Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4327: Soul Clan messenger Zheng Longqiu

The majestic hall.

The chaotic essence filled the universe, and a powerful coercion filled the void, and being in it was like carrying an ancient sacred mountain.

The messenger of the soul clan, Zheng Fangqiu, and several other emissaries of the ancient ten thousand clans, looked stunned, and instantly suppressed the disapproval in his heart.

Zheng Fangqiu and others actually didn't care about the Divine Soldiers.

Their impression of the Divine Soldier Clan was still in the ancient times. They were a small clan without an emperor-level power, compared to a big clan with an emperor-level power.

It is even more incapable of being compared with the top races such as the Soul Race, which has the peak power of the emperor level, and the strength is vastly different.

Even if there are two more emperor-level powers in the Divine Soldier Clan today, Zheng Longqiu didn't care too much.

There are only two emperor-level powers in the area, but reaching the level of strength of the great clan in the ancient times is not comparable to the soul clan.

Among the soul clan, there are more than ten emperor-level powers, and there is also the existence of the master of the soul clan, the master of the half-step world.

In terms of strength, it completely crushed the Divine Soldier Clan. Therefore, Zheng Longqiu came to Divine Soldier Imperial Court with arrogance, and did not take Divine Soldier Imperial Court in his eyes.

However, when he stepped into this great hall, the arrogance in his heart dissipated immediately.

The aura that pervades this great hall is as good as the aura that pervades the ancestral hall of the soul clan.

You must know that the Ancestral Hall of the Soul Clan is an emperor-level imperial weapon forged by the master of the soul clan, and it is contaminated with the rhythm of every soul clan’s emperor-level almighty.

In terms of power, it still touches the most pinnacle of the emperor-level imperial weapon.

And the great hall of the Divine Armament Imperial Court was not inferior to that of the Ancestral Hall of the Soul Clan, which made Zheng Longqiu have to suppress the arrogance in his heart.


And when he saw the Divine Armament Emperor sitting on the dragon chair, he was even more shocked.

The new Divine Armament Emperor just sat quietly on the dragon chair, but seemed to occupy the center of the heavens, with countless laws lingering around him, as if he was worshiping him.

Just looking at it, Zheng Longqiu and others felt a sense of oppression coming from the sky.

Zheng Longqiu only felt as if he was facing the Lord of the Soul Clan. This sense of oppression was not inferior to the sense of oppression that the Lord of the Soul Clan brought him.

"How is it possible that the soul master broke the boundary of the emperor level in the ancient times and became the master of the half-step world, in charge of part of the origin of the great world of good fortune.

Could it be that this new Divine Armament Emperor has also broken through the half-step World Lord? "

Zheng Longqiu couldn't help guessing in his heart, but he quickly denied the idea.

The personality of the World Lord is very special. Every Half-Step World Lord who controls the origin of the great world can perceive the existence of the other party.

If this Divine Armament Emperor has already broken through the half-step world lord, it is impossible for the Soul Clan Lord to not know of his existence, and he must be reminded when he sends him to the Divine Armament Clan.

Although this Divine Armament Emperor is not the Lord of the Half-step World, Zheng Longqiu still dare not underestimate the opponent.

In his eyes, this Divine Armament Emperor is likely to be a Xeon existence standing at the peak of the Fengdi level.

"I have seen the Divine Soldier Emperor!"

As Zheng Long asked to open his mouth and bowed his hands to Qin Yi, all the envoys from all ethnic groups bowed their hands to Qin Yi one after another, daring not to show any disrespect.

Among the messengers of all races, apart from the messengers of the top races such as the soul race and the spirit race, they saw a little clue of Qin Yi, and the messengers of other races did not see the strength of Qin Yi.

But seeing Zheng Longqiu and other top race messengers showing such respect to Qin Yi, messengers from other races did not dare to neglect him.

Be careful.

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