Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 909: Duel to Heavenly Demon Emperor

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"The breath on your body is a little weird, it seems very weak, and it seems very strong!" After all, the Heavenly Demon Emperor was a true sub-god, and his eyesight was so hot. Even if Ning Xiaochuan was wearing the blood armor, she still saw some clues. .

Ning Xiaochuan has only one hour!

To defeat the Heavenly Demon Emperor as powerful as himself within an hour is simply a possible task.

It can't be delayed any longer, it must be shot immediately.

Ning Xiaochuan issued an old and hoarse voice, directing the strong men of these races: "Master Su Jing Shennong, Lord of the First World, please two of you, together with your husband, fight against the Heavenly Demon Emperor. Other peoples guard the Quartet Supreme To prevent the Emperor from dreaming to escape. "

Although Ning Xiaochuan's current strength is as strong as the Heavenly Demon Emperor, but it is definitely not an opponent of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. He must combine the power of the Lord of the First World and the ugly mother-in-law to be able to bring Heavenly Dream within an hour. The demon emperor won.

You know, deciding the outcome of World War I is not just simple.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor was once a sub-god, living hundreds of thousands of years of souls, fighting experience, fighting will, understanding of martial arts, and cultivating supernatural powers, all far surpassing Ning Xiaochuan. With the same strength, Ning Xiaochuan could not be her opponent at all.

It's like a newborn baby. Even if you give him a body as strong as an adult, as strong a soldier, but he is definitely not an adult's opponent. Maybe an adult only needs one move to defeat him.

Ning Xiaochuan has only lived for decades now. Compared with the Heavenly Demon Emperor, even the newborn babies are not counted.

Because of knowing this, Sui Hanyu gave Ning Xiaochuan a death order and asked Ning Xiaochuan to fight against Tianmeng Yaohuang with the same strength.

In fact, she knew that even if Ning Xiaochuan had mastered the same powerful force as the Heavenly Demon Emperor, he would definitely not be the opponent of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

According to the speculation of Sui Hanyu, Ning Xiaochuan could only survive for an hour in the hands of Tianmeng Demon Emperor when he died. This is already the most outstanding performance!

The purpose of Sui Hanyu doing this was not to let Ning Xiaochuan Zhen kill the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, but to use the Tianmeng Demon Emperor to hone Ning Xiaochuan and increase the experience of Ning Xiaochuan and the second god. Not always.

Ning Xiaochuan also understood this, so he took the initiative to join hands with the ugly mother-in-law and the first world master. They both hold secondary artifacts, which are two powerful aids.

Ning Xiaochuan's goal is not just to stick to an hour in the hands of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor. He must win, but also to kill the Tianmeng Demon Emperor.

After Ning Xiaochuan gave the order, the Supreme People of the Nation had no objection, and all obeyed Ning Xiaochuan's order, just as it was a matter of course to do so.

Who made Ning Xiaochuan show more power than them?

Master Xiao opened the divine book again, and the divine text in the divine book flew out one after another, and fell to the ground, sealing up the vast earth.

The red monk turned into a crimson scorching sun, suspended in a void of 90,000 feet high, forming a sea of ​​flames.

The golden light of the Buddha fell down from the red hot sun, completely blocking the sky.

The Lord of the Fourth World flew thousands of miles away, offering a supreme imperial weapon like a purple token, and the power of the imperial imperial weapon erupted, blocking the east of the battlefield.

The two Supremes and the Demon from the heavenly courts flew to the south, west, and north, respectively, and each sacrificed an ancient soldier to settle the entire space.

Although these Terran Supremes are not opponents of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, if the Tianmeng Demon Emperor wants to escape from a certain direction, he will definitely be intercepted.

Based on the supreme cultivation of these human races, if they are really desperate and show their hole cards, they can at least resist the temporary dream of the Emperor.

At this moment, in the battlefield, only Ning Xiaochuan, wearing the blood armor of the gods, the first-world master standing on the back of the four-winged black cloud bird, and the ugly mother-in-law standing on a high mountain.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor was surrounded in the center, and he still remained his face. He said, "Do you think you really have a chance to defeat the Emperor? It's too naive. Now that all the old monsters of the human race have jumped out, they will all be killed. Don't leave one! "

"Don't hesitate, Tianmeng Demon Emperor, the old man is here to fight you." Ning Xiaochuan roared, and the black spirit burst out in his whole body, and he rushed to the front of Tianmeng Demon Emperor in an instant.

He cut it with his hand as a knife.

Ning Xiaochuan knew that if she and the Heavenly Demon Emperor were fighting magic skills, she would not be her opponent at all.

Therefore, they can only choose the most barbaric style of attack, and attack at the fastest speed. Under the fierce attack, the Emperor Demon Emperor has no time to think about the deficiencies in Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts experience.

The Tianmeng Demon Emperor had a hard fight with the mysterious man wearing the blood armor of God, knowing that he was very powerful and not under himself. In fact, she was unwilling to confront her, and if she killed the other party, she would definitely be hit hard.

But as a demon emperor for a long time, she would never retreat, so she took the initiative to meet it.

"Uh! Uh! Uh ..."

Between the electric light flint, Ning Xiaochuan and the Tianmeng Demon Emperor smashed more than twenty hits. Each blow will create a powerful ripple of energy, shattering the mountains and rivers in the distance into a rock.

If he is another monk in real life, he would never dare to fight against Tianmeng Yaohuang, even if he is as powerful as Tianmeng Yaohuang. It is estimated that Tianmeng Yaohuang stared at him with a strong gaze, and could scare him to his knees.

Ning Xiaochuan was not afraid of the Heavenly Demon Emperor at all, and was able to fight with one god, making Ning Xiaochuan extremely excited and enthusiastic, as if he had beaten chicken blood, and beat out every trace of strength throughout the body , Even the Heavenly Demon Emperor played back step by step.

Anyway, Ning Xiaochuan's strength is derived from the magical power of Sui Hanyu. He is not afraid that the power will be exhausted, so the battle is extremely fierce.

Every punch is like breaking the world, and the momentum is always going forward.

Sui Hanyu didn't expect Ning Xiaochuan to face the next sub-god, but his spiritual will was not affected, and he was able to fight the sub-god frankly.

In her calculations, under the spiritual coercion of Ning Xiaochuan, Ning Xiaochuan's combat power will be greatly reduced, and it is impossible to prevail. But it turns out that she still underestimated her disciples.

Her disciples are stronger than she thought.

"He is really an old man of human race. Why is his power so violent, and his energy is stronger than young people, like an inexhaustible power." The Heavenly Demon Emperor gave birth to a few doubts, and always felt that this strong human race put on a **** battle. A is intentionally hiding his identity.

Who is he?

Although Tianmeng Monster bewildered, he did not doubt Ning Xiaochuan's body.

After all, in her eyes, Ning Xiaochuan was just a human hairy kid, and the ants existed, even if there was a little bit of effort, it would not be a big deal.


The ugly mother-in-law sacrifice the Wanlongdan **** tripod into a giant tripod larger than the mountain, and smashed towards the bone bone altar.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor originally suffered a minor injury in the battle of the gods, but only relied on the sacrifice power of the White Bone Altar to have the current terrorist power.

As long as the bone bone altar is destroyed, the Emperor Demon Emperor can no longer borrow the power of sacrifice, and it will be easier to kill the Emperor Demon Emperor.

The Emperor of Heavenly Dreams noticed the motives of the ugly mother-in-law, her eyes narrowed slightly, the begonia mark on her eyebrows emerged, and she shot a beam of light to knock Ning Xiaochuan out.

Ning Xiaochuan's chest was penetrated by a white beam of light. Fortunately, she had divine protection, and the trauma was not very serious.

He thought to himself, that the sacred monk who had been taken into the town's tower was probably attacked in the same way, so his chest would be punched with a blood hole the size of a handicap, and he was seriously injured and dying.

"court death!"

Freed from the restraint of Ning Xiaochuan, the Heavenly Demon Emperor turned into an electric light, like a lightning splitting from the void, and fell to the top of the bone bone altar the next moment.


Suspended in the void, the bone bone altar immediately spins up.

A white bone with human beings piled together and turned into a big hand covering the sky, like a cloud, and patted it towards the Wanlong Dan Shending.

That big hand was piled up with the bones of tens of billions of human monks, condensing the strength and resentment of tens of billions of human monks, and the power was almost terrifying.


Wanlongdan Shending was beaten into a roar, trembling violently, out of the control of the ugly mother-in-law, fell to the ground, and smashed a huge pit on the ground.

The golden flames poured out from the Dragon and God's Tripod, and instantly transformed this territory into a field of fire. All the soil and stones on the ground turned into magma.

The ugly mother-in-law's old body also shook slightly, a little blood spilled from the corners of her mouth, and her face turned pale.

Although the ugly mother-in-law's practice transcends the eternal realm and seizes the good fortune, after all, she is only a psychologist, soaking and dandao, unlike other human races, who specialize in combat skills.

As a matter of fact, the fighting ability of the mind trainer is far inferior to other warriors. Of course, except for freaks like Ning Xiaochuan.

"Enemies with the emperor, kill without pardon!"

The Tianmeng Demon Emperor stands on the top of the bone bone altar, as if a true **** was declaring the destiny of the souls of a large world.

The bones of tens of billions of human monks have condensed into a huge palm again, covering the sky, sending out a great sense of anger, and photographing it towards the ugly mother-in-law.

She will kill the ugly mother-in-law completely!

Ning Xiaochuan immediately took a step, crossed a void, stood next to the ugly mother-in-law, and exhibited the sword of destruction.

As one of the three thousand ways to destroy the world, the only way to destroy the sword is to distinguish Ning Xiaochuan's previous low cultivation ability.

After borrowing the magical power of Sui Hanyu, Ning Xiaochuan was finally able to exert the true power of the extinct sword tactic.

"Destroy the Soul!"

Ning Xiaochuan pointed out, and a sword gas flew out from his fingertips, just like Bai Hong Guanri, punching through the big handprint of the tens of billions of human bones.

With a loud noise, the big bone handprints shattered a hundred meters above the heads of Ning Xiaochuan and the ugly mother-in-law, and turned into a broken bone, flying out in all directions.


Recommend a friend's masterpiece "Undead Sword God"!

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