Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 943: gentleman

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The monk Tangan squinted a pair of eyes and said, "Since a new round of the god-fighting cycle is coming, then the door of man and **** will surely open, and the souls of the gods will surely come. No one can stop the situation."

The eight robbers nodded and said, "Yes! The general trend is irreversible! I think we can negotiate with the creatures of the divine realm to gain the greatest benefits in this feudal battle. I believe that with our strength , Even those beings in the divine realm will have some fear and will not easily conflict with us. "

In the ensuing discussion, Ning Xiaochuan mostly listened and rarely spoke.

After all, he is not really a man of the Heavenly Emperor's line, at most it only has some relationship with the Heavenly Emperor.

The monks of Tangan and Badao are conservatives. They feel that they cannot confront the creatures of the divine realm and should negotiate with them for their own interests.

Qixuan Taoist and Xuexula are radicals. They feel that while the souls of the **** world have not yet fully landed on the heavenly continent, they should be given a headache, destroy the gates of humans and gods, and prevent them from coming to North / Xinjiang.

After discussing for a long time, in the end, the result was still not discussed.

After the meeting, Ning Xiaochuan caught up with the monk Tangan and said, "Monk, wait a minute, you seem to have given me something back?"

The monk Tangan pretended that he didn't know anything, and said a little blankly: "Amitabha! Ning Shi, the poor monk doesn't know what you are talking about, can you understand it?"

Ning Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Heaven's Blade, can it be on your body?"

"Yeah!" The monk Tangan said very seriously: "When the poor monk was young, he was a good friend with the emperor when he was young. The saber left by the emperor will surely keep it carefully."

A black line appeared on Ning Xiaochuan's forehead and said, "Monk, don't you really understand? Or pretend?"

"The poor monk really doesn't understand." The monk Tangan looked very honest, like a mean monk.

"It doesn't matter if you understand it, anyway, I now have to take back Heaven Emperor Blade."

Ning Xiaochuan took out the mysterious animal Jian, and the index finger pressed down.

On the surface of the Xuanshoujian, a circle of white brilliance immediately appeared, sending out a summoning power.


The Heavenly Emperor Blade immediately flew out of the Tangan Monk's chest and rushed into the Xuanshoujian.

Ning Xiaochuan could not recall Tiandi Blade before because his cultivation was not high enough. Now, his cultivation has reached the sixth level of real life. Once the power of Xuanshoujian is activated, even if the monk Tangan deliberately suppresses it, it is impossible to suppress it.

"Oh! Ning Shi, are you robbing me? Is there a king in this world?"

The monk Tangan saw that the Emperor's Blade was taken away by Ning Xiaochuan, and immediately anxious, stopped Ning Xiaochuan's way, bitterly said: "Ning Shizhu, a man must be a good character, not stealing, not stealing, not stealing, not greedy ... hey You disappointed the poor monk too! "

Obviously this monk wanted to own the Emperor's Blade as his own. At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan was counted down and felt that Ning Xiaochuan was misbehaving and was too greedy.

Ning Xiaochuan already knew the morality of the monk Tangan, and was too lazy to argue with him, saying, "Monk, if you have the ability, you will take back the Emperor Blade from me."

"Amitabha! Poor monks have always been strict with themselves, never do anything about stealing and abducting, let alone robbing them. Ning Shizhu, you can return the Heavenly Emperor Blade to the poor monks! The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, and the back is the shore." Distressed Road.

Qixuan Taoist came over and said with a smile: "Ning Xiaoyou, Master Tangan, what are you talking about?"

When the monk Tangan saw the Seven Xuan Taoists coming over, he immediately squeezed out a Buddha-like smile, and said, "My Ning Shi and I are talking about Dharma. My Ning Shi is very interested in several Buddhist scriptures in the Grand Sundial Palace. Ning Shi, Let's go to Jiangehoufu slowly and talk in detail. "

Obviously, the monk Tangan was unwilling to let the Qixuandao people know that he had hidden the Heavenly Emperor Blade, so he immediately pulled Ning Xiaochuan out of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace.

Walking out of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, the monk Tangan smiled mysteriously and said, "Ning Shi, you seem to have brought the demons' creatures to Hou's house. Be careful, it will cause great disaster to the Yulan Empire."

Ning Xiaochuan also said with a smile: "Even if it causes even more trouble, with the strength of Tiandi's first line, I am afraid that it can be carried down!"

"Hey! All the monks in the Heavenly Emperor's line are obedient to the Empress. If you let the Empress know your relationship with the Empress Consort Wan Yin, the emperor's temperament may not be able to tolerate you as an outsider." Tangan monk Tao .

Ning Xiaochuan was not at all threatened by the monk Tangan, saying: "If the empress really hates the queen of Wanyin, he would have already killed the queen of Wanyin, why would he wait until now?"

"At this time, at the same time. Before, the Empress Dowager Wanyin did not merge with the soul of the emperor. The Empress naturally was too lazy to deal with her. However, the plump wings of the Empress Dowager Wany now have restored the memory of previous lives. You Think the empress will spare her? "

The monk Tangan said, "Now, only I know the relationship between you and the princess, and only the poor monk will not say that naturally nothing will happen."

"How can we shut up the master?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The monk Tangan said calmly: "Alas! The poor monk is not threatening Ning, but he just wants to return to the Emperor Blade ..."


A figure flashed behind the monk Tangan, a stick knocked down and hit the back of the monk Tangan.


The monk Tangan just felt a dark, "swish" sound before his eyes, and fell to the ground.

"Damn! This monk is too greedy, I can't stand it anymore!" Said the man in black who stunned the dangan monk.

Ning Xiaochuan was also stunned by this sudden change. You must know that the monk Tangan is a Buddhist monk who lived in an eternal realm, how could he be stunned by a stick?

At that time, in the Holy Land of Light, the monk of Tangan could have thoughts with the second **** of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

This shows that the monk's cultivation is absolutely at the pinnacle of Wangujing, maybe a little bit worse than Taiqing Dragon Emperor. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to escape in the hands of the second thought of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Such a powerful being has been knocked down by someone?

Ning Xiaochuan immediately became cautious and stared at the man in black holding the iron rod, and said, "Who are you?"

"I ... I Mingsong!" Yue Mingsong untied the black cloth on his face.

"Yue Mingsong? Why are you in the Yulan Empire? Where have you been during this time?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"It's a long story, and I won't talk about it."

Yue Mingsong kicked the monk Tangan fiercely, and said, "Brother Ning, this monk knows too much and cannot stay alive. Otherwise, bind him in a sack, throw him into the river, and kill a dead body ? "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Although the monk Tangan is greedy, his heart is not bad. There is no need to kill him. Instead, you, who are you?"

"Me?" Yue Mingsong pointed to himself and said, "I'm Yue Mingsong! Brother Ning, don't you recognize me?"

"Are you the Elder Yue of the Yin and Yang Holy Religion?" Ning Xiaochuan said from the open door.

"Yes!" Yue Mingsong said.

Yue Mingsong answered very earnestly and cheerfully, but made Ning Xiaochuan a bit confused.

Yue Mingsong looked up to the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, his eyes blurred, like a man with a lot of stories, and sighed, "I'm an upright and low-key person, and I'm tired of the life of dealing with different women every day. I I just want to be an ordinary man, a gentleman who regards money as dung, and a woman who is a mustard, yes, my goal now is to become a gentleman who is respected by everyone. Brother Ning, do you think I look like you "


Although Yue Mingsong said something quite wrong, Ning Xiaochuan actually did not believe his words even more, saying: "Are you really the elder of the Yin and Yang religion?"

"Before, now it is not."

Yue Mingsong said: "I want to be a gentleman in peace now, I don't want to live the decaying life of Yingyingyanyan once, and I am admired by too many women, but it is also a headache, like me The beautiful and beautiful man should have a higher pursuit. Brother Ning, seeing you now, I am like seeing myself once, and one day you will surely understand my current state of mind. "

Yue Mingsong patted Ning Xiaochuan's shoulder and said meaningfully.

Ning Xiaochuan paused for a moment, arched slightly, and said, "Listening to Jun is better than reading a book for ten years."

"Of course!" Yue Mingsong nodded.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong bundled the monks of Tangan and brought them back to Jiangehou House.

The next day, Ning Xiaochuan, Yue Mingsong, monk Tangan, Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger, Qingfeizi, Princess Xi Xi, Queen Nine-tailed Queen, and Golden Horned Demon King. The Silver Horn Demon King left Yulan Empire and entered Fengshen Cave House.

The monk Tangan was tied into Fengshendongfu, and a piece of cloth was stuffed in his mouth.

"Once entering Fengshen Cave Mansion, our breath will disappear from North / Xinjiang. Even if the cultivation of Jiuto Ziyan is as strong as it is, it will not be able to sense us." The injuries after the nine-tailed demon have recovered most of the time, walking in At the forefront, open the way for everyone.

Yue Mingsong and Ning Xiaochuan walked behind the nine-tailed demon. He stared at the enchanting and generous shaking of the hips of the nine-tailed demon. The fox demon girls are all fascinating monsters, and the nine-tailed demon is even more charming. If I was then, I would definitely not let this deliciousness go. Come on! "

Along the way, Yue Mingsong was explaining to Ning Xiaochuan the body, face, and temperament of the Nine-Tailed Demon, a very experienced look. Ning Xiaochuan is really unavoidable, the ears are about to cocoon.

Ning Xiaochuan can be sure that these words of Yue Mingsong have been heard in the ears by the nine-tailed demon. I just do n’t know why the nine-tailed demon has not been angry.

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