Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 816: Talking about Buddhism

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"Nun? Monk? Where did the nun and monk come from?" Ning Xiaochuan asked in amazement.

"But it's not behind, I've been talking about Confucian classics all the way, and I'm annoyed!" Xiao Hong pointed behind her.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately walked to the gate of the mountain and looked towards the stone ladder below. Sure enough, he saw a nun and a monk coming slowly.

The monk was bare with two big feet, wearing a large string of beads around his neck, smiling like Maitreya, squinting his eyes, and there were peach blossoms in his eyes, facing the nun, saying: "Little Master Shi Tai Although he is not very young, he is so rare in mastering the Dharma. It is so rare! "

"The Heart Sutra has a cloud: there is no ignorance, no endlessness, and even old death, no old death. There is no bitterness, no wiseness, no wisdom. Little teachers are too afraid to reach such a state of mind very soon. It really admires the poor monks. "

"Little Master, do you know the Holy Land of Buddhism?

The monk chattered nonchalantly, constantly approaching that girl.

That nun was very young, with tall stature, thin eyebrows like willow leaves, eyes like autumn water, and red lips like red sakura. Although she was wearing a simple Buddhist clothing, her chest was extraordinarily full, even a large Buddha. The clothes couldn't hide, every curve on the body was perfect.

Although it is just a woman, it is beautiful and dusty. Every inch of skin exudes jade-colored fluorescence, both a sacred and inviolable holiness, and a fascination of sentient beings.

Not to mention a man, even a highly qualified monk will be fascinated by her and can't dial himself.

Isn't that the monk?

The nun held a jewel in her hand, her voice was soft and beautiful, her expression was cold, and she said, "Did the master ever go to Dayu Rulai Palace?"

"Of course I have been and I know them well."

"If the little teacher is going to practice the Dharma at the Rulai Palace in Dayi, despite telling the poor monk, the poor monk must help you do it properly, hehe!"

The monk smiled and stared at the woman, but he was shorter than the woman, staring at the woman's chest.

Ning Xiaochuan coughed twice and said, "Master Tangan, you have to be a monk, pay attention to your image!"

After the monk Tangan saw Ning Xiaochuan not far away, he immediately retracted his gaze with a solemn expression and solemn treasure. "Amitabha! Sariko, color is not different, empty is not different, color is empty, and empty is color. It is the same as it is. The relic is the emptiness of the Fa ... "

"Don't pretend! Didn't you go to the other half of the town tower, did you find it?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

The monk Tangan looked up and looked at Ning Xiaochuan, just like when he found Ning Xiaochuan at this time, and said in surprise: "Well! Ning Xiao, how are you here? It's been a long time!"

Ning Xiaochuan had a black line on his forehead and said, "I asked you just now!"

The monk Tangan gave a long sigh, shook his head, and said, "It's hard to say! The poor monk is here. After many adjustments, after six to sixty-six robberies, he finally found out that the other half of the town's tower was as many years ago. They were lost in the return market. You know, the return market is too dangerous, there is no access, it is dangerous ... "

"In a word, did you go home?" Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly.

"No!" Monk Tangan spread his hands.

"Since you haven't gone, what are you doing so much?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The monk Tangan sighed, "Ning Xiao, don't you know that Guihui is so dangerous, that even if the gods go, they will all die there. How can a poor monk go?"

"Are n’t monks all empty and fearless?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"This ... Amitabha! Listening to Ning Shi and reading the ten-year sutras, it was a great bang to let the poor monk Mao Saidun open. Well! The poor monk will now go to the market immediately!" Turn around and leave immediately.

"I'm going! Now the entire Holy Land of Light is going to be destroyed. You actually plan to run away, and you are still a Buddhist monk? Don't care about any town tower, follow me, we will go to the Holy Land of Light." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Don't! Without the other half of the town's tower, you are killed if you go to the bright sacred earth, don't you know that the Heavenly Demon Emperor has already rushed to the bright sacred earth?" The monk Tangan changed his face, shaking his head vigorously, It's almost like a lion shaking his head.

The stunning female nun who stood aside said, "The master didn't say that his Buddhism was deep and could surrender all demons? Is he all deceiving the poor Neh?"

The monk Tangan saw the female nun looking at him with skeptical eyes, his face instantly flushed, and his fingers flicked the tassel, saying, "Amitabha! The monk does not slang ... but the poor monk never kills, in case he ever shot Qiang, kill the Heavenly Demon Emperor, what can I do? The Buddha will blame him!

Ning Xiaochuan winked at the girl.

The nun understood, and then said, "The Heavenly Demon Emperor has already died, it is just a thought. If the master exceeds her thoughts, that is the real great compassion. The great Purdue, all beings will be grateful to the master. Ende. "

The monk Tangan smiled bitterly and said, "The little teacher is too right, too right! Poor monk, let's go to demons and demons! That ... That Ning donor, are you really going? Very dangerous? what!"

Ning Xiaochuan laughed and said, "You must go no matter how dangerous! The master rest assured, although we don't have the half town tower, but there is a town demon tower."

Ning Xiaochuan took out the town demon tower and lit it up in front of the monk Tangan.

After the monk Tangan saw the town demon tower in Ning Xiaochuan's hands, he suddenly became energetic, full of energy, and pulled his sleeves, saying: "Ning Xiao, the original town demon tower is in your hands, you should have said that! The town demon tower, you guys can fight against the Heavenly Demon Emperor. Hey! Ning Xiaoshe, why don't you bring the town demon tower first and let the poor monks take a look? "

"When I meet the Heavenly Demon Emperor, I will of course hand over the town demon tower to you. Now, we will go to the Holy Land of Light first to support the Concubine. I'm afraid it won't last long. "Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Prince? Which princess?" Asked the monk Tangan.

"The emperor's concubine, the empress of the Yujing Beauty clan-the Queen of Sounds of the Wanyin." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Great! If the poor monk and the imperial concubine join forces, plus the town demon tower, maybe the demon army can be repelled, go, hurry up, go now."

The body of the monk Tangan exuded golden buddha light, and drew Ning Xiaochuan, Xiao Hong, and that gorgeous female concubine all into the buddha light, and flew towards the bright holy earth.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't tell the monk Tangan that the big devil was suppressed in the town demon tower and it was not available. If he was told, with the character of the monk Tangan, he would definitely not dare to deal with the Heavenly Demon Emperor, or he might run away immediately.

The monk Tangan's cultivation was unfathomable, and Ning Xiaochuan had to drag him into the water and flicker him to the holy land of light. Otherwise, after Ning Xiaochuan rushed to support Wanyin Xian alone, then it was really hitting stones with eggs.

That beautiful and beautiful woman girl stood beside Ning Xiaochuan, her eyes were beautiful, and she was staring at Ning Xiaochuan.

This nun is, of course, the maiden of the Jiutian Pavilion.

At this moment, she and Ning Xiaochuan have a lot of things in their hearts to ask each other. Eventually, Ning Xiaochuan broke the silence first and said, "Feiyun Emperor City is a farewell, long time no see. I heard that Tang Shuyao designed to deal with you, you are How do you escape? How do you meet a monk?

After hearing the name of Tang Shuyao, there was a flash of killing in Baozhu Jizo's eyes, and he said, "That day, you went to Jiutian Pavilion to save Xiaohong. I wanted to go in with it, but was stopped by Tang Shuyao halfway. Takes me to the Extreme Valley outside the city of Huoyun Emperor. "

"The strong Tang people have been lying in the valley for a long time. They wanted to kill me. But she didn't expect that I was in the crisis of death and realized the true meaning of life and death. "The Zen Scripture" condenses six Buddhist fetuses, reaching the eighth realm of heaven and human beings, and finally kills the Quest Valley. "

"After leaving the Extreme Hunting Valley, I found a hidden place in Huoyun Emperor City, retreating and practicing to consolidate the realm."

"When I went out of the customs, I immediately came to the Holy Land of Light. I originally wanted to seek revenge from Tang Shuyao. However, I did not expect that the army of the monsters suddenly besieged the Holy Land of Light and imprisoned the entire Holy Land. Can't get in. "

"Later, I met Xiao Hong. At that time, Master Tangan was discussing Dharma with Xiao Hong."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Discuss Dharma with Xiao Hong?"

Xiao Hongdao: "Yeah! That big monk said that he has Huigen and he has a relationship with the Buddha and wants to cross me into a Buddha."

"But when he saw the elder sister, he felt that the elder sister was more wise than me and more connected with the Buddha, so he took the initiative to discuss the dharma with the elder sister, and what direction the elder sister would go to Buddhist shrine, anyway, I always feel that the monk is not a true monk, like a flower monk! "

"Amitabha! Donor, do n’t destroy the poor monk ’s practice. The poor monk is devoted to the Buddha, his heart is unhindered, his heart is like a mirror, his heart is bound to the world, how will he contaminate those common things?" After what he said, he looked like he was just right, he was kind and compassionate.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned when he heard the words of Baozhu Jizo. Her grievances with Tang Shuyao are deep, for fear that it will be difficult to resolve them.

If it was before, Ning Xiaochuan and Baozhu Jizo formed an alliance, naturally it is on the side of Baozhu Jizo.

but now……

If Baozhu Jizo really wanted to avenge Tang Shuyao and face life and death, Ning Xiaochuan could not sit idly by. what can we do about it?

Baozhu Dizang said: "I heard that the Crown Prince is dead. Should it be in your hands?"

Ning Xiaochuan did not hide it, saying: "Yes."

"Since the emperor is dead, can you help me deal with Tang Shuyao together?" Baozhu Jizo stared at Ning Xiaochuan with affectionate eyes.

"Ahem! Let's talk about this later. We need to go to the Holy Land of Light first, and it is the top priority to repel the army of the demons. In the face of racial justice, we must temporarily put down our personal grievances." Ning Xiaochuan said with a blush and a heartbeat .

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