Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 947: Treasure hunt

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Finally broke through!

At the moment when Ning Xiaochuan's realm broke through, a purple cyan calamity cloud appeared in the world of the First Sealed God, suspended above his head.

After the cloud appeared, the air in the entire space seemed to be frozen, completely locking Ning Xiaochuan.


There was a long howling in Ning Xiaochuan's mouth, breaking through the suppression of the robbery clouds, flying up to the sky, flying to a distance of three thousand miles, and then stopping.

Standing on the open ground, letting Lei Jie keep slicing on the body, Ning Xiaochuan didn't make any resistance, it was like bathing in Lei Jie.

With his current physique, the general thunderbolt certainly can't help him, but can be further tempered by the power of thunderbolt. For him, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

It is estimated that only when he breaks through the supreme realm, the supreme robbery that is induced can make him pay a little more attention.

Lei Jie lasted for two hours, the ground became purple and black scorched earth, there were potholes everywhere, and there was a stream of wires that did not dissipate.

Fortunately, this is the site of Fengshen. The earth structure is very stable, so it did not cause much damage.

If Ning Xiaochuan crosses the border in North / Xinjiang, it is estimated that hundreds of miles away will be dead and become desert.


Ning Xiaochuan's dark body cracked a gap and dropped a layer of black old skin.

The crystal-clear treasure body emerges from under the black old skin, exuding a bright brilliance and a rich scent.

The strength in the body shook, and all the black old skin on the body fell, revealing a divinely shining treasure body, not like the body of a fetus, but rather the body of a god.

He can clearly feel that his physique has been greatly improved, and his whole body is full of strength. Even compared with the monks in Wangujing, it is estimated that it is not much weaker.

"After the baptism of thunder and thunder, the magic sword really elevated to the rank of top quality supreme device. By the time I hit Wangu Realm, I should be able to reach the level of supreme king device."

Ning Xiaochuan also explored the fifty figurative magical swords in the body, and each figurative magical sword reached the level of the supreme weapon of middle class.

Release all fifty handle figurative magic swords to form a sword array, and the power will definitely be greatly improved.

"With my current practice, I have been able to put more war swords into the body. The greater the number of war swords, the stronger the power of the concrete magical power will erupt."

Magic sword and figurative magic sword are Ning Xiaochuan's original fighter. The power that erupts is the strongest. Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan must improve the power and grade of magic sword and figurative magic sword.

They are also top-quality supreme devices. Ning Xiaochuan's use of magic swords is definitely more powerful than the use of other top-class supreme devices.

The higher the revision, the greater the advantage of the original fighter.

Before Xiao Linger rushed over, Ning Xiaochuan wore a white robe on his body, fastened his belt, and restored his neat, valiant appearance, wide chest, and straight body, giving an unusually beautiful feeling. .

"Godfather, weren't you injured in the thunderstorm?" Xiao Linger fell from the sky, like a fairy, and fell in front of Ning Xiaochuan, asking with concern.

Ning Xiaochuan smiled with relief, and said, "It's okay, but ordinary thunder can't help me!"

"Godfather, you are amazing!"

Xiao Linger thought for a while and said, "Should we also go to the burial ground to find the soldiers, maybe we can find the treasure."

Treasures, naturally, no one will be too much.

"Go, of course, but wait first."

After breaking through the seventh level of real life, Ning Xiaochuan intends to try to perform Shinto, to see if he can master the magic power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor?

"Follow Shinto!"

Ning Xiaochuan said a silent meditation, folded his hands together, exuding a mighty divine power.

An outrageous momentum broke out from Ning Xiaochuan's body, just like a sublime ride.

The powerful momentum changed Xiao Ling'er's face, unable to withstand the pressure, and immediately backed away.

You must know that Xiao Linger's current cultivation is equivalent to the third supreme supremacy of Wangu Realm, and he can't resist the momentum emanating from Ning Xiaochuan. From this we can see how terrible Ning Xiaochuan is at this moment?

The imaginary shadow of the eighty-one-foot-high Heavenly Dream demon condensed behind Ning Xiaochuan. The magical power of the dream of Emperor Demon Emperor is almost integrated with Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Ning Xiaochuan punched into the void. Five hundred miles away, a 10,000-meter-high mountain collapsed instantly.

You know, this is the first place to seal the world of God. The structure of the world is very stable. Even a monk in the eternal realm can't cause much destructive power when he enters the world of the first sealed god.

One fist smashed the mountains five hundred miles away. Such a terrifying combat power was enough to stun those monks in the eternal realm.

If it was in North / Xinjiang, Ning Xiaochuan's fist would be enough to destroy a fourth-grade human civilization, like a meteorite outside the sky, and hit the ground, and it would instantly make a dynasty human dead.

"This is the power of the five ninth monks in the realm of the peak. The punch is so powerful."

Performing the Shinto show, borrowing the power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, Ning Xiaochuan's combat power is equivalent to five ninth monks in the vanguard realm.

Of course, his current strength is still not as good as the original Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Because, the first Heavenly Demon Emperor cultivated the first sub-god, not just the combination of the five sub-gods.

At that time, more than a dozen human race supreme would not have hurt the Heavenly Demon Emperor without the assistance of the large gods array and two secondary artifacts. Even so, if it weren't for Ning Xiaochuan's shot, the Heavenly Demon Emperor could kill them all.

It can be said that the siege of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor at that time had already dispatched the combat power of the entire Liupin civilization, but it was still not her opponent.

"With my current combat power, under the realm of creation, it should already be considered invincible. However, although I have a strong power, I should not use it until I have to, because after all, this is still only an external force, not my own cultivation. Only Cultivate yourself for a real ascension, and that is the real strength. "Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

Just now, when Ning Xiaochuan borrowed the power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

The heavenly demon emperor ’s second thoughts stood in a forest of stone monuments in the third world of sealed gods, and there was a bit of induction. A look of doubt appeared in the eyes, "Someone can mobilize my divine power to the end who is it?"


Ning Xiaochuan dissipated the magical power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and then entered the burial ground with Xiao Linger and also sought the treasures left over from ancient times.

Just picking up a piece of residual iron from the ground is a broken sublime supreme device. It's just that most of the energy in the residual iron has been lost, and the power of the sublime Supreme can't be exerted at all, it can only be regarded as a waste.

"It's a good place to have so many broken supreme devices. Ning Xiaochuan, let me out soon, I will swallow up all the broken supreme devices!" Tiandi Blade's voice sounded from the mysterious book.

Ning Xiaochuan took the Xuanshoujian and held it in the palm of his hand.

"call out!"

The Heavenly Emperor Blade immediately flew out of the Xuanshoujian, suspended in the void, and the blade exuded a powerful suction power, which almost looked like a black hole, and absorbed the remaining soldiers' calciners on the ground into the blade body.

About 3,000 pieces of remnants were absorbed, and Tiandi Blade stopped absorbing, suspended in midair, and began to refine the 3,000 pieces of remnants.

The Heavenly Emperor Blade is different from other Supreme Emperors because it absorbs the blood of an evil **** and undergoes an evil transformation.

It can devour other weapons and strengthen itself.

This point, other supreme emperor, can not be compared with it.

This burial ground is, for it, a paradise for eating.

After only one hour passed, the Heavenly Emperor Blade absorbed ten times in a row, and each time it was able to devour about 3,000 pieces of remains. The essence, soldier soul, and metal essence in these residual organs are all absorbed by it and transformed into a part of the blade body.

"Haha! If I can absorb all the stubs here, I will definitely be promoted to the level of the second artifact." Tiandi Blade's instrumental spirit laughed happily.

"At your speed, it is estimated that it will take a hundred years to fully absorb the residual organs here." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"It's been pretty fast for a hundred years. You need to know that the three sub-artifacts in the legend of Tianxu mainland are all made of sub-level creatures and spent a lifetime to forge and consume dozens of times. 10,000 years. If it is a hundred years, it can reach the level of the sub-artifact, which is simply against the sky. "Tiandi Blade's Qi Ling said.

Ning Xiaochuan observed the Emperor Tiandi for a few hours, and entered the hinterland of the burial ground with Xiao Linger, looking for opportunities.

"This aimless search is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Try it out with the Seven Magic God Heart!"

Ning Xiaochuan sat on the ground and mobilized the power of Qiqiaoshen's demon heart to release all his mind.

The power of Qiqiao God's demon heart is very mysterious. When the mind touches a piece of debris, it will form a light spot in Ning Xiaochuan's mind. Of course, doing this is also very exhausting.

With Ning Xiaochuan's mental power, it can clearly cover the residual vessels within 10,000 meters of the surrounding area, and beyond 10,000 meters, the mind's perception of the residual organs will become very blurred.

With Ning Xiaochuan as the center, there are tens of millions of residual organs within 10,000 meters.

Some of them are the size of a fist, and some of them are as large as a mountain. It's not that the bigger the volume, the more precious the residual parts, but to find the highest grade residual parts.

Suddenly, a very bright light spot appeared in Ning Xiaochuan's mind, dozens of times brighter than those other light spots.

"good stuff!"

Ning Xiaochuan slammed into the direction just sensed, and a human-sized piece of iron flew out of the metallic ocean and fell into his hand accurately.

"Godfather, have you found the treasure?" Xiao Linger was even more pleased than Ning Xiaochuan, staring at the rusty iron block, can not help but look disappointed.

That piece of iron seemed very irregular, and the surface was covered with brown rust. There was no aura, and nothing special was visible.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded with a smile, his finger was rubbed on the surface of the iron block, and the crimson brilliance immediately shot under the rust, just like a burning flame.

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