Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 878: Purple Gold Gourd

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"It's a shame to the demon!" A demon king with golden horns on his head stared at the direction in which the poison bat demon king escaped, showing a scornful look.

The other demon king with silver horns on his head, Shen Sheng said: "I'll go to that human guy for a while and see how strong he can be?"

The Golden Horned Demon King said: "Be careful, that kid is not easy, but don't capsize in the gutter."

The Silver Horn Demon King unfolded his demon body and turned into a silver horn giant more than 60 meters tall. He raised his hand and held up a mountain hundreds of meters high and threw it towards Ning Xiaochuan.


Ning Xiaochuan just split the mountain with a sword. The giant fist of the Silver Horn Demon King struck from behind the mountain, hitting Ning Xiaochuan with the whistling wind.

"Haha! Take the punch of the King, not immediately ... Um ... how is that possible?"

The smile on Silver Horn Demon King's face became stiff, and a sharp pain came from his fist, like a punch on a nail.

The Silver Horn Demon King has the second-day cultivation of a real person. How powerful is enough to smash mountains and rivers and break the ground, but its huge fist was caught by Ning Xiaochuan.

From the perspective of the Silver Horn Demon King, Ning Xiaochuan's body was the size of an ant.

How could it have such terrifying physical power?

Ning Xiaochuan stood firmly in place, while the Silver Horned Demon King took a nine-step step back, then stood firm, staring at Ning Xiaochuan breathlessly, his eyes became serious.

It said, "Good boy, I'm quite capable, look at my Zijin gourd."

The Silver Horn Demon King took out a gourd-shaped supreme device, exuding purple gold light. Under the urging of Zhenyuan, the purple gold gourd continued to grow, reaching the size of a small hill, suspended above Ning Xiaochuan's head.


Zijin gourd hit Ning Xiaochuan, and in the position where Ning Xiaochuan was standing, he made a big crater.

Without a hit, the Silver Horn Demon King hits a second blow again.

Ning Xiaochuan no longer dodged, and his legs stood up.

The waist sinks, both hands spread out, and the Earth Script runs to communicate the atmosphere of the earth with the gods of heaven and earth, condense between the hands, and punch out.

He seemed to be integrated with the earth, like not falling down mountains, not breaking rocks, not drying up rivers, and an air of earth poured out of his fists.


Zijin gourd was beaten and flew out.

The Silver Horn Demon King widened a pair of demon eyes, and felt that Ning Xiaochuan was a human-shaped barbarian. Be strong! "

"Silver Horn, I'm here to help you." When the Golden Horned Demon King saw that the Silver Horned Demon King was not Ning Xiaochuan's opponent, he immediately took out a fiery gourd and hit Ning Xiaochuan.

The silver-gold demon king's purple gold gourd and the golden-horn demon king's fiery red gourd are treasures picked from the same spiritual vine. After the demon fire sacrifice, they become a pair of middle-class supreme weapon soldiers.

The two gourds are integrated into one, and can even explode the power of the top quality supreme device.

The Golden Horn Demon King's repair is stronger than the Silver Horn Demon King's repair, reaching the second highest peak of a real person.

The two demon kings joined forces to sacrifice purple gold gourd and fiery red gourd at the same time.

The two gourds rotate with each other to form a huge vortex. When the vortex disappears, the two gourds are merged into one purple gold red gourd.

The Golden Horned Demon King supported the purple-gold and red gourd, with increased confidence, and said in a deep voice: "Ning Xiaochuan, I call you, can you dare to promise?"

"Don't you dare?" Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the purple-gold-red gourd and felt the breath of a top-grade supreme device from the gourd.

The Golden Horned Demon King cried, "Ning Xiaochuan!"


Ning Xiaochuan didn't answer it at all, took out the melee warhammer, blasted it with one hammer, and flew the purple gold gourd together with the Golden Horned Demon King and Silver Horned Demon King.


Two screams.

If it were not blocked by the purple gold gourd, just this hammer can make the Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King into meatloaf.

The Golden Horned Demon King crawled out of the ground with blood on his face, covered with blood, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, you have no words! If you say good, I will call you, and you will promise me, why did you suddenly shoot?"

"My warhammer is the best response to you."

Ning Xiaochuan picked up the purple-gold and red gourd and said, "Golden Horned Demon King, I call you, can you dare to promise?"

"What ..."

The Golden Horned Demon King just wanted to express his fearlessness, but when he saw Ning Xiaochuan aligning his gourd mouth with purple and red gourds, the original strong gesture disappeared immediately, his face became pale, and his face became red and hard. He shook his head and spit out two words: "Dare!"

Ning Xiaochuan pointed the gourd mouth of the purple gold red gourd at the Silver Horn Demon King and said, "Silver Horn Demon King, I call you, can you dare to agree?"

The Silver Horn Demon King froze for a moment, and said, "The King of Destruction, my deities are all working for the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and we value peace, calm, calm ..."

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Long Taiyi and said, "Long Taiyi, let me call you. How dare you agree?"

Long Taiyi heard of "Purple Gold Gourd" and "Flame Red Gourd", which was a powerful demon emperor, picked from a spiritual vine overseas, and after thousands of years of hardening, it turned into two Zhongpin Supreme Device-level gourd.

The two gourds are one, and the power is quite terrible. They can collect mountains and rivers and fit the world.

The person holding the "purple golden red gourd" can only call you, if you agree, you will be collected into the purple golden red gourd and refined into concentrated water.

Long Tai stared at the purple and red gourd in Ning Xiaochuan's hand, her face slightly changed, and said, "Boring! I won't play this childish trick with you!"

After a pause, Long Tai said again and again: "Since you have the strength to defeat the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn, it means that you are worthy of your own shot. Take out your true skills and let me see how strong you are?"


As soon as Long Tai shouted, the flesh swelled and turned into a silver dragon with a length of several hundred meters, hitting a sharp dragon claw, and numerous lightnings poured out from the dragon claw.

How terrible was the physical power of the true dragon, a claw in his hand and a landslide.

In front of a real dragon, Ning Xiaochuan's body was like a dust.


Ning Xiaochuan, holding 135 million pounds of the melee war hammer, slammed on Long Taiyi's paw, and beat back Long Taiyi's paw.

Recently, Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation has made great progress. He can lift the mixed warhammer without having to inspire the power of the deities.

The Mixed Warhammer flicked Ning Xiaochuan's arm twice, then threw it out and hit the silver dragon flying in the sky.

Warhammer hits the dragon's belly and makes the silver dragon mourn


The Mixed Warhammer fell, hit the ground, and shook the ground.

The monsters ’spirits were startled and looked at the warhammer that smashed a large pit on the ground." That warhammer is estimated to weigh hundreds of millions of pounds, and even the dragon Tai was hit a little. . "

A curious demon king, when Ning Xiaochuan and Long Tai fought in full swing, wanted to raise the mixed-world warhammer.

But no matter how powerful it is, the melee warhammer is still intact.

After Long Tai thought that he had become the real dragon body, he could easily defeat Ning Xiaochuan.

However, he did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan's physical strength was extremely arrogant and he could fight with Zhenlong.

"How could human flesh be so strong?"

Long Taiyi knew that he had neglected his enemy, and immediately corrected his mistake, turned into a human figure, and with a movement of his arm, a silver scale on his body turned into a silver war sword and was cut out towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Immediately afterwards, a second silver scale flew out of him, turning into a second silver sword.

Third, fourth ...

Ten silver battle swords flew out in a row, and Ning Xiaochuan was beheaded from all directions.

Ning Xiaochuan also flew ten war swords in his body, each of which was a top-grade supreme weapon, more powerful than the ten-hand silver war sword of Long Taiyi.

Long Tai didn't panic at all, and roared, "Dragon scales sword!"

Three thousand pieces of silver dragon scales flew out of him, turning into three thousand silver swords.

It was like a silver sword river flying at his feet.

"I'm going to see if there are more of your figurative magic swords, or are there more dragon scales on this seat?" Long Tai said very powerfully.

Nine Xiaochuan's nineteen figurative magic swords were all mobilized to form a guardian sword array, wrapping himself in the center.

"Ning Xiaochuan, the cultivation of that savage dragon has reached the second peak of True Dragon Realm. Your cultivation is weaker than him, and you will suffer a lot. Let us fit together!"

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan fell below, Xiaohong immediately communicated with Ning Xiaochuan, hoping to cooperate with Ning Xiaochuan to deal with Long Taiyi.

"No! He is the second highest peak of Zhenlong Realm, and I am also the second highest peak of Real Realm, not much weaker than him."

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's thoughts moved, the four human-shaped minds that had been cultivated in the purple stars of Xiao Ling's brows immediately flew into the ashes.

The four human beings were in the form of enlightenment and Shinto, Earth Scriptures, Extinction Scriptures, and Purple Xia Scriptures. They spent nine years in the purple stars and cultivated for nine years.

After the four human figures flew back to Ning Xiaochuan's body, they immediately fed back the results of the nine-year martial arts enlightenment to the body.

It seemed like only a moment passed, but Ning Xiaochuan seemed to have been closed for nine years.


In his body, a light sound was heard, and he was trained to directly break through the second most important level of real life.

Although it is only the second stage of the real world, his understanding of martial arts is comparable to the third place of the real world. This is the result of nine years of enlightenment of the four human figures on the purple stars!

"Hunyuan Yiqi Sword!"

Ning Xiaochuan slowly raised his magic sword, and countless purple gas rushed towards him, turning into a purple cloud.

In the purple clouds, stood a phantom of the emperor.

That is the shadow of the Purple King!

A sword with a mix of elements, the strongest sword created by the Emperor Zijin.

The use of this sword can transform the divine power left by the Emperor Zijin between heaven and earth into his own use.

One sword cut out, as if Ziqi came from the east, hitting Long Taiyi with 3,000 silver battle swords and flying at the same time, the sword Qi was chopped on Long Taiyi's body.


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