Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 216 Naval Heroes

No way, in order to temporarily avoid the limelight, he had no choice but to take a few days off and take Aqi out for fun.

Cabno Island!

This is a place with a very prosperous economy, and of course, there are many places to visit.

Aqi happily tried it out and had a great time.

And Bai Shui, of course, looked at it very bitterly.

After all, he has no idea of ​​wanting to play.

Aki, I played like this for almost the whole morning.




"I'm so happy, I haven't played so comfortably for a long time!"

Aqi was covered in sweat from playing, showing her beautiful figure, so charming that everyone around couldn't help but take a few more glances, and was reluctant to move away for a long time.

Many of them were greedy, with sharp eyes, which made Aqi very uncomfortable.


Seeing this, Bai Shui couldn't help snorting, and let out a cold aura, which made the surrounding people's expressions suddenly changed, and they quickly looked away.

Compared with life, coveting Aqi's figure is not so important.

And after playing all morning, Aqi was too tired to walk.

There was no other way, Bai Shui could only carry her on his back, and walked slowly towards the hotel.

"It's really annoying. Everyone is dressed so formally and looks very dignified, but why is it so unbearable!"

Aqi was very dissatisfied with the experience just now. She didn't understand how there could be so many disgusting people in this world.

"Come on, not every man can be as nice as your boyfriend!"

"Besides, this world is never short of well-dressed birds/beasts. You have to remember that when you look at a person, you can never just look at the appearance, you know!"

Bai Shui smiled and said to Aqi.

"Well, I see!"

Aqi nodded with a smile, and put her head on Bai Shui's back with a tender look on her face.

Bai Shui is actually in a good mood, of course, this is on the premise that he has not encountered any troubles.

But troublesome things, it's not that Bai Shui said he wouldn't encounter them if he didn't want to.

Bai Shui and Aqi came to a restaurant for dinner.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw an old man with two medals hanging in front of him walked out supported by two black bodyguards.

The thread of the medal hanging from the old man's neck has been soaked in black and the original color cannot be seen clearly.

His back was slightly slumped, his body was thin and skinny like dry wood, and his face was stubbled, which hadn't been repaired much.

The old man was like a little chick, being supported by two black-clothed bodyguards, he couldn't resist at all.

But after seeing the two medals hanging on the old man's chest, Bai Shui's pupils shrank involuntarily, and hurried forward to stop the two bodyguards.

He knew those two medals!

The one on the left is the Medal of Courage, and the one on the right is the Medal of Excellence, both rare medals in the Navy.

These medals stopped being issued more than ten years ago. But being able to get these medals is all heroes who have shed their blood for the navy.

How could Baishui let them be so wronged. It's okay if you don't see it, but if you see it, you can never stand by and watch.

"Two big brothers, let me save face and let him go!" Bai Shui said with a slight smile.

"Don't meddle in your own business, get out!"

However, the two black bodyguards reprimanded them with rebellious faces, and rejected Bai Shui's request very coldly.

Then, they saw that they wanted to continue walking, completely ignoring Bai Shui and Aqi.

They looked like if Bai Shui didn't dodge, they would directly step on Bai Shui's body.

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