Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 973: Two-headed Ghost Leopard Medicine Saint

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The Silver Horn Demon Emperor and the Golden Horn Demon Emperor shot at the same time and still lost to Ringo Tomu.

A large swath of electric fire was rubbed against the soles of the feet and the ground, flying backwards at high speed.

"It's amazing! The power is so powerful!" The Golden Horned Demon Emperor felt some numbness in his arms. Fortunately, the Silver Horned Demon Emperor helped him. Cleave.

"Oh! So strong, what did you grow up with?" The Silver Horned Demon spit in his hand and lifted the mace again.

"The two ants are able to block an axe of the general, and it seems that you are not so weak." Lingotto said coldly and proudly.

The Silver Horned Demon Emperor pointed at Lingotomu with a mace, and said arrogantly, "My rub, how do you say that? Believe me, the emperor beat you into a disability every minute?"

"Ignorance!" Lingotuomu immediately rushed forward, chopping down the tomahawk again.

The golden horned demon emperor, the silver horned demon emperor, and Ringo Tomu fought fiercely, and the three creatures were so difficult to separate that they couldn't decide.

You know, Lingo Tuomu is a creature of the Shenhe civilization. In the same realm, you can easily defeat the creatures of the Da Yan World.

After the golden horn demon emperor and the silver horn demon emperor joined forces, they blocked him!

Ning Xiaochuan nodded, seeing some clues.

If played alone, the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor are not the enemies of Lingo Tomu.

But the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor are twin brothers. They have the same soul and cooperate with each other. After joining forces, they can play several times more power. That's why they were able to fight against the Ringotom Chamber.

"It's really a waste, not even two mentally handicapped." Jiu Zizi snorted coldly, staring at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "It's you human being again, the last time you dare to lie to this seat that you are People of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. This time, this seat makes it difficult for you to fly! And you, two nine-tailed foxes! "

Ning Xiaochuan seemed very calm, and said lightly: "Jiuto Ziyan, do you really think we must not be your opponents?"

Nine-headed Amaranth smiled coldly and said, "The Heavenly Demon Emperor has already told you this hole card. Even if you can borrow the power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, it is far from being the opponent of this seat. Strength is not something you can imagine. "

"Really? Then you won my maid first, then. Heavenly dreams, you go to teach the master of the nine-headed purple prince demon saint." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The woman in white wearing a veil standing behind Ning Xiaochuan walked out slowly, revealing a pair of bright eyes under the veil, and a flash of light. She stared at the nine-headed purple magpie, and said lightly, "Demon, please enlighten me!"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor glanced at the woman in white with a veil, and said coldly: "King of Destruction, how dare you take the Emperor's first deity as a maid, so you insult a sub-God , I am really brave enough. Don't you be afraid that the emperor's deity will come to the land of Fengshen and break you up?

Ning Xiaochuan said: "At that time, why didn't you want to turn me into your slave? I just called her a maid and I already respect you."

"Well!" Tianmeng Yaohuang sneered and stopped talking.

Jiuto Ziyan stared at the white-faced masked woman standing opposite, feeling a stream of divine power flowing on the other side, Xiuwei seemed to be a little stronger than him.

The nine-headed purple cormorant immediately became serious. With a wave of his arm, a supreme imperial-level spear flew out, turning into a purple dragon, breaking through the void and piercing Ning Tianmeng.

Ning Tianmeng's body moved out as fast as a streamer. The next moment, she stood next to the nine-headed purple lotus, her jade fingers pinched into a sword, and she pointed out.


The nine-headed purple cricket was hit by that sword tactic, and his body flew out. A finger-sized blood hole appeared on the chest, and blood kept flowing outward.

"Fast speed." Jiu Zizi's heart was startled.

Tianmeng Demon Emperor said: "She is performing the emperor's peerless‘ Taiyun Chasing the Moon '. You ca n’t beat her. ”

Ning Tianmeng is a condensed part of Tianmeng Demon Emperor, naturally proficient in all the deities of Tianmeng Demon Emperor.

Moreover, her martial cognition and combat experience are comparable to those of a secondary god.

Ning Tianmeng's body is condensed with eight thoughts, and she is a little bit stronger than a monk who is the most important in the realm of creation, plus her martial arts cognition and combat experience. Even if the nine-headed purple lotus played against her, it still had to fall below.

The nine-headed purple cricket became more and more strenuous. I felt that I would be defeated for a long time, so I immediately said: "Heavenly Demon Emperor, kill that human kid first. As long as you kill that human kid, her spirit will naturally Will dissipate. "

Tianmeng Yaohuang said to the remaining four generals: "Go ahead! Except for the two nine-tailed foxes, all others must die."

Fighting broke out completely.

Four ninth-ranked generals in Wangu Realm rushed out at the same time.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor killed Ning Xiaochuan and shot it himself, intending to wipe out Ning Xiaochuan.

After Emperor Zijin, Ning Xiaochuan was the only one who could anger her completely.

"Godfather, I'll help you!" Xiao Linger was very worried about the safety of Ning Xiaochuan, immediately put on the Oracle of Supreme Deity, hit a bronze furnace of the highest imperial grade, and hit the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

At the same time, Xiaohong, Qingfeizi and Princess Xi Xi immediately rushed over, stood in the other two directions, and launched an attack on the Tianmeng Demon Emperor.

They all wore the Supreme Deity Armor, and their fighting power was comparable to the ninth monk in Wangu Realm.

Coupled with Ning Xiaochuan, it is almost like the ninth strongest man in Wangu Realm simultaneously besieged the Heavenly Demon Emperor and beat him back continuously.

After all, the Heavenly Demon Emperor is just a thought, and even if it is strong, it is limited and cannot be invincible.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor was very guilty. Once upon a time, the creatures in front of her looked like ants, but now all these ants have grown up and can force her back.

Ning Xiaochuan, Xiaohong, Xiaolinger, Qingfeizi, and Princess Xi Xi all have soldiers with the highest level of imperial weapons, and their combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.


A piece of supreme imperial weapon was cut from the waist of Tianmeng Demon Emperor, and a huge crack was torn in her body. The body was almost cut into two pieces.

She had just reunited her body, and the Heavenly Emperor Blade hacked at her again, splitting her body in half.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor immediately re-condensed his body and quickly retreated, saying, "Where will the four major wars lie?"

"The four major wars have already identified themselves as masters." The Nine-Tailed Demon came with a smile.

Behind the Nine-tailed Demon is not only following four generals, but five generals.

There is also a war general, who had been conquered by the Nine-Tailed Demon before entering the Second World of Sealing Gods.

After the Emperor Tianmen stared at the Nine-Tailed Demon coldly, he said, "I knew that my emperor should have killed you earlier."

"Would you also like to thank the demon emperor for not killing?" Jiuwei demon said.


Tianmeng Demon snorted, and immediately exhibited the speedy magical power of "Take Cloud and Chase the Moon" and wanted to escape from this place.

However, Xiao Hong's speed was faster than her, and she flew in front of her, knocking out a piece of the supreme imperial weapon, turning it into a broken iron mountain, and hitting the dream emperor.

"Break me!"

Tianmeng Demon Emperor patted it and hit that iron mountain to fly.

Suddenly, she noticed a cloud above her head and a huge iron tower suppressed.


When the dream of Emperor Demon Emperor was put into the tower, the town demon tower flew back and fell into the palm of Ning Xiaochuan.

"King of Destruction, the body of the emperor has come out of the return market, and soon will come to the land of Fengshen, you are dead!" The voice of Tianmeng Demon Emperor came from the town demon tower, with a This kind of cold evil spirit.

Ning Xiaochuan knew that the Heavenly Demon Emperor never lied, his face changed slightly, and said, "We must leave Fengshen Relic immediately."

Being chased down by a real sub-god is not a joke.

"Leave? Can't leave!"

On the horizon, a cloud of purple and black ghosts flew over, and the clouds were layered on top of each other, giving a dark feeling.

Two huge ghosts of leopard heads emerged from the clouds, their heads were the size of a mountain, and they gave off a powerful deterrent.

That breath is much stronger than the nine-headed aster, which makes people feel suffocated.

"Second Brother, you finally arrived!" Jiu Zi Zi Yan immediately separated from Ning Tianmeng, very excited, and flew towards the double-headed ghost leopard.

The visitor is the second double-headed ghost leopard demon saint among the top ten demon saints of Ming Gexing.

Ghost Leopard stands next to the two-headed Ghost Leopard Demon Saint, staring at Ning Xiaochuan below, smiling coldly: "Human, my grandfather is coming, how are you going to die today?"

Ning Xiaochuan resisted the pressure and said, "Life is dead, wealth is in heaven. If you can kill me, even if I die here, there will be no complaints."

"Haha! With my grandfather and Grandpa Nine here, do you think you still have hope of escape?" Ghost Leopard laughed loudly.

Suddenly, the spirit of the divine spirit in the entire second-re-enclosed divine world suddenly shook, a blue glow came from the sky, a green **** bird flew among the glow, and a woman's voice was issued in her mouth: To kill him, have you asked the Princess to agree? "

The cyan godbird turned into a humanoid figure and turned into a young girl in a cyan shirt. She fell in front of Ning Xiaochuan, carrying her hands, and staring at the nine-headed aster and two-headed ghost leopard above the sky.

"Princess Qingluo!" Upon seeing the arrival of Qingluo Wang, the two-headed ghost leopard demon Saint immediately turned his head and looked in the direction that Qingluo had just flown.

He didn't think that the King of Qingyi would appear alone.

Sure enough, Xi and the Eight-Horned Demon Emperor came slowly from the horizon.

獠 Walking speed is very slow, but each step can span dozens of miles.

"King King Shengjun, are you sure you want to take care of this? You need to know that the human kid, the offending Emperor Demon Emperor. The demon Emperor of Demon Emperor has stepped out of the market and will soon come to Fengshen. Legacy. "Guibao demon emperor Road.

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