Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 989: Fifth Sealed God World

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Three days later, Ning Xiaochuan finally realized the success of the tricks transformed by the first text.

Ning Xiaochuan stood up, picked up the Giant Spirit Warhammer, and silently recollected the tricks he had just realized, then held the Warhammer and began to dance.

The moon **** woke up from the cultivation, and the cultivation was successfully broken to the fourth level of the ancient world.

She looked in the direction of Ning Xiaochuan, and was surprised to find that when Ning Xiaochuan waved the warhammer, the surrounding space was slightly sunken into it, as if this space were to be shattered by the warhammer in Ning Xiaochuan's hand.

Ning Xiaochuan increased his speed to the extreme, the whole body became blurred, and then a loud noise suddenly came out.

The entire ground was shaken fiercely, a two-meter-sized deep pit appeared on the ground where Ning Xiaochuan and others were located, and everyone in the cultivation was awakened.

"I was just enlightening on the Supreme Dharma, and I almost entered a mysterious state. Who interrupted me and made me almost go into a demon!" The monk Tangan also stood up and asked loudly.

He has just reached the most critical period of cultivation. If he is not careful, he may become insane. The hammer that Ning Xiaochuan just said is so powerful that he has to wake up from cultivation.

If it hadn't been for his timely response, he might have gone into trouble now.

Xue Lingxu, Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger, Nine-Tailed Demon, Xi Xi, and Zi Hanyan were also awakened by the blow that Ning Xiaochuan had just hit.

"What's going on?" Xue Ling asked with a frown frowning.

She has just looked around and used the power of the mind to detect it, but she has not found any enemies. Although her mind is not as strong as Ning Xiaochuan, she can also detect any situation in the surrounding hundred miles.

"I'm testing the hammer method that has just been successfully cultivated, and I'm disturbing you, I'm sorry." Ning Xiaochuan said to the crowd.

Princess Xi Xi opened her mouth wide and said, "What? You were just casting a hammer? How could the power be so powerful?"

Princess Xi Xi was shocked, but here is the world of Fengshen. Any single stone is extremely hard, comparable to black iron. With her current practice, she attacked the ground with all her strength, and she couldn't even hit a one-meter deep pit.

However, a huge deep pit appeared at the foot of Ning Xiaochuan, and his physical body was too powerful!

"Since everyone has stopped practicing, let's go to the fifth floor." Ning Xiaochuan said.

King Qingyu stopped the crowd, and she said, "Just now Uncle Xun sent me a message saying that he is coming to us. I suggest we wait for him here and it is safer to go to the fifth floor."

After listening, everyone agreed without hesitation.

The crowd began to practice again. In order to avoid the recurrence of the incident just now, Ning Xiaochuan did not practice the hammer method anymore, but instead took out his heart to raise his heart and began to practice his whole body.

It has been a long time since he broke through the soul-level mind trainer. He feels that he can now try to break through to the king-level mind trainer. He is now looking for that opportunity.

Ning Xiaochuan put a lot of psychic medicine into the heart-building tripod, constantly refining the medicine, carefully observing every detail, and silently thinking about how to break through.

He released all his mind and merged with Yang Xinding.

The elixir refined by the spirit-level mind-raising master contains "soul" and "soul", while the elixir refined by the king-level mind-raising master can transform into an adult form!

Ning Xiaochuan began to slowly put the medicinal materials into the Xinxin Ding. Every detail was not missed, and then the fire of extinction was released, and the medicine was started again.

The medicinal material slowly melted into a liquid in Yang Xin Ding, emitting nine-colored brilliance, as if wrapped in a cloud of mist.

Ning Xiaochuan controlled these liquids and gradually formed.

The medicinal solution in Yangxin Ding began to converge and became solidified. After a quarter of an hour, the refining of the elixir was completed, but it did not reach the level of the king elixir.


Ning Xiaochuan shook his head lightly, without feeling discouraged in his heart. If it was easy to reach the king-level mind trainer, he wouldn't have to wait until now.

You know, there aren't many king-level mind trainers in the entire Tianxu continent.

Ning Xiaochuan started refining elixir again. This time he summed up his previous experience and became more careful.

About half an hour later, Ning Xiaochuan failed again. He continued to refine his medicine, each time ending in failure.

Time flew by so quickly. Four days later, at this time, I finally arrived, and everyone stopped practicing.

Ning Xiaochuan is still looking for ways to break through the king-level mind trainer. He hasn't stopped. He has now reached a state of selflessness.

Even the uncle's arrival, he didn't notice the slightest, completely immersed in his world.

Everyone didn't bother Ning Xiaochuan, everyone kept quiet, and even the moon **** looked at Ning Xiaochuan silently.

Three days later, Ning Xiaochuan was still continually refining the medicine, and the refining elixir was about to be released. When everyone thought he was going to fail again, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly shouted, "Stop her! "


A nine-colored ray of light broke through the Yangxin Zhending, forming a cloud of Dan, and flew towards the sky.

That cloud of Dan, condensed into a woman, fled at an extremely fast speed as soon as it appeared, turned into a streamer, and flew out of the sky.

Swipe your finger forward, cut a space crack in the air, walk in one step, and come back again shortly. When you return, you have a date-sized woman.

Naturally, that is Wang Pinren's Dan who escaped from Yang Xin Ding.

"Success?" Zi Hanyan asked joyfully.

"Well! It's a success to reach the level of the big mind trainer!" Ning Xiaochuan said slightly to Fang, "Thank you for helping her to stop her!"

After speaking, Ning Xiaochuan walked in front of the uncle, and without any hesitation, pressed his palm directly on the woman's head transformed by the medicine.

A white flash of light flashed, and the woman immediately turned into a panacea.

Ning Xiaochuan collected Wang Pindan medicine.

"Since the seniors arrived, and his old family was sitting in town, now we can go to the fifth re-sealing of the **** world." Princess Xi Xi said.

Everyone immediately rushed to the fifth world of God of Sealing.

Entering the fifth re-sealed **** world, Ning Xiaochuan and others felt refreshed, and every pore seemed to be breathing.

The divine spirit here has increased again, ten times more than the fourth floor. If you build an empire here, you can become a fifth-grade civilization within ten years and a sixth-grade civilization within thirty years.

"I've seen in the book that the fifth sealed world can find divine fluid, so let's go find the divine fluid first and improve it!" Yue Mingsong said to the crowd.

"I saw it again from the book? What book was lent to the old man to take a look at?" The monk Tan Gan stared at Yue Mingsong in confusion.

Yue Mingsong said: "Monk, you believe that the elder is fine. Some books are not understandable by you mortals."

"The Fifth Sealed God World really has Divine Fluid?"

I heard that Xi Xi, Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger, and the Nine-Tailed Demon were all shocked. I did not expect that there was a divine liquid in the fifth layer of Fengshen World. If you can get a drop to refine it, it will definitely increase. !!

Everyone became very happy, and they set out to find the divine fluid immediately to improve the divine fluid, but only Ning Xiaochuan was left alone.

When Yue Mingsong was talking about Shenye, Ning Xiaochuan kept staring at Yue Mingsong. Even after he finished speaking, Ning Xiaochuan didn't look away.

"Ning Xiaochuan, what are you doing? Don't you believe what I said?" Yue Mingsong was numb with scalp staring at Ning Xiaochuan and couldn't help asking.

"I believe, of course I believe. But I still remember what trouble you gave me at the time!" Ning Xiaochuan said coldly.

"What? Elder Yue has the magic liquid?" Xi Xi was unbelievable, and stared at Yue Mingsong.

Shenye is a precious treasure for most of them present. Many people have never seen it before, let alone take it. I didn't expect Yue Mingsong to have it, and it was given to Ning Xiaochuan.

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with Shenye?" Yue Mingsong knew what he was saying when he heard what Ning Xiaochuan said, but now he was pretending to be stupid and pretending to be a man who didn't know anything.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Yue Mingsong's unflattened appearance, and calmed down a little before saying anything.

"Our primary purpose now is to find the ugly mother-in-law and the Zijin emperor, not to find the magic fluid." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Martyrdom: "As far as I know, that Shennong was indeed taken away by the soul of the Shenhe civilization, but it did not come to seal the land of God."

"Where did that go?" Luna asked.

Martyrdom: "It should have been taken to the heavenly court. Heavenly court is the only Qipin civilization in Dayan world, and it is also a huge force that manages the entire world of Yanyan. As long as you control the heavenly court, you are in control of the entire world.

"As for the Lord Zijin, he should be going to a higher level of God Sealing World. He is now a living second generation, and he must be restored to a state of prosperity, and he must go to a higher God Sealing World to find a way Treasures, restore the power as soon as possible. "

Xiaohongdao: "So what do we do now? Should we go to the higher God-defining world or rush to heaven immediately?"

The monk Tangan said: "Even if there is a king of King Shengjun sitting in town, if we go to the sixth re-sealing of the **** world, it will definitely be a dead end."

Qing Qing Wang said: "With our current strength, even if we rush to heaven, we may not be able to save the ugly mother-in-law. Ogawa, I think, the ugly mother-in-law is a Shennong, even in the Shenhe civilization, the status is very high. "

"The creatures of the Shenhe civilization just want to persecute the ugly mother-in-law to practice alchemy for them. At least, for the moment, the ugly mother-in-law will not be in danger, and the gods and creatures who have taken her away will do everything to protect her. If we rush to save it, it may hurt her. "

Ning Xiaochuan had to admit that Qing Qing Wang did make sense, but he was confused when he cared.

"So what now?" Moon Shinto.

The monk Tangan said, "Amitabha! Elder Yue just said that there is a divine fluid in the fifth re-enclosed **** world. We are going to save people, and we must first improve our cultivation. Every extra strength, save people. The chance of success is one point higher. Donors, do you think the words of the poor monk make sense? "

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