At the moment when Zhao Yi twisted his arm, Ruo Ming, who was not far away, also shot. His face was gloomy. Although he was sturdy, his speed was not slow at all, and he immediately rushed to Zhao Yi.

"The one with you. Get out!"

Zhao Yi yelled coldly, and grabbed the yelling Cifei. He threw it away at Ruoming, every day, the food couldn't be good.

"You are... looking for death!"

Ruo Ming hurriedly caught the second flight, and his divine power probed slightly. Realizing that his arm is almost difficult to recover, his complexion immediately became gloomy.

Ruo Ming was ordered to protect the safety of Jifei, and now he is injured, if he returns empty-handed, I am afraid it is difficult to explain to that person!

Thinking of that stalwart figure and Ruo Ming's sturdy body, he couldn't help shuddering.


Ruo Ming shook his head, and then he slammed his feet on the ground, his figure rushed over like an arrow, and his fist blasted out. I'm afraid the power directly shook all the food on Zhao Yi's table!

"That kid, it's over!"

Although I don't want to see the final result. The crowd onlookers in the distance couldn't help sighing.

Suddenly a black glow shrouded in front of Zhao Yi, and a figure appeared out of thin air, and he was stiffly beaten by Ruo Ming!


This dark shadow was not his, it was Zhao Yi's trump card "War Puppet". Facing Ruo Ming's heavy blow, it was shocked to take two steps back even with its amazing defense. His chest also sank.

"What a terrifying force."

Zhao Yi stood behind him, and if he was hit by that punch, he would probably lie down directly.

"Puppet? There is still such a thing in this world?!"

Ruo Ming was also startled by the person who resisted his heavy punch. When he saw the person in front of him clearly, his face became more solemn.

"Ruo Ming, kill him quickly. Otherwise, I will report to my father what happened today. You will be in danger then!"

Ci Fei yelled, staring at Zhao Yi with red eyes, if his eyes could kill. I am afraid that the latter has been killed thousands of times.


Ruo Ming let out a cold snort, obviously very upset by the order of the second flight, his eyes flickered, and the thieves were captured first, and Zhao Yi was killed first, and the puppet would naturally stop!

But Zhao Yi's puppet is not vegetarian. Staying in front of Zhao Yi, leaving no flaws!

"This meal. I remember it."

Because of the battle between the two, Zhao Yi's meals were all destroyed by the aftermath. In desperation, he could only leave the seat.

The people in the distance had already stared blankly. They thought Zhao Yi was just a bronze, but they didn't expect to be a king. At this time, they still thought of their meal!

One word: absolutely!

Zhao Yi looked at the points he had consumed extremely quickly, feeling a little helpless, his fingerprints changed. The long-distance teleportation array that I didn't know when it was set up slowly rose from the ground.

"See you next time."

Zhao Yi really didn't want to get entangled with the two of them, and under the gaze of Ciao Fei's hatred and the dull eyes of everyone, his figure gradually disappeared. As if it had never appeared before.


The moment Zhao Yi teleported away, the war spirit puppet disappeared. Ruo Ming swept across the ground with a fist. Even if the restaurant was made of special materials, it was torn apart at this time, and there was nothing intact.

"Boy! Better not let me see you again!"

Ruo Ming, who was very calm on weekdays, couldn't restrain the angry roar at this time, and the terrifying heavy fists continuously bombarded the ground, not only the restaurant, but even the foundation was shattered.

"I'm just a restaurant opener, who provokes someone..."

Seeing that his own foundation was ruined, the restaurant owner looked unlovable.

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