Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 912: Success

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"Can't get out!"

Ning Xiaochuan mobilized the strength of the whole body, clasped the arms of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, exerted the power of the second half of the Shinto, and forcibly hijacked the soul of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan is as powerful as the Heavenly Demon Emperor. How terrible is the power after the show?

The Tianmeng Demon Emperor only felt a slight blackness in front of him, and the feeling of turning heaven and earth appeared. A thin layer of mist-like soul shadow was pulled out of the flesh and flew towards Ning Xiaochuan's brows.

Do not!

The Heavenly Demon Emperor showed a strong will of soul and soul, and forcibly broke free from the Shinto.

The soul shadow that was about to leave the body completely flew back into her body again.

Tianmeng Yaohuang's heart was frightened, too dangerous. If it was a little late, I'm afraid her soul would be taken away by the other party.

She had never encountered such a thing when she played against the Zijin emperor.


The Heavenly Demon Emperor decisively shot, hitting the town's tower and turning it into a huge bronze remnant tower.

A deep black hole emerges from the bottom of the giant tower, exuding a terrifying soul force, and wants to collect Ning Xiaochuan into the tower.

"Want to fight back?"

Ning Xiaochuan shot again, his palm stretched out towards the void, and a more powerful force broke out, forcibly pulling the spirit of the Heavenly Demon Emperor out of the flesh.

"You ... what kind of magical power are you performing ..." Tianmeng Yaohuang's face finally changed, and she watched Ning Xiaochuan take away her spirits, but she couldn't resist.

You must know that "connecting to Shinto" is the top 100 avenues among the three thousand annihilation roads. If it shows real power, it is better than the "mixed sword" created by the Emperor Zijin, and the "Sky Killer Six" "Ide" is much more powerful and belongs to the true top magic.

Under the circumstances of the same realm, it is not difficult for Ning Xiaochuan to take away the spirit of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

However, the accident happened!

"That being the case, let's do it all together!" Inside the body of the demon Emperor of the Dream of Heaven, a small and transparent tower flew out and hovered above her head.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor made a final counterattack, mobilizing the power of the soul, and even opened the door of the little tower.


There was a tsunami-like sound in the little tower, and the sullen spirits flew out of it.

After Ning Xiaochuan took away the spirit of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, he looked towards the small tower suspended in the void, and his face changed slightly. "The town demon tower was opened, and it's bad! The North Sea's master, '鲲' Born! "

Just after suppressing the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, a more ferocious giant demon was released again, and it seems that the peaceful world of Tianxu Continent really ended completely and will usher in a troubled autumn.


The town demon tower shook violently, and a large golden fish flew out of the tower, with a pair of wings growing hundreds of miles long, exuding a terrible demon, and shaking the whole world.

Alas, dominated by the North Sea ten thousand years ago, possessed the body of a fish and the wings of Dapeng, known as the giant demon closest to the sub-god.

When the emperor passed the Beihai, he imprisoned his puppet in the town's demon tower.

But Xun's cultivation was against the sky, and he was refined by the town demon tower for ten thousand years without death.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor opened the town demon tower with the last soul power, and released this horrible monster.

After being refined by the town demon tower for ten thousand years, the uncle's flesh became shabby, and even the golden wings had worn out, as if there was only one bone left.

"Great! I was refined by the town demon tower for ten thousand years, and my vitality was so great that I wouldn't be able to recover at one and a half. Now is the best time to kill it."

Ning Xiaochuan flew out, grabbed the town demon tower, mobilized the divine power in the body, and injected it into the tower.


The original power of the town demon tower was inspired, and he wanted to collect the puppets into the tower again.

"Quack! Ignorant child, since this seat has escaped from the town demon tower, how could you still have a chance to take this seat back? Do you think you are the emperor?" Only the skeleton of the rotten, huge bone mouth There was a sound like Hong Zhong.

In front of the huge body of Ning, Ning Xiaochuan's body is smaller than a grain of dust.

Its fish scales are like a huge golden cloud in the eyes of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan, without any fear, hit the town's demon tower and smashed at Dasao.

"I will let you go today, and when this place recovers its vitality, it will definitely return to the Tianxu continent and slaughter the human race." Dasao's resentment is extremely great, especially against the Emperor.

Naturally, he could not find revenge from the Emperor, so he could only vent his anger on the human race.


Dayi's wings disappeared immediately, and the next moment, he flew to nine thousand miles.

"The fast speed is worthy of being called a creature that can compete with Shenlong and Shenfeng."

Ning Xiaochuan took the body of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor into the town demon tower, and a pair of red-red dragon wings grew on his back. He displayed the speed of the dragon, and chased up towards Dao to stop it from escaping.

Although Dasao is not a sub-god, its power is even more terrifying than the Heavenly Demon Emperor who cultivated the first sub-god. Perhaps, the Heavenly Demon Emperor can only win it if he forges the second sub-god.

After all, the Heavenly Demon Emperor is dead, and only the thought of the sub-god is left. Before the triple sub-god is not cast, she cannot be regarded as a sub-god.

If Dasao's vitality is restored, it will be a greater threat to the Terran continent.

Ning Xiaochuan must catch up with it and get rid of it before its vitality has recovered.

"Caught up!"

The aunt who flew in front was very surprised, and felt the strong fluctuations coming from the rear. Looking back, I saw that the previous human wearing the blood armor of the blood was chasing behind it tightly.

Human speed can't be beaten?

For the cricket, one can wing nine thousand miles away with a single flap of his wings. Only the Shenlong and Shenfeng can catch up with its speed.

The other true dragons, even if they practice to the same realm as the puppet, cannot catch up with the puppet. You must be a dragon family, a dragon family with pure blood of the dragon, in order to compete with the puppet.

He took a closer look and saw that human being had a pair of dragon wings on his back, and immediately understood what was going on!

"It turned out to be the Dragon God!"

I was so badly injured that I hadn't recovered yet, and I really didn't want to fight against the existence of Ning Xiaochuan. However, judging from the current situation, if there is no fighting, I am afraid that human being cannot be thrown away.

While he was preparing to fight with Ning Xiaochuan, he suddenly found that the other party had gone after him.

"Quack! It seems that the fighting dragon dragon was seriously injured during the battle with the Heavenly Demon Queen, and was unable to hunt me down."

He also knew that he could not kill the other party with his current strength, so he resolutely gave up the opportunity to kill Ning Xiaochuan and accelerated his escape.

Ning Xiaochuan couldn't chase and kill the puppet, the biggest reason was not his injury, but that an hour had come, and Sui Hanyu had taken all her divine power away.

Ning Xiaochuan's repair was immediately returned to its original form, and it became the fourth realm of real people. If you go after Dasao again, it will be a dead end.

"After chasing more than 80,000 miles, I still have to watch it run away. When Dasao kills Tianxu again, the Terrans will face a more terrible enemy. Ahem!"

After the battle, Ning Xiaochuan was in pain all over, and finally realized how much he was hurt.

Taking off the torn blood armor of Ning Xiaochuan, Ning Xiaochuan saw that his body had also been torn, and his body was bloody, as if torn apart.

Fortunately, he cultivated into the Supreme Body of Gods and Demons, and his vitality was comparable to that of a monk in eternal realm, so he could survive.

"The palm of the Heavenly Demon Emperor is too powerful. If her strength is a little stronger, my body must be torn apart, and the martial arts heart will be shattered into powder. This time, the wound is too serious, the martial arts heart There are cracks, and I don't know how long it will take for the injury to heal. "

The only good news is that the Tianmeng Demon Emperor has finally been suppressed!

Ning Xiaochuan immediately returned one of the six transfers to the soul pill, ready to heal.

He was just sitting on the ground, his eyebrows, and there was a severe pain!

"You ... imprisoned ... impossibly imprisoned the emperor's spirit ..." The voice of Tianmeng Demon Emperor's spirit came from the heart of Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow cracked a bloodline, and the crack became bigger and bigger, as if to tear Ning Xiaochuan's head apart.

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