Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1259: Full of forceful tools

back yard.

A true dragon, shrouded in golden light, swims in the garden.

The vast dragon aura, turned into an infinite cloud, concealed the golden dragon's body, looming, several feet long.

The deep dragon chant sounded, and in a blink of an eye it spread throughout the entire palace.

Jier, even more came out of the palace, resounding in everyone's ears.

Longyin covers the eight wilderness, and the sound of the gods shakes the wild!

Looking closely, the golden real dragon hovered endlessly, but it was surrounded by a huge palace, primitive and simple, suspended in the air.

On the palace, there are two majestic characters.

Not fall!

"Yes, I am very satisfied with this Buddhism Hall transformed from the Temple of Treading Heaven!"

Seeing countless lines faintly appearing in front of him, linking the hall of void spirit, Qin Yi smiled with satisfaction.

The palace in front of me was the sacred artifact of the Tatian School brought back by the big barrel wood feather robes. After being slightly modified by Qin Yi, it became Qin Yi's exclusive sacred artifact and was renamed Buluodian.

Even Qin Yi integrated the Thunder Mirror into the Palace of Unfalling!

The Palace of Not Falling Down was originally refined by the ancient sage of Treading Heaven. As a war weapon to suppress the enemy, it can infuse thunder energy and has unlimited power.

If not, the cultivation base of Datongmu Yuyi is far beyond the imagination of the Saint Tatian and others, this will really not fall into Qin Yi's hands without falling into the palace.

However, because of the high rank of the Temple of Treading Heaven, it was a sacred mid-range war weapon, and with Qin Yi's cultivation base, it was really impossible to imperial.

After all, Buluodian hasn't undergone system transformation, so it can't be controlled like a soul-dropping clock, just relying on its echelon cultivation base.

And Qin Yi was reluctant to use Killing Points to transform the Hall of Immortality.

In order to be able to use the Palace of Unfalling, Qin Yi could only integrate the Thunder Mirror into the Palace of Unfalling.

There are countless thunder spirits in the Thunder Mirror, which are exactly the energy essence required for the Palace of Non-falling, Qin Yi can control the Palace of Non-falling by controlling the Thunder Mirror.

The Thunder Mirror is integrated into the back of the palace, and the power of the palace is also able to rise by several chips!


Qin Yi stretched out his hand, and the Buluodian quickly became smaller and fell into his palm.

"I have another bedroom, hahaha!"

Qin Yi couldn't put it down to play with the palace in his hands, and laughed.

In the future, my travel pretends to be compelling, and I will rely on this to stay in the palace.

Speaking of pretending to travel, don’t I still have a dragon horse in the world of sin?

Compared with Longma, this Buluodian is more full!

Bringing a few beauties in the harem is not a blessing in life.

Bringing a beautiful woman, living in a palace, and traveling across the heavens and worlds, wouldn't it be countless times better than any RV in the previous life!

Thinking about it, Qin Yi's mouth raised a wicked smile.

"Hey, what bad idea is your husband making?"

Liu Yiyi stretched out jade-like fingers, lightly nodded on Qin Yi's forehead, and said with a smile.

"You little girl, you dare to **** your husband, it's unreasonable!"

Qin Yi returned to his senses, grabbing Liu Yiyi into his arms, showing a vicious expression.

"Hehehe, my husband is so angry."

Unexpectedly, Liu Yiyi didn't care and let out a crisp laugh.

"Sister Yiyi still understands her husband's mind, and she can see through her husband's careful thinking at a glance."

Hao Yilian smiled, joking with Qin Yi in a variety of styles.

"Okay, and you Nizi, dare to make fun of my husband!"

Qin Yi immediately let go of Liu Yiyi and turned to Hao Yilian.


Qin Yi gently pulled Hao Yilian, and pulled the beauty over, lying on her legs.

Fragrance in your arms, warm and moist as jade!

After Qin Yi's care for a long time, Hao Yilian has become more and more charming, full of body, and tender body.

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