Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4344: Open to Taiyi Demon Venerable


Taiyi Demon Venerable and Good Fortune Immortal Lord stand on both sides of the sky.

One of them was so demonic that it dyed half of the sky into a pitch-black color.

One is immortal light, which fills the Nine Heavens, dyeing half of the sky into a blue-gold color.

At this time, as long as the creatures who are in the Immortal Court of Creation, as long as they look up, they can see the magnificent spectacle formed by the two forces in the void.


The magic surging, the fairy light is bright.

In a moment of ten millionths, the demonic energy collided with the fairy light billions of times, and the endless aftermath dissipated, like countless dragons of destruction, sweeping the universe.

If a ray of aftermath falls at will, it can destroy half of the small state.

Any two celestial beings who have just entered the virtual fairyland can do this, not to mention, neither of Taiyi Demon Venerable is an ordinary virtual fairy.


As time went by, the aura of Taiyi Demon Venerable collided more and more intensely.

It can be seen that in the area where the two people's breaths collided, countless laws burst, and the chains of order shattered directly.

Even, this piece of void collapsed directly, turned into chaos, the earth, water, fire and wind surged, and Fang Fang world was born from it.

But soon these worlds were directly annihilated into nothingness, and nothing was left.

The world is born and destroyed, only in a moment.

What a terrifying scene, even the three armies, including the Nine Sunda Corps and the Great Yin Corps, were also affected.

Marshal Jiuxun and others had to lead the soldiers under his command to withdraw from Jiuxun Dazhou.

After all, the aftermath of Taiyi Demon Venerable's fight, as long as there is a ray, it is unknown how many powerhouses will be killed, and the emperor-level power can't resist.

That is to say, the Immortal Master of Fortune deliberately avoided and did not want to cause too much damage to the Nine Sunda Prefectures. In addition, the great formation engraved on the Nine Sunda Prefectures was spontaneously activated to protect the Nine Sunda Prefectures and the creatures of the Nine Sunda Prefectures. .

Otherwise, at this time, the entire Jiu Xun Dazhou has turned into nothingness. Don't doubt the destructive power of the two immortals.

"I really underestimated you!"

Immortal Master Fortune stared at Demon Venerable Taiyi and said word by word.

The same words were said by Immortal Master Fortune before, but at that time, he still did not put Taiyi Demon Venerable in his heart.

Previously, Immortal Master Fortune was only surprised by the means of Demon Venerable Taiyi, but he did not expect that Demon Venerable Taiyi would secretly transform so many powerhouses of Immortal Fortune.

However, that's about it.

As long as he kills the Taiyi Demon Venerable, these transformed fortune-telling powerhouses will soon regain their original sanity. Therefore, he doesn't care about the Taiyi Demon Venerable.

But at this moment, the Immortal Master of Fortune has already regarded the Taiyi Demon Venerable as an opponent of the same level. Even if the Taiyi Demon Venerable only has the cultivation base of entering the virtual fairyland for the first time, he can only compete with him by some means.

It's just a confrontation of momentum, and Immortal Master Fortune understands that it is not an easy thing for him to win Taiyi Demon Venerable in a short time.

Moreover, from the body of the Taiyi Demon Venerable, he also felt an incomparably tyrannical, terrifying force that even made him palpitate.

"Fellow Daoist praised it."

The Taiyi Demon Venerable smiled, but he didn't care about the praise of the Immortal Master of Fortune.

After all, in terms of real strength, he is really not the opponent of the Immortal Master Fortune. If it wasn't for the young master, he would either have retreated at this time, or he would have been suppressed by the Immortal Master Fortune.


The reason why Taiyi Demon Venerable can compete with Good Fortune Immortal Lord is because Qin Yi helped Taiyi Demon Venerable.

Previously, although the arrival of the Immortal Master of Fortune was beyond the expectations of the Taiyi Demon Venerable, it was within Qin Yi's expectations.

The Taiyi Demon Venerable wanted to kill the seven peak emperors, including Daojun Fu Cang, and it was impossible for the Immortal Master of Fortune to sit back and watch.

However, Qin Yi didn't mean to stop the Taiyi Demon Venerable. If the Immortal Master Fortune did not notice for a while, and let the Taiyi Demon Venerable kill the seven emperor-level peak powers including Fu Cang Daojun, then it would be best. .

It is a pity that after the Taiyi Demon Venerable appeared, the Immortal Master of Creation also appeared, and this idea was in vain.

Of course, Qin Yi didn't feel a pity. To him, it didn't matter whether the idea could be successful or not.

If you want to weaken the luck of Fortune Immortal Court, there is more than one way.

At the moment when the Immortal Lord of Fortune appeared, Qin Yi quickly made a decision to let the Taiyi Demon Lord hold the Immortal Lord of Fortune, and then let the Divine Armament Emperor Court, the Ancient Era, as well as many powerful people who fell into the devil's way. Cholera created fairy gardens.

In this way, we will continue to weaken the Immortal Court of Fortune, so as to achieve the purpose of weakening the strength of the Immortal Master of Fortune.

Previously, the reason why Qin Yi didn't do this was because the Immortal Master of Fortune had been hiding in the immortal capital of Fortune.

In the Immortal Capital of Fortune, Qin Yi did not have such a bold idea to take action against the Immortal Master of Fortune. Not to mention the Taiyi Demon Venerable, even if Daoist Yimu shot, he would only end up being suppressed by the Immortal Master of Fortune.

Even, in the immortal capital of good fortune, the immortal master of good fortune may be able to compete with the peak Tianzun of the virtual fairyland.

Good Fortune Immortal Capital is the place where the luck of Good Fortune Immortal Court gathers, and it is also the center of Good Fortune World. In Good Fortune Immortal Capital, the blessing of Immortal Good Fortune is even greater, and it is easier to mobilize the power of Good Fortune World.

Therefore, the best way to deal with the Immortal Master of Creation is to lead him out of Immortal Creation.

The appearance of the Immortal Lord of Fortune at the moment in Jiu Xun Dazhou is undoubtedly a good time to deal with the Immortal Lord of Fortune.

Without any hesitation, Qin Yi immediately ordered the Taiyi Demon Venerable to motivate him to create the immortal court, and try his best to cholera to create the immortal court.

At the same time, let the Divine Armament Imperial Court send troops to invade other imperial courts on a large scale, in order to achieve the purpose of weakening the luck of the Immortal Court of Fortune.

Of course, there is a premise for doing this, that is, Taiyi Demon Venerable can hold back the Immortal Master of Fortune.

If Taiyi Demon Venerable couldn't hold back the Immortal Master Good Fortune, these calculations would be all in vain.

If Dao Zun Yimu makes a move, it may not be possible to defeat the Immortal Master Fortune, but it is not an easy task to hold down the Immortal Master Fortune.

But Qin Yi and Daozun Yimu couldn't make a move. Once Qin Yi and Daozun Yimu made a move, their identities would inevitably be exposed to the Immortal Master of Fortune.

It is very likely that the Immortal Master of Fortune will retreat because of this, and look for the World Master of other worlds in the Immortal Burial Domain to deal with Qin Yi and others together.

At that time, Qin Yi's idea of ​​winning the immortal boat of creation will probably fail.

In order to win the immortal boat of good fortune, Qin Yi spent countless efforts and tossed in the great world of good fortune for so long.

Therefore, neither Qin Yi nor Dao Zun Yimu will take action against the Immortal Master of Fortune.

In the case that Qin Yi and Dao Zun Yimu could not make a move, there was only one way to make Demon Zun Taiyi compete with the Immortal Master of Fortune.

hang up.

Open up the Taiyi Demon Venerable, so that the Taiyi Demon Venerable has the strength to compete with the Immortal Master of Fortune.

This is impossible for others, but for Qin Yi, it is just a matter of consuming a killing point.

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