Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 783 Really Naive


Shiliu slammed into the building heavily, and couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Crocodile here.

"Do you think you can take the opportunity to find an opportunity to attack me by moving at high speed without stopping? What a naive idea!"

Facing Meria's sudden change of tactics, Crocodile didn't panic at all, because he had an effective way to deal with this move.

"Sha Lan!"

Crocodile let out a low snort, and threw out a rapidly spinning desert storm from his hand.

Then, the moment it left Crocodile's palm, it expanded rapidly like a balloon, covering the ground twenty meters around Crocodile, and continued to expand.

There is no other purpose of using this trick, which is to completely interrupt the rhythm of Meria who is moving at high speed.

In this desert storm, he is the absolute king, and Meria is just the fish on his chopping board.


Sure enough, when Meria appeared again, she felt a sudden lightness in her body, and a large amount of blood spattered out.

Sand grains moving at high speed are as powerful as a sharp sword, and the violent wind and waves are enough to make Meria unable to continue moving at high speed.

Unless Meria can quickly find the location of the eye of the wind, she will be safe. However, Crocodile, who is in the eye of the storm, obviously will not give him this opportunity.

"Damn it, Yuebu was so affected here that I couldn't get rid of the power of this storm!"

"No, I must not be swept in by this storm. In that case, I will completely become Crocodile's fish, and any attack will become powerless!"

Meria's eyes lit up, and she saw that the movement of her feet suddenly strengthened, and she stomped heavily, even the whole storm trembled violently because of her, and her figure was distorted.

"Oh, that's amazing. I didn't expect you to have such abilities. I underestimated you, but it doesn't matter. I'll let you know what despair is!"

"Since ordinary desert storms can't do anything to you, let me see if you can still make such a big splash in the face of heavy sand haze!"

"Weight Sha Lan!"

Crocodile let out a low snort, and saw that the speed of the desert storm doubled, and then the density of the sand in the storm also doubled.

The ensuing force of traction rose sharply.


Meria only felt a huge oppressive force suddenly coming from her body, as if it was about to tear her apart. The power of the sand in the storm was extraordinary, and even through the domineering armed color, it still made her feel a little painful.

"Moon steps!"

Melia didn't want to be sucked down by the desert storm and become a prey to be slaughtered by Crocodile, so she burst out with super powerful moon steps again.

But this time it didn't work. It was like throwing a stone into a pond. Although it could splash waves, it couldn't shake the entire pond. She couldn't get rid of the powerful pull of the desert storm for a while.

"Damn it, you are so tyrannical!"

Meria couldn't help cursing, her first task now is to get rid of the restraint of this desert storm.

If she doesn't get rid of the desert storm, she has no advantage at all, and she can't stay in the desert storm for a long time, because it consumes a lot of her physical strength.

While maintaining the armed domineering, while launching the six styles, it requires physical support.

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