Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1541: Meet the Lord

"Go? Where to go?"

"Of course I went to my reincarnation hall, you all came to the city of reincarnation, don't I take you to visit my reincarnation hall? Although..." Mu Yun looked outside the inn and said lightly: "I haven't seen it either. ..."

Looking out the street, Mu Yun was also yearning for him. In the past five hundred years, how strong are Man Yuan, Zhuli, and Xue Yunqi, and what strength has the Samsara Palace developed into in the hands of the three!

Mu Yun waved his hand and said: "Let's go!"


However, just as Mu Yun was about to set off, a dull bang on the street suddenly sounded at this moment.

When the dull sound of dong dong dong sounded, a group of figures stepped forward.

The silhouettes were two or three meters tall, holding various spears and swords, majestic, neatly arranged, and walking in unison, looking majestic.

For the first three tall horses, there are three figures on their bodies.

The three figures have long breaths and extraordinary cultivation. At first glance, they give people a strong sense of oppression.

Bang bang bang...

The three figures landed on the ground, and suddenly knocked on one knee.

"Meet the Lord!"

"Meet the Lord!"

"Meet the Lord!"

In an instant, these four words echoed across the street.

The tall and extraordinary Demon Warriors, at this moment, one by one respectfully, even the three leading Demon Kings respectfully salute Mu Yun.

At this moment, the air seemed to be quiet.

Gu Cheng and Gu Tianyuan, father and son, were completely stunned at this moment.

"He... he, he, he... is he really the Lord of the Samsara Palace?" Gu Tianyuan was completely dumbfounded at this moment.

"You bastard, how did you provoke this guy!"

Gu Cheng felt like a mirror in his heart.

Man Yuan, Zhuli, and Xue Yunqi have been well-known in the northwestern region for hundreds of years.

The three of them fought decisively, built the reincarnation hall, and tied their heels. Even Burning Heaven Valley did not have too strong suppression methods.

These three people would rather stand to live than kneel to die.

But now, it is impossible to be so respectful to Mu Yun!

At this time, Tianjikong was also stunned.

He had heard of the three great demon kings.

But this Samsara Palace...what's going on?

Before coming, Mu Yun hadn't said that he was the Lord of the Samsara Palace.

For hundreds of years, Mu Yun has been in the Demon Realm. When did he ran here and built the Samsara Hall?

At this moment, Tianjikong had no fewer doubts in his mind than Gu Cheng, Gu Tianyuan and his son.

At this time, Jiuer was taking Aunt Xue lazily, standing in the corridor on the second floor, leaning against the railing.

"You sweetheart, it's really not easy!"

"Master, you are talking nonsense again!"

Jiu'er squinted and smiled lightly: "Xiao Yunzi is indeed very powerful. After all, he opened up the Yunmeng ten thousand years ago. The lord of a domain, one of the ten great immortal kings, sits together with you, Master. Yeah!"

"He is not worthy now!"

Aunt Xue said indifferently: "But this kid, thoughtful, just got his heels in the Demon Realm, and let Tian Fengxiao obey him, and now he ran to the extremely chaotic land... I think this extremely chaotic earth is going to be even more chaotic. Up!"

As soon as he said this, a smile appeared on Jiu'er's face.

She was also very surprised that Mu Yun actually didn't know when, in the northwestern region of this extremely chaotic land, a reincarnation hall was established.

Samsara Palace, Samsara...

"Get up!"

Mu Yun waved his hand at the moment, and said lightly: "In such a big posture, I am afraid that others will not know that I am not dead, right?"

"Don't dare!"

Man Yuan stood up at this moment, he hehe smiled: "When we heard the news, we were terribly scared, but thought that the Lord said that if you die, we will die too, but we are not dead, then it proves that you I'm definitely not dead!"

Man Yuan breathed in awe.

"Hall Master, don't listen to him nonsense!"

Xue Yunqi covered her mouth and smiled: "This guy was scared to death at the time. She kept pulling Zhuli and me to say, will we die, will we die..."

Looking at the three of them, Mu Yun nodded.

"The three of you are still in the mood for joking here, everyone is ready to kill you!"

"Oh? Who is so bold?"

Zhuli grinned and said, "I want to see it!"


Mu Yun stepped away, and Gu Cheng and Gu Tianyuan, father and son, appeared in front of several people.

"It turned out to be Gu Cheng, the Deputy Sect Master of the Shadow Sect..."

Zhu Li laughed loudly and said: "Hall Master, we all know the scheming of the Shadow Sect and the Spirit Dragon Sect. We have taken precautions a long time ago. We all know when they will do it!"

"Hall master rest assured, they dare to attack the city of reincarnation, I will never be merciless, and immediately kill them!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun smiled without speaking.

It seemed that the three of Man Yuan had already prepared.

Xue Yunqi stepped forward and said respectfully: "The Lord of the Palace does not know anything. We will follow the instructions of the Lord of the Palace. We are only developing in this reincarnation city and the surrounding area for hundreds of miles, and on the surface, it seems that the strength and spirit dragon sect , Shadow Sect is almost the same, but in fact..."

Xue Yunqi lowered her voice and said, "It's only the realm of the immortal king. There are already more than two thousand people under the palace of reincarnation. The shadow sect and the spirit dragon sect are not enough to see!"


Mu Yun said in surprise: "It seems that I really want to hear what you have done in the past hundreds of years!"

After the words fell, Mu Yun said again: "Take them father and son, don't kill for the time being, I need them, now, take me to see your Samsara Palace, what a sight it is!"


The three of Man Yuan immediately became busy, and did not dare to delay.

At this moment, Mu Yun turned around to look at Jiu'er and Aunt Xue, and waved.

A group of people waited and continued to march towards the center of the city.

During the half-day trip, a city wall appeared in front of everyone.

When you look closely at that city wall, it is a simple pile of black meteorite, without any special formation blessings.

The black meteorite is extremely strong, but even if it is a strong defense, without the blessing of the formation, it is no use.

But Mozu has always been bad at doing this, and Mu Yun knew it too.

At this moment, the gates of the city were wide open, one after another, standing on both sides, looking carefully, all of them were Demon Warriors.

But the central government is headed by three people.

The three of them looked carefully, their bearing was extraordinary, each of them seemed to be at the level of the eighth-rank and ninth-rank immortal kings.

"Qin Yuan, Chenqi, Fang Yu, the three of you, haven't seen our Palace Master yet!"

Man Yuan suddenly drank.

The three figures suddenly knelt on one knee and saluted respectfully.

"These three are...human beings!" Mu Yun said in surprise.

Man Yuan laughed and said, "Hall Master Qi, these three are the three of us we have conquered over the past few hundred years. They are quite capable, so let them stay in the Samsara Palace. The lord can rest assured, absolutely reliable!"


Mu Yun looked at the three of Man Yuan and became more surprised.

"It seems that the three of you have really worked hard for hundreds of years."

"That's natural. How dare I neglect what the hall master ordered."

They really did not dare to neglect, Mu Yun let them live, they will live, Mu Yun let them die, they will die!

"Well, you don't have to say these words!"

Mu Yun nodded and said: "Since that's the case, let me see what you look like in the Samsara Hall!"


The three of them left and led the way. Along the way, Man Yuan kept explaining the current form of the Samsara Palace.

The entire Samsara Hall, built in the center of the Samsara City, is like a city within a city, and within the Samsara City, there are about millions of people, the Samsara Temple, undoubtedly the core.

In the center of the Samsara Hall, a large hall stood upright.

The main hall occupies a few kilometers, and the scale looks very large. Entering the main hall, first is a hall with a length of 100 meters.

At this moment, about a hundred people stood still on both sides of the hall.

"See the Lord!"

"See the Lord!"

The mighty voice sounded, the hundreds of people, sitting one by one, looked like they were all powerful.


Mu Yun stepped into the hall and came directly to the throne in the depths.

On the throne, a disc stood quietly.

The disc is half black and half white, which looks very strange.

Man Yuan explained: "Since the lord of the palace named Samsara, I designed this wheel of black and white after a while, and I want to spin and reincarnate endlessly!"

"it is good!"

Mu Yun opened his mouth and said: "It's better to let everyone unify their costumes, wearing costumes printed with this black and white Yuan Wheel, which represents my disciple of the Temple of Reincarnation!"


Mu Yun stepped forward and sat down.

"The three of you are good at doing things, I will naturally reward you!"

Mu Yun opened his mouth and said: "What is your realm now?"

"Hall Master Qi, third-rate immortal king level!"


Mu Yun waved his palm, three jade boxes appeared, and said, "These three pills should be able to help you. Go further, take it back and practice!"

"Thanks to the Lord!"

Seeing this scene, the sky on the side was envious.

Mu Yun should have given it the Promise Heaven Seizing Pill. The three of them didn't know how valuable it was, but he did.

"Next, talk about the conspiracy of the Shadow Sect and the Spirit Dragon Sect this time!"

Mu Yun nodded and said: "You should know the whole story, what are you going to do?"

"Hall Master Qiqi!"

Xue Yunqi stood up at this moment, and said, "The Shadow Sect and the Spirit Dragon Sect are really cunning this time. Now that the Lord returns, I don't have to hide myself anymore. I should let them know the power of the Samsara Hall!"


A demon warrior below shouted: "Those little rascals thought we were afraid of them. Over the years, we have been following the orders of the hall master and have been developing secretly. Many of the strong in the hall have been sent out to guard other areas. No mountain or dew."

"Yes, as long as the palace master gives an order, the Shadow Sect and the Spirit Dragon Sect will be wiped out!"

Seeing the passion of the group, Mu Yun nodded.

It seems that over the past few hundred years, the three people of Man Yuan have developed really well.

With tens of thousands of demon warriors and the addition of other warriors for hundreds of years, now, the Hall of Reincarnation has begun to take shape.

"Everyone, listen to me!"

Mu Yun waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"This time, the Shadow Sect and the Spirit Dragon Sect were only angry because our Samsara Palace did not unite with them to deal with Burning Heaven Valley."

"If this is the case, then we will unite with them!"

Mu Yun smiled lightly: "A Shadow Sect and a Spirit Dragon Sect, what is it? Our goal is Burning Heaven Valley, the overlord of this northwestern region!"

As soon as these words came out, the hall suddenly became quiet.


They had always followed Mu Yun's orders and developed low-key.

Therefore, they did not agree to the request of the Shadow Sect and the Spirit Dragon Sect to cooperate, which caused the two sects to kill their lips.

But now, when Mu Yun returns, they can get a high profile!

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