Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3550: Admonishment of the Lord God Yan

The strength of the heavens and all realms is respected.

Whether it is in the central realm or the Qilin clan, after all, it is one's own strength to speak, and strength determines status.

The current patriarch of the Qilin clan has suffered a sharp decline. As the elder of the Qilin clan, he had to come forward to support a new patriarch because of the consideration of the entire Qilin clan.

Even the elder of the Qilin tribe who originally supported the current patriarch was persuaded by him.

As long as the time is right, he will support the Sundanese Daojun.

It's just that the Monarch of Xunfeng Dao acted too recklessly, and he was extremely domineering in the face of matters within the clan. If he was in charge of the Kylin clan, it would not be a good thing for the Qilin clan.

After all, the Kirin clan is now in a period of decline, and it should be based on low-key development and accumulation of heritage.

Mr. Xunfeng's style of dealing with matters is quite different.

This is also the reason why Shenyan Daoist has not made up his mind.

This time, Master Xunfeng Dao suffered a big loss in Qin Yi's hands. For Master Xunfeng Dao, it was not a bad thing, and it was good for tempering Master Xunfeng Dao.

"Among the heavens and ten thousand realms, there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the sky. The strong do not know where they are. With you, no, with the current strength of the Qilin Clan, it is not enough to be arrogant."

Shenyan Daojun looks self-assured, and speaks to Xunfeng Daojun with divine thoughts:

"This time, I have been defeated by the unfallen emperor. The old man hopes you can understand."

"Don't blame the old for not avenging you, the Qilin tribe can't stand any toss now."

"Xunfeng understands."

Daojun Xunfeng pressed his lips lightly and replied respectfully, the arrogance in his eyes seemed to be reduced by a few points.

Although he was unwilling and wanted to avenge Qin Yi, he also understood that with his current strength, it was not enough to avenge Qin Yi.

Knowing that he was invincible, but he didn't know how to conceal his killing intent, this was done by an idiot.


Shenyan Daoist saw that Xunfeng Daoist was not unwilling, and nodded with satisfaction.

In his view, Master Xunfeng Dao can learn a lesson this time and curb his temper. It is a good thing for Master Xunfeng Dao and Qilin Clan.

As for the chaotic original stone spirit veins lost by Xunfeng Daojun, Yimu Zhengyang Pill, it is nothing.

Not to mention, the Yimu Zhengyang Pill has been integrated into Qin Yaya's body, becoming Qin Yaya's growth resources, and Qin Yaya is a member of the Qilin tribe.

In fact, what Xunfeng Daojun lost was only ten high-grade chaotic rough stone spiritual veins.

It was a high-end imperial weapon, which the Qilin tribe could afford to lose.

Qin Yi didn't hear the conversation between Shenyan Daojun and Xunfeng Daojun, and didn't have any thoughts of caring. With a smile on the corner of Qin Yi's mouth, he looked at Qin Yaya walking towards him with satisfaction.

"Thank you, Father, for rebuilding the foundation for Yaya."

Qin Yaya blinked her big watery eyes and gave a graceful salute.

She perceives the changes in her body most clearly, which can be called a completely reborn.

With a movement of mind, you can touch the Avenue of Flames and the Avenue of Life in the void. The mysteries of the two avenues seem to be within reach.

This is a state that has never been seen before.

At the same time, she also understood that Qin Yi had paid a great price. Needless to say, a precious Yimu Zhengyang Pill, without Qin Yi's support, she would not have undergone such a big transformation.

Yimu Zhengyang Pill is so powerful that if it hadn't been supported by Qin Yi's dedication, she would have been directly exploded by the power of the medicine.

"How is it, do you feel comfortable with it?"

Qin Yi smiled and asked.

"I feel better than ever, and the threshold of the second realm seems to be within reach."

Qin Yaya said with joy and joy, like an elf.

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