Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 985: 985th prisoner

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The ugly mother-in-law had more than one kind of affection for Ning Xiaochuan. If she was really captured by the soul of the Shenhe civilization, Ning Xiaochuan must rescue her.

"Oh! I didn't expect that in the world of Dayan, some people could even reach the level of Shennong. The Shennong-level mind trainer is also a respectable existence in Shenhe civilization. Of course, the Shennong of the Dayan world can only become us. You have to be a slave to make alchemy for our God River civilization. "

While the Lion Lion was talking, he waved the Sky Sword, and the sword was like a blast, and he kept attacking Ning Xiaochuan.

"Really? You have this idea, you're looking for death."

Ning Xiaochuan stretched out a palm, half a real human tower flew out of the palm, and a white light spot flew out of the tower.

The light spot fell to the ground and immediately turned into a woman with a beautiful face. Her skin was as brilliant as jade, her body was beautiful, and her body exuded a powerful spirit.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't want to entangle with the mule lion anymore, and planned to make a quick decision, so he called out Ning Tianmeng.

"See Master!"

Ning Tianmeng kneeled down on one knee at Ning Xiaochuan, raised a delicate and beautiful jade face, said very respectfully.

"No need to be polite, fight with me!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Tianmeng immediately stood up and stood side by side with Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment, the mule lion attacked Ning Xiaochuan again, and the sword cut into a giant blade with a length of 100 meters, carrying a mighty force to break the ground.

Ning Tianmeng's five fingers turned slightly, a colorful begonia flower appeared between his thumb and forefinger, his lips blew gently, and numerous petals drifted out at the same time.

Each petal is a very powerful weapon, which directly blocked the attack of the mule lion.


The mule lion roared and mobilized the strength of the whole body. Two huge beast claws fell from a distance of hundreds of feet from the ground, pressing heavily against Ning Xiaochuan's head.

"Extreme Demon!"

Ning Xiaochuan inspired the supreme power in the body to show the supreme body of the demon, hit a black arm and a white arm, and propped the paw of the lion.

Ning Tianmeng's body exudes a dazzling divine light, and behind it there is a huge and boundless **** tree. I don't know how many thousands of feet. With the body of a lion's body 100 meters high, I can only see the root of the **** tree.

"Flower Funeral!"

Ning Tianmeng said four words.

Everyone can see countless petals falling from the sky, directly wrapping the whole body of the mule lion.

Then, those petals fluttered wildly around the mule like sharp blades. Every time, he left a **** wound on his body.

Ning Tianmeng controlled the petals and attacked the mule lion completely.

The mule lion can only cry in pain, because those petals are very sharp when attacking him, and when he goes to attack those petals, the petals immediately flew out.

The defensive power of that god's clothing on the surface of the lion became weaker and weaker, leaving only a faint layer of light and shadow.

Ning Xiaochuan saw the timing, held the Heavenly Emperor Blade and the magic sword in his hand, and exhibited two magical powers at the same time.

"Hunyuan Yiqi Sword!"

"Breaking the knife!"

A sword wave and a sword wave quickly flew towards the mule lion, chopping off the two front feet of the mule lion together. The whole body of the mule lion fell to the ground, and it was impossible to stand.

"The Shennong you arrested, but an old man with an ugly appearance?" Ning Xiaochuan held the Emperor's Blade and pointed at the top of the Lion Lion.

"Your tiny reptile, don't want me to confide in a word." The lion has no front foot, but it is still very stubborn. He has the pride of the grandson of the gods and does not allow him to bow to the enemy.

"is it?"

Ning Xiaochuan was expressionless, and with a wave of his arm, the Heavenly Emperor's Blade chopped down, and the lion's tail of the Lion Lion immediately fell from his hip, shaking a dust and blood.

"Give you ten minutes, and answer my question right away." After Ning Xiaochuan cut off the tail of the mule lion, he still pointed at the Emperor's Blade, and if he didn't say it, Ning Xiaochuan didn't mind killing him.

"Brother Ning, might as well give it to me to try?" Just then, Yue Mingsong came over and said to Ning Xiaochuan.

Yue Mingsong smiled wryly at the mule lion, and that smile directly numbed the mule lion.

"Good." Ning Xiaochuan nodded after agreeing with Yue Mingsong.

Yue Mingsong is very mysterious, maybe there is a way to force out what he wants to know from the mouth of the lion lion.

"Okay! I must let him ****." After that, Yue Mingsong grabbed one of the hind legs of the lion, dragged it away, and went to interrogation elsewhere.

After seeing Yue Mingsong leave, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong immediately dismissed the union. A red flame flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's body, condensing into a girl in red, just passed out and fainted, and fell into Ning Xiaochuan's arms.

Xiaohong's body was full of injuries. The most serious wound was chopped out by a mule lion, spreading from Xiaohong's left shoulder to the thigh, and the wound was enough to put down the width of two fingers. Fortunately, her physique is strong, otherwise she would have died in the war just now.

Without any hesitation, Ning Xiaochuan immediately took out the remaining five 8000-year-old healing medicines from his place, and he took three to Xiaohong, took one by himself, and gave another After the nine-tailed demon.

This battle can be described as the most serious injury since Ning Xiaochuan entered the world of Fengshen. If it wasn't for him to let Ning Tianmeng shoot in time, he and Xiaohong would have their lives worried.

It took half a day for Ning Xiaochuan to refining the wounded Sheng Dan, and his injuries recovered.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes, he saw Yue Mingsong sitting opposite him. After seeing Ning Xiaochuan waking up, Yue Mingsong smiled directly at him.

"Is there any news?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

"Of course, don't look at who this Uncle is. As long as I do, there is nothing I can do!" Yue Mingsong waved gently, a poodle ran towards him immediately, lying on Yue Mingsong's Next to the thigh.

The poodle also carried a black iron cord around its neck. The surface of the iron cord appeared with ancient writings, which seemed to suppress the power of that poodle.

Ning Xiaochuan clearly felt that the breath of the poodle was exactly the same as the mule lion.

Yue Mingsong actually surrendered the mule lion, which made people have to admire his means.

"So the Shennong captured by the soul of the Shenhe civilization is really an ugly mother-in-law?" Ning Xiaochuan said solemnly.

"Well! There should be nothing wrong. They also captured a lot of young Tianjiao in the God's Palace." Yue Mingsong said.

Ning Xiaochuan felt incredible and didn't know what their purpose was to catch so many people?

The young Tianjiao of the Divine Reserve Palace was arrested. I just hope that women such as Yu Qianqian and Tang Shuyao will not be in trouble.

Yue Mingsong said: "Although Master Jingjing Shennong refined the bone bone altar, he successfully refined a large number of king-class human-level and holy-class human-level Dan. Under the crushing of the strong civilization, it has been impossible to stop several rounds. According to Griffin, many talented human monks have been arrested and all gathered in the second place of the world of the gods. "

"That being the case, we have to rush to the second world of God!"

Ning Xiaochuan gave the princess Xixi, the charming goddess of purple that was retrieved from the lion, and immediately rushed back to the entrance of the third floor.

They flew all the way, and soon came to the third floor, and found that the divine creatures on the third floor began to increase, at least about twice as much as before.

"It seems that this is their purpose. By catching the talented people in Dayan World, they can get Xuanhuangqi at the entrance of the third floor, and then take the shot to enter the third floor." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head after watching it and said .

"These souls are too abominable!" Said Xi Xi.

Although she is a monster, after all, she is also a warrior of the Dayan world, and she is very disgusted with the actions of the spirits of the gods.

"Let's go and save people." Ning Xiaochuan didn't say much. After entering the third floor, they didn't rest. Instead, they continued to rush to the second floor.

Two days later, Ning Xiaochuan finally entered the second floor. As soon as they entered here, they were stunned. The world of Fengshen, which was very sparsely populated, is now overcrowded, and there are warriors in the world of Dayan.

Moreover, platforms have been set up, as long as five 7000-year-old exotic medicines are paid, a mass of mysterious yellow gas can be obtained, and the opportunity to enter the third world of sealed gods can be obtained.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned. He didn't expect that there would be so many people arrested. If he wanted to rescue now, it would be very troublesome. If he accidentally, he might overturn in the gutter.

They were not in a hurry at this time. Anyway, there were so many people, and it was impossible for the souls of the gods to kill them all. Ning Xiaochuan had to wait for the opportunity to find opportunities to save people.

"Look, it's the King of Destruction!" Among the crowded people, I don't know who suddenly exclaimed, causing everyone to look in the direction of Ning Xiaochuan.

"King of Destruction, you betrayed the human race, and take refuge in the Heavenly Demon Emperor. Now that your master has been suppressed by Xingsu Lao Xian, you dare to appear!" Someone shouted afterwards.

"Today, we killed the King of Extermination and avenged our dead human compatriots!" Said a man who was very elegant and holding a folding fan in his hand. After speaking, he immediately attacked Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan Dingqing looked at it, but it was the goddess of Jiuxu who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Ning Xiaochuan snorted coldly, the sixfold repairs of Wangujing immediately appeared, and all the people around him who were going to attack him were shocked to fly!

"What? Supreme! How is that possible?"

The goddess of Jiuxu couldn't believe what happened in front of him. Since the last defeat to Ning Xiaochuan, he has worked very hard to practice, and now he is only sevenfold in real life. He is in the top 50 of the God ’s Palace. Ning Xiaochuan was so horrible that he had reached Wangu Realm and was among the top masters on the mainland.

The other warriors were equally horrified. All of them who were arrested were all talented warriors. However, no one entered Wangu Realm, and Ning Xiaochuan did not realize that. And it is not as simple as the first priority of Wangujing.

After Ning Xiaochuan showed up, Xiu Chuan just clamored to eliminate the soldiers who killed Ning Xiaochuan to kill the people.

Just kidding, if Ning Xiaochuan wants to kill them now, he can do it in one breath. Who dares to continue to provoke him, isn't that to death?

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at these people coldly, and left without saying anything. The first thing to do is to find the ugly mother-in-law first, not to be delayed by these people.

In the eyes of the souls of the Shenhe civilization, these people are not even cricket ants, and they are too lazy to kill them.

In order to avoid trouble, Ning Xiaochuan and others all put on the shrine supreme armor, wrapped the whole body, and only exposed their eyes. No one can know who they are.

Ning Xiaochuan released all seven minds and began to look for ugly mother-in-law,

After three hours of searching, Ning Xiaochuan still did not find the breath of the ugly mother-in-law, but first discovered the breath of the moon god.

She was arrested too!

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