and has a unique improvement. Jiuer awakens the remnant soul of the nine-tailed sky fox, the beast, and Mingyue Xin is the reincarnation of the water god.

Even so, each of the eight women is different. In theory, they all improve rapidly at the same time, which is indeed a bit strange.

"After I arrived in the God Realm, I was in the North Cang Territory of the God Realm, and I met Master Xuan Ce by chance, but I was favored by Master and accepted as a disciple!"

Xiao Yun'er said seriously: "Master Xuan Ce respected me very well, and he taught me the secrets of Xuan Ming Temple and urged me to study."

"Master said that my body is weird, with strange blood, even he can't see it, but once the blood is stronger, it will be unstoppable!"

"This old fox, isn't he thinking about it?"

Mu Yun frowned and said.

"What are you thinking about!" Xiao Yuner smiled: "Master can't."


Mu Yun nodded, and said: "Your blood is weird in your body. I have already noticed it, but I haven't been able to see what the problem is."

"It's okay now, you are by my side, and when you return to the herd, I think my father should know something, the Nanyun Empire back then, I wouldn't let me be married to you!"


"The breakthrough you said is not a success, it should be all fictitious, right?"

When Xiao Yuner heard this, she immediately cursed: "Then you still said that I have excess vitality and need..."


"Have you ever forgotten the tyrannical essence of my body? Maybe, these days, you and me will be able to break through the realm of the gods in one fell swoop."


Xiao Yoona screamed, but then, there was no sound in the room...

As night fell gradually, Xiao Yuner had just left the Muyun Hall.

Watching Xiao Yuner leave, Mu Yun let out a sigh of relief.

"Mu Yun!"

A shout sounded, and Xi Xing'er stood behind Mu Yun cleverly and smiled: "Everyone has gone away, do you want to watch?"

"You have forgotten what I said to you. It seems that Miss Xiao has taken your soul away!"

Xi Xing'er smiled.

"'s not too late, let's go, go to your sister's side!"

Mu Yun nodded.

The two walked together, and Xi Xing'er couldn't help but said, "I heard that this girl, Xiao Yu'er, is a peerless beauty. She was regarded as a disciple by Xuan Ce and treated her as a daughter. How about she? What's wrong with her? Isn't it particularly sweet-looking?"

"I just had a medical treatment, and she didn't take off her veil. How do I know what she looks like?"

"As for the problem she encountered in her cultivation... it was that she practiced too fast, which caused the meridians in the body to breathe differently. I helped her dredge the meridians in the body and treat it slowly..."

Dredge the meridians?

Xi Xing'er was puzzled for a while.

Couldn't the alchemists in Xuanming Hall do such things badly?

"Okay, okay, let's go quickly!"

Mu Yun urged.

When he arrived in Xi Meng's hall, Mu Yun released Xi Chenyuan.

The father and daughter sat opposite Mu Yun.

"The Four Sects of Huiwu are coming soon. This time, the Sword God Sect and the Tongtian Valley will definitely do something, otherwise, with such a good opportunity, they need to wait again!"

Xi Chenyuan opened the mouth and said, "We must plan carefully for this matter."


Xi Meng nodded and said, "Bao Tianjue looks very rough, but his heart is as thin as a hair, and he definitely won't show his feet easily!"

"It's easy!"

Mu Yun spoke.

"Four sects of martial arts, for a period of time, can not be completed in a day, when the time comes, Xi Xing'er and I will play, we two, kill as many disciples of Tongtian Valley as possible as possible, it is to see how Ba Tianjue decides!"


"The most important thing is Xuanming Hall and Jiuxing Pavilion!"

Xi Chenyuan said again: "Tongtian Valley and Sword God Sect are now under the control of Ba Tianjue and Zhuo Jian. The two are designed, and they are not in harmony on the surface, but secretly they are connected fornication!"

"But the discord between Xuanming Hall and Jiuxing Pavilion is really discord!"

"As long as Ba Tianjue and Zhuo Jianyi resort to some conspiracy to provoke discord, then it will be enough to cause internal fighting between the two sects!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun frowned.

"In that case, this matter needs to be carefully considered. However, on the Xuanming Temple side, I have a certain degree of certainty to dissuade it. I don't know if the Jiuxing Pavilion side can be discussed!"

In Mu Yun's mind, he was really unsure about the Jiuxing Pavilion.

"Master Mu!"

At this moment, a voice sounded outside the hall.

"What's the matter?"

"The lord has an order, the Jiuxing Pavilion is here, please accompany Master Mu, greet and arrange matters together!"

When the voice fell, Xi Meng couldn't help but grinned: "It seems that our Sect Master Zhuo really cultivated you as a confidant."

Mu Yun just shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Leaving the Danyuan, came to the front of the Sword God Sect Mountain.

At this moment, night fell, and the entire Sword God Sect was brightly lit, like daylight.


Seeing Mu Yun, Zhuo Jian nodded and said, "The people from Jiuxing Pavilion have also arrived so quickly. It seems that I really don't want to lose to Xuanming Hall in everything."

"Sect Master, the disciple is unclear. The Jiuxing Pavilion and Xuanming Hall have been grieving for a long time. Why on earth?"

After seeing Mu Yun, Zhuo Jian's side only spoke.

"The current master of the Jiuxing Pavilion, Xing Juetian, has worked hard to lead the Jiuxing Pavilion to become stronger."

"In the old days, the old pavilion master of the Jiuxing Pavilion, Xing Juetian's father, Xing Ciyu, was a generation of heroes, but unfortunately, when he cooperated with Xuanming Hall to explore the mystery, he was killed by Xing Juetian, Xing Juetian At that time, he was young and vigorous, committed to revenge, and even killed the three sons of Xuan Ce."

"The two major sects have been grieving about this. Hundreds of years have passed, but the anger still has not been calmed down!"

Zhuo Jianyi spoke again: "Don't mention this matter, and try to avoid the frontal collision between Xuanming Hall and Jiuxing Pavilion!"

"The disciple understands!"

Mu Yun arched his hands and stepped aside.

The whistling wind sounded at this moment, and in the night, strong winds rushed toward the face.

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