Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 977: Refining

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"Let's go to Yunshen Pond now!" Xu said.

"I'll try it first!" Ning Xiaochuan walked towards Yunshen Lake, which was confused by smoke, and wanted to explore Yunshen Lake first.

Yunshen Lake is astonishingly large, hundreds of miles away, not like a pool, but like a lake.

The environment in the pool is quite weird, and the lake is very hot, like lava. If ordinary people enter Yunshen Pond, their bodies will be melted by the water instantly.

"The place we came in was just one of the many entrances to Yunshen Pond. In some other directions, there should be an interface to Yunshen Pond. I hope not to encounter with the souls of Shenhe civilization. Everyone be careful Right! "Yue Mingsong stood by the pool, staring at the purple chaotic lake, and said solemnly.

He carried his hands and didn't enter the pool, but just stood in the air, standing on the lake, with a strong war will on his body, his breath covered the entire Yunshen Pool.

Suddenly, a demon cloud flew from the void in the distance, and chaotic air flowed through the cloud, as if a personal shadow stood in the cloud.


A deafening dragon groan came from the clouds, exuding a terrifying breath, and the ripples of the pond of the Shenshen pool were shaken.

"Well!" Yue Mingsong slapped his mouth, "It's a crow's mouth, come whatever you say!"

Ning Xiaochuan looked towards the shore of Yunshen Lake, only to see one by one the demon and the figure flew out and landed on the shore.

All are the young Tianjiao of the Shenhe civilization, but they did not immediately enter Yunshen Pond, they are still waiting.

Should be waiting for the arrival of the strong man of the Shenhe civilization!

When Ning Xiaochuan and others entered this area, they were noticed by the souls of the Shenhe civilization, and immediately many strong men came over.

On the bright side, there is a master of good fortune in the realm, and those creatures of the Shenhe civilization naturally dare not rush into it. No matter how divine the river civilization, no one will open your eyes to offend a monarch level existence.

About half an hour later, a large number of creatures from the divine realm arrived, and even a poisonous dragon and other people arrived.

One-armed poison dragon demon saint, two-headed ghost leopard demon saint, three-legged blood toad demon saint, five-eyed sky python demon saint, six-eared demon ape demon saint, nine-headed purple magpie saint.

Ten of the Ten Demon Saints came suddenly, but they were menacing.

"That human kid can fight Xiaoliang? Xiuwei doesn't seem to be high, so Da Yan world can give birth to such arrogance?" Wuyan Tianmon looked at Ning Xiaochuan, who was standing in Yunshen Pond. Arm Duron said.

From time to time, he was vomiting snake snakes, and his eyes were a little nasty, as if he would swallow Ning Xiaochuan.

The look of the poisonous dragon arm was cold, and he looked at him, and did not answer the question of Wuyan Tianpython.

In his eyes, as long as he can be his opponent.

The five-eyed sky python knows that it is boring and stops talking.

Liang Gongzi stood behind a poisonous dragon with a pair of cold eyes like poisonous snakes, staring at Ning Xiaochuan tightly, with a strong sense of war in his eyes.

Had it not been for the poisonous dragon in his arms, he would have fought with Ning Xiaochuan.

The fighting enemies are born enemies.

"Brother, you, and those low-lying Da Yan world creatures, take a step first, what now?" Jiu Zi Zi said.

"Don't bother them!" Said Dulong.

Jiuto Ziyan nodded, turned to the geniuses of the Shenhe civilization and said, "Now, you have begun to enter the Yunshen Lake to temper the body. Although you have been staying in the Shenhe civilization, there is the spirit of God to temper their body drive . However, the pond water of Yunshen Pool will still be of great benefit to you, and will allow you to go further in the hundred days. "

Suddenly, the entire Yunshen Pool boiled, and a **** genius walked towards Yunshen Pool, step by step towards the depths of Yunshen Pool.

Yun Shen Chi has a great resistance to those who have reached a certain age, causing the older generation to have no way to enter the pond.

Even the warriors who are the ninth-best in the good fortune can't do it, so only the genius of the younger generation can enter.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in the shallow water on the edge of Yunshen Lake and looked at Zi Hanyan. "Wait for me outside!"

Immediately afterwards, Xue Lingxu, the King of Green Dragon, the Golden Horn Demon Emperor, the Silver Horn Demon Emperor, Qingfeizi, Xi Xi, Xiao Hong, and Xiao Linger all entered the Yun Shen Pond, using the unique power of the pool water to temper the body .

Zi Hanyan had already tempered his body before, and obtained the benefits that are unthinkable by ordinary people, so he did not enter with Ning Xiaochuan.

As soon as they entered Yunshen Pond, Xue Lingxu and the King of Qingyu felt a strong heat coming from the water, immersed in the body, and merged into the flesh and soul.

The pain spread from the surface of the skin to the bone marrow.

Not to mention others!

"I rub it, why is it so hot? This is what we boiled and eaten!" The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor could not help crying out loud because the temperature inside was too high, even if their repair was Reaching the first place of Wangujing is also difficult to resist, and can only barely support it.

The minds of Ning Xiaochuan, Xue Lingxu, and Qingying Wang are the most powerful, but their brows are slightly frowned, and then they begin to absorb the divine power in Yunshen Pool and condense the body with divine power.

Before entering Yunshen Pond, Zi Hanyan told them that the water in Yunshen Pond was extremely hot, like lava. The closer to the center of Yunshen Lake, the stronger the effect of quenching body.

However, the closer to the center of Yunshen Pond, the higher the temperature of the pond water, which is difficult for even the monks of Wangujing to persist. With Zi Hanyan's talent and cultivation, he only persisted for four days.

Tempering the body in Yunshen Lake is far more difficult than imagined. General geniuses can only persist for one day at most.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor just did not adapt at first and let out. Now they are also quiet, closed their eyes, and calmly absorbed the power of the gods in Shenchi.

A powerful creature with golden brilliance throughout the body, through the layers of purple mist, came to Yunshen Poolside.

The golden brilliance, around her body, condensed into the illusion of a golden divine bird, with a pair of golden fire wings. ,

With a look of anticipation, she said, "This time, geniuses gather, and there are even some sons and daughters of gods. Who do you say can hold the longest in the pool of gods?"

The breath on her body is very weird, both like a demon and not like a demon. That breath was overbearing, even with a little bit of devour.

"It's hard to say! There are too many geniuses in this gathering, not only the Yaohong Star Field and our Demon Star Field, but also the Tianjiao of other star fields of the Shenhe civilization! It's not clear at all who is the strongest "!" Said another figure whose body was covered in black mist.

"It is said that the goddess of the white python **** of demon Hongxing, the white demon is also here! That is a goddess girl, she can certainly persist in Yunshen pond for more than five days!"

"The one-arm poison dragon received that disciple 'Lianggongzi' is also very strong, and he is also a dragon fighting warrior. I think he may persist for more than five days."

Those older generations of martial arts could not enter it to temper their bodies, and naturally there were touted young talents who could enter. The higher the fame of those young geniuses, the more they will follow.

At the other end, the six demon saints of Ming Gexing also gathered and communicated with each other.

"Now two doors of humans and gods have been opened, connecting the Sky Demon and the Dragon Dragon respectively. The killing star in the Sky Demon should also come to the world, once she arrives, among her peers, it is estimated that there will be no People are her enemies! "Said a poisonous dragon.

"Is it her? Why did she come here? How did she come to Da Yan World?" The other five monster saints asked at the same time when they heard a poisonous dragon. It can be seen that the weight of the killing star in their hearts.

"It is said that there is one of her fateful enemies here, I don't know what exactly it is!" A poisonous dragon shook his head, he only knew that the girl came to the world to find a predecessor, and all others I don't know.

The five demon saints also shook their heads in disappointment. Regarding the girl, even if they were not afraid to comment, they could only think silently in their hearts.

After slowly absorbing the power of the gods of Yunshenchi for about three hours, Ning Xiaochuan gradually adapted to the energy of Yunshenchi and began to slowly walk towards the center of the pond.

However, Xue Lingxu was one step ahead of him.

This is not to say that Xue Lingxu's talent is higher than Ning Xiaochuan, but her cultivation is stronger than Ning Xiaochuan.

Her cultivation has reached the fifth level of Wangujing!

After Ning Xiaochuan walked towards the center of Shen Yunchi, Qing Qing Wang, Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger, and Xi Xi immediately followed.

Only the Qingfeizi, the Golden Horned Demon Emperor, and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor were slightly slower. After a long time, they began to approach the center of the pool.

Other **** geniuses also approached the center of Yunshenchi at the same time, while approaching, absorbing the power of Yunshenchi's gods to temper the body.

Ning Xiaochuan quietly activated the magic sword to absorb the energy in Yunshen Pond.

The magic sword is still a warrior at the level of the Supreme King. It will take a long time to upgrade to the Supreme King. Now it is a good opportunity.

The time passed by one minute and one second, and two more hours passed. Ning Xiaochuan continued to walk toward the center of the pond, and he had to gain more divine power.

At this time, even the Heavenly Emperor Blade began to absorb the energy in Yunshen Pool by itself.

Other **** geniuses also took out the supreme emperor's tools given by the elders of the family and began to absorb them. Obviously, they had already inquired about the situation of Shenshenchi and had made preparations.

One day later, the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor could not hold on and had to leave Yunshen Pond.

There is no way, compared with the souls of the Shenhe civilization, their physique is still much worse.

In fact, their talents are pretty good. If other geniuses in Da Yan World enter Yun Shen Pond, they may not be able to persist for a long time.

No way, the **** genius is too strong, this is the gap!

"I don't know if I can absorb the water in Yunshen Pond with Xuanshoujian, if it can be stored! Taking the pool water out can also help Xin'er and Grandpa temper their bodies."

But so many strong players can't be brazen when they look at it, they have to think of a way. "Ning Xiaochuan's heart moved and thought of a way.

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