Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 945: First re-seal the world of God

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Three days later, Princess Xi Xi refined 2,000 soul spirits, and repaired them to reach the sixth stage of the real world.

Qingfeizi only refined four hundred soul spirits, and repaired them to break into the third place of real life.

The Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King also refined 400 soul spirits each, and Xiuwei also broke through to the third level of real life.

Ning Xiaochuan and others can't wait for them to cultivate all the time. In that case, they will only be overtaken by those creatures in the divine realm.

The nine-tailed queen is the most powerful, and ranks first among the nine queens. She felt a dangerous breath approaching, so she said with anxiety, "We must immediately go to the depths of Fengshendong Palace!"

Next, a group of people marched towards the depths of Fengshendongfu.

After half a day.

Ning Xiaochuan stopped, with a flick in his mouth, he looked towards the stone wall.

"Godfather, what did you find?" Xiao Linger stood beside Ning Xiaochuan pretty, with some doubts, and followed Ning Xiaochuan's gaze toward Shibi.

Xiao Ling'er has the beauty of sinking fish and wild geese, the beauty of closed moon and shameful flowers, outstanding temperament, and perfect figure, even if compared with the charming and charming Princess Xi Xi.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head gently, and said, "I have been here before. There was an old mud statue here, but it's gone now."

That old mud statue impressed Ning Xiaochuan deeply, because the brows of that mud statue also have a mark of Tianzun.

Moreover, in the dream, the old man actually came alive, and took Ning Xiaochuan to see the fortune when the heaven and earth first opened.

It was because of that experience that it had a huge impact on Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation path.

Now that old clay statue disappeared.

Could a clay figure still leave on his own?

"Maybe it was taken away by the creature who first came to seal the cave house!" Xiao Linger said.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and no longer thought about it, and continued to go deep in Fengshendongfu.

Along the way, they encountered a lot of attacks from the ghosts of the sky, all of which were collected by Yue Mingsong with the Soul Refining Aura, and condensed into soul spirit.

Finally came to the end of Fengshendong Mansion. A narrow stone bridge with a length of tens of thousands of meters appeared in front of it. On the opposite side of the stone bridge, there was a giant gate emitting a faint halo.

That giant gate, connecting heaven and earth, is huge, like it can swallow everything in the world into it.

"This should be the gateway to the" Feast of God's Land ", everyone must be careful. Once you enter this door, it will be ten times more dangerous than the outside world." Yue Mingsong said,

Everyone present had limited knowledge of Fengshendong Mansion, but Yue Mingsong seemed to be a know-how, with almost nothing he did not know. Even if it is Fengshendongfu, he seems to know more than ordinary people.

"Woohoo ... whoohoo ..." The monk Tangan kept struggling and seemed to have something to say.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the monk Tan Qian **** with a mule and said, "What is he going to say?"

The monk Tangan was sealed, his whole body was tied up, and a piece of cloth was stuffed in his mouth. Naturally, he couldn't say anything, but widened his eyes and shook his head toward Ning Xiaochuan.

Under the direction of Ning Xiaochuan, the Golden Horned Demon King pulled the cloth from the monk's mouth.

The monk Tangan took a breath, and said, "You can't make it, you can't make it.

What does this monk seem to know?

Ning Xiaochuan walked over, squatted down, stared at the monk Tangan, and said, "Master, why can't you break into the land of God?"

"Ning Shi, first unlock the seal of the poor monk, and the poor monk immediately tells you the secret of sealing the land of the gods." Buddhist monk Tangan said.

"Are you stupid of me? Untie your seal, who else is your opponent at the scene?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Yue Mingsong said: "That's right! This monk is very dishonest, don't listen to him, let's go to the land of the gods and look for the treasures left by the age of the gods. If we are lucky, we may be able to find the legendary "God", once you refine "God", you can become a god. "

"Fart!" Tangan monk said angrily: "There is indeed a" **** "in Fengshen's relics, but then you must break into the seventh world of sealed gods to have the opportunity to find the" gods ". Seventh sealed gods Is the world where we can go? "

After the nine-tailed demon's heart moved, he said, "Is there really a" **** "in Fengshen Relic?"

The godhead, the person of the gods, is also called the source of the world.

Only the body of the true God can cultivate the "god".

If you can get a "god" and refine the "god" into your body, even an ordinary warrior can become a true god.

If you want to obtain the "god", you must kill the true **** and take his "god".

Therefore, it is impossible for an ordinary warrior to obtain the "god", even if it is a sub-god, it is not difficult to get the "god".

If there is really a "god" in Fengshen's relic, it will definitely cause the madness of all living beings, even if it is a bloodshed, it must be contested.

Tangan monk said: "There is indeed a" **** "in Fengshen's relic. This is what the emperor said to the poor monk himself before he became a god. However, Tiandi also said that he only broke into the seventh-largest world Only then is it possible to find the "god". Where is the seventh re-sealed **** world? Even if it is entered as a powerful sub-god, 80% will fall into it. "

The crowd was suddenly distressed, even the place where the second **** did not dare to break into it easily, they must have broken into it.

It is also reasonable that if the "god personality" is so easy to find, then after the era of the gods, only the emperor will not become a god.

Yue Mingsong said: "There is a total of nine worlds in the Fengshen Relic. It should still be no problem to break into the third world with our strength. It is said that in the third world, there can be found the 'Extreme Bloodstone' It is of great help to our cultivation. "

Tangan monk said: "How can it be so simple, even the world of the first sealed **** is extremely dangerous. It is easier to break into the world of the third sealed god? You want to die, do n’t bring poor monks. Ning Shizhu, beg You unravel the seal of the poor monk, let the poor monk leave, and the poor monk will never mention the Emperor Blade again. "

Ning Xiaochuan probably understood the danger of Fengshen's relic, and stared at the crowd, saying, "I'm definitely going to practice in Fengshen's relic. If you want to withdraw, you still have time."

"Begging for wealth and danger, I must go to seal the land of God," Yue Mingsong said immediately.

Xiao Hong and Xiao Linger all listened to Ning Xiaochuan, and they naturally did not disagree.

As for the nine-tailed demon queen and Princess Xi Xi, they must avoid the pursuit of the gods and cannot leave Fengshen Cave.

In the end, only the Golden Horn Demon King and the Silver Horn Demon King remain. They have just tasted the benefits of cultivating in Fengshen Cave Mansion, naturally they want to go to Fengshen Relic.

"Okay! Now that everyone has decided to go to Fengshen's relics, we will set off immediately now." Ning Xiaochuan took the lead on the narrow stone bridge and walked towards the huge halo gate.

"I won't go, the poor monk won't go ... oh ..."

The monk Tangan howled twice, and the Golden Horned Demon King shoved a piece of cloth back into his mouth, carried him on his shoulders, and walked toward the halo gate.

Ning Xiaochuan walked in the forefront, came under the halo giant gate, stepped out, and ripples appeared on the giant gate.

Then, a huge suction came from the giant gate and sucked him in.


There was a feeling of weightlessness, and the eyes were dark, as if falling into a bottomless abyss.

The next moment, when Ning Xiaochuan stood firm, he had come to a dark and boundless world.

The surroundings are very empty and the margins are not visible.

A dark red blood moon suspended in the sky above his head looked extraordinarily strange.

"It's so cold! What is this place?" Xiao Linger followed Ning Xiaochuan and came to this dark world, his eyes looking around.

She could clearly feel that there was a movement in the dark, and unknown creatures were crawling.

"This should be the first to seal the world of God!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind is strong, his consciousness is keen, and he is amazed to discover that there is not only strong mystery, but also another mysterious qi in the first re-sealed **** world.

This kind of Qi is like Xuan Qi, invisible and intangible, but it really exists. It can even absorb that mysterious gas into the body and transform it into its own power.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately ran the Di Jing, absorbing that mysterious air.

After a while, Ning Xiaochuan was surprised to find that his own cultivation had improved a little. Even the true Yuan in the Yuanshen became more pure.

The grade of this mysterious Qi is too high, a hundred times more than a thousand times more pure than Xuanqi, but it is very thin. Ning Xiaochuan's realm is just a breath and a breath, and he exhausts all the qi of the whole hundred miles.

"If you can always use this kind of qi to practice, you do n’t know how horrible the practice speed will be? Unfortunately, it ’s too thin, it ’s not enough for me to practice." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Yue Mingsong also came out of the halo gate, and when he heard Ning Xiaochuan's words to himself, he smiled and said, "The breath you said should be the legendary spirit. Only the place where the gods live can condense the spirit of the gods. Because once the gods fell on the land of the gods, there is also the spirit of the gods. "

"The divine energy in the first re-sealed **** world is the thinnest. The more you go up, the richer the divine energy. When you reach the fourth re-sealed **** world, the concentration of the divine energy is estimated to have reached the level of nine heavens It makes no difference. "

Later, Xiao Hong, Qingfeizi, Golden Horned Demon King, Silver Horned Demon King, Tangan Monk, and Nine-Tailed Demon also came to the world of the First Sealed God, and everyone gathered together.

Suddenly, in the dark, three huge ghosts flew over ten meters high.

Under their feet, they stepped on a group of ghost fires, stretched out the blue ghost claws, made a somber whistling sound, and attacked Xiaohong standing at the edge.

The breath of the three ghosts is very powerful. There are thousands of ghosts behind them, and Xiaohong is completely wrapped in the ghosts.

"Good guy, it turned out to be three real ghosts. Give me!"

Yue Mingsong immediately sacrificed the soul refining aquarium, and took the three true ghosts and thousands of heavenly ghosts into the aquarium.

A few moments later, thousands of soul spirits were poured out of the soul-finishing aura, all suspended in the void, forming a river of Dan.

Among them, the three soul spirits have the brightest light, and that is the elixir made from three real ghosts.

Heaven ghost ghost corresponds to heaven and man.

A real ghost is a real person.

Each serving of a real ghost that is refined by a ghost is like eating a real person. For monks in Wangujing, it is definitely a great supplement.

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