Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 485 Please think again

"At that time, you will directly serve as a temporary admiral and lead the navy to go out!"

"Since you have to lead troops to the battle anyway, why did you choose this embarrassing way!"

It has to be said that the officials of this world government/government are very good at talking.

Every sentence is reasonable and fits perfectly, and every sentence is a threat.

"That means I have no choice?"

Akainu raised his head and stared at the man tightly, full of terrifying oppression, which made the man take a few steps back, sweating profusely.

"So, please think carefully about it. After all, if you remove a marshal, even Lord Wu Laoxing will not do such a thing of self-destruction unless you are forced to!"

Seeing that Akakenu's tone was a little gentle, the man hurriedly said good things again, hoping to make Akakenu change his mind.

"You don't need to say any more. As long as I, Sakaski, is the Admiral of the Navy, I will not be able to carry out this order. It is absolutely impossible. Let the Five Old Stars give up!"

However, the words of the world government officials did not achieve any effect.

Sakalski was like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard, and he always insisted on his point of view without any wavering.

"In this case, I wish the marshal good luck. I hope your decision is correct, otherwise, this will definitely be a failure in your life!"

Seeing that Sakaski is completely unreasonable, the world government officials don't want to continue to persuade.

"Walk slowly!"

Akainu lacked even the most basic manners, and said without raising his head.

"It's so old-fashioned. It's an international joke to dispatch the entire navy at once!"

In the smoky room, Akainu's contemptuous words came.

Mary Joa!

"I knew that according to Sakaski's personality, he would never carry out this order. In that case, he had to change someone. He is not the only one who has the appearance of a marshal!"

After getting Sakaski's answer, Wu Laoxing had an expected expression on his face.

"If that's the case, let the Warring States go, the steel bones need to guard the world government, and they must not leave easily!"

"Okay, I have no objection!"


"Give the order!"

There was no objection to this proposal.

"What, let the old man serve as the temporary marshal, haha, forget it, if the old man still wants to be the admiral of the navy, he wouldn't have stepped down from his post to retire in the first place!"

"It's better to invite the five old stars and the others to hire another master, the old man is no longer suitable to be a marshal!"

I thought it would be a very smooth mission, but the world government official who sent the message did not expect that he had just hit a wall with Sakasky, and then hit a wall with Warring States.

"You really don't think about it?"

The man was a little helpless, and couldn't help but persuade him.

"Haha, I'm sorry, you should spare my old bones. I just want to take care of my old age. For other things, don't look for me!"

"I don't want to ruin my current life, I really enjoy this relaxed feeling, you see, my hair is back a lot now!"

"If I become the interim marshal again, I'm afraid my hair will turn gray again. Sigh, it doesn't feel good to dye my hair!"

Compared with Sakaski's directness, Warring States' rejection is more clever and more tactful.

"All right!"

Seeing that Warring States has already expressed his thoughts clearly, if he continues to persuade him, he will seem very ignorant of current affairs.

"What, the Warring States has also laid down its burden!"

After getting this person's answer, Wulaoxing was a little shocked.

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