Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 868: Original power

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Ning Xiaochuan stared at the mad real and red real, and said, "Since you came to die, then I will complete you."

A cloud of blood-red magic cloud condenses on the top of Ning Xiaochuan's head, exuding a cold chill.

Crazy real people and red strong real people at the same time put a smile on their faces. Although Ning Xiaochuan wasn't seen in the eyes, they didn't look down on Ning Xiaochuan and regarded Ning Xiaochuan as an enemy.

"I'm going to see how strong your blood suit is, really?" Honglie real sneered.

"To deal with you, why use a sub-blood of blood?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The two real people are wearing the blood armor of God, even if the evil power on the garment of God's blood cannot hurt them.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan did not wear a sub-blood of God, and the nineteen handles of the magic swords flew out of the body into nineteen handles of more than ten meters in length, which were inserted into the ground to form a sword array.

Ning Xiaochuan, Mad Real, Honglie Real, all three stood in the sword array.

At the time of Ning Xiaochuandu Zhenjie, the nineteen handles of the figurative magic sword that blended with his flesh and blood followed him.

The nineteen handle swords have all reached the level of the first-class supreme device, and even reach the middle-class supreme device.

At the time of impacting the real world, Ning Xiaochuan and Baozhu Jizo refined a total of 720,000 real estate basalts.

Each of the topographical black stones contains a great deal of mystery.

A large part of the black stone is absorbed by the nineteen-handle figurative magic sword, so the grade of the nineteen-handle figurative magic sword can be upgraded to a level close to the middle-class supreme weapon.

"Zhen Shenjian array!" The madman was calm and arrogant, raised the mixed world warhammer, and slammed towards the ground.


A mighty force swarmed in all directions, shaking the nineteen figurative magic swords off the ground.

"Haha! Just a sword array, you just want to calm down the real person, you are so naive! If you don't use the blood coat of the second god, the next hit is your death." The mad real man held a warhammer and his mouth laughed wildly.

Both the mad real and the red strong real knew that there were two masters of array formations, and in the outer area, they arranged a large array of "Forbidden God Space", so they did not fear the blood cloak of the gods at all.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the melee warhammer in the hands of the madman, and was very calm. He called out half of the star halberd and squeezed it tightly.


"True Yuan" was injected into the star halberd, the original rusty bronze ancient halberd, immediately emitting the bright glory like the stars.

Even the instrument that had been asleep for a long time woke up and sent forth the momentum of the king among the soldiers.

The light of the star halberd is united with the light of the stars in the sky.

After reaching the real world, Ning Xiaochuan cultivated the dualistic gods, and the vitality in his body was transformed into "true yuan".

The strength of "True Yuan" is far from comparable to Tian Wu's vitality.

Under the support of a strong "true yuan", Ning Xiaochuan even exerted a tenth of this residual soldier's power.

Although it is only one-tenth of the power of the Supreme King, the power is horrible, and it will repel the mad real and red real people at the same time.

Even the powerful melee warhammer can only compete with the star Luo Ji.

"His" True Yuan "is too abundant. It is just the realm of the real person's first priority, but it exerts the original power of the Supreme King! His cultivation is only the real person's first priority?

Every hammer he swung seemed to hit an iron wall, shaking his arm numbly.

This has never happened before.

As long as he raises the World Warhammer, he has invincible combat power, no disadvantages, unbeaten battles, and no one can catch him at all.

"The power of the bronze broken halberd in his hand is horrible. If it is not broken, it will definitely be a powerful supreme king!" Honglie was human.

If it weren't for seeing Ning Xiaochuan through thunder and calamity, the two of them would never believe that Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation is only the real person first.

How could a real monk first be so powerful?

They did not know that Ning Xiaochuan was different from other monks.

All other monks have only one Yuanshen, but Ning Xiaochuan has two big Yuanshen—the annihilation of the world and the heaven and earth.

In the same realm, the annihilated world **** and the heaven and earth yuan **** can store more "true yuan".

It can be said that although Ning Xiaochuan is only the realm of the real person's first priority, but the amount of real elements in his body is comparable to that of the real monk's second.

In addition, the "true Yuan" and "Tian Yuan Zhen Yuan" are more refined and powerful than the "True Yuan" cultivated by the second monk of a real person.


The original rusty star halberd, under the urging of "True Yuan", the rust stains fell off, like removing the old shell and changing to a new coat, revealing the cyan body.

In an instant, the entire space became cyan, with a few stars shining in the space.

Ning Xiaochuan unfolded the Shenlong swiftly, as fast as lightning, holding a halberd, and stabbed at a madman.

The madman waved the mixed warhammer and slammed into the star Luo Ji.


The madman's arm trembled suddenly, making a sound of broken bones, and could no longer raise the melee warhammer, "My hand ... hand ..."

With a bang, the melee warhammer fell to the ground and smashed the ground into a giant pit.

The ground shook slightly.

That blow just shook the hand bone of a madman.

Hong Lie stared at Ning Xiaochuan, who was holding a broken halberd, feeling cold.

The madman swallowed a human-level Dan into his mouth to restore his wounds and said, "The little devil actually awakens the original power of the Supreme King. Only by using the Supreme Rune can he be suppressed!"

"Little devil, die!"

The real man of Honglie immediately took out a jade amulet, pinched it in his palm, and struck Ning Xiaochuan.

The jade rune immediately bloomed into a dazzling brilliance, turned into a large white hand, just like a white **** cloud, pressed down from the sky.

It's almost like a god's hand, not human beings can counter it.

An overwhelming force of depression, pressed down from the sky.

Looking at the giant hand above the sky, even the Tsing Yi Taoist and the Chi Yi Taoist standing hundreds of miles away felt the tremendous pressure.

"Crazy real people and red fierce real people have used the Supreme Jade Rune, aren't they the opponents of the little devil head?" The two Taoists were shocked and immediately backed away, for fear of being injured by the power of the Supreme Jade Rune.


The giant hand fell, and on the ground, made a huge handprint that was several kilometers long.

With the fingerprints as the center, the surrounding mountains collapsed.

The whole space is full of chaotic energy.

However, because of this blow, the "Forbidden Space Array" arranged by the two Taoists was destroyed, and the power of the gods could no longer be restrained.

As long as the Supreme Jade Rune hits out, Ning Xiaochuan will surely have no bones. Crazy real people and Honglie real people don't care at all, whether the "Forbidden Space Array" is still useful.

"Don't watch, the power of Supreme Yufu, even we can't stop it, let alone Ning Xiaochuan?" Real life Honglie was very confident in the power of Supreme Yufu, firmly convinced that Ning Xiaochuan had died.

The madman stared at the huge handprint on the ground. When he saw the middle of the handprint, there was a green emerald treasure bottle suspended in his heart. An ominous premonition was born in his heart.


The jade treasure bottle flickered slightly, a figure flew out of the mouth of the bottle, and the halberd was broken by hand. It flew into the air, and a halberd pierced the real chest of Honglie.


Even the blood armor of God was penetrated by this Supreme King.


Honglie real person spit a bit of blood, staring at Ning Xiaochuan in shock, "You ... you ... really did not die ..."

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were very cold, looking at the real red blood on his chest, saying: "Thank you very much for the annihilation emerald bottle of Aoki Sacred Earth. If it were not for this treasure bottle, maybe I would really die The power of Supreme Jade Rune is gone! "

That treasure bottle, which was the "Eradicated Emerald Jade Bottle" that Ning Xiaochuan snatched from the God of Aoki, was a supreme royal weapon.

Just now, Ning Xiaochuan was hiding in the Emerald Jade Vessels, urging the power of this Supreme King to prevent the attack of Supreme Jade Rune.


The power of Xing Luoji shattered the blood in Honglie's real human body.

Even the real **** of red spirits was torn to pieces.

After killing Honglie real person, he took out Xing Luoji, and Ning Xiaochuan stared at the crazy real person again.

After seeing Ning Xiaochuan's gaze, the madman trembled slightly and said, "Little devil, you ... you have fallen completely into the magic path!"

Xing Luoji waved and hit the head of the madman.

The blood armor of God is not broken.

However, a powerful force passed from the blood armor of the **** to the mad person, like a wave of air hitting the top of the mad person.

The scalp's scalp was cracked, his face was covered with blood, his mind was dark, and his eyes gradually became blurred.

Ning Xiaochuan inspired the power of the Demon Supreme Body, roared loudly, raised 135 million pounds of the mixed world war hammer, and hit it with a hammer on the head of a madman.


In the blood armor of God, the body of the madman was broken into two pieces, and even the Yuanshen was broken up and fell completely.

"The little devil actually killed both the crazy real person and the red strong real person!"

Standing in the distance, Taoist in Tsing Yi and Taoist in Red, seeing Ning Xiaochuan kill two real people in a row, and he was so terrified that he immediately started the space array to escape.

Ning Xiaochuan already knew that someone was setting up a formation in the dark, staring at the direction in which Tsing Yi Taoists and Chi Yi Taoists escaped, and said to himself, "Let's run fast."

Ning Xiaochuan dropped the heavy melee warhammer on the ground and used the fire of extinction to refine the two **** blood armors on the ground.

The defensive power of the God Blood Warframe is indeed amazing. If Ning Xiaochuan could not spur the origin of the Star Sword, it would not be possible to break the God Blood War armor.

After the refining of the fire of extinction, the mad real and red fierce real left the power of the Yuan Shen in the armor and were completely refined.

The two divine blood battle armors immediately turned into two human-sized black orbs, suspended in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Expand it!"

Ning Xiaochuan controlled two black **** with Yuanshen.

"Wow! Wow!"

The two orbs immediately unfolded and turned into two black armors.

One of the set of **** blood armor was originally punctured by a hole by the star halberd. At that moment, that hole healed automatically and became intact.

This is where the blood armor of God is powerful. As long as the blood armor of God is not completely damaged, it can be restored automatically.

Not only has a strong defense, but also doubles the power of monks.


Ning Xiaochuan nodded and put away the two blood armors.


A bright moon fell from the sky and turned into a young woman.

The complexion of Luna's eyes stared at the familiar and strange man in front of him.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally called out his name: "Ning Xiaochuan!"

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes narrowed slightly, it seemed that she did not recognize her until now.

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